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Featured researches published by Robert Rosa.
Journal of Ecological Engineering | 2014
Robert Rosa
Organic manuring is suggested to be necessary in sweet corn cultivation. It is not always possible to use farmyard manure due to economic, production or technical reasons. Catch crops used as green manures can be an alternative source of organic matter. The experiment was carried out in central-east Poland (52°06’N, 22°55’E), in years 2008–2011. The successive effect of winter catch crops (hairy vetch, white clover, winter rye, Italian ryegrass, winter turnip rape) and the type of weed control on the growth and yielding of sweet corn was examined. The catch crops were sown in early September, incorporated in early May. The effect of the winter catch crops on yield was compared to the effect of FYM at a rate of 30 t·ha -1 and the control without organic manuring. The sweet corn was grown directly after organic fertilization. Three methods of weed control was used: Hw – hand weeding, twice during the growing period, GCM – herbicide Guardian CompleteMix 664 SE, immediately after sowing the seed corn, Z+T – a mixture of herbicides Zeagran 340 SE + Titus 25 WG, in the 3–4 leaf stage sweet corn. The highest yields of biomass were found for winter rye (35.5 t·ha -1 FM and 7.3 t·ha -1 DM), the most of macroelements accumulated winter turnip rape (480.2 kg N+P+K+Ca+Mg·ha -1 ). Generally, leguminous catch crops had similar to the FYM and better than non-leguminous catch crops yield-forming effect. The highest yield of marketable ears of sweet corn was obtained after FYM (14.4 t·ha -1 ) and after hairy vetch catch crop (14.0 t·ha -1 ). A similar yield-forming effect also had white clover and Italian ryegrass. The most of ears from 1 ha was achieved after white clover catch crop (59.3 tausend), similar after FYM and hairy vetch catch crop. The highest kernel yields were found after FYM (10.7 t·ha -1 ). The yields of kernel after hairy vetch and white clover catch crops were significantly higher than after nonleguminous catch crops. Z+T weed control method increase marketable yield of sweet corn (by 25–30%) and a number of ears (by 17–22%), compared to hand weeding and GCM weed control method.
Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin | 2009
Jolanta Franczuk; A. Zaniewicz-Bajkowska; Edyta Kosterna; Robert Rosa
The Effect of Plant Mulches on the Nutritive Value of Red Cabbage and Onion The effect of three methods of soil mulching: autumn or spring ploughing and leaving mulch as a cover crop on the soil surface without incorporation till the end of cabbage growth on the contents of selected nutrients in red cabbage and onion was investigated. The following plants were used as intercropped mulches: phacelia, vetch, serradella and oat. Mulching effects were compared to a non-mulched control as well as a farmyard manure application at the rate of 40 t·ha-1. Nutrient content in both vegetable species depended on weather conditions and varied in study years. Accumulation of dry matter in cabbage was favoured by phacelia and oat mulches, irrespective of the date of ploughing. Non-incorporated oat and autumn-incorporated phacelia increased dry matter content in onion. An increase in the protein content in cabbage was observed when following serradella and vetch mulches. The protein content in onion cultivated in the second year following mulching did not change significantly as a result of the influence of examined factors. Among an the mulches taken into study, serradella and oat increased the content of vitamin C in cabbage. Similarly, autumn- or spring-incorporated oat mulch and non-incorporated serradella mulch increased the content of vitamin C in onion. Wpuływ Mulczów Roślinnych na Wartość Odżywczą Kapusty Czerwonej i Cebuli Badano wpływ trzech sposobów mulczowania gleby — przyoranie mulczu jesienią, wiosną lub pozostawienie jako okrywy bez przyorania do końca wegetacji roślin na zawartość wybranych składników odżywczych w kapuście czerwonej i cebuli. Jako mulcz stosowano: facelię, wykę jarą, seradelę i owies uprawiane w międzyplonie. Efekty stosowania mulczu porównano z kontrolą bez mulczowania oraz z nawożeniem obornikiem w dawce 40 t·ha-1. Zawartość badanych składników odżywczych w kapuście czerwonej i cebuli zależała od przebiegu warunków pogodowych i była zróżnicowana w latach prowadzenia badań. Gromadzeniu suchej masy w kapuście sprzyjało mulczowanie gleby facelią I owsem, niezależnie od terminu ich przyorania. Mulcz z owsa pozostawiony bez przyorania i facelii przyorany jesienią wpływały na wyższa zawartość suchej masy w cebuli. Wzrost zawartości białka w kapuście stwierdzono po mulczowaniu seradelą i wyką. Zawartość białka w cebuli uprawianej w drugim roku po mulczowaniu nie ulegała istotnym zmianom pod wpływem badanych czynników. Spośród badanych rodzajów mulczu seradela i owies wpływały na wzrost zawartości witaminy C w kapuście. Mulcz z owsa przyorany jesienią lub wiosną oraz z seradeli pozostawiony bez przyorania wpływały na wzrost witaminy C w cebuli.
