
Amino Acids | 2011

Differing views of the role of selenium in thioredoxin reductase

Robert J. Hondal; Erik L. Ruggles

This review covers three different chemical explanations that could account for the requirement of selenium in the form of selenocysteine in the active site of mammalian thioredoxin reductase. These views are the following: (1) the traditional view of selenocysteine as a superior nucleophile relative to cysteine, (2) the superior leaving group ability of a selenol relative to a thiol due to its significantly lower pKa and, (3) the superior ability of selenium to accept electrons (electrophilicity) relative to sulfur. We term these chemical explanations as the “chemico-enzymatic” function of selenium in an enzyme. We formally define the chemico-enzymatic function of selenium as its specific chemical property that allows a selenoenzyme to catalyze its individual reaction. However we, and others, question whether selenocysteine is chemically necessary to catalyze an enzymatic reaction since cysteine-homologs of selenocysteine-containing enzymes catalyze their specific enzymatic reactions with high catalytic efficiency. There must be a unique chemical reason for the presence of selenocysteine in enzymes that explains the biological pressure on the genome to maintain the complex selenocysteine-insertion machinery. We term this biological pressure the “chemico-biological” function of selenocysteine. We discuss evidence that this chemico-biological function is the ability of selenoenzymes to resist inactivation by irreversible oxidation. The way in which selenocysteine confers resistance to oxidation could be due to the superior ability of the oxidized form of selenocysteine (Sec-SeO2−, seleninic acid) to be recycled back to its parent form (Sec-SeH, selenocysteine) in comparison to the same cycling of cysteine-sulfinic acid to cysteine (Cys-SO2− to Cys-SH).

Biochemistry | 2009

No Selenium Required: Reactions Catalyzed By Mammalian Thioredoxin Reductase That Are Independent of a Selenocysteine Residue.

Adam P. Lothrop; Erik L. Ruggles; Robert J. Hondal

Mammalian thioredoxin reductase (TR) contains a rare selenocysteine (Sec) residue in a conserved redox-active tetrapeptide of sequence Gly-Cys(1)-Sec(2)-Gly. The high chemical reactivity of the Sec residue is thought to confer broad substrate specificity to the enzyme. In addition to utilizing thioredoxin (Trx) as a substrate, other substrates are protein disulfide isomerase, glutaredoxin, glutathione peroxidase, NK-lysin/granulysin, HIV Tat protein, H(2)O(2), lipid hydroperoxides, vitamin K, ubiquinone, juglone, ninhydrin, alloxan, dehydroascorbate, DTNB, lipoic acid/lipoamide, S-nitrosoglutathione, selenodiglutathione, selenite, methylseleninate, and selenocystine. Here we show that the Cys(2) mutant enzyme or the N-terminal reaction center alone can reduce Se-containing substrates selenocystine and selenite with only slightly less activity than the wild-type enzyme, in stark contrast to when Trx is used as the substrate when the enzyme suffers a 175-550-fold reduction in k(cat). Our data support the use of alternative mechanistic pathways for the Se-containing substrates that bypass a critical ring-forming step when Trx is the substrate. We also show that lipoic acid can be reduced through a Sec-independent mechanism that involves the N-terminal reaction center. These results show that the broad substrate specificity of the mammalian enzyme is not due to the presence of the rare Sec residue but is due to the catalytic power of the N-terminal reaction center. We hypothesize that the N-terminal reaction center can reduce substrates (i) with good leaving groups such as DTNB, (ii) that are highly electrophilic such as selenite, or (iii) that are activated by strain such as lipoic acid/lipoamide. We also show that the absence of Sec only changed the IC(50) for aurothioglucose by a factor of 1.7 in the full-length mammalian enzyme (83-142 nM), but surprisingly the truncated enzyme showed much stronger inhibition (25 nM). This contrasts with auranofin, where the absence of Sec more strongly perturbed inhibition.

Journal of Proteomics | 2011

Proteomic profiling of acrolein adducts in human lung epithelial cells

Page C. Spiess; Bin Deng; Robert J. Hondal; Dwight E. Matthews; Albert van der Vliet

