Robert M. Hubbard
United States Forest Service
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Featured researches published by Robert M. Hubbard.
Oecologia | 1995
Michael G. Ryan; Stith T. Gower; Robert M. Hubbard; Richard H. Waring; Henry L. Gholz; Wendell P. Cropper; Steven W. Running
We estimate maintenance respiration for boles of four temperate conifers (ponderosa pine, western hemlock, red pine, and slash pine) from CO2 efflux measurements in autumn, when construction respiration is low or negligible. Maintenance respiration of stems was linearly related to sapwood volume for all species; at 10°C, respiration per unit sapwood volume ranged from 4.8 to 8.3 μmol CO2 m−3 s−1. For all sites combined, respiration increased exponentially with temperature (Q10=1.7, r2=0.78). We estimate that maintenance respiration of aboveground woody tissues of these conifers consumes 52–162 g C m−2 y−1, or 5–13% of net daytime carbon assimilation annually. The fraction of annual net daytime carbon fixation used for stem maintenance respiration increased linearly with the average annual temperature of the site.
Oecologia | 2000
Michael G. Ryan; Barbara J. Bond; Beverly E. Law; Robert M. Hubbard; David R. Woodruff; Emil Cienciala; Jiri Kucera
Abstract Changes in leaf physiology with tree age and size could alter forest growth, water yield, and carbon fluxes. We measured tree water flux (Q) for 14 ponderosa pine trees in two size classes (12 m tall and ∼40 years old, and 36 m tall and ∼ 290 years old) to determine if transpiration (E) and whole-tree conductance (gt) differed between the two sizes of trees. For both size classes, E was approximately equal to Q measured 2 m above the ground: Q was most highly correlated with current, not lagged, water vapor pressure deficit, and night Q was <12% of total daily flux. E for days 165–195 and 240–260 averaged 0.97 mmol m–2 (leaf area, projected) s–1 for the 12-m trees and 0.57 mmol m–2 (leaf area) s–1 for the 36-m trees. When photosynthetically active radiation (IP) exceeded the light saturation for photosynthesis in ponderosa pine (900 µmol m–2 (ground) s–1), differences in E were more pronounced: 2.4 mmol m–2 (leaf area) s–1 for the 12-m trees and 1.2 mmol m–2 s–1 for the 36-m trees, yielding gt of 140 mmol m–2 (leaf area) s–1 for the 12-m trees and 72 mmol m–2 s–1 for the 36-m trees. Extrapolated to forests with leaf area index =1, the 36-m trees would transpire 117 mm between 1 June and 31 August compared to 170 mm for the 12-m trees, a difference of 15% of average annual precipitation. Lower gt in the taller trees also likely lowers photosynthesis during the growing season.
Oecologia | 1994
Michael G. Ryan; Robert M. Hubbard; Deborah A. Clark; Robert L. Sanford
We measured CO2 efflux from stems of two tropical wet forest trees, both found in the canopy, but with very different growth habits. The species were Simarouba amara, a fast-growing species associated with gaps in old-growth forest and abundant in secondary forest, and Minquartia guianensis, a slow-growing species tolerant of low-light conditions in old-growth forest. Per unit of bole surface, CO2 efflux averaged 1.24 μmol m−2 s−1 for Simarouba and 0.83 μmol m−2s−1 for Minquartia. CO2 efflux was highly correlated with annual wood production (r2=0.65), but only weakly correlated with stem diameter (r2=0.22). We also partitioned the CO2 efflux into the functional components of construction and maintenance respiration. Construction respiration was estimated from annual stem dry matter production and maintenance respiration by subtracting construction respiration from the instantaneous CO2 flux. Estimated maintenance respiration was linearly related to sapwood volume (39.6 μmol m−3s−1 at 24.6° C, r2=0.58), with no difference in the rate for the two species. Maintenance respiration per unit of sapwood volume for these tropical wet forest trees was roughly twice that of temperate conifers. A model combining construction and maintenance respiration estimated CO2 very well for these species (r2=0.85). For our sample, maintenance respiration was 54% of the total CO2 efflux for Simarouba and 82% for Minquartia. For our sample, sapwood volume averaged 23% of stem volume when weighted by tree size, or 40% with no size weighting. Using these fractions, and a published estimate of aboveground dry-matter production, we estimate the annual cost of woody tissue respiration for primary forest at La Selva to be 220 or 350 g C m−2 year−1, depending on the assumed sapwood volume. These costs are estimated to be less than 13% of the gross production for the forest.
Ecology | 2017
Matthew D. Petrie; John B. Bradford; Robert M. Hubbard; William K. Lauenroth; Caitlin M. Andrews; Daniel R. Schlaepfer
The persistence and geographic expansion of dryland forests in the 21st century will be influenced by how climate change supports the demographic processes associated with tree regeneration. Yet, the way that climate change may alter regeneration is unclear. We developed a quantitative framework that estimates forest regeneration potential (RP) as a function of key environmental conditions for ponderosa pine, a key dryland forest species. We integrated meteorological data and climate projections for 47 ponderosa pine forest sites across the western United States, and evaluated RP using an ecosystem water balance model. Our primary goal was to contrast conditions supporting regeneration among historical, mid-21st century and late-21st century time frames. Future climatic conditions supported 50% higher RP in 2020-2059 relative to 1910-2014. As temperatures increased more substantially in 2060-2099, seedling survival decreased, RP declined by 50%, and the frequency of years with very low RP increased from 25% to 58%. Thus, climate change may initially support higher RP and increase the likelihood of successful regeneration events, yet will ultimately reduce average RP and the frequency of years with moderate climate support of regeneration. Our results suggest that climate change alone may begin to restrict the persistence and expansion of dryland forests by limiting seedling survival in the late 21st century.
