
Nature | 2008

A plant pathogen virulence factor inhibits the eukaryotic proteasome by a novel mechanism

Michael Groll; Barbara Schellenberg; André S. Bachmann; Crystal R. Archer; Robert Huber; Tracy K. Powell; Steven E. Lindow; Markus Kaiser; Robert Dudler

Pathogenic bacteria often use effector molecules to increase virulence. In most cases, the mode of action of effectors remains unknown. Strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss) secrete syringolin A (SylA), a product of a mixed non-ribosomal peptide/polyketide synthetase, in planta. Here we identify SylA as a virulence factor because a SylA-negative mutant in Pss strain B728a obtained by gene disruption was markedly less virulent on its host, Phaseolus vulgaris (bean). We show that SylA irreversibly inhibits all three catalytic activities of eukaryotic proteasomes, thus adding proteasome inhibition to the repertoire of modes of action of virulence factors. The crystal structure of the yeast proteasome in complex with SylA revealed a novel mechanism of covalent binding to the catalytic subunits. Thus, SylA defines a new class of proteasome inhibitors that includes glidobactin A (GlbA), a structurally related compound from an unknown species of the order Burkholderiales, for which we demonstrate a similar proteasome inhibition mechanism. As proteasome inhibitors are a promising class of anti-tumour agents, the discovery of a novel family of inhibitory natural products, which we refer to as syrbactins, may also have implications for the development of anti-cancer drugs. Homologues of SylA and GlbA synthetase genes are found in some other pathogenic bacteria, including the human pathogen Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis. It is thus possible that these bacteria are capable of producing proteasome inhibitors of the syrbactin class.

Plant Physiology | 1993

Differential Induction of Distinct Glutathione-S-Transferases of Wheat by Xenobiotics and by Pathogen Attack

Felix Mauch; Robert Dudler

We have previously characterized a pathogen-induced gene from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) that was named GstA1 based on sequence similarities with glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) of maize (R. Dudler, C. Hertig, G. Rebmann, J. Bull, F. Mauch [1991] Mol Plant Microbe Interact 4: 14–18). We have constructed a full-length GstA1 cDNA by combinatorial polymerase chain reaction and demonstrate by functional expression of the cDNA in Escherichia coli that the GstA1-encoded protein has GST activity. An antiserum raised against a GstA1 fusion protein specificially recognized a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 29 kD on immunoblots of extracts from bacteria expressing the GstA1 cDNA and extracts from wheat inoculated with Erysiphe graminis. The GstA1-encoded protein was named GST29. RNA and immunoblot analysis showed that GstA1 was only weakly expressed in control plants and was specifically induced by pathogen attack and by the GST substrate glutathione, but not by various xenobiotics. In contrast, a structurally and antigenically unrelated GST with an apparent molecular mass of 25 kD that was detected with an antiserum raised against GSTs of maize was expressed at a high basal level. This GST25 and an additional immunoreactive protein named GST26 were strongly induced by cadmium and by the herbicides atrazine, paraquat, and alachlor, but not by pathogen attack. Compared with the pathogen-induced GST29, GST25 and GST26 showed a high affinity toward glutathione-agarose and were much more active toward the model substrate 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. Thus, wheat contains at least two distinct GST classes that are differentially regulated by xenobiotics and by pathogen attack and whose members have different enzymic properties. GST25 and GST26 appear to have a function in xenobiotic metabolism, whereas GST29 is speculated to fulfill a more specific role in defense reactions against pathogens.

The EMBO Journal | 1988

Evidence for high affinity binding-protein dependent transport systems in gram-positive bacteria and in Mycoplasma.

E Gilson; G Alloing; Thomas M. Schmidt; J P Claverys; Robert Dudler; M Hofnung

Gram‐negative bacteria are surrounded by two membranes. In these bacteria, a class of high affinity transport systems for concentrating substrates from the medium into the cell, involves a binding protein located between the outer and inner membranes, in the periplasmic region. These ‘periplasmic binding‐proteins’ are thought to bind the substrate in the vicinity of the inner membrane, and to transfer it to a complex of inner membrane proteins for concentration into the cytoplasm. We report evidence leading us to propose that a Gram‐positive bacterium, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and a mycoplasma, Mycoplasma hyorhinis, which are surrounded by a single membrane and have therefore no periplasmic region, possess an equivalent to the high affinity periplasmic binding‐protein dependent transport systems, i.e. extra‐cytoplasmic binding lipoprotein dependent transport systems. The ‘binding lipoproteins’ would be maintained at proximity of the inner membrane by insertion of their N‐terminal glyceride‐cysteine into this membrane.

