Robert W. McCarley
Harvard University
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Featured researches published by Robert W. McCarley.
The New England Journal of Medicine | 1992
Martha Elizabeth Shenton; Ron Kikinis; Ferenc A. Jolesz; Seth D. Pollak; Marjorie LeMay; Cynthia G. Wible; Hiroto Hokama; John Martin; Dave Metcalf; Michael J. Coleman; Robert W. McCarley
BACKGROUND Data from postmortem, CT, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies indicate that patients with schizophrenia may have anatomical abnormalities of the left temporal lobe, but it is unclear whether these abnormalities are related to the thought disorder characteristic of schizophrenia. METHODS We used new MRI neuroimaging techniques to derive (without knowledge of the diagnosis) volume measurements and three-dimensional reconstructions of temporal-lobe structures in vivo in 15 right-handed men with chronic schizophrenia and 15 matched controls. RESULTS As compared with the controls, the patients had significant reductions in the volume of gray matter in the left anterior hippocampus-amygdala (by 19 percent [95 percent confidence interval, 3 to 36 percent]), the left parahippocampal gyrus (by 13 percent [95 percent confidence interval, 3 to 23 percent], vs. 8 percent on the right), and the left superior temporal gyrus (by 15 percent [95 percent confidence interval, 5 to 25 percent]). The volume of the left posterior superior temporal gyrus correlated with the score on the thought-disorder index in the 13 patients evaluated (r = -0.81, P = 0.001). None of these regional volume decreases was accompanied by a decrease in the volume of the overall brain or temporal lobe. The volume of gray matter in a control region (the superior frontal gyrus) was essentially the same in the patients and controls. CONCLUSIONS Schizophrenia involves localized reductions in the gray matter of the left temporal lobe. The degree of thought disorder is related to the size of the reduction in volume of the left posterior superior temporal gyrus.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2009
Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli; Heidi W. Thermenos; Snezana Milanovic; Ming T. Tsuang; Stephen V. Faraone; Robert W. McCarley; Martha Elizabeth Shenton; Alan I. Green; Alfonso Nieto-Castanon; Peter S. LaViolette; Joanne Wojcik; John D. E. Gabrieli; Larry J. Seidman
We examined the status of the neural network mediating the default mode of brain function, which typically exhibits greater activation during rest than during task, in patients in the early phase of schizophrenia and in young first-degree relatives of persons with schizophrenia. During functional MRI, patients, relatives, and controls alternated between rest and performance of working memory (WM) tasks. As expected, controls exhibited task-related suppression of activation in the default network, including medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus. Patients and relatives exhibited significantly reduced task-related suppression in MPFC, and these reductions remained after controlling for performance. Increased task-related MPFC suppression correlated with better WM performance in patients and relatives and with less psychopathology in all 3 groups. For WM task performance, patients and relatives had greater activation in right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) than controls. During rest and task, patients and relatives exhibited abnormally high functional connectivity within the default network. The magnitudes of default network connectivity during rest and task correlated with psychopathology in the patients. Further, during both rest and task, patients exhibited reduced anticorrelations between MPFC and DLPFC, a region that was hyperactivated by patients and relatives during WM performance. Among patients, the magnitude of MPFC task suppression negatively correlated with default connectivity, suggesting an association between the hyperactivation and hyperconnectivity in schizophrenia. Hyperactivation (reduced task-related suppression) of default regions and hyperconnectivity of the default network may contribute to disturbances of thought in schizophrenia and risk for the illness.
Science | 1996
J. E. Sherin; Priyattam J. Shiromani; Robert W. McCarley; Clifford B. Saper
The rostral hypothalamus and adjacent basal forebrain participate in the generation of sleep, but the neuronal circuitry involved in this process remains poorly characterized. Immunocytochemistry was used to identify the FOS protein, an immediate-early gene product, in a group of ventrolateral preoptic neurons that is specifically activated during sleep. The retrograde tracer cholera toxin B, in combination with FOS immunocytochemistry, was used to show that sleep-activated ventrolateral preoptic neurons innervate the tuberomammillary nucleus, a posterior hypothalamic cell group thought to participate in the modulation of arousal. This monosynaptic pathway in the hypothalamus may play a key role in determining sleep-wake states.
