Richard G. Cook
Baylor College of Medicine
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2002
Brian D. Strahl; Patrick A. Grant; Scott D. Briggs; Zu Wen Sun; James R. Bone; Jennifer A. Caldwell; Sahana Mollah; Richard G. Cook; Jeffrey Shabanowitz; Donald F. Hunt; C. David Allis
ABSTRACT Recent studies of histone methylation have yielded fundamental new insights pertaining to the role of this modification in gene activation as well as in gene silencing. While a number of methylation sites are known to occur on histones, only limited information exists regarding the relevant enzymes that mediate these methylation events. We thus sought to identify native histone methyltransferase (HMT) activities from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we describe the biochemical purification and characterization of Set2, a novel HMT that is site-specific for lysine 36 (Lys36) of the H3 tail. Using an antiserum directed against Lys36 methylation in H3, we show that Set2, via its SET domain, is responsible for methylation at this site in vivo. Tethering of Set2 to a heterologous promoter reveals that Set2 represses transcription, and part of this repression is mediated through the HMT activity of the SET domain. These results suggest that Set2 and methylation at H3 Lys36 play a role in the repression of gene transcription.
Current Biology | 2001
Brian D. Strahl; Scott D. Briggs; Cynthia J. Brame; Jennifer A. Caldwell; Stephen S. Koh; Han Ma; Richard G. Cook; Jeffrey Shabanowitz; Donald F. Hunt; Michael R. Stallcup; C. David Allis
Posttranslational modifications of histone amino termini play an important role in modulating chromatin structure and function. Lysine methylation of histones has been well documented, and recently this modification has been linked to cellular processes involving gene transcription and heterochromatin assembly. However, the existence of arginine methylation on histones has remained unclear. Recent discoveries of protein arginine methyltransferases, CARM1 and PRMT1, as transcriptional coactivators for nuclear receptors suggest that histones may be physiological targets of these enzymes as part of a poorly defined transcriptional activation pathway. Here we show by using mass spectrometry that histone H4, isolated from asynchronously growing human 293T cells, is methylated at arginine 3 (Arg-3) in vivo. In support, a novel antibody directed against histone H4 methylated at Arg-3 independently demonstrates the in vivo occurrence of this modification and reveals that H4 Arg-3 methylation is highly conserved throughout eukaryotes. Finally, we show that PRMT1 is the major, if not exclusive, H4 Arg-3 methyltransfase in human 293T cells. These findings suggest a role for arginine methylation of histones in the transcription process.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 1999
R. Louis Schiltz; Craig A. Mizzen; Alex Vassilev; Richard G. Cook; C. David Allis; Yoshihiro Nakatani
A number of transcriptional coactivators possess intrinsic histone acetylase activity, providing a direct link between hyperacetylated chromatin and transcriptional activation. We have determined the core histone residues acetylated in vitro by recombinant p300 and PCAF within mononucleosomes. p300 specifically acetylates all sites of histones H2A and H2B known to be acetylated in bulk chromatin in vivo but preferentially acetylates lysines 14 and 18 of histone H3 and lysines 5 and 8 of histone H4. PCAF primarily acetylates lysine 14 of H3 but also less efficiently acetylates lysine 8 of H4. PCAF in its native form, which is present in a stable multimeric protein complex lacking p300/CBP, primarily acetylates H3 to a monoacetylated form, suggesting that PCAF-associated polypeptides do not alter the substrate specificity. These distinct patterns of acetylation by the p300 and PCAF may contribute to their differential roles in transcriptional regulation.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 1999
Patrick A. Grant; Anton Eberharter; Sam John; Richard G. Cook; Bryan M. Turner; Jerry L. Workman
The coactivator/adaptor protein Gcn5 is a conserved histone acetyltransferase, which functions as the catalytic subunit in multiple yeast transcriptional regulatory complexes. The ability of Gcn5 to acetylate nucleosomal histones is significantly reduced relative to its activity on free histones, where it predominantly modifies histone H3 at lysine 14. However, the association of Gcn5 in multisubunit complexes potentiates its nucleosomal histone acetyltransferase activity. Here, we show that the association of Gcn5 with other proteins in two native yeast complexes, Ada and SAGA (Spt-Ada-Gcn5-acetyltransferase), directly confers upon Gcn5 the ability to acetylate an expanded set of lysines on H3. Furthermore Ada and SAGA have overlapping, yet distinct, patterns of acetylation, suggesting that the association of specific subunits determines site specificity.
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2000
Edwin R. Smith; Antonio Pannuti; Weigang Gu; Arnd Steurnagel; Richard G. Cook; C. David Allis; John C. Lucchesi
ABSTRACT In Drosophila, dosage compensation—the equalization of most X-linked gene products in males and females—is achieved by a twofold enhancement of the level of transcription of the X chromosome in males relative to each X chromosome in females. A complex consisting of at least five gene products preferentially binds the X chromosome at numerous sites in males and results in a significant increase in the presence of a specific histone isoform, histone 4 acetylated at lysine 16. Recently, RNA transcripts (roX1 and roX2) encoded by two different genes have also been found associated with the X chromosome in males. We have partially purified a complex containing MSL1, -2, and -3, MOF, MLE, and roX2 RNA and demonstrated that it exclusively acetylates H4 at lysine 16 on nucleosomal substrates. These results demonstrate that the MSL complex is responsible for the specific chromatin modification characteristic of the X chromosome in Drosophila males.