The Plant Cell | 1998

Involvement of an ABC Transporter in a Developmental Pathway Regulating Hypocotyl Cell Elongation in the Light

Michael Sidler; Paul O. Hassa; Sameez Hasan; Christoph Ringli; Robert Dudler

In the dark, plant seedlings follow the skotomorphogenetic developmental program, which results in hypocotyl cell elongation. When the seedlings are exposed to light, a switch to photomorphogenetic development occurs, and hypocotyl cell elongation is inhibited. We have manipulated the expression of the AtPGP1 (for Arabidopsis thaliana P glycoprotein1) gene in transgenic Arabidopsis plants by using sense and antisense constructs. We show that within a certain light fluence rate window, overexpression of the AtPGP1 gene under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter causes plants to develop longer hypocotyls, whereas expression of the gene in antisense orientation results in hypocotyls shorter than those occurring in the wild type. In the dark, hypocotyls of transgenic and wild-type plants are indistinguishable. Because the AtPGP1 gene encodes a member of the superfamily of ATP binding cassette–containing (ABC) transporters, these results imply that a transport process is involved in a hypocotyl cell elongation pathway active in the light. The AtPGP1 transporter is localized in the plasmalemma, as indicated by immunohistochemical techniques and biochemical membrane separation methods. Analysis of the AtPGP1 expression pattern by using reporter gene constructs and in situ hybridization shows that in wild-type seedlings, AtPGP1 is expressed in both the root and shoot apices.

Molecular Plant-microbe Interactions | 1999

A Transient Assay System for the Functional Assessment of Defense-Related Genes in Wheat

Patrick Schweizer; Jana Pokorny; Olaf Abderhalden; Robert Dudler

The generation and characterization of transgenic wheat plants is a tedious and time-consuming process that limits the number of putatively important transgenes that can be tested. We therefore established a transient assay system based on wheat leaves to study the effect of transiently expressed genes on the interaction with the wheat powdery mildew fungus Erysiphe (syn. Blumeria) graminis f. sp. tritici. Young wheat leaves were bombarded with tungsten particles coated with a mixture of plasmids carrying the β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene and a test gene. Leaves were subsequently challenge inoculated with E. graminis and the fungus was allowed to develop for 40 h. After being stained for GUS enzymatic activity as well as for epiphytic fungal structures, the phenotype of transformed epidermal cells was evaluated by bright-field microscopy. The fungus was routinely found to penetrate cells transiently expressing GUS with an efficiency of approximately 35%, which should suffice to detect putative trans...

The Plant Cell | 2000

A Role for Ectophosphatase in Xenobiotic Resistance

Collin Thomas; Asha Rajagopal; Brian Windsor; Robert Dudler; Alan Lloyd; Stanley J. Roux

Xenobiotic resistance in animals, plants, yeast, and bacteria is known to involve ATP binding cassette transporters that efflux invading toxins. We present data from yeast and a higher plant indicating that xenobiotic resistance also involves extracellular ATP degradation. Transgenic upregulation of ecto-ATPase alone confers resistance to organisms that have had no previous exposure to toxins. Similarly, cells that are deficient in extracellular ATPase activity are more sensitive to xenobiotics. On the basis of these and other supporting data, we hypothesize that the hydrolysis of extracellular ATP by phosphatases and ATPases may be necessary for the resistance conferred by P-glycoprotein.

Molecular Plant-microbe Interactions | 2004

The Germinlike Protein GLP4 Exhibits Superoxide Dismutase Activity and Is an Important Component of Quantitative Resistance in Wheat and Barley

Anders B. Christensen; Hans Thordal-Christensen; Grit Zimmermann; Torben Gjetting; Michael F. Lyngkjær; Robert Dudler; Patrick Schweizer

