Robert A. Goldbeck
University of California, Santa Cruz
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Featured researches published by Robert A. Goldbeck.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2006
Robert A. Goldbeck; Shyam Bhaskaran; Cheri Ortega; Juan L. Mendoza; John S. Olson; Jayashree Soman; David S. Kliger; Raymond M. Esquerra
A previously undescribed spectrokinetic assay for the entry of water into the distal heme pocket of wild-type and mutant myoglobins is presented. Nanosecond photolysis difference spectra were measured in the visible bands of sperm whale myoglobin as a function of distal pocket mutation and temperature. A small blue shift in the 560-nm deoxy absorption peak marked water entry several hundred nanoseconds after CO photodissociation. The observed rate suggests that water entry is rate-limited by the escape of internal dissociated CO. The heme pocket hydration and geminate recombination yields were found to be the primary factors controlling the overall bimolecular association rate constants for CO binding to the mutants studied. The kinetic analysis provides estimates of 84%, 60%, 40%, 0%, and 99% for the steady-state hydrations of wild-type, H64Q, H64A, H64L, and V68F deoxymyoglobin, respectively. The second-order rate constants for CO and H2O entry into the empty distal pocket of myoglobin are markedly different, 8 × 107 and 2 × 105 M–1·s–1, respectively, suggesting that hydrophobic partitioning of the apolar gas from the aqueous phase into the relatively apolar protein interior lowers the free energy barrier for CO entry.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences | 2008
Terrie M. Williams; Mary Zavanelli; Melissa A. Miller; Robert A. Goldbeck; Michael Morledge; Dave Casper; D. Ann Pabst; William A. McLellan; Lucas P. Cantin; David S. Kliger
The vulnerability of the human brain to injury following just a few minutes of oxygen deprivation with submergence contrasts markedly with diving mammals, such as Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii), which can remain underwater for more than 90 min while exhibiting no neurological or behavioural impairment. This response occurs despite exposure to blood oxygen levels concomitant with human unconsciousness. To determine whether such aquatic lifestyles result in unique adaptations for avoiding ischaemic–hypoxic neural damage, we measured the presence of circulating (haemoglobin) and resident (neuroglobin and cytoglobin) oxygen-carrying globins in the cerebral cortex of 16 mammalian species considered terrestrial, swimming or diving specialists. Here we report a striking difference in globin levels depending on activity lifestyle. A nearly 9.5-fold range in haemoglobin concentration (0.17–1.62 g Hb 100 g brain wet wt−1) occurred between terrestrial and deep-diving mammals; a threefold range in resident globins was evident between terrestrial and swimming specialists. Together, these two globin groups provide complementary mechanisms for facilitating oxygen transfer into neural tissues and the potential for protection against reactive oxygen and nitrogen groups. This enables marine mammals to maintain sensory and locomotor neural functions during prolonged submergence, and suggests new avenues for averting oxygen-mediated neural injury in the mammalian brain.
Biopolymers | 2000
Yiren G. Thomas; Robert A. Goldbeck; David S. Kliger
Protein unfolding during guanidine HCl denaturant titration of the reduced and oxidized forms of cytochrome c is monitored with magnetic circular dichroism (MCD), natural CD, and absorption of the heme bands and far-UV CD of the amide bands. Direct MCD spectral evidence is presented for bis-histidinyl heme ligation in the unfolded states of both the reduced and oxidized protein. For both redox states, the unfolding midpoints measured with MCD, which is an indicator of tertiary structure, are significantly lower than those measured with far-UV CD, an indicator of secondary structure. The disparate titration curves are interpreted in terms of a compound mechanism for denaturant-induced folding and unfolding involving a molten globulelike intermediate state (MG) with near-native secondary structure and nonnative tertiary structure and heme ligation. A comparison of the dependence of the free energy of formation of the MG intermediate on the redox state with the known contributions from heme ligation and solvation suggests that the heme is significantly more accessible to solvent in the MG intermediate than it is in the native state.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 1982
Robert A. Goldbeck; Allen J. Twarowski; Eric L. Russell; Jane K. Rice; Robert R. Birge; Eugene Switkes; David S. Kliger
Calculated and observed excited singlet state absorption (Sn←S1) spectra of a series of diphenylpolyenes are presented. In diphenyloctatetraene and diphenylhexatriene, the S1 state is assigned as an 1Ag state, in agreement with results from two‐photon spectroscopic studies. In diphenylbutadiene, we assign the S1 state as a 1Bu, although two‐photon studies have indicated that 1Ag state lies slightly below the 1Bu. It appears that a 1Ag state is the lowest excited state of diphenylbutadiene in its ground state geometry, but when the excited states relax to their equilibrium configurations, the 1Bu becomes the S1. Good agreement between the PPP–CI calculations and experimental Sn←S1 spectra demonstrates the potential usefulness of this technique in assigning ππ* excited states of large molecules.
