Richard Bayford
Middlesex University
Featured researches published by Richard Bayford.
Physiological Measurement | 2009
Andy Adler; John H. Arnold; Richard Bayford; Andrea Borsic; B H Brown; Paul Dixon; Theo J.C. Faes; Inéz Frerichs; Hervé Gagnon; Yvo Gärber; Bartłomiej Grychtol; G. Hahn; William R. B. Lionheart; Anjum Malik; Robert Patterson; Janet Stocks; Andrew Tizzard; Norbert Weiler; Gerhard K. Wolf
Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is an attractive method for clinically monitoring patients during mechanical ventilation, because it can provide a non-invasive continuous image of pulmonary impedance which indicates the distribution of ventilation. However, most clinical and physiological research in lung EIT is done using older and proprietary algorithms; this is an obstacle to interpretation of EIT images because the reconstructed images are not well characterized. To address this issue, we develop a consensus linear reconstruction algorithm for lung EIT, called GREIT (Graz consensus Reconstruction algorithm for EIT). This paper describes the unified approach to linear image reconstruction developed for GREIT. The framework for the linear reconstruction algorithm consists of (1) detailed finite element models of a representative adult and neonatal thorax, (2) consensus on the performance figures of merit for EIT image reconstruction and (3) a systematic approach to optimize a linear reconstruction matrix to desired performance measures. Consensus figures of merit, in order of importance, are (a) uniform amplitude response, (b) small and uniform position error, (c) small ringing artefacts, (d) uniform resolution, (e) limited shape deformation and (f) high resolution. Such figures of merit must be attained while maintaining small noise amplification and small sensitivity to electrode and boundary movement. This approach represents the consensus of a large and representative group of experts in EIT algorithm design and clinical applications for pulmonary monitoring. All software and data to implement and test the algorithm have been made available under an open source license which allows free research and commercial use.
NeuroImage | 2001
T Tidswell; Adam Gibson; Richard Bayford; David S. Holder
Regional cerebral blood flow and blood volume changes that occur during human brain activity will change the local impedance of that cortical area, as blood has a lower impedance than that of brain. Theoretically, such impedance changes could be measured from scalp electrodes and reconstructed into images of the internal impedance of the head. Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a newly developed technique by which impedance measurements from the surface of an object are reconstructed into impedance images. It is fast, portable, inexpensive, and noninvasive, but has a relatively low spatial resolution. EIT images were recorded with scalp electrodes and an EIT system, specially optimized for recording brain function, in 39 adult human subjects during visual, somatosensory, or motor activity. Reproducible impedance changes of about 0.5% occurred in 51/52 recordings, which lasted from 6 s after the stimulus onset to 41 s after stimulus cessation. When these changes were reconstructed into impedance images, using a novel 3-D reconstruction algorithm, 19 data sets demonstrated significant impedance changes in the appropriate cortical region. This demonstrates, for the first time, that significant impedance changes, which could form the basis for a novel neuroimaging technology, may be recorded in human subjects with scalp electrodes. The final images contained spatial noise and strategies to reduce this in future work are presented.
NeuroImage | 2003
Andrew P. Bagshaw; Adam D. Liston; Richard Bayford; Andrew Tizzard; Adam Gibson; A.Thomas Tidswell; Matthew K Sparkes; Hamid Dehghani; C.D. Binnie; David S. Holder
Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a recently developed technique which enables the internal conductivity of an object to be imaged using rings of external electrodes. In a recent study, EIT during cortical evoked responses showed encouraging changes in the raw impedance measurements, but reconstructed images were noisy. A simplified reconstruction algorithm was used which modelled the head as a homogeneous sphere. In the current study, the development and validation of an improved reconstruction algorithm are described in which realistic geometry and conductivity distributions have been incorporated using the finite element method. Data from computer simulations and spherical or head-shaped saline-filled tank phantoms, in which the skull was represented by a concentric shell of plaster of Paris or a real human skull, have been reconstructed into images. There were significant improvements in image quality as a result of the incorporation of accurate geometry and extracerebral layers in the reconstruction algorithm. Image quality, assessed by blinded subjective expert observers, also improved significantly when data from the previous evoked response study were reanalysed with the new algorithm. In preliminary images collected during epileptic seizures, the new algorithm generated EIT conductivity changes which were consistent with the electrographic ictal activity. Incorporation of realistic geometry and conductivity into the reconstruction algorithm significantly improves the quality of EIT images and lends encouragement to the belief that EIT may provide a low-cost, portable functional neuroimaging system in the foreseeable future.
