
Featured researches published by Robert B. Mellins.

The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology | 1986

The impact of health education on frequency and cost of health care use by low income children with asthma

Noreen M. Clark; Charles Feldman; David Evans; Moshe J. Levison; Yvonne Wasilewski; Robert B. Mellins

A sample of 310 low income urban children with asthma from 290 families was randomized into a control group and an experimental group that received health education to improve asthma management at home. No significant decreases in subsequent health care use were observed when the experimental group was compared to the control group without regard to previous hospitalization. When the comparison was restricted to children who had been hospitalized during the preceding year, however, the experimental group was found to have decreased its use of the emergency room significantly more than the control group (p less than 0.05) and to have experienced a significantly greater reduction in the mean number of hospitalizations (p less than 0.05) during the year of follow-up. The program reduced health care costs for children with one or more hospitalizations, saving

Medicine | 1978

Congenital failure of automatic control of ventilation, gastrointestinal motility and heart rate.

Gabriel G. Haddad; Norman M Mazza; Richard F Defendini; William A. Blanc; John M. Driscoll; Mary Anne F. Epstein; Ralph A. Epstein; Robert B. Mellins

11.22 for every

Pediatrics | 2006

Impact of physician asthma care education on patient outcomes.

Michael D. Cabana; Kathryn K. Slish; David Evans; Robert B. Mellins; Randall W. Brown; Xihong Lin; Niko Kaciroti; Noreen M. Clark

1.00 spent to deliver health education.

The Journal of Pediatrics | 1981

Growth and development of the lung

Laura S. Inselman; Robert B. Mellins

: A new congenital syndrome characterized by the simultaneous failure of control of ventilation (Ondines curse) and intestinal motility (Hirschsprungs disease) is reported in three infants, all of whom died in the first few months of life; two were siblings. Detailed studies in one also revealed markedly decreased esophageal motility and abnormal control of heart rate. In one infant, minute ventilation was lower in quiet than in REM sleep and lower in both states of sleep than in wakefulness. Although the mean inspiratory flow was decreased in quiet sleep, the hypoventilation resulted primarily from a decrease in respiratory frequency. Intravenous doxapram increased ventilation but did not reverse respiratory failure. Aminophyllin, progesterone, physostigmine and chlorpromazine did not change ventilation significantly; imipramine resulted in a significant decrease. Both long and short-term variability of the heart rate were markedly decreased when compared with the normal infant. Although neuropathologic studies postmorten did not reveal an anatomic defect, we postulate that a developmental abnormality in serotonergic neurons is responsible for this new syndrome.

Journal of Asthma | 2002

An Individualized Intervention to Improve Asthma Management Among Urban Latino and African-American Families

Sebastian Bonner; Barry J. Zimmerman; David Evans; Matilde Irigoyen; David Resnick; Robert B. Mellins

OBJECTIVE. We evaluated the effectiveness of a continuing medical education program, Physician Asthma Care Education, in improving pediatricians’ asthma therapeutic and communication skills and patients’ health care utilization for asthma. METHODS. We conducted a randomized trial in 10 regions in the United States. Primary care providers were recruited and randomly assigned by site to receive the program provided by local faculty. The program included 2 interactive seminar sessions (2.5 hours each) that reviewed national asthma guidelines, communication skills, and key educational messages. Format included short lectures, case discussions, and a video modeling communication techniques. We collected information on parent perceptions of physicians’ communication, the child’s asthma symptoms, and patients’ asthma health care utilization. We used multivariate regression models to determine differences between control and intervention groups. RESULTS. A total of 101 primary care providers and a random sample of 870 of their asthma patients participated. After 1 year, we completed follow-up telephone interviews with the parents of 731 of the 870 patients. Compared to control subjects, parents reported that physicians in the intervention group were more likely to inquire about patients’ concerns about asthma, encourage patients to be physically active, and set goals for successful treatment. Patients of physicians that attended the program had a greater decrease in days limited by asthma symptoms (8.5 vs 15.6 days), as well as decreased emergency department asthma visits (0.30 vs 0.55 visits per year). CONCLUSIONS. The Physician Asthma Care Education program was used in a range of locations and was effective in improving parent-reported provider communication skills, the number of days affected by asthma symptoms, and asthma health care use. Patients with more frequent asthma symptoms and higher health care utilization at baseline were more likely to benefit from their physician’s participation in the program.