Biophysical Journal | 1995
D. B. Shapiro; Robert A. Goldbeck; Diping Che; Raymond M. Esquerra; Sarah J. Paquette; David S. Kliger
A standard technique for static optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) measurements is adapted to the measurement of ORD changes on a nanosecond (ns) time scale, giving approximately a million-fold improvement in time-resolution over conventional instrumentation. The technique described here is similar in principle to a technique recently developed for ns time-resolved circular dichroism (TRCD) spectroscopy, although the time-resolved optical rotatory dispersion (TRORD) technique requires fewer optical components. As with static ORD, TRORD measurements may be interpreted by empirical comparisons or may be transformed, via the Kramers-Kronig relations, to more easily interpreted TRCD spectra. TRORD can offer experimental advantages over TRCD in studying kinetic processes effecting changes in the chiral structures of biological molecules. In particular, the wider dispersion of ORD bands compared with the corresponding CD bands means that ORD information may often be obtained outside of absorption bands, a signal-to-noise advantage for multichannel measurements. Demonstration of the technique by its application to ns TRORD and the transform-calculated TRCD of carboxy-hemoglobin (Hb-CO) after laser photolysis is presented.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 2009
Robert A. Goldbeck; Eefei Chen; David S. Kliger
Kinetic studies of the early events in cytochrome c folding are reviewed with a focus on the evidence for folding intermediates on the submillisecond timescale. Evidence from time-resolved absorption, circular dichroism, magnetic circular dichroism, fluorescence energy and electron transfer, small-angle X-ray scattering and amide hydrogen exchange studies on the t ≤ 1 ms timescale reveals a picture of cytochrome c folding that starts with the ~ 1-μs conformational diffusion dynamics of the unfolded chains. A fractional population of the unfolded chains collapses on the 1 – 100 μs timescale to a compact intermediate IC containing some native-like secondary structure. Although the existence and nature of IC as a discrete folding intermediate remains controversial, there is extensive high time-resolution kinetic evidence for the rapid formation of IC as a true intermediate, i.e., a metastable state separated from the unfolded state by a discrete free energy barrier. Final folding to the native state takes place on millisecond and longer timescales, depending on the presence of kinetic traps such as heme misligation and proline mis-isomerization. The high folding rates observed in equilibrium molten globule models suggest that IC may be a productive folding intermediate. Whether it is an obligatory step on the pathway to the high free energy barrier associated with millisecond timescale folding to the native state, however, remains to be determined.
Biophysical Journal | 2001
Robert A. Goldbeck; Sarah J. Paquette; David S. Kliger
The influence of solvation on the rate of quaternary structural change is investigated in human hemoglobin, an allosteric protein in which reduced water activity destabilizes the R state relative to T. Nanosecond absorption spectroscopy of the heme Soret band was used to monitor protein relaxation after photodissociation of aqueous HbCO complex under osmotic stress induced by the nonbinding cosolute poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). Photolysis data were analyzed globally for six exponential time constants and amplitudes as a function of osmotic stress and viscosity. Increases in time constants associated with geminate rebinding, tertiary relaxation, and quaternary relaxation were observed in the presence of PEG, along with a decrease in the fraction of hemes rebinding CO with the slow rate constant characteristic of the T state. An analysis of these results along with those obtained by others for small cosolutes showed that both osmotic stress and solvent viscosity are important determinants of the microscopic R --> T rate constant. The size and direction of the osmotic stress effect suggests that at least nine additional water molecules are required to solvate the allosteric transition state relative to the R-state hydration, implying that the transition state has a greater solvent-exposed area than either end state.
