Rita K. Noonan
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Featured researches published by Rita K. Noonan.
American Journal of Community Psychology | 2008
Abraham Wandersman; Jennifer Duffy; Paul Flaspohler; Rita K. Noonan; Keri Lubell; Lindsey Stillman; Morris J. Blachman; Richard Dunville; Janet Saul
If we keep on doing what we have been doing, we are going to keep on getting what we have been getting. Concerns about the gap between science and practice are longstanding. There is a need for new approaches to supplement the existing approaches of research to practice models and the evolving community-centered models for bridging this gap. In this article, we present the Interactive Systems Framework for Dissemination and Implementation (ISF) that uses aspects of research to practice models and of community-centered models. The framework presents three systems: the Prevention Synthesis and Translation System (which distills information about innovations and translates it into user-friendly formats); the Prevention Support System (which provides training, technical assistance or other support to users in the field); and the Prevention Delivery System (which implements innovations in the world of practice). The framework is intended to be used by different types of stakeholders (e.g., funders, practitioners, researchers) who can use it to see prevention not only through the lens of their own needs and perspectives, but also as a way to better understand the needs of other stakeholders and systems. It provides a heuristic for understanding the needs, barriers, and resources of the different systems, as well as a structure for summarizing existing research and for illuminating priority areas for new research and action.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence | 2007
Danice K. Eaton; Kristen S. Davis; Lisa C. Barrios; Nancy D. Brener; Rita K. Noonan
This study examined the association of victimization in a physically violent dating relationship with risk behaviors, age of risk behavior initiation, and co-occurrence of risk behaviors among students in grades 9 through 12 in the United States. Data were from the 2003 national Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). Nearly 9% of students reported experiencing dating violence victimization. Dating violence victimization was associated with alcohol use, marijuana use, and having ever had sexual intercourse among female students and having ever had sexual intercourse among male students. Dating violence victimization also was associated with early initiation of alcohol use among female students. The odds of dating violence victimization increased as the number of risk behaviors increased and as the number of lifetime sexual partners increased. These risk behavior patterns should serve as warning signs of elevated risk for dating violence victimization and may be helpful in identifying adolescents who could benefit from targeted, preventive interventions.
Violence Against Women | 2009
Rita K. Noonan; Dyanna Charles
Intimate partner violence (IPV) peaks in youth and young adulthood and is associated with multiple adolescent risk behaviors and negative health outcomes. Targeting youth with prevention messages before they start dating may avert teen dating violence and subsequent adult IPV. This article discusses findings from focus groups with middle school youth to determine behaviors and beliefs regarding dating violence. To develop effective prevention messages, participants were asked questions about characteristics of middle school dating relationships, healthy relationships, relationship norms, unhealthy relationships, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, intervening in violent situations, and trusted sources for information about dating violence. The recommendations for prevention efforts include an emphasis on skill building, tailoring efforts for particular subgroups, and identifying innovative ways of reaching youth.
American Journal of Community Psychology | 2008
Janet Saul; Jennifer Duffy; Rita K. Noonan; Keri Lubell; Abraham Wandersman; Paul Flaspohler; Lindsey Stillman; Morris J. Blachman; Richard Dunville
This article illustrates ideas for bridging science and practice generated during the Division of Violence Prevention’s (DVP) dissemination/implementation planning process. The difficulty of moving what is known about what works into broader use is near universal, and this planning process pushed us to look beyond the common explanations (e.g., providers were resistant/unwilling to change practice) and think about the multiple layers and systems involved. As part of this planning process, the Interactive Systems Framework for Dissemination and Implementation (ISF) was developed and then applied to the fields of child maltreatment and youth violence prevention. Challenges for each of the three systems in the ISF are discussed as well as and action and research ideas to address the challenges. Also described are actions taken by DVP in response to the planning process to illustrate how a funder can use the ISF to bridge science and practice.
American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine | 2010
Judy A. Stevens; Rita K. Noonan; Laurence Z. Rubenstein
Falls in adults aged 65 years and older are an important health issue associated with excess mortality, functional limitations, loss of independence, and reduced quality of life. Physicians can reduce the likelihood of falls in their older patients by incorporating prevention strategies into their clinical practice. Research has identified effective interventions, notably clinical assessment and risk factor reduction and exercise programs with balance training, that require older adults to adopt new behaviors. However, some older adults believe falls are an inevitable consequence of aging, while others do not see themselves as personally vulnerable. Factors that facilitate adopting fall interventions include social support, low-intensity exercise, and the perception that the programs are relevant. Barriers include fatalism, denial of risk, poor self-efficacy, and no previous history of exercise. To encourage their patients’ participation, physicians need to present fall interventions as lifestyle enhancing and as a way to remain independent. Messages should focus on positive health and social benefits such as improving balance and maintaining independence, rather than emphasizing negative information about falls and fall injuries. Along with the support of family and friends, a personal invitation from a health care provider will encourage older adults to take part in fall prevention programs.