Southern Forests | 2017
Rodrigo Hakamada; Robert M. Hubbard; Silvio Frosini de Barros Ferraz; José Luiz Stape; Cristiane Lemos
The choice of planting density and tree genotype are basic decisions when establishing a forest stand. Understanding the interaction between planting density and genotype, and their relationship with biomass production and potential water stress, is crucial as forest managers are faced with a changing climate. However, few studies have investigated this relationship, especially in areas with highly productive forests. This study aimed to determine the interaction between biomass production and leaf water potential, as a surrogate of potential water stress, in different clonal Eucalyptus genotypes across a range of planting densities. Four clones (two clones of E. urophylla × E. grandis, one clone of E. urophylla, and one clone of E. grandis × E. camaldulensis) and four planting densities (ranging from 591 to 2 949 trees ha−1) were evaluated in an experimental stand in south-eastern Brazil. Biomass production was estimated 2.5 years after planting and predawn (ψpd) and midday (ψmd) leaf water potential were measured 2 and 2.5 years after planting, in February (wet season) and August (dry season) in 2014. For all clones, total stand stemwood biomass production increased and leaf water potential decreased with planting density, and their interaction was significant. Thus, wood biomass at tighter spacings was higher but exhibited lower leaf water potentials, resulting in a trade-off between productivity and potential water stress. These are preliminary findings and still need to be supported by more experimental evidence and repetitions. However, in light of the increased frequency of extreme climate events, silvicultural practices that are tailored to the potential productivity of each region and that result in low potential water stress should be considered.
Ecosystems | 2017
David J. Millar; David J. Cooper; Kathleen A. Dwire; Robert M. Hubbard; Joseph C. von Fischer
Mountain fens found in western North America have sequestered atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) for millennia, provide important habitat for wildlife, and serve as refugia for regionally-rare plant species typically found in boreal regions. It is unclear how Rocky Mountain fens are responding to a changing climate. It is possible that fens found at lower elevations may be particularly susceptible to changes because hydrological cycles that control water tables are likely to vary the most. In this study, we fit models of growing season ecosystem-atmosphere CO2 exchange to field-measured data among eight fen plant communities at four mountain fens along a climatic gradient in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and Wyoming. Differences in growing season net ecosystem production (NEP) among study sites were not well correlated with monsoon precipitation, despite a twofold increase in summer rainfall between two study regions. Our results show that NEP was higher for fens located at high elevations compared to those found at lower elevations, with growing season estimates ranging from −342 to 256 g CO2-C m−2. This was reflected in the negative correlation of growing season NEP with air temperature, and positive correlation with water table position, as the high elevation sites had the lowest air temperatures and highest water tables due to greater snowpack and later onset of melt. Our results suggest that sustainability of mountain fens occurring at the lower end of the known elevation range may be particularly susceptible to a changing climate, as these peatlands already experience lower snowpack, earlier snow melt, and warmer growing season air temperatures, which are all likely to be exacerbated under a future climate.
Trees-structure and Function | 2017
Rafael A. Rubilar; Robert M. Hubbard; Marco A. Yáñez; Alex M. Medina; Hector E. Valenzuela
Key messageCalibration of sap flux density equations for Eucalytusis required when using sapflow thermal dissipation probes to avoid large underestimations of transpiration and water use.AbstractEucalyptus plantations are expanding in response to global wood demand but are raising concerns about their impacts on water supplies. Sustainable plantation management in areas with water conflicts will require accurate assessments of tree and stand water use. Thermal dissipation probes have been used to estimate tree water use, but recent work suggests that species-specific calibrations may be required to obtain accurate results. In this study, we quantified sap flux density (SFD) in 2-year-old Eucalyptus globulus Labill (Eg) and E. nitens × globulus (Eng) species using the thermal dissipation method developed by Granier. For each species we compared the original Granier equation with species-specific calibrations using whole tree potometers over a 36-h period. Our results showed that on average, Granier’s original equation significantly underestimated SFD in both species, and when scaled to the stand level, tree transpiration (Ec) was significantly lower compared to onsite calibrations. The Granier method also underestimated nocturnal transpiration for both genotypes. Measured calibration coefficients were similar and not statistically different between Eg and Eng. These results highlight the importance of species-specific calibrations using thermal dissipation probes for Eucalyptus species to improve stand water use estimates and inferences about ecological impacts.
Tree Physiology | 1996
Michael G. Ryan; Robert M. Hubbard; Silvia Pongracic; R. J. Raison; Ross E. McMurtrie
Plant Cell and Environment | 2001
Robert M. Hubbard; Michael G. Ryan; Volker Stiller; John S. Sperry
Tree Physiology | 1999
Robert M. Hubbard; Barbara J. Bond; Michael G. Ryan