
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B | 1987

Cysteine digestive proteinases in Coleoptera

Larry L. Murdock; G. Brookhart; P.E. Dunn; D.E. Foard; S. Kelley; L. Kitch; Richard E. Shade; Richard H. Shukle; J.L. Wolfson

Abstract 1. 1. Proteinase activity from midguts of larvae and adult beetles representing several major coleopteran families was optimal at mildly acidic pH. 2. 2. In many beetles, thiol-reducing agents stimulated proteolysis of [ 3 H]methemoglobin, while alkylating agents strongly inhibited it. 3. 3. E-64, a specific inhibitor of cysteine proteinases, was a potent inhibitor in most species. 4. 4. In larvae of red flour beetle ( Tribolium castaneum ), Mexican bean beetle ( Epilachna varivestis ), and cowpea weevil ( Callosobruchus maculatus ), the pH of gut contents was in the range 5–7 and exhibited a negative (reducing) redox potential. 5. 5. These observations suggest that cysteine proteinases are commonly used as digestive enzymes in the Coleoptera.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2007

Antioxidant defense response in a galling insect

Omprakash Mittapalli; Jonathan J. Neal; Richard H. Shukle

Herbivorous insect species are constantly challenged with reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated from endogenous and exogenous sources. ROS produced within insects because of stress and prooxidant allelochemicals produced by host plants in response to herbivory require a complex mode of antioxidant defense during insect/plant interactions. Some insect herbivores have a midgut-based defense against the suite of ROS encountered. Because the Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) is the major insect pest of wheat worldwide, and an emerging model for all gall midges, we investigated its antioxidant responses during interaction with its host plant. Quantitative data for two phospholipid glutathione peroxidases (MdesPHGPX-1 and MdesPHGPX-2), two catalases (MdesCAT-1 and MdesCAT-2), and two superoxide dismutases (MdesSOD-1 and MdesSOD-2) revealed high levels of all of the mRNAs in the midgut of larvae on susceptible wheat (compatible interaction). During development of the Hessian fly on susceptible wheat, a differential expression pattern was observed for all six genes. Analysis of larvae on resistant wheat (incompatible interaction) compared with larvae on susceptible wheat showed increased levels of mRNAs in larvae on resistant wheat for all of the antioxidant genes except MdesSOD-1 and MdesSOD-2. We postulate that the increased mRNA levels of MdesPHGPX-1, MdesPHGPX-2, MdesCAT-1, and MdesCAT-2 reflect responses to ROS encountered by larvae while feeding on resistant wheat seedlings and/or ROS generated endogenously in larvae because of stress/starvation. These results provide an opportunity to understand the cooperative antioxidant defense responses in the Hessian fly/wheat interaction and may be applicable to other insect/plant interactions.

Annual Review of Phytopathology | 2012

Gall midges (Hessian flies) as plant pathogens.

Jeffrey J. Stuart; Ming-Shun Chen; Richard H. Shukle; Marion O. Harris

Gall midges constitute an important group of plant-parasitic insects. The Hessian fly (HF; Mayetiola destructor), the most investigated gall midge, was the first insect hypothesized to have a gene-for-gene interaction with its host plant, wheat (Triticum spp.). Recent investigations support that hypothesis. The minute larval mandibles appear to act in a manner that is analogous to nematode stylets and the haustoria of filamentous plant pathogens. Putative effector proteins are encoded by hundreds of genes and expressed in the HF larval salivary gland. Cultivar-specific resistance (R) genes mediate a highly localized plant reaction that prevents the survival of avirulent HF larvae. Fine-scale mapping of HF avirulence (Avr) genes provides further evidence of effector-triggered immunity (ETI) against HF in wheat. Taken together, these discoveries suggest that the HF, and other gall midges, may be considered biotrophic, or hemibiotrophic, plant pathogens, and they demonstrate the potential that the wheat-HF interaction has in the study of insect-induced plant gall formation.

Current Biology | 2015

A massive expansion of effector genes underlies gall-formation in the wheat pest Mayetiola destructor.

Chaoyang Zhao; Lucio Navarro Escalante; Hang Chen; Thiago R. Benatti; Jiaxin Qu; Sanjay Chellapilla; Robert M. Waterhouse; David Wheeler; Martin Andersson; Riyue Bao; Matthew Batterton; Susanta K. Behura; Kerstin P. Blankenburg; Doina Caragea; James C. Carolan; Marcus Coyle; Mustapha El-Bouhssini; Liezl Francisco; Markus Friedrich; Navdeep Gill; Tony Grace; Cornelis J. P. Grimmelikhuijzen; Yi Han; Frank Hauser; Nicolae Herndon; Michael Holder; Panagiotis Ioannidis; LaRonda Jackson; Mehwish Javaid; Shalini N. Jhangiani