Pediatrics | 2008

Surgical repair of pectus excavatum markedly improves body image and perceived ability for physical activity: multicenter study.

Robert E. Kelly; Thomas F. Cash; Robert C. Shamberger; Karen Mitchell; Robert B. Mellins; M. Louise Lawson; Keith T. Oldham; Richard G. Azizkhan; Andre Hebra; Donald Nuss; Michael J. Goretsky; Ronald J. Sharp; George Holcomb; Walton K.T. Shim; Stephen M. Megison; R. Lawrence Moss; Annie Fecteau; Paul M. Colombani; Traci Bagley; Amy Quinn; Alan B. Moskowitz

THE STUDY of growth and development of the lung provides insights into the pathogenesis and sequelae of congenital malformations and is important in understanding how lung growth is altered by disease and by environmental factors. This review focuses on the clinical implications of normal, abnormal, and compensatory lung growth and development from a morphologic, physiologic, and biochemical point of view. Various techniques have contributed to understanding of lung growth. Thus lung growth may be analyzed (1) anatomically, with use of wax models and casts of the lung, dye injection techniques, and inflation of the lung under constant pressure, with subsequent dissection of

American Journal of Public Health | 1996

Factors associated with emergency department visits by children with asthma: implications for health education.

Yvonne Wasilewski; Noreen M. Clark; David Evans; Moshe J. Levison; Bruce Levin; Robert B. Mellins

We hypothesized that an educational intervention based on a readiness model would lead to improved health outcomes among patients with asthma. Within a randomized control design in an urban Latino and African-American community, we conducted an intensive three-month pediatric intervention. A Family Coordinator provided patient education based on a readiness-to-learn model, and facilitated improved interactions between the patient and the doctor. Family education addressed the most basic learning needs of patients with asthma by improving their perception of asthma symptom persistence using asthma diaries and peak flow measures. The physician intervention focused clinicians’ attention on patients’ diary records and peak flow measures, and encouraged physicians to use stepped action plans. Patients were also tested for allergic sensitization and provided strategies to reduce contact with allergens and other asthma triggers. The results showed significant improvements by intervention group families on measures of knowledge, health beliefs, self-efficacy, self- regulatory skill, and adherence; decreases in symptom persistence and activity restriction; and increased prescription of anti-inflammatory medication by the physicians of the intervention group families.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1967

The Application of Starling's Law of Capillary Exchange to the Lungs*

O. Robert Levine; Robert B. Mellins; Robert M. Senior; Alfred P. Fishman

OBJECTIVE. This study evaluated changes in both physical and psychosocial quality of life reported by the parent and child after surgical repair of pectus excavatum. METHODS. As part of a multicenter study of pectus excavatum, a previously validated tool called the Pectus Excavatum Evaluation Questionnaire was administered by the research coordinator, via telephone, to parents and patients (8–21 years of age) before and 1 year after surgery. Eleven North American childrens hospitals participated. From 2001 to 2006, 264 patients and 291 parents completed the initial questionnaire, and 247 patients and 274 parents completed the postoperative questionnaire. Responses used a Likert-type scale of 1 to 4, reflecting the extent or frequency of a particular experience, with higher values conveying less-desirable experience. RESULTS. Preoperative psychosocial functioning was unrelated to objective pectus excavatum severity (computed tomographic index). Patients and their parents reported significant positive postoperative changes. Improvements occurred in both physical and psychosocial functioning, including less social self-consciousness and a more-favorable body image. For children, the body image component improved from 2.30 ± 0.62 (mean ± SD) to 1.40 ± 0.42 after surgery and the physical difficulties component improved from 2.11 ± 0.82 to 1.37 ± 0.44. For the parent questionnaire, the childs emotional difficulties improved from 1.81 ± 0.70 to 1.24 ± 0.36, social self-consciousness improved from 2.86 ± 1.03 to 1.33 ± 0.68, and physical difficulties improved from 2.14 ± 0.75 to 1.32 ± 0.39. Ninety-seven percent of patients thought that surgery improved how their chest looked. CONCLUSIONS. Surgical repair of pectus excavatum can significantly improve the body image difficulties and limitations on physical activity experienced by patients. These results should prompt physicians to consider the physiologic and psychological implications of pectus excavatum just as they would any other physical deformity known to have such consequences.

