
Featured researches published by Richard A. Hoefer.

Cancer Control | 2012

Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation: A Review and Description of an Early North American Surgical Experience With the Intrabeam Delivery System

Jeremiah L. Deneve; Richard A. Hoefer; Eleanor E. R. Harris; Christine Laronga

BACKGROUND Targeted intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) as an alternative to whole breast irradiation (WBI) has been described for patients with early-stage breast cancer. The randomized phase III TARGiT trial demonstrated similar recurrence rates to WBI and a lower overall toxicity profile on short-term follow-up. We report on our early North American surgical experience using the Intrabeam radiotherapy delivery system and review the current literature. METHODS Prospectively gathered estrogen receptor-positive, clinically node-negative patients with invasive breast cancer < 3 cm receiving IORT using the Intrabeam system were reviewed. IORT-related effects and early postoperative outcome were assessed. A literature review was also performed. RESULTS Forty-two patients (median age 71 years) underwent lumpectomy, sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy, and concurrent IORT from January 2011 to July 2011. Ninety-one percent of patients had invasive ductal histology with a median tumor size of 1.0 cm. This review highlights the patient selection criteria, describes commercially available accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) treatment options, and discusses outcomes for the variety of APBI techniques currently utilized in clinical practice as well as an institutional review of our early surgical experience using the Intrabeam radiotherapy delivery system. CONCLUSIONS While a variety of APBI techniques are currently available for clinical use, our early North American operative experience with IORT shows it is well tolerated with low morbidity. Delivery of IORT adds moderate operative time and may require creating subcutaneous tissue fl aps. The addition of WBI may be necessary in situations for positive residual margins or microscopic nodal disease in patients who do not undergo additional surgery.

Practical radiation oncology | 2017

Commentary on "Accelerated partial breast irradiation consensus statement: Update of an ASTRO Evidence-Based Consensus Statement"

William Small; Tarita O. Thomas; Michael Alvarado; Michael Baum; Max Bulsara; Roberto Diaz; Eric D. Donnelly; Sheldon Feldman; Stephen R. Grobmyer; Richard A. Hoefer; David Joseph; Song Kang; Christine Laronga; Andrea B. McKee; Barry Rosen; Jeffrey Tobias; Valery Uhl; Js Vaidya; Frederik Wenz; Dennis R. Holmes

5 Although the new American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) consensus statement on accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) reflects many important changes relative to case selection and inclusion criteria for APBI, we would like to address our concerns specifically regarding the recommendations on the use of low-energy x-ray intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT). The consensus should include a statement that targeted intraoperative radiation therapy (TARGIT) IORT achieves local control similar to external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) with a potential for a survival benefit.1-4 Although the panel correctly recognized that the local recurrence rate in prepathology (TARGIT given simultaneously during lumpectomy) stratum was NOT significantly different from the whole-breast external beam irradiation (WBI) arm (2.1% vs 1.1%, P = .31), the panel gave “greater weight” to the local recurrence rate of the entire IORT cohort (prepathology and postpathology [TARGIT given after lumpectomy as a second procedure by reopening the wound at a median of 37 days after the initial excision] strata combined). Sometimes the devil is in the details. The TARGIT-A trial specified stratification between preand postpathology before randomization to

EBioMedicine | 2016

SIAH and EGFR, Two RAS Pathway Biomarkers, are Highly Prognostic in Locally Advanced and Metastatic Breast Cancer

Lauren van Reesema; Vasilena Zheleva; Janet Winston; Rick J. Jansen; Carolyn F. O’Connor; Andrew J. Isbell; Minglei Bian; Rui Qin; Patricia T. Bassett; Virginia J. Hinson; Kimberly A. Dorsch; Brad W. Kirby; Robert E. Van Sciver; Angela Tang-Tan; Elizabeth A. Harden; David Z. Chang; Cynthia A. Allen; Roger R. Perry; Richard A. Hoefer; Amy H. Tang

