Robert J. Newport
University of Kent
Biomaterials | 2011
Danielle Laurencin; Neyvis Almora-Barrios; Nora H. de Leeuw; Christel Gervais; Christian Bonhomme; Francesco Mauri; Wojciech Chrzanowski; Jonathan C. Knowles; Robert J. Newport; Alan Wong; Zhehong Gan; Mark E. Smith
The incorporation of Mg in hydroxyapatite (HA) was investigated using multinuclear solid state NMR, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and computational modeling. High magnetic field (43)Ca solid state NMR and Ca K-edge XAS studies of a ∼10% Mg-substituted HA were performed, bringing direct evidence of the preferential substitution of Mg in the Ca(II) position. (1)H and (31)P solid state NMR show that the environment of the anions is disordered in this substituted apatite phase. Both Density Functional Theory (DFT) and interatomic potential computations of Mg-substituted HA structures are in agreement with these observations. Indeed, the incorporation of low levels of Mg in the Ca(II) site is found to be more favourable energetically, and the NMR parameters calculated from these optimized structures are consistent with the experimental data. Calculations provide direct insight in the structural modifications of the HA lattice, due to the strong contraction of the M⋯O distances around Mg. Finally, extensive interatomic potential calculations also suggest that a local clustering of Mg within the HA lattice is likely to occur. Such structural characterizations of Mg environments in apatites will favour a better understanding of the biological role of this cation.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A | 2012
Richard A. Martin; Sheng Yue; John V. Hanna; Peter D. Lee; Robert J. Newport; Mark E. Smith; Julian R. Jones
Bone is the second most widely transplanted tissue after blood. Synthetic alternatives are needed that can reduce the need for transplants and regenerate bone by acting as active temporary templates for bone growth. Bioactive glasses are one of the most promising bone replacement/regeneration materials because they bond to existing bone, are degradable and stimulate new bone growth by the action of their dissolution products on cells. Sol–gel-derived bioactive glasses can be foamed to produce interconnected macropores suitable for tissue ingrowth, particularly cell migration and vascularization and cell penetration. The scaffolds fulfil many of the criteria of an ideal synthetic bone graft, but are not suitable for all bone defect sites because they are brittle. One strategy for improving toughness of the scaffolds without losing their other beneficial properties is to synthesize inorganic/organic hybrids. These hybrids have polymers introduced into the sol–gel process so that the organic and inorganic components interact at the molecular level, providing control over mechanical properties and degradation rates. However, a full understanding of how each feature or property of the glass and hybrid scaffolds affects cellular response is needed to optimize the materials and ensure long-term success and clinical products. This review focuses on the techniques that have been developed for characterizing the hierarchical structures of sol–gel glasses and hybrids, from atomic-scale amorphous networks, through the covalent bonding between components in hybrids and nanoporosity, to quantifying open macroporous networks of the scaffolds. Methods for non-destructive in situ monitoring of degradation and bioactivity mechanisms of the materials are also included.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy | 2007
Sabeel P. Valappil; David M. Pickup; Donna L. Carroll; Christopher K. Hope; Jonathan Pratten; Robert J. Newport; Mark E. Smith; Michael Wilson; Jonathan C. Knowles
ABSTRACT Staphylococcus aureus can cause a range of diseases, such as osteomyelitis, as well as colonize implanted medical devices. In most instances the organism forms biofilms that not only are resistant to the bodys defense mechanisms but also display decreased susceptibilities to antibiotics. In the present study, we have examined the effect of increasing silver contents in phosphate-based glasses to prevent the formation of S. aureus biofilms. Silver was found to be an effective bactericidal agent against S. aureus biofilms, and the rate of silver ion release (0.42 to 1.22 μg·mm−2·h−1) from phosphate-based glass was found to account for the variation in its bactericidal effect. Analysis of biofilms by confocal microscopy indicated that they consisted of an upper layer of viable bacteria together with a layer (∼20 μm) of nonviable cells on the glass surface. Our results showed that regardless of the silver contents in these glasses (10, 15, or 20 mol%) the silver exists in its +1 oxidation state, which is known to be a highly effective bactericidal agent compared to that of silver in other oxidation states (+2 or +3). Analysis of the glasses by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and high-energy X-ray diffraction showed that it is the structural rearrangement of the phosphate network that is responsible for the variation in silver ion release and the associated bactericidal effectiveness. Thus, an understanding of the glass structure is important in interpreting the in vitro data and also has important clinical implications for the potential use of the phosphate-based glasses in orthopedic applications to deliver silver ions to combat S. aureus biofilm infections.
