Richard Bligny
Joseph Fourier University
Featured researches published by Richard Bligny.
Journal of Cell Biology | 2004
Juliette Jouhet; Eric Maréchal; Barbara Baldan; Richard Bligny; Jacques Joyard; Maryse A. Block
In many soils plants have to grow in a shortage of phosphate, leading to development of phosphate-saving mechanisms. At the cellular level, these mechanisms include conversion of phospholipids into glycolipids, mainly digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG). The lipid changes are not restricted to plastid membranes where DGDG is synthesized and resides under normal conditions. In plant cells deprived of phosphate, mitochondria contain a high concentration of DGDG, whereas mitochondria have no glycolipids in control cells. Mitochondria do not synthesize this pool of DGDG, which structure is shown to be characteristic of a DGD type enzyme present in plastid envelope. The transfer of DGDG between plastid and mitochondria is investigated and detected between mitochondria-closely associated envelope vesicles and mitochondria. This transfer does not apparently involve the endomembrane system and would rather be dependent upon contacts between plastids and mitochondria. Contacts sites are favored at early stages of phosphate deprivation when DGDG cell content is just starting to respond to phosphate deprivation.
Planta | 2000
Gabriel Cornic; Nicolai G. Bukhov; Christian Wiese; Richard Bligny; Ulrich Heber
Abstract. The role of cyclic electron transport has been re-examined in leaves of C3 plants because the bioenergetics of chloroplasts (H+/eu2009=u20093 in the presence of a Q-cycle; H+/ATPu2009=u20094 of ATP synthesis) had suggested that cyclic electron flow has no function in C3 photosynthesis. After light activation of pea leaves, the dark reduction of P700 (the donor pigment of PSI) following far-red oxidation was much accelerated. This corresponded to loss of sensitivity of P700 to oxidation by far-red light and a large increase in the number of electrons available to reduce P700+ in the dark. At low CO2 and O2 molar ratios, far-red light was capable of decreasing the activity of photosystem II (measured as the ratio of variable to maximal chlorophyll fluorescence, Fv/Fm) and of increasing light scattering at 535u2009nm and zeaxanthin synthesis, indicating formation of a transthylakoid pH gradient. Both the light-induced increase in the number of electrons capable of reducing far-red-oxidised P700 and the decline in Fv/Fm brought about by far-red in leaves were prevented by methyl viologen. Antimycin A inhibited CO2-dependent O2 evolution of pea leaves at saturating but not under limiting light; in its presence, far-red light failed to decrease Fv/Fm. The results indicate that cyclic electron flow regulates the quantum yield of photosystem II by decreasing the intrathylakoid pH when there is a reduction in the availability of electron acceptors at the PSI level (e.g. during drought or cold stresses). It also provides ATP for the carbon-reduction cycle under high light. Under these conditions, the Q-cycle is not able to maintain a H+/e ratio of 3 for ATP synthesis: we suggest that the ratio is flexible, not obligatory.
Current Opinion in Plant Biology | 2001
Richard Bligny; Roland Douce
Recent advances in NMR methodology offer a way to acquire a comprehensive profile of a wide range of metabolites from various plant tissues or cells. NMR is a powerful approach for plant metabolite profiling and provides a capacity for the dynamic exploration of plant metabolism that is virtually unmatched by any other analytical technique.
FEBS Letters | 2003
Juliette Jouhet; Eric Maréchal; Richard Bligny; Jacques Joyard; Maryse A. Block
In plants, phosphate deprivation is normally known to decrease the phospholipid content consistent with a mobilization of the phosphate reserve, and conversely to increase non‐phosphorous membrane lipids such as digalactosyldiacylglycerol. We report here that unexpectedly, at an early stage of phosphate starvation, phosphatidylcholine (PC) increases transiently. We also show that a significant pool of diacylglycerol (DAG) with the same fatty acid composition as that of PC is present and moreover increases in response to phosphate deprivation. The evolution of the molecular profile of the newly synthesized galactolipids is compatible with a utilization of DAG accumulating from PC hydrolysis, achieved after selection of their acyl molecular species by the galactolipid synthesizing enzymes.