Germinlike proteins (GLP) are encoded in plants by a gene family with proposed functions in plant development and defense. Genes of GLP subfamily 4 of barley (HvGLP4, formerly referred to as HvOxOLP) and the wheat orthologue TaGLP4 (formerly referred to as TaGLP2a) were previously found to be expressed in pathogen-attacked epidermal tissue of barley and wheat leaves, and the corresponding proteins are proposed to accumulate in the apoplast. Here, the role of HvGLP4 and TaGLP4 in the defense of barley and wheat against Blumeria graminis (DC.) E. O. Speer, the cereal powdery mildew fungus, was examined in an epidermal transient expression system and in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants overexpressing His-tagged HvGLP4. Leaf extracts of transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing HvGLP4 contained a novel His-tagged protein with superoxide dismutase activity and HvGLP4 epitopes. Transient overexpression of TaGLP4 and HvGLP4 enhanced resistance against B. graminis in wheat and barley, whereas transient silencing by RNA interference reduced basal resistance in both cereals. The effect of GLP4 overexpression or silencing was strongly influenced by the genotype of the plant. The data suggest that members of GLP subfamily 4 are components of quantitative resistance in both barley and wheat, acting together with other, as yet unknown, plant components.

Molecular Plant-microbe Interactions | 1991

A pathogen-induced wheat gene encodes a protein homologous to glutathione-S-transferases.

Robert Dudler; Cecilia Hertig; Gabriela Rebmann; John Bull; Felix Mauch

Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) shows local, induced resistance against the plant-pathogenic fungus Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici following exposure to the nonpathogen E. g. f. sp. hordei. The onset of this resistance has been shown to be correlated with the activation of putative defense genes, and cDNA clones representing transcripts of induced genes have been obtained (P. Schweizer, W. Hunziker, and E. Mösinger, Plant Molecular Biology 12:643-654, 1989). We have cloned and sequenced a gene corresponding to one of these cDNAs, WIR5. Sequence analysis indicated that this gene contains three exons and encodes a protein of 229 amino acids. S1 mapping showed that transcripts homologous to this gene are at least 20 times more abundant in leaves infected 14 hr earlier with E. g. f. sp. hordei than in control leaves. Sequence comparison showed that the WIR5 gene product is highly homologous to glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs; EC 25.1.18) of maize. This, together with the fact that the intron positions of both the wheat gene and the maize GSTI gene are conserved, suggests that the cloned pathogen-induced gene, named GstA1, encodes a wheat glutathione-S-transferase.

Molecular Plant-microbe Interactions | 1998

Syringolin, a novel peptide elicitor from Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae that induces resistance to Pyricularia oryzae in rice

Urs Wäspi; Daniel Blanc; Tammo Winkler; Peter Rüedi; Robert Dudler

Recognition by rice plants (Oryza sativa) of the nonhost pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae leads to an active response ultimately resulting in local acquired resistance against the rice blast fungus Pyricularia oryzae. An observable aspect of this defense response is the increased abundance of a set of transcripts. The accumulation of one of these transcripts, Pir7b, was dependent on the function of the bacterial lemA gene, which encodes part of a two-component regulatory system. This suggested that the lemA regulatory system controlled the production of an elicitor of Pir7b transcript accumulation. This elicitor, which we name syringolin, was purified to homogeneity and its structure was elucidated. Syringolin is a novel and unusual secreted peptide consisting of a 12-membered ring formed by the two non-proteinogenic amino acids 5-methyl-4-amino-2-hexenoic acid and 3,4-dehydrolysine. The α-amino group of the latter is connected by a peptide bond to a valine that in turn is linked to a second val...

The EMBO Journal | 1988

A mycoplasma high-affinity transport system and the in vitro invasiveness of mouse sarcoma cells.

Robert Dudler; C. Schmidhauser; Roger W. Parish; R. E. H. Wettenhall; T. Schmidt

FS9 mouse sarcoma cells were previously shown to be highly invasive when confronted with chicken heart fibroblasts using Abercrombies confronted explant technique. This invasion could be inhibited by addition to the assay of Fab fragments of a monoclonal antibody directed against p37, a protein associated with the surface of FS9 cells. We have cloned and sequenced the gene for p37. We show that it originates from Mycoplasma hyorhinis and that UGA is a tryptophan codon in this organism. We present evidence that the p37 gene is part of an operon encoding two additional proteins which are highly similar to components of the periplasmic binding‐protein‐dependent transport systems of Gram‐negative bacteria, and we suggest that p37 is part of a homologous, high‐affinity transport system in M. hyorhinis, a Gram‐positive bacterium. We discuss the influence of p37 and M. hyorhinis on contact inhibition of locomotion of mammalian cells.

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