Academic Medicine | 1995

Physician-patient partnership in managing chronic illness.

Noreen M. Clark; Faryle Nothwehr; Molly Gong; David Evans; Lois A. Maiman; Martin E. Hurwitz; Dietrich W. Roloff; Robert B. Mellins

OBJECTIVES This study investigated the relationship between psychosocial and behavioral factors and the frequency of emergency department visits for childhood asthma. METHODS Data obtained from a survey of parents of 445 children who were being treated for asthma in the emergency room of a large urban hospital were examined. RESULTS Factors associated with high emergency department use included the childs being of younger age, a greater number of days with symptoms of asthma, a higher number of asthma medicines prescribed, a prior hospitalization for asthma, a lower level of parental confidence in the efficacy of medicines, and a failure to use a criterion for deciding to seek emergency care. CONCLUSIONS Younger children with asthma and children with previous hospitalization for asthma are at high risk for using emergency care. Families who use the emergency department frequently need to be further educated in the inflammatory nature of the disease, in the efficacy of proper use of medicine, in the need for ongoing care, and in criteria to distinguish those symptoms that can be handled at home from those requiring emergency care.

Patient Education and Counseling | 1986

Managing better: Children, parents, and asthma☆

Noreen M. Clark; Charles Feldman; David Evans; Olya Duzey; Moshe J. Levison; Yvonne Wasilewski; Deborah Kaplan; Jill Rips; Robert B. Mellins

The forces governing the movement of water across the pulmonary capillaries were studied in 39 intact, spontaneously breathing dogs. A situation favoring the net movement of water out of the pulmonary capillaries was created by means of partial pulmonary venous obstruction (left atrial balloon catheter) followed by rapid saline hemodilution. A predetermined difference between pulmonary capillary and plasma colloid osmotic pressures was maintained for periods of 1 to 2 hours. Left atrial (P(LA)) and plasma colloid osmotic pressures (pi(pl)) were measured directly. The water content of the lungs was measured serially by an indicator-dilution technique, and at autopsy by drying the lungs. The rate of accumulation of lung water was measured in four groups of animals: in three of the groups, the capillary hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures were varied; in the fourth group, the right lymphatic duct was obstructed in addition. The average rate of water accumulation in the lungs varied in a nonlinear way with the level of the capillary hydrostatic-plasma colloid osmotic pressure difference and was unaffected by the level of the capillary hydrostatic pressure. At low levels of P(LA) - pi(pl), water accumulated in the lung at an average rate of 0.09 g per g dry lung per hour per mm Hg pressure difference. At higher levels of P(LA) - pi(pl) the average rate of accumulation was 0.22 g per g per hour per mm Hg DeltaP; in most of the experiments in this group water accumulated in the lungs slowly during the first 30 minutes of the test period and more rapidly as the period was extended. Obstruction of right lymphatic duct outflow did not alter the rate of water accumulation. Based on the control data of the present experiments, the pericapillary pressure in normal lungs is estimated to be of the order of - 9 mm Hg in the normal dog lung. The filtration coefficient for the pulmonary capillaries is estimated to be of the order of one-tenth to one-twentieth of that for canine muscle capillaries. The data of the present study indicate that edema formation in lung tissue cannot be defined solely in terms of intravascular forces, but may be governed to a significant degree by changes in pericapillary forces in the pulmonary interstitium.

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