Robert Głębocki
Warsaw University of Technology
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Featured researches published by Robert Głębocki.
international conference on methods and models in automation and robotics | 2009
Maciej Zasuwa; Robert Głębocki; Grzegorz świetoń
Abstract An idea of autonomous mobile platform for land mines detection and destruction is introduced. A visual navigation system with a simple pattern matching algorithm was proposed. A CCD camera is the system main sensor for image acquisition. A Scene Matching Area Correlation (SMAC) method based on a cross correlation technique is implemented for image processing. The system was tested both in off-line simulations and on-board of a land vehicle. The efficiency of the signal processing algorithm during the field tests confirmed efficiency of the methods developed for determination of vehicle position and velocity. A visual navigation system based on simple image processing techniques may be applied on board mobile vehicles in an autonomous way or as a component of integrated navigation system.
Progress in Automation, Robotics and Measuring Techniques (2) | 2015
Robert Głębocki; Antoni Kopyt; Paweł Kicman
Presented paper is a part of project that aimed to develop the mobile platform to support the Police operations especially in difficult terrain or inside buildings, where maneuverability is limited. A mobile platform was adapted so that multiple modules may be installed – navigation, manipulator or specific tools equipment. The navigation module that initializes the autonomous come back was a main feature that was to be developed. Presented article shows principles of the navigation system and results of autonomous return. The hardware, sensors used, software, dataflow, algorithms, are precisely presented as well as the results that validated the system operations.
Robert Głębocki; Mariusz Jacewicz
Streszczenie: Opracowanie dotyczy projektu systemu pionowego startu rakiety z wykorzystaniem sterów gazodynamicznych. Celem pracy było szczegółowe zbadanie metody dającej możliwość efektywniejszego wykorzystania materiałów pędnych w pierwszej fazie lotu pocisku, co pozwala na zwiększenie zasięgu i optymalizację toru lotu. W projektowanym systemie pocisk wyrzucany jest pionowo, obracany do żądanego położenia przy użyciu silników korekcyjnych, po czym następuje uruchomienie silnika marszowego. Skoncentrowano się na badaniu dynamiki i sterowalności pocisku przy małych prędkościach. Opisano model fizyczny i matematyczny obiektu uwzględniający nieliniowości związane z dynamiką samej rakiety, zaburzenia powstałe przy uruchamianiu silnika rakietowego jak również niektóre ze zjawisk aerodynamiki nieustalonej. Przedstawiono sposób identyfikacji charakterystyk aerodynamicznych rakiety oraz algorytm sterowania silnikami korekcyjnymi. Przygotowany matematyczny model rakiety posłużył do stworzenia środowiska symulacyjnego. Przedstawiono wyniki symulacji numerycznych w postaci wykresów i zestawień.
Conference on Automation | 2018
Robert Głębocki; Mariusz Jacewicz; Rafał Ożóg
This paper presents some introductory results from simulations of the surface-to-air missile which uses aerodynamic and lateral jet blended control. The designed projectile is equipped in a set of small rocket engines which can produce lateral forces. The influence of various control parameters on missile flight dynamics were studied. It was obtained that presented method of control improves significantly missile maneuverability. Shorter response times and better projectile accuracy were achieved when compared only to pure aerodynamic control. Simulation results in form of graphs are presented and discussed. The results, which were obtained, may be used in further stages of autopilot design process.
Conference on Automation | 2018
Robert Głębocki; Iryna Baranovska; Rafał Ożóg
Paper presents work based on the comparative analysis of output signals errors of primary measuring instruments of the inertial measuring module, such as – accelerometers and gyroscopes. With use of the identified parameters of metrological model of the inertial measuring module, and mathematical program providing Matlab/Simulink. By results of modeling it is carried out the analysis of output signals errors of the measuring IMU converters, on the basis of two types of modeling in the Matlab environment: with application of listing and M-file, and with creation of Simulink model with use of auxiliary blocks “From-file” and “Subsystem”.
Archive | 2016
Robert Głębocki; Paweł Kicman; Janusz Narkiewicz
In the paper we describe visual odometry algorithm for monocular camera. It is developed for use on a mobile robot involved in criminal investigation conducted by Polish police forces. FAST keypoints with ORB descriptors are used as input to the motion estimation. Concept of pose graph is implemented in order to improve accuracy of the results obtained. The algorithm was evaluated on a 400 m long outdoor dataset included in KITTI Benchmark (18.41 % position error) as well as on a short dataset collected indoors in one of the offices at our University (5.34 % position error). Detailed discussion of the results is presented together with the guidance for further development of the method.
International Conference on Automation | 2016
Mariusz Jacewicz; Robert Głębocki
Navigation is a main challenge for the operation of an autonomous satellite. This paper deals with the problem of pose estimation for real-time vision based navigation system. Presented method is able to estimate the target pose with high accuracy and does not require any landmark on the object. The results of numerical simulation were presented. The delays introduced by guidance system into the control system of an active satellite were tested. Experimental results showed that the proposed method of navigation introduced a small delay in the control system. Created system is also robust to occlusions and light variations in space. The approach will be further evaluated and tested in the continued work.
Progress in Automation, Robotics and Measuring Techniques (2) | 2015
Robert Głębocki; Antoni Kopyt
Paper presents the system that allows the mobile robot to return safely in case of connection lost especially in CBRN environment. Such a difficult work conditions forced using visual navigation as a supporting sensor, since the classical methods may be not applicable. Following article shows the methodology, structure and implementation of autonomous return for mobile platform. The structure of data fusion from divers’ sensors – camera, odometers and IMU, algorithm implementation and results obtained are presented.
Archive | 2015
Robert Głębocki; Antoni Kopyt; Paweł Kicman
In the paper authors presented some results of development of navigation system for criminalistic robot. Robot destination is to support police officers during forensic activities in the buildings when we have potential CBRN hazards. Robot is remotely controlled based on visual cameras observation but it has also autonomous navigation system. The robot is at the beginning of police action carry out hazard identification and, if they occur robot perform forensic activities. As part of its tasks is to make a photographic documentation of the event. This involves the registration status of the room a special 3D camera and take pictures of individual items and disclosed fingerprints. Then taken are indicated by the operator or the entire sample items. Charges are also forensic traces of biological and existing on-site chemicals substances. Robot should be able to perform most of the tasks normally performed by police forensic technicians. Big problem is when during forensic activities operator lost communications with the robot. By the existing on place CBRN hazards man can’t enter the building where robot is lost. At this moment start work system of autonomy. Robot must return the same way how it arrive till the moment when operator will get communication with them again. The paper presents the autonomous control system that was created for visual navigation for police robot. The algorithm implemented on the platform already been simulated and tested in MATLAB/Simulink. The article presents the results of running the robot with the new algorithm.
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit | 2006
Robert Głębocki; Ryszard Vogt; Marcin Zugaj
In the paper some aspects of control of guided mortar missiles are presented. Missile is controlled by set of impulse engines similarly missile Strix produced by SAAB Missiles and Bofors. Problem of attack at maximal range is described in details. All known smart mortar missiles have attitude identification by gyroscopic system. Authors proposed new method to solve this problem without gyroscope. The application of control system based on algorithm supported by artificial neural network is proposed. The algorithm analyzes an error of angle value. This control system was composed of PD controller error angle derivative analyzer and neural network module. Research shows promising results. Presented solution improves quality of missile control at maximal range fire