Planta | 2000
Ulrich Heber; Wolfgang Bilger; Richard Bligny; Otto L. Lange
Abstract.u2002Adaptation to excessive light is one of the requirements of survival in an alpine environment particularly for poikilohydric organisms which in contrast to the leaves of higher plants tolerate full dehydration. Changes in modulated chlorophyll fluorescence and 820-nm absorption were investigated in the lichens Xanthoria elegans (Link) Th. Fr. and Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC, in the moss Grimmia alpestris Limpr. and the higher plants Geum montanum L., Gentiana lutea L. and Pisum sativum L., all collected at altitudes higher than 2000u2009m above sea level. In the dehydrated state, chlorophyll fluorescence was very low in the lichens and the moss, but high in the higher plants. It increased on rehydration in the lichens and the moss, but decreased in the higher plants. Light-induced charge separation in photosystem II was indicated by pulse-induced fluorescence increases only in dried leaves, not in the dry moss and dry lichens. Strong illumination caused photodamage in the dried leaves, but not in the dry moss and dry lichens. Light-dependent increases in 820-nm absorption revealed formation of potential quenchers of chlorophyll fluorescence in all dehydrated plants, but energy transfer to quenchers decreased chlorophyll fluorescence only in the moss and the lichens, not in the higher plants. In hydrated systems, coupled cyclic electron transport is suggested to occur concurrently with linear electron transport under strong actinic illumination particularly in the lichens because far more electrons became available after actinic illumination for the reduction of photo-oxidized P700 than were available in the pool of electron carriers between photosystems II and I. In the moss Grimmia, but not in the lichens or in leaves, light-dependent quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence was extensive even under nitrogen, indicating anaerobic thylakoid acidification by persistent cyclic electron transport. In the absence of actinic illumination, acidification by ca. 8% CO2 in air quenched the initial chlorophyll fluorescence yield Fo only in the hydrated moss and the lichens, not in leaves of the higher plants. Under the same conditions, 8% CO2 reduced the maximal fluorescence yield Fm strongly in the poikilohydric organisms, but only weakly or not at all in leaves. The data indicate the existence of deactivation pathways which enable poikilohydric organisms to avoid photodamage not only in the hydrated but also in the dehydrated state. In the hydrated state, strong nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence indicated highly sensitive responses to excess light which facilitated the harmless dissipation of absorbed excitation energy into heat. Protonation-dependent fluorescence quenching by cyclic electron transport, P700 oxidation and, possibly, excitation transfer between the photosystems were effectively combined to produce phototolerance.
Planta | 2007
Cécile Jobic; Anne-Marie Boisson; Elisabeth Gout; Christine Rascle; Michel Fèvre; Pascale Cotton; Richard Bligny
Interactions between the necrotrophic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and one of its hosts, Helianthus annuus L., were analyzed during fungal colonization of plant tissues. Metabolomic analysis, based on 13C- and 31P-NMR spectroscopy, was used to draw up the profiles of soluble metabolites of the two partners before interaction, and to trace the fate of metabolites specific of each partner during colonization. In sunflower cotyledons, the main soluble carbohydrates were glucose, fructose, sucrose and glutamate. In S. sclerotiorum extracts, glucose, trehalose and mannitol were the predominant soluble carbon stores. During infection, a decline in sugars and amino acids was observed in the plant and fungus total content. Sucrose and fructose, initially present almost exclusively in plant, were reduced by 85%. We used a biochemical approach to correlate the disappearance of sucrose with the expression and the activity of fungal invertase. The expression of two hexose transporters, Sshxt1 and Sshxt2, was enhanced during infection. A database search for hexose transporters homologues in the S. sclerotiorum genome revealed a multigenic sugar transport system. Furthermore, the composition of the pool of reserve sugars and polyols during infection was investigated. Whereas mannitol was produced in vitro and accumulated in planta, glycerol was exclusively produced in infected tissues and increased during colonization. The hypothesis that the induction of glycerol synthesis in S. sclerotiorum exerts a positive effect on osmotic protection of fungal cells and favors fungal growth in plant tissues is discussed. Taken together, our data revealed the importance of carbon–nutrient exchanges during the necrotrophic pathogenesis of S. sclerotiorum.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 1997
Richard Bligny; Elisabeth Gout; Werner M. Kaiser; Ulrich Heber; David A. Walker; Roland Douce
31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to monitor changes of cytoplasmic and vacuolar pH values in leaf tissues from young pea plants which had been grown in hydroponic culture with either nitrate or ammonium salts as sources of nitrogen. When acid stress was applied by the addition of 15% CO2 to air (5.1 mM CO2 in solution), cytoplasmic pH values decreased fast by 0.5 pH units and then increased slowly without reaching the initial pH, while vacuolar pH values decreased by 0.1 pH units. Under anaerobic conditions, the cytoplasmic pH decreased by one pH unit and the vacuolar pH increased by almost 0.4 pH units. These changes were rapidly reversed when CO2 was removed from air or, after anaerobiosis, by aeration. However, with mannose present during and after anaerobiosis, aeration failed to bring pH values back to the levels observed before anaerobiosis. Simultaneously, mannose phosphates accumulated and cytoplasmic phosphate disappeared. Since loss of phosphate decreases ATP levels, the observations suggest that ATP-dependent pumping of protons into the vacuole restored the cytoplasmic pH partially during acidification by CO2 and fully after anaerobiosis. Photosynthesis was initially inhibited by high CO2 and then restored indicating that protons are exported not only across the tonoplast into the vacuole but also across the chloroplast envelope into the cytosol. No large differences in pH regulation were observed in leaves of pea plants which were grown with either nitrate or ammonium salts. Apparently, retarded growth of ammonium-fertilized plants cannot be attributed to ineffective pH regulation.
