
Featured researches published by Richard Gudgel.

Journal of Climate | 2014

On the Seasonal Forecasting of Regional Tropical Cyclone Activity

Gabriel A. Vecchi; Thomas L. Delworth; Richard Gudgel; Sarah B. Kapnick; Anthony Rosati; Andrew T. Wittenberg; Fanrong Zeng; Whit G. Anderson; V. Balaji; Keith W. Dixon; Liwei Jia; H.-S. Kim; Lakshmi Krishnamurthy; Rym Msadek; William F. Stern; Seth Underwood; Gabriele Villarini; Xiasong Yang; Shaoqing Zhang

AbstractTropical cyclones (TCs) are a hazard to life and property and a prominent element of the global climate system; therefore, understanding and predicting TC location, intensity, and frequency is of both societal and scientific significance. Methodologies exist to predict basinwide, seasonally aggregated TC activity months, seasons, and even years in advance. It is shown that a newly developed high-resolution global climate model can produce skillful forecasts of seasonal TC activity on spatial scales finer than basinwide, from months and seasons in advance of the TC season. The climate model used here is targeted at predicting regional climate and the statistics of weather extremes on seasonal to decadal time scales, and comprises high-resolution (50 km × 50 km) atmosphere and land components as well as more moderate-resolution (~100 km) sea ice and ocean components. The simulation of TC climatology and interannual variations in this climate model is substantially improved by correcting systematic o...

Monthly Weather Review | 2011

Statistical–Dynamical Predictions of Seasonal North Atlantic Hurricane Activity

Gabriel A. Vecchi; Ming Zhao; Hui Wang; Gabriele Villarini; Anthony Rosati; Arun Kumar; Isaac M. Held; Richard Gudgel

Skillfullypredicting North Atlantichurricane activitymonths in advance is of potential societal significance and a useful test of our understanding of the factors controlling hurricane activity. In this paper, a statistical‐ dynamical hurricane forecasting system, based on a statistical hurricane model, with explicit uncertainty estimates,andbuiltfromasuiteofhigh-resolutionglobalatmosphericdynamicalmodelintegrationsspanning a broad range of climate states is described. The statistical model uses two climate predictors: the sea surface temperature (SST) in the tropical North Atlantic and SST averaged over the global tropics. The choice of predictorsis motivatedby physicalconsiderations, aswell astheresultsofhigh-resolutionhurricanemodeling and statistical modeling of the observed record. The statistical hurricane model is applied to a suite of initialized dynamical global climate model forecasts of SST to predict North Atlantic hurricane frequency, which peaks during the August‐October season, from different starting dates. Retrospective forecasts of the 1982‐2009 period indicate that skillful predictions can be made from as early as November of the previous year; that is, skillful forecasts for the coming North Atlantic hurricane season could be made as the current one is closing. Based on forecasts initialized between November 2009 and March 2010, the model system predictsthattheupcoming2010NorthAtlantichurricaneseasonwilllikelybemoreactivethanthe1982‐2009 climatology, with the forecasts initialized in March 2010 predicting an expected hurricane count of eight and a 50% probability of counts between six (the 1966‐2009 median) and nine.

Journal of Climate | 2015

Improved Seasonal Prediction of Temperature and Precipitation over Land in a High-Resolution GFDL Climate Model

Liwei Jia; Xiaosong Yang; Gabriel A. Vecchi; Richard Gudgel; Thomas L. Delworth; Anthony Rosati; William F. Stern; Andrew T. Wittenberg; Lakshmi Krishnamurthy; Shaoqing Zhang; Rym Msadek; Sarah B. Kapnick; Seth Underwood; Fanrong Zeng; Whit G. Anderson; Venkatramani Balaji; Keith W. Dixon

AbstractThis study demonstrates skillful seasonal prediction of 2-m air temperature and precipitation over land in a new high-resolution climate model developed by the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory and explores the possible sources of the skill. The authors employ a statistical optimization approach to identify the most predictable components of seasonal mean temperature and precipitation over land and demonstrate the predictive skill of these components. First, the improved skill of the high-resolution model over the previous lower-resolution model in seasonal prediction of the Nino-3.4 index and other aspects of interest is shown. Then, the skill of temperature and precipitation in the high-resolution model for boreal winter and summer is measured, and the sources of the skill are diagnosed. Last, predictions are reconstructed using a few of the most predictable components to yield more skillful predictions than the raw model predictions. Over three decades of hindcasts, the two most predictable...

