Robert L. Crocker
Texas A&M University
Journal of Economic Entomology | 2000
Richard W. Mankin; Jamee L. Brandhorst-Hubbard; Kathy L. Flanders; Minling Zhang; Robert L. Crocker; S. L. Lapointe; C. W. McCoy; J. R. Fisher; David K. Weaver
Abstract Accelerometer, electret microphone, and piezoelectric disk acoustic systems were evaluated for their potential to detect hidden insect infestations in soil and interior structures of plants. Coleopteran grubs (the scarabaeids Phyllophaga spp. and Cyclocephala spp.) and the curculionids Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) and Otiorhynchus sulcatus (F.) weighing 50–300 mg were detected easily in the laboratory and in the field except under extremely windy or noisy conditions. Cephus cinctus Norton (Hymenoptera: Cephidae) larvae weighing 1–12 mg could be detected in small pots of wheat in the laboratory by taking moderate precautions to eliminate background noise. Insect sounds could be distinguished from background noises by differences in frequency and temporal patterns, but insects of similarly sized species could not be distinguished easily from each other. Insect activity was highly variable among individuals and species, although D. abbreviatus grubs tended to be more active than those of O. sulcatus. Tests were done to compare acoustically predicted infestations with the contents of soil samples taken at recording sites. Under laboratory or ideal field conditions, active insects within ≈30 cm were identified with nearly 100% reliability. In field tests under adverse conditions, the reliability decreased to ≈75%. These results indicate that acoustic systems with vibration sensors have considerable potential as activity monitors in the laboratory and as field tools for rapid, nondestructive scouting and mapping of soil insect populations.
Journal of Insect Science | 2006
Paul S. Robbins; Steven R. Alm; Charles. D. Armstrong; Anne L. Averill; Thomas C. Baker; Robert J. Bauernfiend; Frederick P. Baxendale; S. Kris Braman; Rick L. Brandenburg; Daniel B. Cash; Gary J. Couch; Richard S. Cowles; Robert L. Crocker; Zandra D. DeLamar; Timothy G. Dittl; Sheila M. Fitzpatrick; Kathy L. Flanders; Tom Forgatsch; Timothy J. Gibb; Bruce D. Gill; Daniel O. Gilrein; Clyde S. Gorsuch; Abner M. Hammond; Patricia D. Hastings; David W. Held; P. R. Heller; Rose T. Hiskes; James L. Holliman; William G. Hudson; Michael G. Klein
Abstract The sex pheromone of the scarab beetle, Phyllophaga anxia, is a blend of the methyl esters of two amino acids, L-valine and L-isoleucine. A field trapping study was conducted, deploying different blends of the two compounds at 59 locations in the United States and Canada. More than 57,000 males of 61 Phyllophaga species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) were captured and identified. Three major findings included: (1) widespread use of the two compounds [of the 147Phyllophaga (sensu stricto) species found in the United States and Canada, males of nearly 40% were captured]; (2) in most species intraspecific male response to the pheromone blends was stable between years and over geography; and (3) an unusual pheromone polymorphism was described from P. anxia. Populations at some locations were captured with L-valine methyl ester alone, whereas populations at other locations were captured with L-isoleucine methyl ester alone. At additional locations, the L-valine methyl ester-responding populations and the L-isoleucine methyl ester-responding populations were both present, producing a bimodal capture curve. In southeastern Massachusetts and in Rhode Island, in the United States, P. anxia males were captured with blends of L-valine methyl ester and L-isoleucine methyl ester. Resumen La feromona sexual del escarabajo, Phyllophaga anxia, es una mezcla de los ésteres metílicos de dos aminoácidos, L-valina y L-isoleucina. Se condujo un estudio de campo usando diferentes mezclas de los dos componentes en 59 sitios de Estados Unidos y Canada. Más de 57,000 machos de 61 especies dePhyllophaga fueron capturados e identificados. Tres de los resultados más importantes incluyen: (1) el extenso uso de los dos componentes [de las 147 especies de Phyllophaga (sensu stricto), en Estados Unidos y Canada, fueron capturados machos de cerca del 40% de ellas.]; (2) para la mayoría de las especies, la respuesta intraespecífica de los machos a las combinaciones de los dos aminoácidos fue consistente entre años diferentes, y en todos los sitios geográficos; y (3) un inusual polymorfismo de la feromona fue descrito para P. anxia. Poblaciones de algunos sitios fueron atrapados sólo con valina, mientras que poblaciones de otros sitios fueron atrapados sólo con isoleucina. También se encontraron sitios donde las poblaciones responden a ambos componentes, valina e isoleucina, produciendo una curva de captura bimodal. En el sureste del estado de Massachusetts y en Rhode Island, en Estados Unidos, machos de P. anxia fueron atrapados en trampas con mezclas de valina e isoleucina.
Journal of Economic Entomology | 2001
Jamee L. Brandhorst-Hubbard; Kathy L. Flanders; Richard W. Mankin; Elizabeth A. Guertal; Robert L. Crocker
Abstract Geostatistical analysis was used to map traditionally and acoustically sampled populations of soil invertebrates at two different times in a hayfield at Grove Hill, AL, and once in an Auburn, AL, hayfield. The distributions of nearly all the soil invertebrates and their sounds were nonrandom in all three mapping studies. The maps constructed by excavation and acoustic sampling methods were compared by correlating the estimated (kriged) soil invertebrate counts with the estimated (kriged) counts of sounds per minute (pulse rate). Acoustic and traditional estimates were positively correlated in the Auburn study. Kriged estimates for green June beetle grub counts overlapped significantly with kriged estimates of sound pulse rate (R2 = 0.47). Overlap with sound pulse rates increased slightly when other soil organisms were counted along with green June beetle grubs: estimates of sound pulse rates were significantly correlated with counts of all white grubs (R2 = 0.50), all white grubs with earthworms (R2 = 0.52), all white grubs with earthworms and earwigs (R2 = 0.59), and total invertebrates (R2 = 0.59). The correlation between acoustic and traditional estimates was not significant at Grove Hill in either year, possibly because of a lack of experience in signal analysis or because the soil invertebrates may not have generated enough sounds to be detected above the background noise levels. These results suggest that acoustic technology is a promising tool for detecting insect pests in soil, but that further study and additional analysis are needed to improve interpretation of acoustic data obtained in the field.
Journal of Economic Entomology | 2003
Minling Zhang; Robert L. Crocker; Richard W. Mankin; Kathy L. Flanders; Jamee L. Brandhorst-Hubbard
Journal of Economic Entomology | 2003
Minling Zhang; Robert L. Crocker; Richard W. Mankin; Kathy L. Flanders; Jamee L. Brandhorst-Hubbard
Journal of Economic Entomology | 1989
Robert L. Crocker; Robert W. Toler; James B. Beard; M. C. Engelke; Janina S. Kubica-Breier
Journal of Economic Entomology | 1981
Robert L. Crocker; Cary L. Simpson
Annals of The Entomological Society of America | 1999
Robert L. Crocker; William T. Nailon; James H. Matis; Robert E. Woodruff
Journal of Economic Entomology | 1982
Robert L. Crocker; Robert W. Toler; Cary L. Simpson
Journal of Economic Entomology | 1990
Robert L. Crocker; David Marshall; Janina S. Kubica-Breier