Acrolein (2,3-propenal) is a major indoor and outdoor air pollutant originating largely from tobacco smoke or organic combustion. Given its high reactivity, the adverse effects of inhaled acrolein are likely due to direct interactions with the airway epithelium, resulting in altered epithelial function, but only limited information exists to date regarding the primary direct cellular targets for acrolein. Here, we describe a global proteomics approach to characterize the spectrum of airway epithelial protein targets for Michael adduction in acrolein-exposed bronchial epithelial (HBE1) cells, based on biotin hydrazide labeling and avidin purification of biotinylated proteins or peptides for analysis by LC-MS/MS. Identified protein targets included a number of stress proteins, cytoskeletal proteins, and several key proteins involved in redox signaling, including thioredoxin reductase, thioredoxin, peroxiredoxins, and glutathione S-transferase π. Because of the central role of thioredoxin reductase in cellular redox regulation, additional LC-MS/MS characterization was performed on purified mitochondrial thioredoxin reductase to identify the specific site of acrolein adduction, revealing the catalytic selenocysteine residue as the target responsible for enzyme inactivation. Our findings indicate that these approaches are useful in characterizing major protein targets for acrolein, and will enhance mechanistic understanding of the impact of acrolein on cell biology.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2013

Selective Metabolism of Hypothiocyanous Acid by Mammalian Thioredoxin Reductase Promotes Lung Innate Immunity and Antioxidant Defense

Joshua D. Chandler; David P. Nichols; Jerry A. Nick; Robert J. Hondal; Brian J. Day

Background: Secreted hypothiocyanous acid (HOSCN) kills pathogens but paradoxically is tolerated by many mammalian cells. Results: Mammalian thioredoxin reductase (H-TrxR) reduces HOSCN, whereas bacterial L-TrxR is inhibited by it, corresponding to differential cytotoxicity. Conclusion: Mammalian H-TrxR confers resistance against HOSCN, enabling its use as a selective biocide. Significance: Findings directly link mammalian H-TrxR to innate immunity and inflammatory lung disease. The endogenously produced oxidant hypothiocyanous acid (HOSCN) inhibits and kills pathogens but paradoxically is well tolerated by mammalian host tissue. Mammalian high molecular weight thioredoxin reductase (H-TrxR) is evolutionarily divergent from bacterial low molecular weight thioredoxin reductase (L-TrxR). Notably, mammalian H-TrxR contains a selenocysteine (Sec) and has wider substrate reactivity than L-TrxR. Recombinant rat cytosolic H-TrxR1, mouse mitochondrial H-TrxR2, and a purified mixture of both from rat selectively turned over HOSCN (kcat = 357 ± 16 min−1; Km = 31.9 ± 10.3 μm) but were inactive against the related oxidant hypochlorous acid. Replacing Sec with Cys or deleting the final eight C-terminal peptides decreased affinity and turnover of HOSCN by H-TrxR. Similarly, glutathione reductase (an H-TrxR homologue lacking Sec) was less effective at HOSCN turnover. In contrast to H-TrxR and glutathione reductase, recombinant Escherichia coli L-TrxR was potently inhibited by HOSCN (IC50 = 2.75 μm). Similarly, human bronchial epithelial cell (16HBE) lysates metabolized HOSCN, but E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa lysates had little or no activity. HOSCN selectively produced toxicity in bacteria, whereas hypochlorous acid was nonselectively toxic to both bacteria and 16HBE. Treatment with the H-TrxR inhibitor auranofin inhibited HOSCN metabolism in 16HBE lysates and significantly increased HOSCN-mediated cytotoxicity. These findings demonstrate both the metabolism of HOSCN by mammalian H-TrxR resulting in resistance to HOSCN in mammalian cells and the potent inhibition of bacterial L-TrxR resulting in cytotoxicity in bacteria. These data support a novel selective mechanism of host defense in mammals wherein HOSCN formation simultaneously inhibits pathogens while sparing host tissue.

Protein and Peptide Letters | 2005


Robert J. Hondal

Expressed protein ligation has become a frequently used technique to insert non-standard amino acids into proteins. The technique has been adapted to insert selenocysteine residues in place of cysteine residue in proteins, taking advantage of the similarity in the chemistries of sulfur and selenium. This replacement can confer unique structural and catalytic properties to enzymes and proteins. The development of this technique also allows for naturally occurring selenoproteins to be produced semisynthetically.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 2009

Using chemical approaches to study selenoproteins - focus on thioredoxin reductases

Robert J. Hondal

The study of selenocysteine-containing proteins is difficult due to the problems associated with the heterologous production of these proteins. These problems are due to the intricate recoding mechanism used by cells to translate the UGA codon as a sense codon for selenocysteine. The process is further complicated by the fact that eukaryotes and prokaryotes have different UGA recoding machineries. This review focuses on chemical approaches to produce selenoproteins and study the mechanism of selenoenzymes. The use of intein-mediated peptide ligation is discussed with respect to the production of the mammalian selenoenzymes thioredoxin reductase and selenoprotein R, also known as methionine sulfoxide reductase B1. New methods for removing protecting groups from selenocysteine post-synthesis and methods for selenosulfide/diselenide formation are also reviewed. Chemical approaches have also been used to study the enzymatic mechanism of thioredoxin reductase. The approach divides the enzyme into two modules, a large protein module lacking selenocysteine and a small, synthetic selenocysteine-containing peptide. Study of this semisynthetic enzyme has revealed three distinct enzymatic pathways that depend on the properties of the substrate. The enzyme utilizes a macromolecular mechanism for protein substrates, a second mechanism for small molecule substrates and a third pathway for selenium-containing substrates such as selenocystine.