Gall-forming arthropods are highly specialized herbivores that, in combination with their hosts, produce extended phenotypes with unique morphologies [1]. Many are economically important, and others have improved our understanding of ecology and adaptive radiation [2]. However, the mechanisms that these arthropods use to induce plant galls are poorly understood. We sequenced the genome of the Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor; Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a plant parasitic gall midge and a pest of wheat (Triticum spp.), with the aim of identifying genic modifications that contribute to its plant-parasitic lifestyle. Among several adaptive modifications, we discovered an expansive reservoir of potential effector proteins. Nearly 5% of the 20,163 predicted gene models matched putative effector gene transcripts present in the M. destructor larval salivary gland. Another 466 putative effectors were discovered among the genes that have no sequence similarities in other organisms. The largest known arthropod gene family (family SSGP-71) was also discovered within the effector reservoir. SSGP-71 proteins lack sequence homologies to other proteins, but their structures resemble both ubiquitin E3 ligases in plants and E3-ligase-mimicking effectors in plant pathogenic bacteria. SSGP-71 proteins and wheat Skp proteins interact in vivo. Mutations in different SSGP-71 genes avoid the effector-triggered immunity that is directed by the wheat resistance genes H6 and H9. Results point to effectors as the agents responsible for arthropod-induced plant gall formation.

Journal of Economic Entomology | 2010

Virulence in Hessian fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) field collections from the southeastern United States to 21 resistance genes in wheat.

Sue E. Cambron; G. David Buntin; Randy Weisz; Jeffery D. Holland; Kathy L. Flanders; Brandon J. Schemerhorn; Richard H. Shukle

ABSTRACT Genetic resistance in wheat, Triticum aestivum L., is the most efficacious method for control of Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). However, because of the appearance of new genotypes (biotypes) in response to deployment of resistance, field collections of Hessian fly need to be evaluated on a regular basis to provide breeders and producers information on the efficacy of resistance (R) genes with respect to the genotype composition of Hessian fly in regional areas. We report here on the efficacy of 21 R genes in wheat to field collections of Hessian fly from the southeastern United States. Results documented that of the 21 R genes evaluated only five would provide effective protection of wheat from Hessian fly in the southeastern United States. These genes were H12, H18, H24, H25, and H26. Although not all of the 33 identified R genes were evaluated in the current study, these results indicate that identified genetic resistance to protect wheat from Hessian attack in the southeastern United States is a limited resource. Historically, R genes for Hessian fly resistance in wheat have been deployed as single gene releases. Although this strategy has been successful in the past, we recommend that in the future deployment of combinations of highly effective previously undeployed genes, such as H24 and H26, be considered. Our study also highlights the need to identify new and effective sources of resistance in wheat to Hessian fly if genetic resistance is to continue as a viable option for protection of wheat in the southeastern United States.

Journal of Insect Science | 2007

Tissue and life stage specificity of glutathione S-transferase expression in the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor: Implications for resistance to host allelochemicals

Omprakash Mittapalli; Jonathan J. Neal; Richard H. Shukle

Abstract Two new Delta and Sigma glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) in the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), were characterized and transcription profiles described. The deduced amino acid sequences for the two M. destructor Delta GSTs (MdesGST-1 and MdesGST-3) showed high similarity with other insect Delta GSTs including the conserved catalytic serine residue. The deduced amino acid sequence for the M. destructor Sigma GST (MdesGST-2) showed high similarity with other insect Sigma GSTs including the conserved glutathione and substrate binding sites. Quantitative tissue expression analysis showed that mRNA levels for MdesGST-1 were predominant in fat body, whereas for MdesGST-2 and MdesGST-3 expression was predominant in the midgut. Temporal expression during development showed peak mRNA levels for MdesGST-1 during larval development, but in the pupal stage for MdesGST-2. MdesGST-3 showed a constitutive expression pattern throughout development. M. destructor feeds on wheat, and expression analysis after feeding indicated that mRNA levels for MdesGST-1 were significantly higher in incompatible interactions in which larvae fed on resistant wheat, while MdesGST-3 was significantly higher in compatible interactions when larvae fed on susceptible wheat. MdesGST-2 showed an equivalent expression pattern during both interactions. These results suggest that the M. destructor Delta GSTs are important in detoxifying wheat allelochemicals during feeding, while Sigma GST participates in metabolism of endogenous substrates.

Journal of Experimental Botany | 2011

Induced epidermal permeability modulates resistance and susceptibility of wheat seedlings to herbivory by Hessian fly larvae

Christie E. Williams; Jill A. Nemacheck; John T. Shukle; Subhashree Subramanyam; Kurt D. Saltzmann; Richard H. Shukle

Salivary secretions of neonate Hessian fly larvae initiate a two-way exchange of molecules with their wheat host. Changes in properties of the leaf surface allow larval effectors to enter the plant where they trigger plant processes leading to resistance and delivery of defence molecules, or susceptibility and delivery of nutrients. To increase understanding of the host plants response, the timing and characteristics of the induced epidermal permeability were investigated. Resistant plant permeability was transient and limited in area, persisting just long enough to deliver defence molecules before gene expression and permeability reverted to pre-infestation levels. The abundance of transcripts for GDSL-motif lipase/hydrolase, thought to contribute to cuticle reorganization and increased permeability, followed the same temporal profile as permeability in resistant plants. In contrast, susceptible plants continued to increase in permeability over time until the entire crown of the plant became a nutrient sink. Permeability increased with higher infestation levels in susceptible but not in resistant plants. The ramifications of induced plant permeability on Hessian fly populations are discussed.

