Richard Magee
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nuclear Fusion | 2009
B.E. Chapman; Joon-Wook Ahn; A. F. Almagri; J. K. Anderson; F. Bonomo; D. L. Brower; D. R. Burke; K.J. Caspary; D.J. Clayton; S.K. Combs; W.A. Cox; D. Craig; B.H. Deng; D.J. Den Hartog; W. X. Ding; F. Ebrahimi; D.A. Ennis; G. Fiksel; Cary Forest; C.R. Foust; P. Franz; S. Gangadhara; J.A. Goetz; M. C. Kaufman; J.G. Kulpin; A. V. Kuritsyn; Richard Magee; M. C. Miller; V.V. Mirnov; Paul Nonn
We have increased substantially the electron and ion temperatures, the electron density, and the total beta in plasmas with improved energy confinement in the Madison Symmetric Torus (MST). The improved confinement is achieved with a well-established current profile control technique for reduction of magnetic tearing and reconnection. A sustained ion temperature >1?keV is achieved with intensified reconnection-based ion heating followed immediately by current profile control. In the same plasmas, the electron temperature reaches 2?keV, and the electron thermal diffusivity drops to about 2?m2?s?1. The global energy confinement time is 12?ms. This and the reported temperatures are the largest values yet achieved in the reversed-field pinch (RFP). These results were attained at a density ~1019?m?3. By combining pellet injection with current profile control, the density has been quadrupled, and total beta has nearly doubled to a record value of about 26%. The Mercier criterion is exceeded in the plasma core, and both pressure-driven interchange and pressure-driven tearing modes are calculated to be linearly unstable, yet energy confinement is still improved. Transient momentum injection with biased probes reveals that global momentum transport is reduced with current profile control. Magnetic reconnection events drive rapid momentum transport related to large Maxwell and Reynolds stresses. Ion heating during reconnection events occurs globally, locally, or not at all, depending on which tearing modes are involved in the reconnection. To potentially augment inductive current profile control, we are conducting initial tests of current drive with lower-hybrid and electron-Bernstein waves.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2012
Richard Magee; Matthew Galante; Dustin McCarren; Earl Scime; R. L. Boivin; N.H. Brooks; Richard J. Groebner; D. N. Hill; G. D. Porter
The quality of plasma produced in a magnetic confinement fusion device is influenced to a large extent by the neutral gas surrounding the plasma. The plasma is fueled by the ionization of neutrals, and charge exchange interactions between edge neutrals and plasma ions are a sink of energy and momentum. Here we describe a diagnostic capable of measuring the spatial distribution of neutral gas in a magnetically confined fusion plasma. A high intensity (5 MW/cm(2)), narrow bandwidth (0.1 cm(-1)) laser is injected into a hydrogen plasma to excite the Lyman β transition via the simultaneous absorption of two 205 nm photons. The absorption rate, determined by measurement of subsequent Balmer α emission, is proportional to the number of particles with a given velocity. Calibration is performed in situ by filling the chamber to a known pressure of neutral krypton and exciting a transition close in wavelength to that used in hydrogen. We present details of the calibration procedure, including a technique for identifying saturation broadening, measurements of the neutral density profile in a hydrogen helicon plasma, and discuss the application of the diagnostic to plasmas in the DIII-D tokamak.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2010
B.E. Chapman; A. F. Almagri; J. K. Anderson; D. L. Brower; K.J. Caspary; D.J. Clayton; D. Craig; D.J. Den Hartog; W. X. Ding; D.A. Ennis; G. Fiksel; S. Gangadhara; S.T.A. Kumar; Richard Magee; R. O'Connell; E. Parke; Stewart C. Prager; J.A. Reusch; J.S. Sarff; H.D. Stephens; Y.M. Yang
By manipulating magnetic reconnection in Madison Symmetric Torus (MST) discharges, we have generated and confined for the first time a reversedfield pinch (RFP) plasma with an ion temperature >1keV and an electron temperature of 2keV. This is achieved at a toroidal plasma current of about 0.5MA, approaching MST’s present maximum. The manipulation begins with intensification of discrete magnetic reconnection events, causing the ion temperature to increase to several kiloelectronvolts. The reconnection is then quickly suppressed with inductive current profile control, leading to capture of a portion of the added ion heat with improved ion energy confinement. Electron energy confinement is simultaneously improved, leading to a rapid ohmically driven increase in the electron temperature. A steep electron temperature gradient emerges in the outer region of the plasma, with a local thermal diffusivity of about 2m 2 s −1 . The global energy confinement time reaches 12ms, the largest value yet achieved in the RFP and which is roughly comparable to the H-mode scaling prediction for a tokamak with the same plasma current, density, heating power, size and shape.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2011
S.T.A. Kumar; D.J. Den Hartog; Richard Magee; G. Fiksel; D. Craig