Biochemistry | 2008

Selenium in Thioredoxin Reductase: A Mechanistic Perspective

Brian M. Lacey; Brian E. Eckenroth; Stevenson Flemer; Robert J. Hondal

Most high M(r) thioredoxin reductases (TRs) have the unusual feature of utilizing a vicinal disulfide bond (Cys(1)-Cys(2)) which forms an eight-membered ring during the catalytic cycle. Many eukaryotic TRs have replaced the Cys(2) position of the dyad with the rare amino acid selenocysteine (Sec). Here we demonstrate that Cys- and Sec-containing TRs are distinguished by the importance each class of enzymes places on the eight-membered ring structure in the catalytic cycle. This hypothesis was explored by studying the truncated enzyme missing the C-terminal ring structure in conjunction with oxidized peptide substrates to investigate the reduction and opening of this dyad. The peptide substrates were identical in sequence to the missing part of the enzyme, containing either a disulfide or selenylsulfide linkage, but were differentiated by the presence (cyclic) and absence (acyclic) of the ring structure. The ratio of these turnover rates informs that the ring is only of modest importance for the truncated mouse mitochondrial Sec-TR (ring/no ring = 32), while the ring structure is highly important for the truncated Cys-TRs from Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans (ring/no ring > 1000). All three enzymes exhibit a similar dependence upon leaving group pK(a) as shown by the use of the acyclic peptides as substrates. These two factors can be reconciled for Cys-TRs if the ring functions to simultaneously allow for attack by a nearby thiolate while correctly positioning the leaving group sulfur atom to accept a proton from the enzymic general acid. For Sec-TRs the ring is unimportant because the lower pK(a) of the selenol relative to a thiol obviates its need to be protonated upon S-Se bond scission and permits physical separation of the selenol and the general acid. Further study of the biochemical properties of the truncated Cys and Sec TR enzymes demonstrates that the chemical advantage conferred on the eukaryotic enzyme by a selenol is the ability to function at acidic pH.

Biochemistry | 2014

Why Is Mammalian Thioredoxin Reductase 1 So Dependent upon the Use of Selenium

Adam P. Lothrop; Gregg W. Snider; Erik L. Ruggles; Robert J. Hondal

Cytosolic thioredoxin reductase 1 (TR1) is the best characterized of the class of high-molecular weight (Mr) thioredoxin reductases (TRs). TR1 is highly dependent upon the rare amino acid selenocysteine (Sec) for the reduction of thioredoxin (Trx) and a host of small molecule substrates, as mutation of Sec to cysteine (Cys) results in a large decrease in catalytic activity for all substrate types. Previous work in our lab and others has shown that the mitochondrial TR (TR3) is much less dependent upon the use of Sec for the reduction of small molecules. The Sec-dependent substrate utilization behavior of TR1 may be the exception and not the rule as we show that a variety of high-Mr TRs from other organisms, including Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Plasmodium falciparum, do not require Sec to reduce small molecule substrates, including 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid), lipoic acid, selenite, and selenocystine. The data show that high-Mr TRs can be divided into two groups based upon substrate utilization patterns: a TR1 group and a TR3-like group. We have constructed mutants of TR3-like enzymes from mouse, D. melanogaster, C. elegans, and P. falciparum, and the kinetic data from these mutants show that these enzymes are less dependent upon the use of Sec for the reduction of substrates. We posit that the mechanistic differences between TR1 and the TR3-like enzymes in this study are due to the presence of a “guiding bar”, amino acids 407–422, found in TR1, but not TR3-like enzymes. The guiding bar, proposed by Becker and co-workers [Fritz-Wolf, K., Urig, S., and Becker, K. (2007) The structure of human thioredoxin reductase 1 provides insights into C-terminal rearrangements during catalysis. J. Mol. Biol. 370, 116–127], restricts the motion of the C-terminal tail containing the C-terminal Gly-Cys-Sec-Gly, redox active tetrapeptide so that only this C-terminal redox center can be reduced by the N-terminal redox center, with the exclusion of most other substrates. This makes TR1 highly dependent upon the use of Sec because the selenium atom is responsible for both accepting electrons from the N-terminal redox center and donating them to the substrate in this model. Loss of both Se-electrophilicity and Se-nucleophilicity in the Sec → Cys mutant of TR1 greatly reduces catalytic activity. TR3-like enzymes, in contrast, are less dependent upon the use of Sec because the absence of the guiding bar in these enzymes allows for greater access of the substrate to the N-terminal redox center and because they can make use of alternative mechanistic pathways that are not available to TR1.