Journal of Climate | 2015

Simulation and Prediction of Category 4 and 5 Hurricanes in the High-Resolution GFDL HiFLOR Coupled Climate Model*

Hiroyuki Murakami; Gabriel A. Vecchi; Seth Underwood; Thomas L. Delworth; Andrew T. Wittenberg; Whit G. Anderson; Jan-Huey Chen; Richard Gudgel; Lucas M. Harris; Shian-Jiann Lin; Fanrong Zeng

AbstractA new high-resolution Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) coupled model [the High-Resolution Forecast-Oriented Low Ocean Resolution (FLOR) model (HiFLOR)] has been developed and used to investigate potential skill in simulation and prediction of tropical cyclone (TC) activity. HiFLOR comprises high-resolution (~25-km mesh) atmosphere and land components and a more moderate-resolution (~100-km mesh) sea ice and ocean component. HiFLOR was developed from FLOR by decreasing the horizontal grid spacing of the atmospheric component from 50 to 25 km, while leaving most of the subgrid-scale physical parameterizations unchanged. Compared with FLOR, HiFLOR yields a more realistic simulation of the structure, global distribution, and seasonal and interannual variations of TCs, as well as a comparable simulation of storm-induced cold wakes and TC-genesis modulation induced by the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO). Moreover, HiFLOR is able to simulate and predict extremely intense TCs (Saffir–Simpson h...

Journal of Climate | 2014

Predicting a Decadal Shift in North Atlantic Climate Variability Using the GFDL Forecast System

Rym Msadek; T. L. Delworth; Anthony Rosati; Whit G. Anderson; Gabriel A. Vecchi; Keith W. Dixon; Richard Gudgel; William F. Stern; Andrew T. Wittenberg; Xiasong Yang; Fanrong Zeng; Rong Zhang; Shaoqing Zhang

Decadal prediction experiments were conducted as part of phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) using the GFDL Climate Model, version 2.1 (CM2.1) forecast system. The abrupt warming of the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre (SPG) that was observed in the mid-1990s is considered as a case study to evaluateforecastcapabilitiesandbetterunderstandthereasonsfortheobservedchanges.InitializingtheCM2.1 coupledsystemproduces highskillinretrospectivelypredictingthemid-1990s shift,whichisnotcapturedbythe uninitializedforecasts. Allthehindcasts initialized intheearly1990s show awarmingoftheSPG;however,only the ensemble-mean hindcasts initialized in 1995 and 1996 are able to reproduce the observed abrupt warming and the associated decrease and contraction of the SPG. Examination of the physical mechanisms responsible forthesuccessfulretrospectivepredictionsindicatesthatinitializingtheoceaniskeytopredictingthemid-1990s warming.The successful initialized forecasts showan increased Atlanticmeridional overturning circulation and North Atlantic Current transport, which drive an increased advection of warm saline subtropical waters northward, leading to a westward shift of the subpolar front and, subsequently, a warming and spindown of the SPG. Significant seasonal climate impacts are predicted as the SPG warms, including a reduced sea ice concentration over the Arctic, an enhanced warming over the central United States during summer and fall, and anorthwardshiftofthemeanITCZ.Theseclimateanomaliesaresimilartothoseobservedduringawarmphase of the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation, which is encouraging for future predictions of North Atlantic climate.

Journal of Climate | 2000

Tropical Sensitivity of a Coupled Model to Specified ISCCP Low Clouds

C. T. Gordon; Anthony Rosati; Richard Gudgel

Abstract The seasonal cycle of SST observed in the eastern equatorial Pacific is poorly simulated by many ocean–atmosphere coupled GCMs. This deficiency may be partly due to an incorrect prediction of tropical marine stratocumulus (MSc). To explore this hypothesis, two basic multiyear simulations have been performed using a coupled GCM with seasonally varying solar radiation. The model’s cloud prediction scheme, which underpredicts tropical marine stratocumulus, is used for all clouds in the control run. In contrast, in the “ISCCP” run, the climatological monthly mean low cloud fraction is specified over the open ocean, utilizing C2 data from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP). In this manner, the treatment of MSc clouds, including the annual cycle, is more realistic than in previous sensitivity studies. Robust surface and subsurface thermodynamical and dynamical responses to the specified MSc are found in the Tropics, especially near the equator. In the annual mean, the equator...

