Robert E. James
Virginia Tech
Journal of Dairy Science | 2016
A.J. Geiger; C. M. Parsons; Robert E. James; R.M. Akers
Research has shown that changes in nutrition both before and after weaning can affect mammary development. Additionally, estrogen is known to be a potent mammogenic stimulant. Our objectives were to determine effects of altered preweaning feeding and exogenous estradiol postweaning on growth, intake, and health. Thirty-six Holstein heifer calves were reared on (1) a restricted milk replacer (MR) diet fed at 0.44kg powder dry matter (DM)/day [R; 20.9% crude protein (CP), 19.8% fat, DM basis], or (2) an enhanced MR fed at 1.08kg powder DM/d (EH; 28.9% CP, 26.2% fat, DM basis). The MR feeding was reduced 50% during wk 8 to prepare for weaning. Starter was offered after wk 4 but balanced between treatments. Body weight and frame were measured weekly with intakes and health monitored daily. At weaning, a subset of calves were slaughtered (n=6/diet). Enhanced-fed calves had greater carcass, thymus, liver, spleen, and mammary gland (parenchyma and mammary fat pad) weights. The EH calves also had greater average daily gain (ADG) starting during wk 1 (0.36 vs. -0.06kg/d) and lasting through wk 7 (1.00 vs. 0.41kg/d). Remaining calves received estrogen implants or placebo and were slaughtered at the end of wk 10, creating 4 treatments: (1) R, (2) R + estrogen (R-E2), (3) EH, and (4) EH + estrogen (EH-E2). Postweaning ADG was similar between R, EH, and EH-E2 calves, but greater in R-E2 calves than E calves. The EH-E2 calves had the heaviest mammary glands, and R-E2 calves had heavier mammary glands than R calves. The EH calves consumed more MR DM, CP, and fat preweaning. The R-fed calves consumed more starter DM preweaning. Fecal score was greater for EH calves (1.74 vs. 1.50) preweaning, but days medicated did not differ. Fecal scores were lower for R-E2 calves postweaning. Improved preweaning feeding of calves increased body weights and frame measures. Differences in body weights remained postweaning. Enhanced-fed calves showed greater ADG during the preweaning period but not postweaning. Exogenous estrogen may elicit diet-dependent growth responses. Analysis of collected samples will allow determination of cellular and molecular processes responsible for the marked differences in mammary development observed.
Frontiers in Microbiology | 2012
Callie Hart Thames; Amy Pruden; Robert E. James; Partha Ray; K.F. Knowlton
Elevated levels of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in soil and water have been linked to livestock farms and in some cases feed antibiotics may select for antibiotic resistant gut microbiota. The purpose of this study was to examine the establishment of ARGs in the feces of calves receiving milk replacer containing no antibiotics versus subtherapeutic or therapeutic doses of tetracycline and neomycin. The effect of antibiotics on calf health was also of interest. Twenty-eight male and female dairy calves were assigned to one of the three antibiotic treatment groups at birth and fecal samples were collected at weeks 6, 7 (prior to weaning), and 12 (5 weeks after weaning). ARGs corresponding to the tetracycline (tetC, tetG, tetO, tetW, and tetX), macrolide (ermB, ermF), and sulfonamide (sul1, sul2) classes of antibiotics along with the class I integron gene, intI1, were monitored by quantitative polymerase chain reaction as potential indicators of direct selection, co-selection, or horizontal gene transfer of ARGs. Surprisingly, there was no significant effect of antibiotic treatment on the absolute abundance (gene copies per gram wet manure) of any of the ARGs except ermF, which was lower in the antibiotic-treated calf manure, presumably because a significant portion of host bacterial cells carrying ermF were not resistant to tetracycline or neomycin. However, relative abundance (gene copies normalized to 16S rRNA genes) of tetO was higher in calves fed the highest dose of antibiotic than in the other treatments. All genes, except tetC and intI1, were detectable in feces from 6 weeks onward, and tetW and tetG significantly increased (P < 0.10), even in control calves. Overall, the results provide new insight into the colonization of calf gut flora with ARGs in the early weeks. Although feed antibiotics exerted little effect on the ARGs monitored in this study, the fact that they also provided no health benefit suggests that the greater than conventional nutritional intake applied in this study overrides previously reported health benefits of antibiotics. The results suggest potential benefit of broader management strategies, and that cost and risk may be avoided by minimizing incorporation of antibiotics in milk replacer.