Physiological Measurement | 2006
A Romsauerova; Alistair McEwan; Lior Horesh; Rebecca J. Yerworth; Richard Bayford; David S. Holder
MFEIT (multi-frequency electrical impedance tomography) could distinguish between ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke and permit the urgent use of thrombolytic drugs in patients with ischaemic stroke. The purpose of this study was to characterize the UCLH Mk 2 MFEIT system, designed for this purpose, with 32 electrodes and a multiplexed 2 kHz to 1.6 MHz single impedance measuring circuit. Data were collected in seven subjects with brain tumours, arteriovenous malformations or chronic stroke, as these resembled the changes in haemorrhagic or ischaemic stroke. Calibration studies indicated that the reliable bandwidth was only 16-64 kHz because of front-end components placed to permit simultaneous EEG recording. In raw in-phase component data, the SD of 16-64 kHz data for one electrode combination across subjects was 2.45 +/- 0.9%, compared to a largest predicted change of 0.35% estimated using the FEM of the head. Using newly developed methods of examining the most sensitive channels from the FEM, and nonlinear imaging constrained to the known site of the lesion, no reproducible changes between pathologies were observed. This study has identified a specification for accuracy in EITS in acute stroke, identified the size of variability in relation to this in human recordings, and presents new methods for analysis of data. Although no reproducible changes were identified, we hope this will provide a foundation for future studies in this demanding but potentially powerful novel application.
NeuroImage | 2008
Juan-Felipe P J Abascal; Simon R. Arridge; David Atkinson; Raya Horesh; Lorenzo Fabrizi; Marzia De Lucia; Lior Horesh; Richard Bayford; David S. Holder
Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is an imaging method which enables a volume conductivity map of a subject to be produced from multiple impedance measurements. It has the potential to become a portable non-invasive imaging technique of particular use in imaging brain function. Accurate numerical forward models may be used to improve image reconstruction but, until now, have employed an assumption of isotropic tissue conductivity. This may be expected to introduce inaccuracy, as body tissues, especially those such as white matter and the skull in head imaging, are highly anisotropic. The purpose of this study was, for the first time, to develop a method for incorporating anisotropy in a forward numerical model for EIT of the head and assess the resulting improvement in image quality in the case of linear reconstruction of one example of the human head. A realistic Finite Element Model (FEM) of an adult human head with segments for the scalp, skull, CSF, and brain was produced from a structural MRI. Anisotropy of the brain was estimated from a diffusion tensor-MRI of the same subject and anisotropy of the skull was approximated from the structural information. A method for incorporation of anisotropy in the forward model and its use in image reconstruction was produced. The improvement in reconstructed image quality was assessed in computer simulation by producing forward data, and then linear reconstruction using a sensitivity matrix approach. The mean boundary data difference between anisotropic and isotropic forward models for a reference conductivity was 50%. Use of the correct anisotropic FEM in image reconstruction, as opposed to an isotropic one, corrected an error of 24 mm in imaging a 10% conductivity decrease located in the hippocampus, improved localisation for conductivity changes deep in the brain and due to epilepsy by 4-17 mm, and, overall, led to a substantial improvement on image quality. This suggests that incorporation of anisotropy in numerical models used for image reconstruction is likely to improve EIT image quality.
Physiological Measurement | 2005
Andrew Tizzard; Lior Horesh; Rebecca J. Yerworth; David S. Holder; Richard Bayford
The use of realistic anatomy in the model used for image reconstruction in EIT of brain function appears to confer significant improvements compared to geometric shapes such as a sphere. Accurate model geometry may be achieved by numerical models based on magnetic resonance images (MRIs) of the head, and this group has elected to use finite element meshing (FEM) as it enables detailed internal anatomy to be modelled and has the capability to incorporate information about tissue anisotropy. In this paper a method for generating accurate FEMs of the human head is presented where MRI images are manually segmented using custom adaptation of industry standard commercial design software packages. This is illustrated with example surface models and meshes from adult epilepsy patients, a neonatal baby and a phantom latex tank incorporating a real skull. Mesh quality is assessed in terms of element stretch and hence distortion.
Physiological Measurement | 2003
Rebecca J. Yerworth; Richard Bayford; B H Brown; Peter Milnes; M. Conway; David S. Holder
Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a recently developed medical imaging method which has practical advantages for imaging brain function as it is inexpensive, rapid and portable. Its principal use in validated human studies to date has been to image changes in impedance at a single excitation frequency over time, but there are potential applications where it is desirable to obtain images from a single point in time, which could be achieved by imaging over multiple frequencies. We describe a novel multifrequency EIT design which provides up to 64 electrodes for imaging in the head. This was achieved by adding a multiplexer to a single channel of an existing system, the Sheffield Mark 3.5. This provides a flexible protocol for addressing up to 64 electrodes but CMRR decreases from 90 dB to 80 dB and analogue amplifier bandwidth from > 1.6 MHz to 0.8 MHz. This did not significantly affect performance, as cylinders of banana, 10% of the diameter of a saline filled spherical tank, could be visualized with frequency referenced imaging. The design appears to have been an acceptable compromise between practicality and performance and will now be employed in clinical trials of multifrequency EIT in stroke, epilepsy and neonatal brain injury.