Biological Psychiatry | 1996
Tamara V. Gurvits; Martha Elizabeth Shenton; Hiroto Hokama; Hirokazu Ohta; Natasha B. Lasko; Mark W. Gilbertson; Scott P. Orr; Ron Kikinis; Ferenc A. Jolesz; Robert W. McCarley; Roger K. Pitman
This study used quantitative volumetric magnetic resonance imaging techniques to explore the neuroanatomic correlates of chronic, combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in seven Vietnam veterans with PTSD compared with seven nonPTSD combat veterans and eight normal nonveterans. Both left and right hippocampi were significantly smaller in the PTSD subjects compared to the Combat Control and Normal subjects, even after adjusting for age, whole brain volume, and lifetime alcohol consumption. There were no statistically significant group differences in intracranial cavity, whole brain, ventricles, ventricle:brain ratio, or amygdala. Subarachnoidal cerebrospinal fluid was increased in both veteran groups. Our finding of decreased hippocampal volume in PTSD subjects is consistent with results of other investigations which utilized only trauma-unexposed control groups. Hippocampal volume was directly correlated with combat exposure, which suggests that traumatic stress may damage the hippocampus. Alternatively, smaller hippocampi volume may be a pre-existing risk factor for combat exposure and/or the development of PTSD upon combat exposure.
Physiological Reviews | 2012
Ritchie E. Brown; Radhika Basheer; James T. McKenna; Robert E. Strecker; Robert W. McCarley
This review summarizes the brain mechanisms controlling sleep and wakefulness. Wakefulness promoting systems cause low-voltage, fast activity in the electroencephalogram (EEG). Multiple interacting neurotransmitter systems in the brain stem, hypothalamus, and basal forebrain converge onto common effector systems in the thalamus and cortex. Sleep results from the inhibition of wake-promoting systems by homeostatic sleep factors such as adenosine and nitric oxide and GABAergic neurons in the preoptic area of the hypothalamus, resulting in large-amplitude, slow EEG oscillations. Local, activity-dependent factors modulate the amplitude and frequency of cortical slow oscillations. Non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep results in conservation of brain energy and facilitates memory consolidation through the modulation of synaptic weights. Rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep results from the interaction of brain stem cholinergic, aminergic, and GABAergic neurons which control the activity of glutamatergic reticular formation neurons leading to REM sleep phenomena such as muscle atonia, REMs, dreaming, and cortical activation. Strong activation of limbic regions during REM sleep suggests a role in regulation of emotion. Genetic studies suggest that brain mechanisms controlling waking and NREM sleep are strongly conserved throughout evolution, underscoring their enormous importance for brain function. Sleep disruption interferes with the normal restorative functions of NREM and REM sleep, resulting in disruptions of breathing and cardiovascular function, changes in emotional reactivity, and cognitive impairments in attention, memory, and decision making.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 1996
Heinz Grunze; Donald G. Rainnie; Michael E. Hasselmo; Eddie Barkai; Elizabeth F. Hearn; Robert W. McCarley; Robert W. Greene
Whole-cell and extracellular recording techniques were used to examine local circuit inhibition in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus in vitro. Activation, primarily of the recurrent inhibitory circuit by alvear stimulation, elicited an IPSP in pyramidal neurons that was dependent, in part, on NMDA receptor activation. Application of a tetanizing stimulus to the alveus evoked long-term potentiation (LTP) of the intracellularly recorded recurrent IPSPs. This LTP also was NMDA- dependent and was more sensitive to blockade by the NMDA antagonists 2- amino-5-phosphonovalerate (APV) and N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate, than the excitatory LTP produced by Schaffer collateral stimulation. With regard to APV, the sensitivity of inhibitory LTP was an order of magnitude greater. A biophysical simulation of hippocampal CA1 circuitry was used in a model of learned pattern recognition that included LTP in both excitatory and inhibitory recurrent circuits. In this model, selective blockade of inhibitory LTP produced aberrant spread of lateral excitation, resulting in confusion of normally distinguishable patterns of neuronal activity. Consideration is given to the possibility that selective disruption of NMDA-dependent modulation of local circuit inhibition may serve as a model for some aspects of dysfunction associated with NMDA-antagonist exposure and schizophrenia.