Background Metastatic breast cancer exhibits diverse and rapidly evolving intra- and inter-tumor heterogeneity. Patients with similar clinical presentations often display distinct tumor responses to standard of care (SOC) therapies. Genome landscape studies indicate that EGFR/HER2/RAS “pathway” activation is highly prevalent in malignant breast cancers. The identification of therapy-responsive and prognostic biomarkers is paramount important to stratify patients and guide therapies in clinical oncology and personalized medicine. Methods In this study, we analyzed matched pairs of tumor specimens collected from 182 patients who received neoadjuvant systemic therapies (NST). Statistical analyses were conducted to determine whether EGFR/HER2/RAS pathway biomarkers and clinicopathological predictors, alone and in combination, are prognostic in breast cancer. Findings SIAH and EGFR outperform ER, PR, HER2 and Ki67 as two logical, sensitive and prognostic biomarkers in metastatic breast cancer. We found that increased SIAH and EGFR expression correlated with advanced pathological stage and aggressive molecular subtypes. Both SIAH expression post-NST and NST-induced changes in EGFR expression in invasive mammary tumors are associated with tumor regression and increased survival, whereas ER, PR, and HER2 were not. These results suggest that SIAH and EGFR are two prognostic biomarkers in breast cancer with lymph node metastases. Interpretation The discovery of incorporating tumor heterogeneity-independent and growth-sensitive RAS pathway biomarkers, SIAH and EGFR, whose altered expression can be used to estimate therapeutic efficacy, detect emergence of resistant clones, forecast tumor regression, differentiate among partial responders, and predict patient survival in the neoadjuvant setting, has a clear clinical implication in personalizing breast cancer therapy. Funding This work was supported by the Dorothy G. Hoefer Foundation for Breast Cancer Research (A.H. Tang); Center for Innovative Technology (CIT)-Commonwealth Research Commercialization Fund (CRCF) (MF14S-009-LS to A.H. Tang), and National Cancer Institute (CA140550 to A.H. Tang).

Frontiers in Oncology | 2018

Intraoperative Radiation “Boost” to the Surgical Resection Bed following Pancreaticoduodenectomy for a Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Carcinoma: A Case Report

Tarita O. Thomas; William Small; Mark T. Fleming; Song Kang; Richard A. Hoefer

Neoadjuvant therapy including chemotherapy alone or concurrent chemotherapy with external bream radiation is a standard treatment strategy for borderline resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma and is also used routinely for primary operable cancers at some institutions (1). The use of intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) has been limited largely because of the logistical issues in delivery of radiation during surgery (2). This is the first reported case of a borderline resectable pancreas cancer patient who underwent neoadjuvant chemo-radiation therapy followed by resection with the use of IORT using the mobile IntraBeam device to boost the resection bed and improve local control by dose escalation.

Cancer Research | 2016

Abstract B63: An effective new strategy to control and inhibit the “undruggable” oncogenic K-RAS hyperactivation in human pancreatic cancer

Amy H. Tang; Minglei Bian; Vasilena Zheleva; Monicah M. Njogu; Justin J. Odanga; Roger R. Perry; Richard A. Hoefer; Bruce E. Knudsen

Hyperactive K-RAS signaling is a major menace that drives aggressive cancer cell dissemination, tumor progression and metastasis in human pancreatic cancer. Currently, there are no effective therapies to control human pancreatic cancers that have metastasized and oncogenic K-RAS mutations reman “undruggable” in the clinics. Therefore, counteracting K-RAS hyperactivation in attempt to reverse malignant transformation and inhibit latent tumor spread is an important goal in pancreatic cancer biology and major challenge in targeted therapy development in pancreatic cancer. Instead of targeting an upstream signaling module such as EGFR/K-RAS/B-RAF/MEK/MAPK/ERK/AKT/mTOR, we targeted the most downstream signaling module in the K-RAS signaling pathway called the SIAH-dependent proteolytic machinery. SIAHs are the human homologs of Seven-In-Absentia (SINA), an evolutionarily conserved RING E3 ligase, an essential downstream signaling module and a critical “gatekeeper” required for proper K-RAS signal transduction. Guided by studies in Drosophila, SIAH (seven-in-absentia homologue), the most downstream gatekeeper required for proper RAS signaling and tumor cell survival, was identified as a suitable and new drug target for anti-K-RAS and anticancer therapy. We found that inhibiting SIAH function is highly effective to abolish well-established and late-stage pancreatic tumor growth and metastasis in our pre-clinical studies. Thus, we have identified a new vulnerability, SIAH E3 ligase, in the oncogenic K-RAS signaling pathway in pancreatic cancer. These findings demonstrate that SIAH is indeed an attractive, logical and potent anti-K-RAS therapeutic target for us to develop new and effective anticancer strategy against human pancreatic cancer. Through our work, SIAH has emerged as a new and effective drug target against oncogenic K-RAS hyperactivation in human pancreatic cancer. As one of the most evolutionarily conserved E3 ligases, SIAH is ideally and logically positioned to become a next-generation anti-K-RAS drug target in human pancreatic cancer. Our preclinical results have demonstrated that “SIAH-dependent proteolysis” is indeed an Achilles’ heel for human pancreatic cancer cells. Hence, anti-SIAH-based small molecule inhibitors may aid in expanding our arsenal of novel anticancer therapies in pancreatic cancer. By attacking the most downstream “gatekeeper” critical for the proper oncogenic K-RAS signaling transmission, we may be in a position to halt the genesis, progression and metastasis of the most aggressive and the deadliest forms of human pancreatic cancer in the future. We aim to translate these exciting findings to the cancer clinics to benefit our pancreatic cancer patients with metastatic diseases in the future. Citation Format: Amy H. Tang, Minglei Bian, Vasilena Zheleva, Monicah M. Njogu, Justin J. Odanga, Roger R. Perry, Richard A. Hoefer, Bruce E. Knudsen.{Authors}. An effective new strategy to control and inhibit the “undruggable” oncogenic K-RAS hyperactivation in human pancreatic cancer. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the AACR Special Conference on Pancreatic Cancer: Advances in Science and Clinical Care; 2016 May 12-15; Orlando, FL. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2016;76(24 Suppl):Abstract nr B63.