Folia Horticulturae | 2012
Edyta Kosterna; Anna Zaniewicz-Bajkowska; Robert Rosa; Jolanta Franczuk
Abstract The experiment investigated the effect of different irrigation methods (no irrigation, irrigation by means of a drip tape) and method of AgroHydroGel application (control, AgroHydroGel applied to seedlings, AgroHydroGel applied to plants in the field, half of the AgroHydroGel applied to seedlings, the other half to plants in the field) on the yield level and quality of celeriac grown in the field. Irrigation significantly increased yields as well as the average weight of the marketable root; however, it had no influence on the nutrient contents. The application of AgroHydroGel to plants in the field or in a split proportion resulted in the most favourable influence on yielding. In the non-irrigated combination, AgroHydroGel applied entirely to plants in the field or in a split proportion increased marketable root yields. In the irrigated treatments, the highest yield was obtained in the plots where hydrogel was applied to plants in the field. Roots from the treatments where AgroHydroGel had been applied in a split proportion contained more dry matter as compared to the control. In the non-irrigated combination, AgroHydroGel applied entirely to plants in the field and in a split proportion increased ascorbic acid content. Simultaneously, irrigation and hydrogel application in a split proportion increased total sugar content as compared to the plants in which the hydrogel was only applied to the seedlings
Journal of Ecological Engineering | 2016
Robert Rosa; Edyta Kosterna-Kelle; Jolanta Franczuk; Anna Zaniewicz-Bajkowska
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of weather components (air temperature, precipitation) on the growth, yield and the length of the growing season of sweet corn cultivated in eastern Poland. The results come from a field experiment conducted in 2006–2011. Weather conditions in the successive years of the study significantly modified the yield of ears, weight and number of formatted ears, high of plants and the length of the growing season of sweet corn. Good yielding of sweet corn favoured years with moderate air temperatures in July and uniform distribution of precipitation during the growing season. The highest yield of ears was found in 2011, the lowest in the very difficult in terms of weather 2006. The shortest growing season was characterized corn grown in the years 2006 and 2010 with the high air temperatures in July and August, the longest in the years 2009 and 2011, in which the temperatures in the period June-August were the lowest of all the years of research. Irrespective of the year of study, cv ‘Sheba F1’ was formatted eras with higher weight than cv ‘Sweet Nugget F1’.