American Journal of Community Psychology | 2008
Janet Saul; Abraham Wandersman; Paul Flaspohler; Jennifer Duffy; Keri Lubell; Rita K. Noonan
There is a well-known gap between science and practice. To address this gap in the areas of Child Maltreatment (CM) and Youth Violence (Y/V), the Division of Violence Prevention (DVP) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) embarked on a Dissemination/Implementation (D/I) planning project. The project was aimed at identifying better ways to connect research and practice through reviews of the literature as well as through discussions with experts on violence prevention and research utilization. This introductory article sets the stage for the rest of the special issue by defining terms, providing a rationale for the planning project, describing the planning process, and summarizing what is to come in the rest of the issue.
Violence Against Women | 2012
Barbara Ball; Andra Teten Tharp; Rita K. Noonan; Linda Anne Valle; Merle E. Hamburger; Barri Rosenbluth
Expect Respect support groups, a selective prevention strategy, are designed to prevent and reduce dating violence among at-risk middle and high school students. This preliminary, uncontrolled evaluation examined changes in healthy relationship skills and emotionally and physically abusive behaviors in participants’ peer and dating relationships. Self-reports (N = 144) showed significant increases in healthy relationship skills from baseline to program completion, whereas levels of victimization and perpetration remained unchanged. A subgroup of students who reported baseline levels of victimization and perpetration with means at least one standard deviation above the group mean reported significantly less victimization and perpetration at program completion.
Clinics in Geriatric Medicine | 2010
Judy A. Stevens; Grant T. Baldwin; Michael F. Ballesteros; Rita K. Noonan; David A. Sleet
This article reviews fall prevention research using the Centers for Disease Control public health model and suggests several critical research questions at each step. Research topics include surveillance and data systems, fall risk factors, development, evaluation and implementation of fall interventions, translation of interventions into programs, and promotion, dissemination, and widespread adoption of fall prevention programs. These broad topics provide a framework for research that can guide future advances in older adult fall prevention.
Journal of Injury and Violence Research | 2013
Tony Rosen; Karin A. Mack; Rita K. Noonan
Abstract: Background: Falls are a leading cause of unintentional injury among adults age 65 years and older. Loose, unsecured rugs and damaged carpets with curled edges, are recognized environmental hazards that may contribute to falls. To characterize nonfatal, unintentional fall-related injuries associated with rugs and carpets in adults aged 65 years and older. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of surveillance data of injuries treated in hospital emergency departments (EDs) during 2001–2008. We used the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program, which collects data from a nationally representative stratified probability sample of 66 U.S. hospital EDs. Sample weights were used to make national estimates. Results: Annually, an estimated 37,991 adults age 65 years or older were treated in U.S. EDs for falls associated with carpets (54.2%) and rugs (45.8%). Most falls (72.8%) occurred at home. Women represented 80.2% of fall injuries. The most common location for fall injuries in the home was the bathroom (35.7%). Frequent fall injuries occurred at the transition between carpet/rug and non-carpet/rug, on wet carpets or rugs, and while hurrying to the bathroom. Conclusions: Fall injuries associated with rugs and carpets are common and may cause potentially severe injuries. Older adults, their caregivers, and emergency and primary care physicians should be aware of the significant risk for fall injuries and of environmental modifications that may reduce that risk.
Health Promotion Practice | 2009
Deborah Gibbs; Stephanie R. Hawkins; A. Monique Clinton-Sherrod; Rita K. Noonan
Although empowerment evaluation has gained widespread currency, few reports have described its outcomes. This article combines perspectives of participants and technical assistance providers to describe the process and outcomes of the Evaluation Assistance for Sexual Violence Programs project. Participating programs reported substantial enhancements in evaluation capacity, resources devoted to evaluation, and the extent and sophistication of their evaluation practice, as well as numerous examples of the application of evaluation findings to program improvement. Experiences from evaluation technical assistance providers identified aspects of the process that were particularly useful in achieving these outcomes, including investing in collaborative relationships, maximizing participation among program staff, tailoring the content and form of technical assistance to program preferences, and combining structured learning with program-specific technical assistance.