Cancer Research | 2015

Abstract 4366: Inhibition of late-stage tumor growth of human pancreatic and triple-negative breast cancer by blocking the most downstream “gatekeeper” signaling module, SIAH E3 ligase, in the oncogenic ERBB/ K-RAS signaling pathway

Minglei Bian; Vasilena Zheleva; Xiaofei Gao; Justin J. Odanga; Monica Njogu; Zena Urban; Bruce E. Knudsen; Richard A. Hoefer; Roger R. Perry; Amy H. Tang

The oncogenic EGFR/HER2/K-RAS “pathway” activation is pivotal in driving uncontrolled cell proliferation, aggressive tumor growth and systemic metastasis. Guided by studies in Drosophila, SIAH (seven-in-absentia homologue), the most downstream gatekeeper required for proper RAS signaling and tumor cell survival, was identified as a suitable target for anti-neoplastic therapy. We have shown that anti-SIAH-based therapy leads to the complete blockade of tumorigenesis in highly aggressive pancreatic, lung and breast cancer cells expressing a proteolysis deficient mutant protein, SIAHPD, at the onset of tumor initiation. In this study, we aim to determine if this anti-SIAH strategy is effective against well-established and late-stage pancreatic and triple negative breast (TNBC) tumors in a xenograft mouse model in vivo. We established stable cancer cell lines with doxycycline (DOX)-inducible SIAH2PD expression. One million MiaPaCa-SIAH2PD or MDA-MB-231-SIAH2PD cells were injected subcutaneously bilaterally in the dorsal scapular areas or bilaterally into the mammary fat pads, respectively, in 4-week-old female athymic nude mice. Tumor growth was monitored 3 times per week. Once tumors reached certain volume, SIAH2PD expression was induced via oral DOX treatment. Tumor growth in these mice was compared to control. Immunohistochemical (IHC) and immunofluorescence (IF) staining for endogenous SIAH and FLAG-tagged exogenous SIAH2PD were performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of tumor tissue. Expression of SIAH2PD blocks oncogenic K-RAS signaling and K-RAS-mediated tumor growth in established pancreatic (MiaPaCa) and triple negative breast (MDA-MB-231) tumors in athymic nude mice. The immunohistochemical (IHC) and immunofluorescent (IF) staining reveals that in control tumors there is high expression of endogenous SIAH and none of SIAH2PD, while in tumors responding to treatment there is pronounced SIAH2PD and diminished endogenous SIAH expression. Oncogenic HER2/EGFR/K-RAS activation promote neoplastic transformation and tumorigenesis. In this study, we have identified a new vulnerability in the oncogenic K-RAS signaling pathway and we have demonstrated a novel and effective way to block K-RAS-driven tumor growth in well-established pancreatic adenocarcinoma and TNBC tumors in a xenograft model. In the follow-up studies, we hope to develop a small molecule inhibitor against SIAH, test their efficacy against patient-derived stage IV and II tumors in our “xenopatient” models. In the future, we aim to translate these exciting findings to the cancer clinics to benefit our cancer patients with metastatic diseases in VA. Citation Format: Minglei Bian, Vasilena Zheleva, Xiaofei Gao, Justin Odanga, Monica Njogu, Zena Urban, Bruce Knudsen, Richard A. Hoefer, Roger R. Perry, Amy H. Tang. Inhibition of late-stage tumor growth of human pancreatic and triple-negative breast cancer by blocking the most downstream “gatekeeper” signaling module, SIAH E3 ligase, in the oncogenic ERBB/ K-RAS signaling pathway. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research; 2015 Apr 18-22; Philadelphia, PA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2015;75(15 Suppl):Abstract nr 4366. doi:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2015-4366