Temporally and spatially resolved measurements of carbon and boron impurity density are obtained in the reversed field pinch (RFP) for the first time. It is observed that, unlike in tokamaks and stellarators, the RFP does not exhibit a centrally peaked impurity profile in either standard plasmas where field lines have some degree of stochasticity, or improved confinement discharges where there exist well-nested flux surfaces for a substantial fraction of the plasma volume. Results from improved confinement discharges also indicate an outward convection of impurities from the core of the plasma.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2016
R. Clary; A. Roquemore; Jon Douglass; D. Jaramillo; S. Korepanov; Richard Magee; S. Medley; A. Smirnov
C-2U is a high-confinement, advanced beam driven field-reversed configuration plasma experiment which sustains the configuration for >5 ms, in excess of typical MHD and fast particle instability times, as well as fast particle slowing down times. Fast particle dynamics are critical to C-2U performance and several diagnostics have been deployed to characterize the fast particle population, including neutron and proton detectors. To increase our understanding of fast particle behavior and supplement existing diagnostics, an E ∥ B neutral particle analyzer was installed, which simultaneously measures H0 and D0 flux with large dynamic range and high energy resolution. Here we report the commissioning of the E ∥ B analyzer, confirm the instrument has energy resolution ΔE/E≲0.1 and a dynamic range Emax/Emin∼30, and present measurements of initial testing on C-2U.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2016
Richard Magee; R. Clary; S. Korepanov; F. Jauregui; I. Allfrey; Eusebio Garate; Travis Valentine; A. Smirnov
In the C-2U fusion energy experiment, high power neutral beam injection creates a large fast ion population that sustains a field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasma. The diagnosis of the fast ion pressure in these high-performance plasmas is therefore critical, and the measurement of the flux of neutrons from the deuterium-deuterium (D-D) fusion reaction is well suited to the task. Here we describe the absolute, in situ calibration of scintillation neutron detectors via two independent methods: firing deuterium beams into a high density gas target and calibration with a 2 × 107 n/s AmBe source. The practical issues of each method are discussed and the resulting calibration factors are shown to be in good agreement. Finally, the calibration factor is applied to C-2U experimental data where the measured neutron rate is found to exceed the classical expectation.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2014
Richard Magee; R. Clary; S. Korepanov; A. Smirnov; Eusebio Garate; K. Knapp; A. Tkachev
Measurements of the flux of fusion products from high temperature plasmas provide valuable insights into the ion energy distribution, as the fusion reaction rate is a very sensitive function of ion energy. In C-2, where field reversed configuration plasmas are formed by the collision of two compact toroids and partially sustained by high power neutral beam injection [M. Binderbauer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 045003 (2010); M. Tuszewski et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 255008 (2012)], measurements of DD fusion neutron flux are used to diagnose ion temperature and study fast ion confinement and dynamics. In this paper, we will describe the development of a new 3 MeV proton detector that will complement existing neutron detectors. The detector is a large area (50 cm(2)), partially depleted, ion implanted silicon diode operated in a pulse counting regime. While the scintillator-based neutron detectors allow for high time resolution measurements (∼100 kHz), they have no spatial or energy resolution. The proton detector will provide 10 cm spatial resolution, allowing us to determine if the axial distribution of fast ions is consistent with classical fast ion theory or whether anomalous scattering mechanisms are active. We will describe in detail the diagnostic design and present initial data from a neutral beam test chamber.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2010
Richard Magee; D.J. Den Hartog; G. Fiksel; S.T.A. Kumar; D. Craig
Charge exchange recombination spectroscopy measurements of the poloidal component of the C(+6) temperature and flow in the Madison Symmetric Torus have been vital in advancing the understanding of the ion dynamics in the reversed field pinch. Recent work has expanded the diagnostic capability to include toroidal measurements. A new toroidal view overcomes a small signal-to-background ratio (5%-15%) to make the first localized measurements of the parallel component of the impurity ion temperature in the core of the reversed field pinch. The measurement is made possible through maximal light collection in the optical design and extensive atomic modeling in the fitting routine. An absolute calibration of the system allowed the effect of Poisson noise in the signal on line fitting to be quantified. The measurement is made by stimulating emission with a recently upgraded 50 keV hydrogen diagnostic neutral beam. Radial localization is ∼4 cm(2), and good temporal resolution (100 μs) is achieved by making simultaneous emission and background measurements with a high-throughput double-grating spectrometer.
Physical Review Letters | 2011
Richard Magee; D.J. Den Hartog; S.T.A. Kumar; A. F. Almagri; B.E. Chapman; G. Fiksel; V.V. Mirnov; E.D. Mezonlin; J.B. Titus
Physical Review Letters | 2005
G. Fiksel; B. Hudson; D.J. Den Hartog; Richard Magee; R. O'Connell; Stewart C. Prager; A. D. Beklemishev; V. I. Davydenko; A. A. Ivanov; Yu. A. Tsidulko