Journal of Dairy Science | 2012
M. Aguilar; M.D. Hanigan; H.A. Tucker; B.L. Jones; S.K. Garbade; M.L. McGilliard; C.C. Stallings; K.F. Knowlton; Robert E. James
Milk urea nitrogen (MUN) is correlated with N balance, N intake, and dietary N content, and thus is a good indicator of proper feeding management with respect to protein. It is commonly used to monitor feeding programs to achieve environmental goals; however, genetic diversity also exists among cows. It was hypothesized that phenotypic diversity among cows could bias feed management decisions when monitoring tools do not consider genetic diversity associated with MUN. The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of cow and herd variation on MUN. Data from 2 previously published research trials and a field trial were subjected to multivariate regression analyses using a mixed model. Analyses of the research trial data showed that MUN concentrations could be predicted equally well from diet composition, milk yield, and milk components regardless of whether dry matter intake was included in the regression model. This indicated that cow and herd variation could be accurately estimated from field trial data when feed intake was not known. Milk urea N was correlated with dietary protein and neutral detergent fiber content, milk yield, milk protein content, and days in milk for both data sets. Cow was a highly significant determinant of MUN regardless of the data set used, and herd trended to significance for the field trial data. When all other variables were held constant, a percentage unit change in dietary protein concentration resulted in a 1.1mg/dL change in MUN. Least squares means estimates of MUN concentrations across herds ranged from a low of 13.6 mg/dL to a high of 17.3 mg/dL. If the observed MUN for the high herd were caused solely by high crude protein feeding, then the herd would have to reduce dietary protein to a concentration of 12.8% of dry matter to achieve a MUN concentration of 12 mg/dL, likely resulting in lost milk production. If the observed phenotypic variation is due to genetic differences among cows, genetic choices could result in herds that exceed target values for MUN when adhering to best management practices, which is consistent with the trend for differences in MUN among herds.
Journal of Dairy Science | 2015
S.N. Langel; W.A. Wark; S.N. Garst; Robert E. James; M.L. McGilliard; C.S. Petersson-Wolfe; I. Kanevsky-Mullarky
Mortality and decreased weight gain resulting from infection and disease in dairy calves are problems within the dairy industry. The bovine neonate relies solely on colostrum to acquire antibodies through passive transfer. To date, colostrum quality is determined by the concentration of antibodies. However, proteins and cells in the colostrum might also enhance immune development in the neonate. To determine the effect of maternal colostral immune cells on calf health and immune status, maternal colostrum was fed either fresh or after lysis of cells by flash-freezing in liquid nitrogen. Thirty-seven female Holstein and Jersey dairy calves were fed 4 quarts total of whole colostrum (WC) or cell-free colostrum (CFC) at birth. Respiratory and fecal scores were measured from birth to d 45 of life. Calf peripheral blood samples were obtained before and after feeding colostrum as well as on d 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 of life. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were collected and analyzed for cellular parameters by flow cytometry. Total respiratory scores were greater in CFC-fed calves compared with WC-fed calves on d 38 of life. There were fewer CD4+ T cells and CD4+CD62L+CD45RO- T cells on d 1 and fewer CD4+CD62L+CD45RO+ T cells on d 1 and 3 in CFC-fed calves compared with WC-fed calves. Compared with WC-fed calves, CFC-fed calves had a greater percentage of CD4+CD62L-CD45RO+ T cells on d 0.25, 1, 3, and 7, and a greater percentage of monocytes on d 7. Our data suggest that colostral cells adoptively transfer and enhance neonatal immunity during the first month of life.
Journal of Dairy Science | 2016
S.N. Langel; W.A. Wark; S.N. Garst; Robert E. James; M.L. McGilliard; C.S. Petersson-Wolfe; I. Kanevsky-Mullarky
Vaccination contributes to improved herd health and production. Boosting immune development at a young age may have long-term effects by enhancing vaccine immune response and efficacy. In the bovine, colostrum is the sole source of maternal immunity, having a substantial effect on health status in the neonate. To date, colostral antibody concentration is used to evaluate colostrum quality. However, colostrum also contains proteins and cells, which may affect immune development and future responses to vaccines. To determine the effect of maternal colostral cells on immune development, 37 female Holstein and Jersey dairy calves were bottle-fed 4 quarts total of whole colostrum (WC) or cell-free colostrum (CFC) at birth. Calves were vaccinated with 2 series of multivalent vaccines. Series A consisted of vaccines given between 1 and 4mo of life. Series B consisted of vaccines given between 5 and 10mo of life. Calf peripheral blood samples were obtained before each vaccination series and monthly for 3mo after each vaccination series. Cellular blood parameters were determined by flow cytometry. Quantitative real-time PCR was used to determine cytokine gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells before vaccination series B and once a month for 2mo after vaccination series B. Calves fed CFC had fewer numbers of B cells in mo 2 after vaccination series A when compared with WC-fed calves. Calves fed CFC had decreased gene expression levels of IL-2 in mo 1 and numbers of CD4(+)CD62L(+)CD45RO(-) and CD4(+)CD62L(+)CD45RO(+) T cells in mo 0 and 1 after vaccination series B as compared with WC-fed calves. Our findings indicate a greater response to vaccines up to 6 to 10mo post-WC feeding when compared with CFC. These data suggest that adoptive transfer of maternal colostral cells at birth has a long-term effect on development of the neonatal immune system.