Redox biology | 2013

Acrolein-induced activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling is mediated by alkylation of thioredoxin reductase and thioredoxin 1.

Matthew J. Randall; Page C. Spiess; Milena Hristova; Robert J. Hondal; Albert van der Vliet

Cigarette smoking remains a major health concern worldwide, and many of the adverse effects of cigarette smoke (CS) can be attributed to its abundant electrophilic aldehydes, such as acrolein (2-propenal). Previous studies indicate that acrolein readily reacts with thioredoxin reductase 1 (TrxR1), a critical enzyme involved in regulation of thioredoxin (Trx)-mediated redox signaling, by alkylation at its selenocysteine (Sec) residue. Because alkylation of Sec within TrxR1 has significant implications for its enzymatic function, we explored the potential importance of TrxR1 alkylation in acrolein-induced activation or injury of bronchial epithelial cells. Exposure of human bronchial epithelial HBE1 cells to acrolein (1–30 μM) resulted in dose-dependent loss of TrxR thioredoxin reductase activity, which coincided with its alkylation, as determined by biotin hydrazide labeling, and was independent of initial GSH status. To test the involvement of TrxR1 in acrolein responses in HBE1 cells, we suppressed TrxR1 using siRNA silencing or augmented TrxR1 by cell supplementation with sodium selenite. Acrolein exposure of HBE1 cells induced dose-dependent activation of the MAP kinases, extracellular regulated1 kinase (ERK), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), and p38, and activation of JNK was markedly enhanced after selenite-mediated induction of TrxR1, and was associated with increased alkylation of TrxR1. Conversely, siRNA silencing of TrxR1 significantly suppressed the ability of acrolein to activate JNK, and also appeared to attenuate acrolein-dependent activation of ERK and p38. Alteration of initial TrxR1 levels by siRNA or selenite supplementation also affected initial Trx1 redox status and acrolein-mediated alkylation of Trx1, but did not significantly affect acrolein-mediated activation of HO-1 or cytotoxicity. Collectively, our findings indicate that alkylation of TrxR1 and/or Trx1 may contribute directly to acrolein-mediated activation of MAP kinases such as JNK, and may therefore be important in acrolein-induced alterations in airway epithelial function, as a contributing mechanism in tobacco-related respiratory disease.

Biochemistry | 2010

Methaneseleninic acid is a substrate for truncated mammalian thioredoxin reductase: implications for the catalytic mechanism and redox signaling.

Gregg W. Snider; Leah Grout; Erik L. Ruggles; Robert J. Hondal

Mammalian thioredoxin reductase is a homodimeric pyridine nucleotide disulfide oxidoreductase that contains the rare amino acid selenocysteine (Sec) on a C-terminal extension. We previously have shown that a truncated version of mouse mitochondrial thioredoxin reductase missing this C-terminal tail will catalyze the reduction of a number of small molecules. Here we show that the truncated thioredoxin reductase will catalyze the reduction of methaneseleninic acid. This reduction is fast at pH 6.1 and is only 4-fold slower than that of the full-length enzyme containing Sec. This finding suggested to us that if the C-terminal Sec residue in the holoenzyme became oxidized to the seleninic acid form (Sec-SeO(2)(-)) that it would be quickly reduced back to an active state by enzymic thiols and further suggested to us that the enzyme would be very resistant to irreversible inactivation by oxidation. We tested this hypothesis by reducing the enzyme with NADPH and subjecting it to high concentrations of H(2)O(2) (up to 50 mM). The results show that the enzyme strongly resisted inactivation by 50 mM H(2)O(2). To determine the redox state of the C-terminal Sec residue, we attempted to inhibit the enzyme with dimedone. Dimedone alkylates protein sulfenic acid residues and presumably will alkylate selenenic acid (Sec-SeOH) residues as well. The enzyme was not inhibited by dimedone even when a 150-fold excess was added to the reaction mixture containing the enzyme and H(2)O(2). We also tested the ability of the truncated enzyme to resist inactivation by oxidation as well and found that it also was resistant to high concentrations of H(2)O(2). One assumption for the use of Sec in enzymes is that it is catalytically superior to the use of cysteine. We and others have previously suggested that there are reasons for the use of Sec in enzymes that are unrelated to the conversion of substrate to product. The data presented here support this assertion. The results also imply that the redox signaling function of the thioredoxin system can remain active under oxidative stress.

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