
Featured researches published by Robert Lauter.

arXiv: Spectral Theory | 2001

Analysis of geometric operators on open manifolds: A groupoid approach

Robert Lauter; Victor Nistor

The first five sections of this paper are a survey of algebras of pseudodifferential operators on groupoids. We thus review differentiable groupoids, the definition of pseudodifferential operators on groupoids, and some of their properties. We use then this background material to establish a few new results on these algebras, results that are useful for the analysis of geometric operators on non-compact manifolds and singular spaces. The first step is to establish that the geometric operators on groupoids are in our algebras. This then leads to criteria for the Fredholmness of geometric operators on suitable non-compact manifolds, as well as to an inductive procedure to study their essential spectra. As an application, we answer a question of Melrose on the essential spectrum of the Laplace operator on manifolds with multi-cylindrical ends.

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | 2004


Bernd Ammann; Robert Lauter; Victor Nistor

We study a generalization of the geodesic spray and give conditions for noncomapct manifolds with a Lie structure at infinity to have positive injectivity radius. We also prove that the geometric operators are generated by the given Lie algebra of vector fields. This is the first one in a series of papers devoted to the study of the analysis of geometric differential operators on manifolds with Lie structure at infinity.

Communications in Partial Differential Equations | 2001


Robert Lauter; Sergiu Moroianu

We consider the calculus Ψ*,* de(X, deΩ½) of double-edge pseudodifferential operators naturally associated to a compact manifold X whose boundary is the total space of a fibration. This fits into the setting of boundary fibration structures, and we discuss the corresponding geometric objects. We construct a scale of weighted double-edge Sobolev spaces on which double-edge pseudodifferential operators act as bounded operators, characterize the Fredholm elements in Ψ*,* de(X) by means of the invertibility of an appropriate symbol map, and describe a K-theoretical formula for the Fredholm index extending the Atiyah–Singer formula for closed manifolds. The algebra of operators of order (0, 0) is shown to be a Ψ*-algebra, hence its K-theory coincides with that of its C *-closure, and we give a description of the corresponding cyclic 6-term exact sequence. We define a Wodzicki-type residue trace on an ideal in Ψ*,* de(X, deΩ½), and we show that it coincides with Dixmiers trace for operators of order –dim X in this ideal. This extends a result of Connes for the closed case.

Communications in Partial Differential Equations | 2004


Bernd Ammann; Robert Lauter; Victor Nistor; András Vasy

Abstract We study the complex powers A z of an elliptic, strictly positive pseudodifferential operator A using an axiomatic method that combines the approaches of Guillemin and Seeley. In particular, we introduce a class of algebras, called “Guillemin algebras, ” whose definition was inspired by Guillemin [Guillemin, V. (1985). A new proof of Weyls formula on the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues. Adv. in Math. 55:131–160]. A Guillemin algebra can be thought of as an algebra of “abstract pseudodifferential operators.” Most algebras of pseudodifferential operators belong to this class. Several results typical for algebras of pseudodifferential operators (asymptotic completeness, construction of Sobolev spaces, boundedness between appropriate Sobolev spaces,…) generalize to Guillemin algebras. Most important, this class of algebras provides a convenient framework to obtain precise estimates at infinity for A z , when A > 0 is elliptic and defined on a non-compact manifold, provided that a suitable ideal of regularizing operators is specified (a submultiplicative Ψ*-algebra). We shall use these results in a forthcoming paper to study pseudodifferential operators and Sobolev spaces on manifolds with a Lie structure at infinity (a certain class of non-compact manifolds that has emerged from Melroses work on geometric scattering theory [Melrose, R. B. (1995). Geometric Scattering Theory. Stanford Lectures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press]).

Journal of The Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu | 2005


Robert Lauter; Bertrand Monthubert; Victor Nistor

We construct algebras of pseudodifferential operators on a continuous family groupoid G that are closed under holomorphic functional calculus, contain the algebra of all pseudodifferential operators of order 0 on G as a dense subalgebra, and reflect the smooth structure of the groupoid G, when G is smooth. As an application, we get a better understanding on the structure of inverses of elliptic pseudodifferential operators on classes of non-compact manifolds. For the construction of these algebras closed under holomorphic functional calculus, we develop three methods: one using two-sided semi-ideals, one using commutators, and one based on Schwartz spaces on the groupoid.

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society | 2003

Homology of pseudodifferential operators on manifolds with fibered cusps

Robert Lauter; Sergiu Moroianu

The Hochschild homology of the algebra of pseudodifferential operators on a manifold with fibered cusps, introduced by Mazzeo and Melrose, is studied and computed using the approach of Brylinski and Getzler. One of the main technical tools is a new convergence criterion for tri-filtered half-plane spectral sequences. Using trace-like functionals that generate the 0-dimensional Hochschild cohomology groups, the index of a fully elliptic fibered cusp operator is expressed as the sum of a local contribution of Atiyah-Singer type and a global term on the boundary. We announce a result relating this boundary term to the adiabatic limit of the eta invariant in a particular case.

Journal of Geometric Analysis | 2005

An index formula on manifolds with fibered cusp ends

Robert Lauter; Sergiu Moroianu

AbstractWe consider a compact manifold X whose boundary is a locally trivial fiber bundle, and an associated pseudodifferential algebra that models fibered cusps at infinity. Using tracelike functionals that generate the 0-dimensional Hochschild cohomology groups we first express the index of a fully elliptic fibered cusp operator as the sum of a local contribution from the interior of X and a term that comes from the boundary. This leads to an abstract answer to the index problem formulated in [11]. We give a more precise answer for firstorder differential operators when the base of the boundary fiber bundle is S1. In particular, for Dirac operators associated to a metric of the form % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaam4zamaaCa% aaleqabaGaamiwaaaakiabg2da9maaleaaleaacaWGKbGaamiEamaa% CaaameqabaGaaGOmaaaaaSqaaiaadIhadaahaaadbeqaaiaaisdaaa% aaaOGaey4kaSYaaSqaaSqaaiaadsgacqaH4oqCdaahbaadbeqaaiaa% ikdaaaaaleaacaWG4bWaaWbaaWqabeaacaaIYaaaaaaakiabgUcaRi% aadEgadaahaaWcbeqaaiaadAeaaaaaaa!4727!

Electronic Research Announcements of The American Mathematical Society | 2001

On spectra of geometric operators on open manifolds and differentiable groupoids

Robert Lauter; Victor Nistor

Comptes Rendus Mathematique | 2002

Invariance spectrale des algèbres d'opérateurs pseudodifférentiels

Robert Lauter; Bertrand Monthubert; Victor Nistor

g^X = \tfrac{{dx^2 }}{{x^4 }} + \tfrac{{d\theta {}^2}}{{x^2 }} + g^F

Archive | 2000

Pseudodifferential Analysis on Continuous Family Groupoids

Robert Lauter; Bertrand Monthubert; Victor Nistor

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