Acta Biomaterialia | 2009
Sabeel P. Valappil; Derren Ready; Ea Abou Neel; David M. Pickup; Luke A. O'Dell; Wojciech Chrzanowski; Jonathan Pratten; Robert J. Newport; Mark E. Smith; Michael Wilson; Jonathan C. Knowles
Gallium-doped phosphate-based glasses (PBGs) have been recently shown to have antibacterial activity. However, the delivery of gallium ions from these glasses can be improved by altering the calcium ion concentration to control the degradation rate of the glasses. In the present study, the effect of increasing calcium content in novel gallium (Ga2O3)-doped PBGs on the susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is examined. The lack of new antibiotics in development makes gallium-doped PBG potentially a highly promising new therapeutic agent. The results show that an increase in calcium content (14, 15 and 16 mol.% CaO) cause a decrease in degradation rate (17.6, 13.5 and 7.3 microg mm(-2) h(-1)), gallium ion release and antimicrobial activity against planktonic P. aeruginosa. The most potent glass composition (containing 14 mol.% CaO) was then evaluated for its ability to prevent the growth of biofilms of P. aeruginosa. Gallium release was found to reduce biofilm growth of P. aeruginosa with a maximum effect (0.86 log(10) CFU reduction compared to Ga2O3-free glasses) after 48 h. Analysis of the biofilms by confocal microscopy confirmed the anti-biofilm effect of these glasses as it showed both viable and non-viable bacteria on the glass surface. Results of the solubility and ion release studies show that this glass system is suitable for controlled delivery of Ga3+. 71Ga NMR and Ga K-edge XANES measurements indicate that the gallium is octahedrally coordinated by oxygen atoms in all samples. The results presented here suggest that PBGs may be useful in controlled drug delivery applications, to deliver gallium ions in order to prevent infections due to P. aeruginosa biofilms.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine | 2010
Julian R. Jones; Sen Lin; Sheng Yue; Peter D. Lee; John V. Hanna; Mark E. Smith; Robert J. Newport
Abstract Scaffolds are needed that can act as temporary templates for bone regeneration and actively stimulate vascularized bone growth so that bone grafting is no longer necessary. To achieve this, the scaffold must have a suitable interconnected pore network and be made of an osteogenic material. Bioactive glass is an ideal material because it rapidly bonds to bone and degrades over time, releasing soluble silica and calcium ions that are thought to stimulate osteoprogenitor cells. Melt-derived bioactive glasses, such as the original Bioglass® composition, are available commercially, but porous scaffolds have been difficult to produce because Bioglass and similar compositions crystallize on sintering. Sol-gel foam scaffolds have been developed that avoid this problem. They have a hierarchical pore structure comprising interconnected macropores, with interconnect diameters in excess of the 100 μm that is thought to be needed for vascularized bone ingrowth, and an inherent nanoporosity of interconnected mesopores (2–50 nm) which is beneficial for the attachment of osteoprogenitor cells. They also have a compressive strength in the range of cancellous bone. This paper describes the optimized sol-gel foaming process and illustrates the importance of optimizing the hierarchical structure from the atomic through nano, to the macro scale with respect to biological response.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 2004
Frank E. Sowrey; Laura J. Skipper; David M. Pickup; Kieran O. Drake; Zhongjie Lin; Mark E. Smith; Robert J. Newport
The X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) at the calcium K-edge is rich in information, but complex and difficult to interpret fully. We present here a systematic study of a range of calcium/oxygen containing compounds and minerals and show that the XANES may be used to obtain qualitative information on the calcium coordination environment.
Journal of Materials Chemistry | 2005
Laura J. Skipper; Frank E. Sowrey; David M. Pickup; Kieran O. Drake; Mark E. Smith; Priya Saravanapavan; Larry L. Hench; Robert J. Newport
Sol-gel derived calcium silicate glasses may be useful for the regeneration of damaged bone. The mechanism of bioactivity is as yet only partially understood but has been strongly linked to calcium dissolution from the glass matrix. In addition to the usual laboratory-based characterisation methods, we have used neutron diffraction with isotopic substitution to gain new insights into the nature of the atomic-scale calcium environment in bioactive sol-gel glasses, and have also used high energy X-ray total diffraction to probe the nature of the processes initiated when bioactive glass is immersed in vitro in simulated body fluid. The data obtained point to a complex calcium environment in which calcium is loosely bound within the glass network and may therefore be regarded as facile. Complex multi-stage dissolution and mineral growth phases were observed as a function of reaction time between 1 min and 30 days, leading eventually, via octacalcium phosphate, to the formation of a disordered hydroxyapatite (HA) layer on the glass surface. This methodology provides insight into the structure of key sites in these materials and key stages involved in their reactions, and thereby more generally into the behaviour of bone-regenerative materials that may facilitate improvements in tissue engineering applications.