Folia Horticulturae | 2010
Robert Rosa; A. Zaniewicz-Bajkowska; Edyta Kosterna; Jolanta Franczuk
Abstract A field experiment was carried out in central-eastern Poland (52°06’N, 22°55’E) to investigate the effect of a sunflower catch crop used as green manure sown on three different dates (21st July, 4th and 18th August) on sweet corn yield and growth. The ‘Challenger F1’ and ‘Sweet Wonder F1’ corn cultivars were cultivated in the first year following organic fertilization. Sunflower was plowed in the third week of October. The effect of the catch crop’s green manure was compared to farmyard manure applied at a dose of 40 t ha-1 as well as a control without organic manuring. The biomass quantity and the amount of macroelements absorbed with the sunflower catch crop sown on the 21st of July was similar to the quantity absorbed with farmyard manure applied at a rate of 40 t ha-1. The quantity of organic mass and macroelements absorbed with the sunflower sown on the 4th of August was smaller by 20%, and by 50% for the 18th of August set, compared with the corn treated with farmyard manure. The effects of farmyard manure and sunflower catch crop sown on the 21st of July on the yield were similar. The marketable yield of cobs of corn plants cultivated following farmyard manure treatment and catch crop sown on the 21st of July amounted to 12.6 and 12.4 t ha-1, respectively. An application of sunflower sown as a green manure on the 2nd and 3rd date prior to corn cultivation decreased marketable cob yields by 8% and 25% as compared to the farmyard manure. The corn cobs cultivated following the sunflower sown on the 21st of July and treated with farmyard manure had the greatest mass. The corn cobs cultivated with farmyard manure were characterized by the highest biological productivity (72.1%); similar was the cob production of corn cultivated with catch crops sown on the 21st of July and the 4th of August. The ‘Challenger F1’ and ‘Sweet Wonder F1’ yields were similar. ‘Challenger F1’ produced cobs with higher mass whereas ‘Sweet Wonder F1’ produced cobs characterized by greater biological productivity.
Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu | 2017
Robert Rosa; Agnieszka Ginter; Jolanta Franczuk; Anna Zaniewicz-Bajkowska; Edyta Kosterna-Kelle; Krystyna Chromińska; Aneta Rutkowska
Abstrakt. Celem podjętych badań była identyfikacja źródeł wiedzy na temat wartości odżywczej warzyw wśród mieszkańców wsi na przykładzie dwóch województw – mazowieckiego i lubelskiego. Ukazano ocenę istotności poszczególnych form pozyskiwanych informacji. Podstawowym narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz ankiety przeprowadzonej w 2015 roku na grupie 200 osób. Po analizie wyników badań stwierdzono, że respondenci wskazali na 6 źródeł, z których czerpią informację nt. wartości odżywczej warzyw. Za najważniejsze ankietowani uznali rodzinę i znajomych. Na drugim miejscu ex aeguo znalazły się internet oraz czasopisma. Najmniejsze znaczenie miała opinia sprzedającego warzywa. Kobiety za najważniejsze źródło uznały czasopisma, a mężczyźni rodzinę i znajomych. Dla najmłodszych respondentów najważniejszym źródłem informacji był internet. Wraz ze wzrostem wieku respondentów rosło znaczenie opinii rodziny i znajomych. Na internet jako najważniejsze źródło wiedzy wskazały także osoby z wykształceniem podstawowym. Wraz ze wzrostem poziomu wykształcenia respondentów wzrastało znaczenie fachowych czasopism i książek.
Journal of Ecological Engineering | 2017
Robert Rosa; Edyta Kosterna-Kelle; Jolanta Franczuk; Anna Zaniewicz-Bajkowska; Marzena Panasz
Melon is a little popular vegetable to grow in Poland, due to high climatic requirements. Ensuring appropriate thermal conditions for plants growth is possible with relatively late planting seedlings. However, late planting does not guarantee high yield of good quality fruit. The factor enabling the earlier planting seedlings and improving the conditions of growth is the use of flat covers. The field experiment was conducted in 2008–2010 in central-eastern Poland. The effect of planting seedlings of melon ‘Malaga F1’ (15 May, 25 May and 4 June) and the length of polypropylene fibre 17 g·m -2 covering (by 4 and 8 weeks from planting, until harvest, control without covering) on the yield and economic efficiency of melon cultivation in the field was investigated. Most preferably the yield level and profitability of melon cultivation were influenced by planting seedlings on the 15 May and covering by 4 weeks. However, earlier planting decreased the share of marketable fruits in the total number of fruits. The highest share in the costs structure of melon cultivation had the costs of human labour.
Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae | 2016
Jolanta Franczuk; Robert Rosa; Edyta Kosterna-Kelle; Anna Zaniewicz-Bajkowska; Michał Tartanus; Krystyna Chromińska
Abstract The experiment was carried out in 2007–2009. The investigated factors were: the kind of covers – without covering (control object), perforated foil with 100 holes per 1m2, polypropylene fibre weighing 17 g m−2 and broad beans cultivars – ‘Windsor Biały’, ‘Bizon’ and ‘Bachus’. Broad bean seeds were sown at the beginning of the second 10-days of April, at a spacing of 50 × 10 cm. Directly after, sowing field was covered by covers, which were left for 3 weeks. Broad bean was harvested in the stage of milky maturity of seeds. Before the harvest, the number of pods per plant was determined. During the harvest, the weight of pods and the yield of fresh seed were determined and productivity of seed from the weight of pods was calculated. Biometric parameters of pods and seeds i.e. length of pods, the number of seeds in the pod and length, width and thickness of seed was performed. It was found that the broad bean covering contributed to increase yield and improvement of the biometric parameters of pods and seeds compared to the control object without covering. The highest yield of pods and seeds produced cv ‘Bizon’. The best yield was obtained from plants covered by polypropylene fibre. The seeds of cultivated cultivars were characterized by similar parameters. Polypropylene fibre covering favoured formation of pods and seeds in the pods but did not cause changes in the seeds parameters.
Journal of Ecological Engineering | 2015
Robert Rosa
An experiment was carried out in east-central Poland (52°06’ N, 22°55’ E) over 2008– 2011 to study the effect of winter catch crops on the weed infestation, number, and fresh matter of weeds in sweet corn (Zea mays L. var. saccharata). The following winter catch crops were grown: hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.), winter rye (Secale cereale L.), Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) and winter turnip rape (Brassica rapa var. typica Posp.). The catch crops were sown in early September and incorporated in early May. The effect of the catch crops was compared to the effect of FYM (30 t·ha-1) and control without organic manuring (NOM). Three methods of weed control were used: HW – hand weeding, twice during the growing period, GCM – the herbicide Guardian Complete Mix 664 SE, immediately after sowing of corn seeds, Z+T – a mixture of the herbicides Zeagran 340 SE and Titus 25 WG applied at the 3–4-leaf stage of sweet corn growth. Rye and turnip rape catch crops had least weeds in their fresh matter. Sweet corn following winter catch crops was less infested by weeds than corn following farmyard manure and nonmanured corn. Least weeds and their lowest weight were found after SC, BRT and VV. LM and BRT reduced weed species numbers compared with FYM and NOM. The greatest weed species diversity, determined at the corn flowering stage, was determined after SC and FYM. The number and weight of weeds were significantly lower when chemically controlled compared with hand weeding. The best results were observed after a post-emergent application of the mixture Z+T. The weed species diversity on Z+T-treated plots was clearly lower compared with GCM and HW.
Folia Horticulturae | 2011
Anna Zaniewicz-Bajkowska; Jolanta Franczuk; Edyta Kosterna; Robert Rosa; Marzena Panasz
Abstract This study investigated the effect of foliar feeding with Florovit and Ekolist-Warzywa + urea liquid fertilisers on yield quality and the content of selected nutritive value components of three medium-fruit melon cultivars (‘Charentais F1’, ‘Melba’, and ‘Fiesta’). A higher total yield was harvested from plants foliar-fed with Florovit and Ekolist-Warzywa + urea compared with the control without foliar feeding. The ‘Fiesta’ cultivar was characterised by the highest total yield. The type of foliar feeding significantly affected the total number of fruit per square metre. More fruit per metre squared was produced by Florovit-fed plants in comparison to Ekolist-Warzywa + urea. ‘Charentais F1’ produced the greatest number of fruit. ‘Fiesta’ had the highest proportion of marketable fruit. The factors investigated did not have any influence on the percentage of disease-affected and unripe fruit. The greatest amount of dry matter and ascorbic acid were determined in the fruit harvested from the control and plants foliar-fed with Ekolist-Warzywa + urea, respectively. The highest levels of both components were assayed in ‘Fiesta’. Regardless of the type of foliar feeding, ‘Fiesta’ and ‘Charentais F1’ produced the highest quantity of total sugars and monosaccharaides as compared with ‘Melba’.
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University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce
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