New Phytologist | 2009
Thierry Dulermo; Christine Rascle; Gaetan Chinnici; Elisabeth Gout; Richard Bligny; Pascale Cotton
The main steps for carbon acquisition and conversion by Botrytis cinerea during pathogenesis of sunflower cotyledon were investigated here. A sequential view of soluble carbon metabolites detected by NMR spectroscopy during infection is presented. Disappearance of plant hexoses and their conversion to fungal metabolites were investigated by expression analysis of an extended gene family of hexose transporters (Bchxts) and of the mannitol pathway, using quantitative PCR. In order to analyse the main fungal metabolic routes used by B. cinerea in real time, we performed, for the first time, in vivo NMR analyses during plant infection. During infection, B. cinerea converts plant hexoses into mannitol. Expression analysis of the sugar porter gene family suggested predominance for transcription induced upon low glucose conditions and regulated according to the developmental phase. Allocation of plant hexoses by the pathogen revealed a conversion to mannitol, trehalose and glycogen for glucose and a preponderant transformation of fructose to mannitol by a more efficient metabolic pathway. Uptake of plant hexoses by B. cinerea is based on a multigenic flexible hexose uptake system. Their conversion into mannitol, enabled by two simultaneously expressed pathways, generates a dynamic intracellular carbon pool.
Planta | 2007
Serge Aubert; Christine Juge; Anne-Marie Boisson; Elisabeth Gout; Richard Bligny
To survive in high mountain environments lichens must adapt themselves to alternating periods of desiccation and hydration. Respiration and photosynthesis of the foliaceous lichen, Xanthoria elegans, in the dehydrated state were below the threshold of CO2-detection by infrared gas analysis. Following hydration, respiration totally recovered within seconds and photosynthesis within minutes. In order to identify metabolic processes that may contribute to the quick and efficient reactivation of lichen physiological processes, we analysed the metabolite profile of lichen thalli step by step during hydration/dehydration cycles, using 31P- and 13C-NMR. It appeared that the recovery of respiration was prepared during dehydration by the accumulation of a reserve of gluconate 6-P (glcn-6-P) and by the preservation of nucleotide pools, whereas glycolytic and photosynthetic intermediates like glucose 6-P and ribulose 1,5-diphosphate were absent. The large pools of polyols present in both X. elegans photo- and mycobiont are likely to contribute to the protection of cell constituents like nucleotides, proteins, and membrane lipids, and to preserve the integrity of intracellular structures during desiccation. Our data indicate that glcn-6-P accumulated due to activation of the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, in response to a need for reducing power (NADPH) during the dehydration-triggered down-regulation of cell metabolism. On the contrary, glcn-6-P was metabolised immediately after hydration, supplying respiration with substrates during the replenishment of pools of glycolytic and photosynthetic intermediates. Finally, the high net photosynthetic activity of wet X. elegans thalli at low temperature may help this alpine lichen to take advantage of brief hydration opportunities such as ice melting, thus favouring its growth in harsh high mountain climates.
Molecular Microbiology | 2011
Géraldine Effantin; Corinne Rivasseau; Marina Gromova; Richard Bligny; Nicole Hugouvieux-Cotte-Pattat
Plant pathogenic bacteria of the genera Dickeya and Pectobacterium are broad‐host‐range necrotrophs which cause soft‐rot diseases in important crops. A metabolomic analysis, based on 13C‐NMR spectroscopy, was used to characterize the plant‐bacteria interaction. Metabolic profiles revealed a decline in plant sugars and amino acids during infection and the concomitant appearance of a compound identified as 2,3‐butanediol. Butanediol is the major metabolite found in macerated tissues of various host plants. It is accumulated during the symptomatic phase of the disease. Different species of Dickeya or Pectobacterium secrete high levels of butanediol during plant infection. Butanediol has been described as a signalling molecule involved in plant/bacterium interactions and, notably, able to induce plant systemic resistance. The bud genes, involved in butanediol production, are conserved in the phytopathogenic enterobacteria of the genera Dickeya, Pectobacterium, Erwinia, Pantoea and Brenneria. Inactivation of the bud genes of Dickeya dadantii revealed that the virulence of budA, budB and budR mutants was clearly reduced. The genes budA, budB and budC are highly expressed during plant infection. These data highlight the importance of butanediol metabolism in limiting acidification of the plant tissue during the development of the soft‐rot disease caused by pectinolytic enterobacteria.