Nature Reviews Immunology | 2005
John R. Rodgers; Richard G. Cook
Our understanding of the classical MHC class I molecules (MHC class Ia molecules) has long focused on their extreme polymorphism. These molecules present peptides to T cells and are central to discrimination between self and non-self. By contrast, the functions of the non-polymorphic MHC class I molecules (MHC class Ib molecules) have been elusive, but emerging evidence reveals that, in addition to antigen presentation, MHC class Ib molecules are involved in immunoregulation. As we discuss here, the subset of MHC class Ib molecules that presents peptides to T cells bridges innate and acquired immunity, and this provides insights into the origins of acquired immunity.
Cell | 2008
Elizabeth M. Duncan; Tara L. Muratore-Schroeder; Richard G. Cook; Benjamin A. Garcia; Jeffrey Shabanowitz; Donald F. Hunt; C. David Allis
Chromatin undergoes developmentally-regulated structural and chemical changes as cells differentiate, which subsequently lead to differences in cellular function by altering patterns of gene expression. To gain insight into chromatin alterations that occur during mammalian differentiation, we turned to a mouse embryonic stem cell (ESC) model. Here we show that histone H3 is proteolytically cleaved at its N-terminus during ESC differentiation. We map the sites of H3 cleavage and identify Cathepsin L as a protease responsible for proteolytically processing the N-terminal H3 tail. In addition, our data suggest that H3 cleavage may be regulated by covalent modifications present on the histone tail itself. Our studies underscore the intriguing possibility that histone proteolysis, brought about by Cathepsin L and potentially other family members, plays a role in development and differentiation that was not previously recognized.
Journal of Neurochemistry | 2008
J. Paige Adams; Anne E. Anderson; Andrew W. Varga; Kelly T. Dineley; Richard G. Cook; Paul J. Pfaffinger; J. David Sweatt
Abstract: The mitogen‐activated protein kinase ERK has recentlybecome a focus of studies of synaptic plasticity and learning and memory. Dueto the prominent role of potassium channels in regulating the electricalproperties of membranes, modulation of these channels by ERK could play animportant role in mediating learning‐related synaptic plasticity in the CNS.Kv4.2 is a Shal‐type potassium channel that passes an A‐type current and islocalized to dendrites and cell bodies in the hippocampus. The sequence ofKv4.2 contains several consensus sites for ERK phosphorylation. In the presentstudies, we tested the hypothesis that Kv4.2 is an ERK substrate. Wedetermined that the Kv4.2 C‐terminal cytoplasmic domain is an effective ERK2substrate, and that it is phosphorylated at three sites: Thr602,Thr607, and Ser616. We used this information to developantibodies that recognize Kv4.2 phosphorylated by ERK2. One of ourphospho‐site‐selective antibodies was generated using a triply phosphorylatedpeptide as the antigen. We determined that this antibody recognizesERK‐phosphorylated Kv4.2 in COS‐7 cells transfected with Kv4.2 and nativeERK‐phosphorylated Kv4.2 in the rat hippocampus. These observations indicatethat Kv4.2 is a substrate for ERK in vitro and in vivo, and suggest that ERKmay regulate potassium‐channel function by direct phosphorylation of thepore‐forming α subunit.
Science | 1986
Orla M. Conneely; Wp Sullivan; David O. Toft; Mariel Birnbaumer; Richard G. Cook; Beth Lynn Maxwell; T Zarucki-Schulz; Geoffrey L. Greene; William T. Schrader; Bert W. O'Malley
To define the functional domains of the progesterone receptor required for gene regulation, complementary DNA (cDNA) clones encoding the chicken progesterone receptor have been isolated from a chicken oviduct lambda gt11 cDNA expression library. Positive clones expressed antigenic determinants that cross-reacted with six monospecific antibodies derived from two independent sources. A 36-amino acid peptide sequence obtained by microsequencing of purified progesterone receptor was encoded by nucleotide sequences in the longest cDNA clone. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of the progesterone receptor deduced from the cDNA clones revealed a cysteine-rich region that was homologous to a region found in the estrogen and glucocorticoid receptors and to the avian erythroblastosis virus gag-erb-A fusion protein. Northern blot analysis with chicken progesterone receptor cDNAs indicated the existence of at least three messenger RNA species. These messages were found only in oviduct and could be induced by estrogens.
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2002
Marilyn G. Pray-Grant; David Schieltz; Stacey J. McMahon; Jennifer M. Wood; Erin L. Kennedy; Richard G. Cook; Jerry L. Workman; John R. Yates; Patrick A. Grant
ABSTRACT The SAGA complex is a conserved histone acetyltransferase-coactivator that regulates gene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. SAGA contains a number of subunits known to function in transcription including Spt and Ada proteins, the Gcn5 acetyltransferase, a subset of TATA-binding-protein-associated factors (TAFIIs), and Tra1. Here we report the identification of SLIK (SAGA-like), a complex related in composition to SAGA. Notably SLIK uniquely contains the protein Rtg2, linking the function of SLIK to the retrograde response pathway. Yeast harboring mutations in both SAGA and SLIK complexes displays synthetic phenotypes more severe than those of yeast with mutation of either complex alone. We present data indicating that distinct forms of the SAGA complex may regulate specific subsets of genes and that SAGA and SLIK have multiple partly overlapping activities, which play a critical role in transcription by RNA polymerase II.