NeuroImage | 2005
Marek Kubicki; Hae-Jeong Park; Carl-Fredrik Westin; Paul G. Nestor; Robert V. Mulkern; Stephan E. Maier; Margaret A. Niznikiewicz; E.E. Connor; James J. Levitt; Melissa Frumin; Ron Kikinis; Ferenc A. Jolesz; Robert W. McCarley; Martha Elizabeth Shenton
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies in schizophrenia demonstrate lower anisotropic diffusion within white matter due either to loss of coherence of white matter fiber tracts, to changes in the number and/or density of interconnecting fiber tracts, or to changes in myelination, although methodology as well as localization of such changes differ between studies. The aim of this study is to localize and to specify further DTI abnormalities in schizophrenia by combining DTI with magnetization transfer imaging (MTI), a technique sensitive to myelin and axonal alterations in order to increase specificity of DTI findings. 21 chronic schizophrenics and 26 controls were scanned using Line-Scan-Diffusion-Imaging and T1-weighted techniques with and without a saturation pulse (MT). Diffusion information was used to normalize co-registered maps of fractional anisotropy (FA) and magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) to a study-specific template, using the multi-channel daemon algorithm, designed specifically to deal with multidirectional tensor information. Diffusion anisotropy was decreased in schizophrenia in the following brain regions: the fornix, the corpus callosum, bilaterally in the cingulum bundle, bilaterally in the superior occipito-frontal fasciculus, bilaterally in the internal capsule, in the right inferior occipito-frontal fasciculus and the left arcuate fasciculus. MTR maps demonstrated changes in the corpus callosum, fornix, right internal capsule, and the superior occipito-frontal fasciculus bilaterally; however, no changes were noted in the anterior cingulum bundle, the left internal capsule, the arcuate fasciculus, or inferior occipito-frontal fasciculus. In addition, the right posterior cingulum bundle showed MTR but not FA changes in schizophrenia. These findings suggest that, while some of the diffusion abnormalities in schizophrenia are likely due to abnormal coherence, or organization of the fiber tracts, some of these abnormalities may, in fact, be attributed to or coincide with myelin/axonal disruption.
Biological Psychiatry | 2003
Marek Kubicki; Carl-Fredrik Westin; Paul G. Nestor; Cynthia G. Wible; Melissa Frumin; Stephan E. Maier; Ron Kikinis; Ferenc A. Jolesz; Robert W. McCarley; Martha Elizabeth Shenton
Evidence suggests that a disruption in limbic system network integrity and, in particular, the cingulate gyrus (CG), may play a role in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia; however, the cingulum bundle (CB), the white matter tract furnishing both input and output to CG, and the most prominent white matter fiber tract in the limbic system, has not been evaluated in schizophrenia using the new technology of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). We used line scan DTI to evaluate diffusion in the CB in 16 male schizophrenia patients and 18 male control subjects, group-matched for age, parental socioeconomic status, and handedness. We acquired 4-mm-thick coronal slices through the entire brain. Maps of fractional anisotropy (FA) were generated to quantify diffusion within the left and right CB on eight slices that included the central portion of the CB. Results showed group differences, bilaterally, in area and mean FA for CB, where patients showed smaller area and less anisotropy than controls. For patients, decreased left CB correlated significantly with attention and working memory measures as assessed by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. These data provide strong evidence for CB disruptions in schizophrenia, which may be related to disease-related attention and working memory abnormalities.