Neuroscience | 2008
Nada Yousif; Richard Bayford; Xuguang Liu
The use of deep brain stimulation (DBS) as an effective clinical therapy for a number of neurological disorders has been greatly hindered by the lack of understanding of the mechanisms which underlie the observed clinical improvement in patients. This problem is confounded by the difficulty of investigating the neuronal effects of DBS in situ, and the impossibility of measuring the induced current in vivo. In our recent computational work using a quasi-static finite element (FEM) model we have quantitatively shown that the properties of the depth electrode-brain interface (EBI) have a significant effect on the electric field induced in the brain volume surrounding the DBS electrode. In the present work, we explore the influence of the reactivity of the EBI on the crossing electric current using the Fourier-FEM approach to allow the investigation of waveform attenuation in the time domain. Results showed that the EBI affected the waveform shaping differently at different post-implantation stages, and that this in turn had implications on induced current distribution across the EBI. Furthermore, we investigated whether hypothetical waveforms, which were shown to have potential usefulness for neural stimulation but are not yet applied clinically, would have any advantage over the currently used square pulse. In conclusion, the influence of reactivity of the EBI on the crossing stimulation current in therapeutic DBS is significant, and affects the predictive estimation of current distribution around the implanted DBS electrode in the human brain.
Physiological Measurement | 2006
Lorenzo Fabrizi; M Sparkes; Lior Horesh; J. F. Perez-Juste Abascal; Alistair McEwan; Richard Bayford; R Elwes; C.D. Binnie; David S. Holder
Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) has the potential to produce images during epileptic seizures. This might improve the accuracy of the localization of epileptic foci in patients undergoing presurgical assessment for curative neurosurgery. It has already been shown that impedance increases by up to 22% during induced epileptic seizures in animal models, using cortical or implanted electrodes in controlled experiments. The purpose of this study was to determine if reproducible raw impedance changes and EIT images could be collected during epileptic seizures in patients who were undergoing observation with video-electroencephalography (EEG) telemetry as part of evaluation prior to neurosurgery to resect the region of brain causing the epilepsy. A secondary purpose was to develop an objective method for processing and evaluating data, as seizures arose at unpredictable times from a noisy baseline. Four-terminal impedance measurements from 258 combinations were collected continuously using 32 EEG scalp electrodes in 22 seizure episodes from 7 patients during their presurgical assessment together with the standard EEG recordings. A reliable method for defining the pre-seizure baseline and recording impedance data and EIT images was developed, in which EIT and EEG could be acquired simultaneously after filtering of EIT artefact from the EEG signal. Fluctuations of several per cent over minutes were observed in the baseline between seizures. During seizures, boundary voltage changes diverged with a standard deviation of 1-54% from the baseline. No reproducible changes with the expected time course of some tens of seconds and magnitude of about 0.1% could be reliably measured. This demonstrates that it is feasible to acquire EIT images in parallel with standard EEG during presurgical assessment but, unfortunately, expected EIT changes on the scalp of about 0.1% are swamped by much larger movement and systematic artefact. Nevertheless, EIT has the unique potential to provide invaluable neuroimaging data for this purpose and may still become possible with improvements in electrode design and instrumentation.
Physiological Measurement | 2001
A.T. Tidswell; Adam Gibson; Richard Bayford; David S. Holder
Previous work has demonstrated that electrical impedance tomography can be used to image human brain activity during evoked responses, but two-thirds of the reconstructed images fail to localize an impedance change to the expected stimulated cortical area. The localization failure may be caused by modelling the head as a homogenous sphere in the reconstruction algorithm. This assumption may lead to errors when used to reconstruct data obtained from the human head. In this study a 3D reconstruction algorithm, based on a model of the head as a homogenous sphere, was characterized by simulating the algorithm model, the head shape and the presence of the skull in saline-filled tanks. EIT images of a sponge, 14 cm3 volume with a resistivity contrast of 12%, were acquired in three different positions in tanks filled with 0.2% saline. In a hemispherical tank, 19 cm in diameter, the sponge was localized to within 3.4-10.7% of the tank diameter. In a head-shaped tank, the errors were between 3.1 and 13.3% without a skull and between 10.3 and 18.7% when a real human skull was present. A significant increase in localization error therefore occurs if an algorithm based on a homogeneous sphere is used on data acquired from a head-shaped tank. The increased error is due to the presence of the skull, as no significant increase in error occurred if a head-shaped tank was used without the skull present, compared to the localization error within the hemispherical tank. The error due to the skull significantly shifted the impedance change within the skull towards the centre of the image. Although the increased localization error due to the skull is not sufficient to explain the localization errors of up to 50% of the image diameter present in the images of some human subjects, the future use of a realistic head model in the reconstruction algorithm is likely to reduce the localization error in the human images due to the presence of the skull.