Journal of Dairy Science | 2016
X. Feng; J.P. Jarrett; K.F. Knowlton; Robert E. James; M.D. Hanigan
The objective of the current work was to use digestion coefficients from the Feng et al. (2015) model (Virginia Tech model) to calculate P bioavailability of common feeds used in dairy production. Compared with the bioavailability calculated by the Virginia Tech model, using the NRC (2001) P absorption coefficient of 0.64 for forages would underestimate the bioavailabilities of alfalfa hay, alfalfa silage, corn silage, grass hay, and mixed mainly legume silage. For concentrates, using the NRC (2001) P absorption coefficient of 0.70 would overestimate the bioavailabilities of corn grain but underestimate bioavailability of high-moisture corn. Two dairy diets were formulated using nutrient values from the NRC (2001): a standard diet that includes minimal by-products, and a by-product diet that has reduced corn and soybean meal which was replaced with corn gluten feed, distillers grains, hominy feed, and wet brewers grains. For each diet, total bioavailable P was calculated using availability values from the NRC (2001) and the Virginia Tech model. Comparison of P balance (the difference between required and bioavailable P) for each diet was made using the 2 sets of bioavailabilities for a reference cow weighing 682 kg, producing 38.6 kg of milk/d (3.5% fat and 3.0% true protein, 100 d in milk), and consuming 23 kg of dry matter/d, yielding an absorbed P requirement of 59.4 g/d. The standard diet supplied 56.69 and 53.52 g of bioavailable P per day using bioavailabilities from the NRC (2001) and Virginia Tech models, respectively, resulting in a P balance of -2.71 and -5.88±0.26 g/d. The by-product diet provided 75.75 and 78.47 g/d of bioavailable P, yielding P balances of 16.35 and 19.07±0.37 g per day, respectively, using the 2 sets of bioavailabilities. Using P bioavailabilities for individual ingredients that were based on the Virginia Tech model resulted in different bioavailable P levels thus resulted in differing dietary P balances in a field setting.
The Professional Animal Scientist | 2012
B.A. Stewart; Robert E. James; M.D. Hanigan; K.F. Knowlton
Reducing overfeeding of CP and phosphorus (P) is an effective method to reduce excess nutrient excretion by dairy cows. However market conditions frequently cause ingredients that are counterproductive to this goal to be the most economically attractive source of protein and energy. Less expensive feeds such as dried distillers grains and corn gluten feed are high in P or high in both CP and P. A linear program (Formulate2, Central Valley Nutritional Associates, Visalia, CA) was used to determine the effect of formulating rations for
The Professional Animal Scientist | 2011
B.A. Stewart; Robert E. James; K.F. Knowlton; M.L. McGilliard; M.D. Hanigan
ABSTRACT Control charts are used daily in manufacturing facilities to monitor process control but have rarely been used in dairy herd management. Limited experimental applications of control charts have focused on estrus detection, protein nutrition, and mastitis control. Feed management software was implemented on 8 dairy farms to monitor accuracy and precision of loading TMR. Control charts were created to monitor process control variation using data for loading corn silage from one Virginia dairy farm for 1 mo. With 3 SD chart, 2 data points for the individual-ingredient X-bar chart were located outside of the control limits. Standard control limits used in manufacturing processes may not be relevant to dairy farm feeding management because adding too much of an ingredient is more common than adding too little. Uneven control limits were applied including 3 SD above the centerline and only 1 SD below the centerline. With this test, 7 additional data points fell outside of the control limits. Control charts with non-traditional control limits may be useful to monitor feed management on dairy farms and assist producers in making management decisions.
Archive | 2001
Robert E. James
Archive | 2009
Robert E. James