Neuroscience | 2000
Tarja Porkka-Heiskanen; Robert E. Strecker; Robert W. McCarley
Previous data suggested that increases in extracellular adenosine in the basal forebrain mediated the sleep-inducing effects of prolonged wakefulness. The present study sought to determine if the state-related changes found in basal forebrain adenosine levels occurred uniformly throughout the brain. In vivo microdialysis sample collection coupled to microbore high-performance liquid chromatography measured extracellular adenosine levels in six brain regions of the cat: basal forebrain, cerebral cortex, thalamus, preoptic area of hypothalamus, dorsal raphe nucleus and pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus. In all these brain regions extracellular adenosine levels showed a similar decline of 15 to 20% during episodes of spontaneous sleep relative to wakefulness. Adenosine levels during non-rapid eye movement sleep did not differ from rapid eye movement sleep. In the course of 6h of sleep deprivation, adenosine levels increased significantly in the cholinergic region of the basal forebrain (to 140% of baseline) and, to a lesser extent in the cortex, but not in the other regions. Following sleep deprivation, basal forebrain adenosine levels declined very slowly, remaining significantly elevated throughout a 3-h period of recovery sleep, but elsewhere levels were either similar to, or lower than, baseline. The site-specific accumulation of adenosine during sleep deprivation suggests a differential regulation of adenosine levels by as yet unidentified mechanisms. Moreover, the unique pattern of sleep-related changes in basal forebrain adenosine level lends strong support to the hypothesis that the sleep-promoting effects of adenosine, as well as the sleepiness associated with prolonged wakefulness, are both mediated by adenosinergic inhibition of a cortically projecting basal forebrain arousal system.
NeuroImage | 2002
Marek Kubicki; Martha Elizabeth Shenton; D.F. Salisbury; Yoshio Hirayasu; Kazue Kasai; Ron Kikinis; Ferenc A. Jolesz; Robert W. McCarley
Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) may afford a more rapid and extensive survey of gray matter abnormalities in schizophrenia than manually drawn region of interest (ROI) analysis, the current gold standard in structural MRI. Unfortunately, VBM has not been validated by comparison with ROI analyses, nor used in first-episode patients with schizophrenia or affective psychosis, who lack structural changes associated with chronicity. An SPM99-based implementation of VBM was used to compare a group of 16 patients with first-episode schizophrenia and a group of 18 normal controls and, as a further comparison, 16 first-episode patients with affective psychosis. All groups were matched for age and handedness. High spatial resolution structural images were normalized to the SPM99 template and then segmented, smoothed, and subjected to an ANCOVA. Schizophrenia vs control group comparisons: Voxel-by-voxel comparison of gray matter densities showed that only the left STG region was significantly different when corrected for multiple comparisons (P <.05), consistent with our previously reported manual ROI results. Analysis of the extent of voxel clusters, replicated with permutation analyses, revealed group differences in bilateral anterior cingulate gyri and insula (not previously examined by us with manually drawn ROI) and unilateral parietal lobe, but not in medial temporal lobe (where our ROI analysis had shown differences). However, use of a smaller smoothing kernel and a small volume correction revealed left-sided hippocampal group differences. Affective psychosis comparisons: When the same statistical thresholding criteria were used, no significant differences between affective psychosis patients and controls were noted. Since a major interest was whether patients with affective psychosis shared some anatomical abnormalities with schizophrenia, we applied a small volume correction and searched within the regions that were significantly less dense in schizophrenia compared to control subjects. With this statistical correction, the insula showed, bilaterally, the same pattern of differences in affective disorder subjects as that in schizophrenic subjects, whereas both left STG and left hippocampus showed statistical differences between affectives and schizophrenics, indicating the abnormalities specific to first-episode schizophrenia. These findings suggest both the promise and utility of VBM in evaluating gray matter abnormalities. They further suggest the importance of comparing VBM findings with more traditional ROI analyses until the reasons for the differences between methods are determined.