Geophysical Research Letters | 2014

Importance of initial conditions in seasonal predictions of Arctic sea ice extent

R. Msadek; Gabriel A. Vecchi; Michael Winton; Richard Gudgel

We present seasonal predictions of Arctic sea ice extent (SIE) over the 1982–2013 period using two suites of retrospective forecasts initialized from a fully coupled ocean-atmosphere-sea ice assimilation system. High skill scores are found in predicting year-to-year fluctuations of Arctic SIE, with significant correlations up to 7 month ahead for September detrended anomalies. Predictions over the recent era, which coincides with an improved observational coverage, outperform the earlier period for most target months. We find, however, a degradation of skill in September during the last decade, a period of sea ice thinning in observations. The two prediction models, Climate Model version 2.1 (CM2.1) and Forecast-oriented Low Ocean Resolution (FLOR), share very similar ocean and ice component and initialization but differ by their atmospheric component. FLOR has improved climatological atmospheric circulation and sea ice mean state, but its skill is overall similar to CM2.1 for most seasons, which suggests a key role for initial conditions in predicting seasonal SIE fluctuations.

Journal of Climate | 2016

Improved Simulation of Tropical Cyclone Responses to ENSO in the Western North Pacific in the High-Resolution GFDL HiFLOR Coupled Climate Model*

Wei Zhang; Gabriel A. Vecchi; Hiroyuki Murakami; Thomas L. Delworth; Andrew T. Wittenberg; Anthony Rosati; Seth Underwood; Whit G. Anderson; Lucas M. Harris; Richard Gudgel; Shian-Jiann Lin; Gabriele Villarini; Jan-Huey Chen

AbstractThis study aims to assess whether, and the extent to which, an increase in atmospheric resolution of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Forecast-Oriented Low Ocean Resolution version of CM2.5 (FLOR) with 50-km resolution and the High-Resolution FLOR (HiFLOR) with 25-km resolution improves the simulation of the El Nino–Southern Oscillation (ENSO)–tropical cyclone (TC) connections in the western North Pacific (WNP). HiFLOR simulates better ENSO–TC connections in the WNP including TC track density, genesis, and landfall than FLOR in both long-term control experiments and sea surface temperature (SST)- and sea surface salinity (SSS)-restoring historical runs (1971–2012). Restoring experiments are performed with SSS and SST restored to observational estimates of climatological SSS and interannually varying monthly SST. In the control experiments of HiFLOR, an improved simulation of the Walker circulation arising from more realistic SST and precipitation is largely responsible for its bett...

Journal of Climate | 2017

Dominant Role of Subtropical Pacific Warming in Extreme Eastern Pacific Hurricane Seasons: 2015 and the Future

Hiroyuki Murakami; Gabriel A. Vecchi; Thomas L. Delworth; Andrew T. Wittenberg; Seth Underwood; Richard Gudgel; Xiaosong Yang; Liwei Jia; Fanrong Zeng; Karen Paffendorf; Wei Zhang

AbstractThe 2015 hurricane season in the eastern and central Pacific Ocean (EPO and CPO), particularly around Hawaii, was extremely active, including a record number of tropical cyclones (TCs) and the first instance of three simultaneous category-4 hurricanes in the EPO and CPO. A strong El Nino developed during the 2015 boreal summer season and was attributed by some to be the cause of the extreme number of TCs. However, according to a suite of targeted high-resolution model experiments, the extreme 2015 EPO and CPO hurricane season was not primarily induced by the 2015 El Nino tropical Pacific warming, but by warming in the subtropical Pacific Ocean. This warming is not typical of El Nino, but rather of the Pacific meridional mode (PMM) superimposed on long-term anthropogenic warming. Although the likelihood of such an extreme year depends on the phase of natural variability, the coupled GCM projects an increase in the frequency of such extremely active TC years over the next few decades for EPO, CPO, a...

Journal of Climate | 2016

Seasonal Forecasts of Major Hurricanes and Landfalling Tropical Cyclones using a High-Resolution GFDL Coupled Climate Model

Hiroyuki Murakami; Gabriel A. Vecchi; Gabriele Villarini; Thomas L. Delworth; Richard Gudgel; Seth Underwood; Xiaosong Yang; Wei Zhang; Shian-Jiann Lin

AbstractSkillful seasonal forecasting of tropical cyclone (TC; wind speed ≥17.5 m s−1) activity is challenging, even more so when the focus is on major hurricanes (wind speed ≥49.4 m s−1), the most intense hurricanes (category 4 and 5; wind speed ≥58.1 m s–1), and landfalling TCs. This study shows that a 25-km-resolution global climate model [High-Resolution Forecast-Oriented Low Ocean Resolution (FLOR) model (HiFLOR)] developed at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) has improved skill in predicting the frequencies of major hurricanes and category 4 and 5 hurricanes in the North Atlantic as well as landfalling TCs over the United States and Caribbean islands a few months in advance, relative to its 50-km-resolution predecessor climate model (FLOR). HiFLOR also shows significant skill in predicting category 4 and 5 hurricanes in the western North Pacific and eastern North Pacific, while both models show comparable skills in predicting basin-total and landfalling TC frequency in the basins. The...

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