Methods in Enzymology | 1993
Robert A. Goldbeck; David S. Kliger
Publisher Summary Time-resolved measurements of the light absorption and polarization dichroism of protein residue and prosthetic group chromophores provide a real-time probe for transient structural states of enzymes. Most transient structures represent thermal excursions from equilibrium and are too ephemeral for study. In many enzyme systems, however, a rapid perturbation, such as a laser pulse, can drive a perceptible fraction of the sample into metastable states corresponding to kinetic intermediates. The spectral detection and characterization of such metastable structures and their decay paths are a major component in understanding the mechanism of enzyme function. The polarization dichroism spectroscopies used in time-resolved spectral studies of enzyme kinetics include linear dichroism (LD), natural circular dichroism (CD), and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectro- scopies. With time-resolved absorption and polarization dichroism spectroscopies, nonequilibrium kinetic intermediates of enzymes can be studied under conditions of temperature and solvation that approach those of biological function.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 2010
Raymond M. Esquerra; Ignacio López-Peña; Pooncharas Tipgunlakant; Ivan Birukou; Rosa L. Nguyen; Jayashree Soman; John S. Olson; David S. Kliger; Robert A. Goldbeck
The entry of a water molecule into the distal heme pocket of pentacoordinate heme proteins such as myoglobin and the alpha,beta chains of hemoglobin can be detected by time-resolved spectroscopy in the heme visible bands after photolysis of the CO complex. Reviewing the evidence from spectrokinetic studies of Mb variants, we find that this optical method measures the occupancy of non(heme)coordinated water in the distal pocket, n(w), with high fidelity. This evidence further suggests that perturbation of the kinetic barrier presented by distal pocket water is often the dominant mechanism by which active site mutations affect the bimolecular rate constant for CO binding. Water entry into the heme pockets of isolated hemoglobin subunits was detected by optical methods. Internal hydration is higher in the native alpha chains than in the beta chains, in agreement with previous crystallographic results for the subunits within Hb tetramers. The kinetic parameters obtained from modeling of the water entry and ligand rebinding in Mb mutants and native Hb chains are consistent with an inverse dependence of the bimolecular association rate constant on the water occupancy factor. This correlation suggests that water and ligand mutually exclude one another from the distal pockets of both types of hemoglobin chains and myoglobin.
Biophysical Journal | 1991
Robert A. Goldbeck; Timothy D. Dawes; Ólöf Einarsdóttir; W.H. Woodruff; David S. Kliger
Nanosecond time-resolved magnetic circular dichroism (TRMCD) and time-resolved natural circular dichroism (TRCD) measurements of photolysis products of the CO complex of eukaryotic cytochrome c oxidase (CcO-CO) are presented. TRMCD spectra obtained at 100 ns and 10 microseconds after photolysis are diagnostic of pentacoordinate cytochrome a3Fe2+, as would be expected for simple photodissociation. Other time-resolved spectroscopies (UV-visible and resonance Raman), however, show evidence for unusual Fea3(2+) coordination after CO photolysis (Woodruff, W. H., O. Einarsdóttir, R. B. Dyer, K. A. Bagley, G. Palmer, S. J. Atherton, R. A. Goldbeck, T. D. Dawes, and D. S. Kliger. 1991. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 88:2588-2592). Furthermore, time-resolved IR experiments have shown that photodissociated CO binds to CuB+ prior to recombining with Fea3(2+) (Dyer, R. B., O. Einarsdóttir, P. M. Killough, J. J. López-Garriga, and W. H. Woodruff. 1989. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111:7657-7659). A model of the CcO-CO photolysis cycle which is consistent with all of the spectroscopic results is presented. A novel feature of this model is the coordination of a ligand endogenous to the protein to the Fe axial site vacated by the photolyzed CO and the simultaneous breaking of the Fe-imidazole(histidine) bond.