Cancer Research | 2015

Abstract B70: Developing a new and potent anti-K-RAS strategy by inhibiting SIAH E3 ligase, the most downstream “gatekeeper” in the oncogenic K-RAS signal pathway, to block well-established pancreatic tumor growth

Vasilena Zheleva; Minglei Bian; Xiaofei Gao; Justin J. Odanga; Monicah M. Njogu; Zena Urban; Bruce E. Knudsen; Richard A. Hoefer; Roger R. Perry; Amy H. Tang

Hyperactive K-RAS signaling is a major menace that drives aggressive cancer cell dissemination, tumor progression and metastasis in human pancreatic cancer. Currently, there are no effective therapies to control human pancreatic cancers that have oncogenic K-RAS mutations that confer drug resistance, aggressive tumor growth, systemic metastasis and poor clinical outcome. Therefore, finding novel approaches and new drug targets to inhibit oncogenic K-RAS activation is an urgent goal and major challenge in targeted therapy development in pancreatic cancer. Instead of targeting an upstream signaling module such as EGFR/K-RAS/B-RAF/MEK/MAPK/ERK/AKT/mTOR, we targeted the most downstream signaling module in the K-RAS signaling pathway called the SIAH-dependent proteolytic machinery. SIAHs are the human homologs of Seven-In-Absentia (SINA), an evolutionarily conserved RING E3 ligase, an essential downstream signaling module and a critical “gatekeeper” required for proper K-RAS signal transduction. Guided by the insights and principles learned from Drosophila RAS signaling pathway, we have conducted preclinical studies to dissect SIAH function in the context of K-RAS-mediated tumorigenesis and metastasis in human pancreatic cancer cells and tumor specimens. We found that inhibiting SIAH function is highly effective to abolish well-established and late-stage pancreatic tumor growth and metastasis in our pre-clinical studies. These findings demonstrate that SIAH is indeed an attractive, logical and potent anti-K-RAS therapeutic target for us to develop new and effective anticancer strategy against human pancreatic cancer. Through our work, SIAH has emerged as a new and effective drug target against oncogenic K-RAS hyperactivation in human pancreatic cancer. As one of the most evolutionarily conserved E3 ligases, SIAH is ideally and logically positioned to become a next-generation anti-K-RAS drug target in human cancer. Our preclinical studies have demonstrated that “SIAH-dependent proteolysis” is indeed an Achilles’ heel for human pancreatic cancer cells. Hence, anti-SIAH-based small molecule inhibitors may aid in expanding our arsenal of novel anticancer therapies in pancreatic cancer. By attacking the most downstream “gatekeeper” critical for the proper oncogenic ERBB/K-RAS signaling transmission, we may be in a position to halt the genesis, progression and metastasis of the most aggressive and the deadliest forms of human pancreatic cancer in the future. Citation Format: Vasilena Zheleva, Minglei Bian, Xiaofei Gao, Justin J. Odanga, Monicah M. Njogu, Zena M. Urban, Bruce E. Knudsen, Richard A. Hoefer, Roger R. Perry, Amy H. Tang. Developing a new and potent anti-K-RAS strategy by inhibiting SIAH E3 ligase, the most downstream “gatekeeper” in the oncogenic K-RAS signal pathway, to block well-established pancreatic tumor growth. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the AACR Special Conference on Pancreatic Cancer: Innovations in Research and Treatment; May 18-21, 2014; New Orleans, LA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2015;75(13 Suppl):Abstract nr B70.