Journal of Insect Physiology | 2016

Avirulence gene mapping in the Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) reveals a protein phosphatase 2C effector gene family

Chaoyang Zhao; Richard H. Shukle; Lucio Navarro-Escalante; Ming-Shun Chen; Stephen Richards; Jeffrey J. Stuart

The genetic tractability of the Hessian fly (HF, Mayetiola destructor) provides an opportunity to investigate the mechanisms insects use to induce plant gall formation. Here we demonstrate that capacity using the newly sequenced HF genome by identifying the gene (vH24) that elicits effector-triggered immunity in wheat (Triticum spp.) seedlings carrying HF resistance gene H24. vH24 was mapped within a 230-kb genomic fragment near the telomere of HF chromosome X1. That fragment contains only 21 putative genes. The best candidate vH24 gene in this region encodes a protein containing a secretion signal and a type-2 serine/threonine protein phosphatase (PP2C) domain. This gene has an H24-virulence associated insertion in its promoter that appears to silence transcription of the gene in H24-virulent larvae. Candidate vH24 is a member of a small family of genes that encode secretion signals and PP2C domains. It belongs to the fraction of genes in the HF genome previously predicted to encode effector proteins. Because PP2C proteins are not normally secreted, our results suggest that these are PP2C effectors that HF larvae inject into wheat cells to redirect, or interfere, with wheat signal transduction pathways.

Journal of Insect Physiology | 2010

The gut transcriptome of a gall midge, Mayetiola destructor.

Shize Zhang; Richard H. Shukle; Omprakash Mittapalli; Yu Cheng Zhu; John C. Reese; Haiyan Wang; Bao-Zhen Hua; Ming-Shun Chen

The Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor, is a serious pest of wheat and an experimental organism for the study of gall midge-plant interactions. In addition to food digestion and detoxification, the gut of Hessian fly larvae is also an important interface for insect-host interactions. Analysis of the genes expressed in the Hessian fly larval gut will enhance our understanding of the overall gut physiology and may also lead to the identification of critical molecules for Hessian fly-host plant interactions. Over 10,000 Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) were generated and assembled into 2007 clusters. The most striking feature of the Hessian fly larval transcriptome is the existence of a large number of transcripts coding for so-called small secretory proteins (SSP) with amino acids less than 250. Eleven of the 30 largest clusters were SSP transcripts with the largest cluster containing 11.3% of total ESTs. Transcripts coding for diverse digestive enzymes and detoxification proteins were also identified. Putative digestive enzymes included trypsins, chymotrypsins, cysteine proteases, aspartic protease, endo-oligopeptidase, aminopeptidases, carboxypeptidases, and alpha-amylases. Putative detoxification proteins included cytochrome P450s, glutathione S-transferases, peroxidases, ferritins, a catalase, peroxiredoxins, and others. This study represents the first global analysis of gut transcripts from a gall midge. The identification of a large number of transcripts coding for SSPs, digestive enzymes, detoxification proteins in the Hessian fly larval gut provides a foundation for future studies on the functions of these genes.

Journal of Insect Physiology | 2009

Characterization and expression analysis of a gene encoding a secreted lipase-like protein expressed in the salivary glands of the larval Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say)

Richard H. Shukle; Omprakash Mittapalli; Philip K. Morton; Ming-Shun Chen

In a salivary gland transcriptomics study we identified a cDNA with a full-length open reading frame for a gene (MdesL1) encoding a lipase-like protein expressed in the salivary glands of the larval Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say). Fluorescent in situ hybridization on salivary polytenes positioned MdesL1 on the long arm of Autosome 1. BLASTp and conserved domain searches revealed the deduced amino acid sequence contained a lipase superfamily domain with similarity to lipases and phospholipases from other insects. A secretion signal peptide was identified at the amino terminus of the deduced amino acid sequence. Analysis of the transcript of MdesL1 in larval Hessian fly tissues by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) revealed the greatest abundance was in salivary glands. Analysis of transcript levels during development showed the greatest level was detected in feeding 1st-instar and early 2nd-instar larvae. Transcript levels increased dramatically over time in larvae feeding on susceptible wheat but were detected at low levels in larvae feeding on resistant wheat. These data suggest the protein encoded by MdesL1 is likely secreted into host-plant cells during larval feeding and could be involved in extra-oral digestion and changes in host-cell permeability or in generating a second messenger in a host-cell-signaling cascade.

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