Journal of Materials Chemistry | 2005
Daniela Carta; David M. Pickup; Jonathan C. Knowles; Mark E. Smith; Robert J. Newport
A series of phosphate-based sol–gel glasses in the system P2O5–CaO–Na2O–SiO2 were synthesised using PO(OH)3−x(OC2H5)x (x = 1, 2) as a phosphorus precursor and alkoxides of sodium, calcium and silicon in an ethylene glycol solution. It has been found that the upper limit for gel formation is about 22 mol% phosphorus and that the gelation time increases with increasing phosphorus content of the sol. X-ray diffraction (XRD) along with X-ray fluorescence chemical analysis (XRF) have been performed on samples containing 45 mol% of P2O5 and 0, 10, 15 and 25 mol% of SiO2 with varying amount of modifier oxides (CaO, Na2O). All the samples are predominantly amorphous up to 400 °C and some of them, depending on the composition, retain their amorphous structure up to 600 and 800 °C. To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first time that phosphate-based glasses having these compositions have successfully been synthesised via the sol–gel method.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter | 2001
Jacqueline M. Cole; Ernst R H van Eck; Gavin Mountjoy; Ruth Anderson; Tessa Brennan; Graham Bushnell-Wye; Robert J. Newport; G. A. Saunders
An x-ray diffraction and 31P MAS NMR study of rare-earth phosphate glasses of composition, (R2O3)xP2O5)1-x, where x = 0.175-0.263 and R = La-Er (except for Pm), is presented. The structures of these materials were investigated as a function of (a) rare-earth atomic number and (b) glass composition. The results show an increase in rare-earth coordination number from six to seven as the rare-earth ion increases in size. This effect is most evident for the rare earths, Ce, Pr and Nd, and appears to be independent of composition variation. The implications of sevenfold coordination in these glasses with respect to the possibilities of rare-earth clustering are discussed, as is the role of the incorporation of aluminium impurities in this regard. The increase in levels of cross-linking within the phosphate network, as a consequence of these small amounts of aluminium, is illustrated, as is the changing nature of the phosphate groups as a function of composition. The first reliable and quantitative parametrization of the second and third neighbour R-(O)-P and R-(OP)-O correlations is also given and the stability of the structures to strain when the glasses are drawn as fibres or exposed to different thermal conditions is described.
Langmuir | 2012
Bobo Yu; Claudia Adriana Turdean-Ionescu; Richard A. Martin; Robert J. Newport; John V. Hanna; Mark E. Smith; Julian R. Jones
The aim was to determine the most effective calcium precursor for synthesis of sol-gel hybrids and for improving homogeneity of sol-gel bioactive glasses. Sol-gel derived bioactive calcium silicate glasses are one of the most promising materials for bone regeneration. Inorganic/organic hybrid materials, which are synthesized by incorporating a polymer into the sol-gel process, have also recently been produced to improve toughness. Calcium nitrate is conventionally used as the calcium source, but it has several disadvantages. Calcium nitrate causes inhomogeneity by forming calcium-rich regions, and it requires high temperature treatment (>400 °C) for calcium to be incorporated into the silicate network. Nitrates are also toxic and need to be burnt off. Calcium nitrate therefore cannot be used in the synthesis of hybrids as the highest temperature used in the process is typically 40-60 °C. Therefore, a different precursor is needed that can incorporate calcium into the silica network and enhance the homogeneity of the glasses at low (room) temperature. In this work, calcium methoxyethoxide (CME) was used to synthesize sol-gel bioactive glasses with a range of final processing temperatures from 60 to 800 °C. Comparison is made between the use of CME and calcium chloride and calcium nitrate. Using advanced probe techniques, the temperature at which Ca is incorporated into the network was identified for 70S30C (70 mol % SiO(2), 30 mol % CaO) for each of the calcium precursors. When CaCl(2) was used, the Ca did not seem to enter the network at any of the temperatures used. In contrast, Ca from CME entered the silica network at room temperature, as confirmed by X-ray diffraction, (29)Si magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and dissolution studies. CME should be used in preference to calcium salts for hybrid synthesis and may improve homogeneity of sol-gel glasses.