Molecular Cancer Research | 2014

Abstract A26: Attacking the most downstream “gatekeeper,” the SIAH-dependent proteolytic machinery, in the oncogenic ERBB/K-RAS signaling pathway to block tumorigenesis and control metastasis in human cancer

Minglei Bian; Yang Liao; Vasilena Zheleva; Zena Urban; Monicah M. Njogu; Justin J. Odanga; Andrew J. Isbell; Roger R. Perry; Richard A. Hoefer; Thomas C. Smyrk; Gloria M. Petersen; Amy H. Tang

Oncogenic K-RAS activation is a major menace that drives aggressive tumor progression and metastasis in 30% of all human cancer. Currently, there are no effective therapies to treat stage III and IV metastatic human cancers with oncogenic K-RAS hyperactivation that often confer drug resistance, aggressive tumor growth, systemic metastasis, and poor clinical outcome. Therefore, finding novel approaches and new drug targets to inhibit oncogenic K-RAS pathway activation is an urgent goal and the major challenge in cancer therapy and anti-K-RAS-based drug development. Instead of targeting an upstream signaling module such as EGFR/HER2/K-RAS/B-RAF, we targeted the most downstream signaling module in the oncogenic K-RAS signaling pathway called the SIAH-dependent proteolytic machinery. SIAHs are the human homologs of Seven-In-Absentia (SINA), an evolutionarily conserved RING E3 ligase - the most downstream signaling module and a critical “gatekeeper” required for proper RAS signal transduction. Guided by the insights and fundamental principles learned from the Drosophila RAS signal transduction, we conducted preclinical studies to dissect SIAH function in promoting the oncogenic K-RAS-driven tumorigenesis and metastasis in human cancer. We found that (1) SIAH is a new biomarker reflective of oncogenic K-RAS activation in human cancer, and (2) SIAH loss-of-function is highly effective to block tumorigenesis and metastasis against the well-established, end-stage and metastatic pancreatic cancer and triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). These findings demonstrate that SIAH is an attractive and logical new therapeutic target for developing novel and effective anti-K-RAS and anticancer therapy against metastatic human cancer. Through our work, SIAH has emerged as a promising new drug target against oncogenic K-RAS hyperactivation in metastatic human cancer cells. Using anti-SIAH molecules to block oncogenic K-RAS signaling in human cancer is an excellent example of science going “from the bench (basic research in fruit flies) to the bedside (preclinical studies and ultimately clinical trials)”. As a highly evolutionarily conserved E3 ligase that is the most downstream and the most conserved “signaling gatekeeper” in the oncogenic K-RAS signaling network, SIAH is uniquely and strategically positioned to become a great and logical anti-K-RAS drug target. Our preclinical studies have demonstrated that “SIAH-dependent proteolysis” is indeed an Achilles9 heel in metastatic human cancer cells. Knowledge gained from our preclinical study has promising translational values. Anti-SIAH-based small molecule inhibitors are likely to aid in expanding our limited arsenal of novel anti-K-RAS-based anticancer therapies. By attacking the oncogenic K-RAS pathway using multi-pronged synergistic inhibitions at upstream (EGFR/HER2 membrane receptors), midstream (K-RAS/B-RAF/MEK/mTOR) and downstream (SIAH E3 ligase) signaling modules in parallel, we will be in a position to control the late-stage, relapsed and metastatic human cancers by shutting down the hyperactivated K-RAS signaling transduction cascades in cancer cells in the future. Citation Format: Minglei Bian, Yang Liao, Vasilena Zheleva, Zena Urban, Monicah Njogu, Justin J. Odanga, Andrew J. Isbell, Roger R. Perry, Richard A. Hoefer, Thomas C. Smyrk, Gloria M. Petersen, Amy H. Tang. Attacking the most downstream “gatekeeper,” the SIAH-dependent proteolytic machinery, in the oncogenic ERBB/K-RAS signaling pathway to block tumorigenesis and control metastasis in human cancer. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the AACR Special Conference on RAS Oncogenes: From Biology to Therapy; Feb 24-27, 2014; Lake Buena Vista, FL. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Mol Cancer Res 2014;12(12 Suppl):Abstract nr A26. doi: 10.1158/1557-3125.RASONC14-A26

Cancer Research | 2013

Abstract A88: Make a difference and save lives in human metastatic cancer by attacking the Achilles heel in the oncogenic ERBB/K-RAS signaling pathway

Amy H. Tang; Yang Liao; Minglei Bian; Vasilena Zheleva; Zena Urban; Monicah M. Njogu; Xiaofei Gao; Oscar A. Gonzalez; Justin J. Odanga; Bruce E. Knudsen; Roger R. Perry; Richard A. Hoefer; Thomas C. Smyrk; Gloria M. Petersen

The dismal prognosis of patients diagnosed with metastatic cancer points to our limited arsenal of effective anticancer and anti-metastasis therapies. Chemotherapy, radiation and targeted therapies are largely ineffective against metastatic cancer, resulting in the deaths of more than half million cancer patients each year. Oncogenic EGFR/HER2/K-RAS/B-RAF pathway activation is a major menace that drives aggressive cancer cell dissemination, tumor invasion and systemic metastasis. Therefore, finding novel approaches and new drug targets to inhibit hyperactive EGFR/HER2/K-RAS/B-RAF signaling is an urgent goal and major challenge in the struggle against metastatic diseases. Guided by the insights and principles learned from the evolutionarily conserved RAS signal transduction cascade in Drosophila, we targeted the most downstream signaling module in the EGFR/HER2/K-RAS/B-RAF signaling pathway, the SIAH-dependent proteolytic machinery. SIAHs are the human homologs of Seven-In-Absentia (SINA), a highly conserved RING E3 ligase, an essential downstream signaling module and a critical “gatekeeper” required for proper EGFR/HER2/K-RAS/B-RAF signal transduction. We found that inhibiting SIAH function is highly effective in halting cancer cell dissemination, altering cell adhesion and motility, inhibiting tumor invasion and cancer metastasis of human cancer cells. Importantly, our anti-SIAH-based anticancer strategy is effective in reducing tumor burdens in the late-stage and aggressive tumor growth and metastasis in the preclinical models. These exciting results and new findings demonstrate that SIAH is a highly attractive, mechanistically logical and great therapeutic target for developing novel anti-ERBB/K-RAS/B-RAF and anticancer therapies against invasive and metastatic cancer. Through our work, SIAH has emerged as a new, potent and promising drug target against metastatic diseases. As a highly evolutionarily conserved E3 ligase and the most downstream “gatekeeper” of EGFR/HER2/K-RAS/B-RAF signaling pathway, SIAH is ideally and logically positioned to become a next-generation anticancer and anti-metastasis drug target in the clinic. By simultaneously attacking the tumor-driving and metastasis-promoting ERBB/K-RAS signaling pathway using multi-pronged synergistic inhibitions at upstream (EGFR/HER2 membrane receptors), midstream (K-RAS/B-RAF/MEK/mTOR) and downstream (SIAH E3 ligase) signaling modules, we aim to make a difference and save lives from the deadliest forms of human metastatic cancers in the future. Citation Format: Amy H. Tang, Yang Liao, Minglei Bian, Vasilena Zheleva, Zena M. Urban, Monicah M. Njogu, Xiaofei Gao, Oscar A. Gonzalez, Justin J. Odanga, Bruce E. Knudsen, Roger R. Perry, Richard A. Hoefer, Thomas C. Smyrk, Gloria M. Petersen. Make a difference and save lives in human metastatic cancer by attacking the Achilles heel in the oncogenic ERBB/K-RAS signaling pathway. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the AACR Special Conference on Tumor Invasion and Metastasis; Jan 20-23, 2013; San Diego, CA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2013;73(3 Suppl):Abstract nr A88.

Annals of Surgical Oncology | 2016

TARGIT-R (Retrospective): North American Experience with Intraoperative Radiation Using Low-Kilovoltage X-Rays for Breast Cancer

Stephanie A. Valente; Rahul D. Tendulkar; Sheen Cherian; Colin O’Rourke; Jon M. Greif; Lisa Bailey; Valery Uhl; Kevin P. Bethke; Eric D. Donnelly; Ray Rudolph; Aaron W. Pederson; Thomas Summer; S. Chace Lottich; Darrel L. Ross; Christine Laronga; Loretta Loftus; Andrea M. Abbott; Pond R. Kelemen; Ulrich Hermanto; Neil Friedman; Gauri C. Bedi; Jennifer E. Joh; William A. Thompson; Richard A. Hoefer; Jason P. Wilson; Song K. Kang; Barry Rosen; James Ruffer; Luis Bravo; Jamie M. Escallon

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