Robert W. Sanders
Temple University
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Featured researches published by Robert W. Sanders.
Microbial Ecology | 1990
Robert W. Sanders; Karen G. Porter; David A. Caron
The time scales involved in the transition between phototrophic and phagotrophic modes of nutrition were examined in the mixotrophic chrysophytePoterioochromonas malhamensis. Phagotrophy began almost immediately when bacteria were added to phototrophically growing cultures of the alga, and chlorophylla concentration per cell in these cultures decreased over a 24-hour period. Chlorophyll concentrations per cell began to increase when bacteria were grazed to a density of approximately 106 ml−1, but after more than 24 hours they had not returned to the higher chlorophyll concentrations observed in the phototrophically grown cultures. Bacterivory was the dominant mode of nutrition in all cultures containing heat-killed bacteria. Photosynthesis did not contribute more than ≈7% of the total carbon budget of the alga when in the presence of abundant heat-killed bacteria. Bacterial density was the primary factor influencing the ability ofP. malhamensis to feed phagotrophically, while light intensity, pH, and the presence of dissolved organic matter had no effect on phagotrophy. We conclude thatP. malhamensis is capable of phagotrophy at all times. In contrast, phototrophy is inducible in the light during starvation and is a long-term survival strategy for this mixotrophic alga (i.e., it operates on time scales greater than a diel cycle).
Microbial Ecology | 1993
David A. Caron; Robert W. Sanders; Ee Lin Lim; Celia Marrasé; Linda A. Amaral; Sheri Whitney; Rika B. Aoki; Karen G. Porters
The mixotrophic (bacterivorous), freshwater chrysophyte Dinobryon cylindricum was cultured under a variety of light regimes and in bacterized and axenic cultures to investigate the role of phototrophy and phagotrophy for the growth of this alga. D. cylindricum was found to be an obligate phototroph. The alga was unable to survive in continuous darkness even when cultures were supplemented with high concentrations of bacteria, and bacterivory ceased in cultures placed in the dark for a period longer than one day. Axenic growth of the alga was poor even in an optimal light regime. Live bacteria were required for sustained, vigorous growth of the alga in the light. Carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) budgets determined for the alga during growth in bacterized cultures indicated that bacterial biomass ingested by the alga may have contributed up to 25% of the organic carbon budget of the alga. Photosynthesis was the source of most (⩾75%) of the organic carbon of the alga. D. cylindricum populations survived but did not grow when cultured in a continuous low light intensity (30 μE m−2 sec−1), or in a light intensity of 150 μE m−2 sec−1 for only two hours each day. Net efficiency of incorporation of bacterial C, N, and P into algal biomass under these two conditions was zero (i.e., no net algal population growth). We conclude that the primary function of bacterivorous behavior in D. cylindricum may be to provide essential growth factor(s) or major nutrients for photosynthetic growth, or to allow for the survival of individuals during periods of very low light intensity or short photoperiod.
The ISME Journal | 2014
Zaid M. McKie-Krisberg; Robert W. Sanders
Photosynthetic picoeukaryotes (PPE) are recognized as major primary producers and contributors to phytoplankton biomass in oceanic and coastal environments. Molecular surveys indicate a large phylogenetic diversity in the picoeukaryotes, with members of the Prymnesiophyceae and Chrysophyseae tending to be more common in open ocean waters and Prasinophyceae dominating coastal and Arctic waters. In addition to their role as primary producers, PPE have been identified in several studies as mixotrophic and major predators of prokaryotes. Mixotrophy, the combination of photosynthesis and phagotrophy in a single organism, is well established for most photosynthetic lineages. However, green algae, including prasinophytes, were widely considered as a purely photosynthetic group. The prasinophyte Micromonas is perhaps the most common picoeukaryote in coastal and Arctic waters and is one of the relatively few cultured representatives of the picoeukaryotes available for physiological investigations. In this study, we demonstrate phagotrophy by a strain of Micromonas (CCMP2099) isolated from Arctic waters and show that environmental factors (light and nutrient concentration) affect ingestion rates in this mixotroph. In addition, we show size-selective feeding with a preference for smaller particles, and determine P vs I (photosynthesis vs irradiance) responses in different nutrient conditions. If other strains have mixotrophic abilities similar to Micromonas CCMP2099, the widespread distribution and frequently high abundances of Micromonas suggest that these green algae may have significant impact on prokaryote populations in several oceanic regimes.
Microbial Ecology | 2001
Robert W. Sanders; David A. Caron; J.M. Davidson; Mark R. Dennett; Dawn M. Moran
Axenic growth of a mixotrophic alga, Ochromonas sp., was compared in several inorganic and organic media, and in the presence of live bacteria under nutrient-replete and low-nutrient conditions. Axenic growth in the light was negligible in inorganic media with or without the addition of glucose. Addition of vitamins increased growth rate, but average cell size declined, resulting in no net increase in biomass. Supplementing axenic cultures with a more complex organic substrate resulted in moderate growth and higher maximal abundance (and biomass) than in the inorganic media with added vitamins. The absence of light did not greatly affect population growth rate in the presence of complex dissolved organic compounds, although cell size was significantly greater in the light than in the dark. The highest growth rates for the alga (up to 2.6 d?1) were measured in treatments containing live bacteria. Increases in cell number of Ochromonas sp. in the presence of bacterial prey were similar in the light and dark, although chloroplast and cell sizes differed. Bacterial abundance was reduced and dissolved phosphorus and ammonia were rapidly released in bacterized cultures in the light and dark, indicating high rates of bacterial ingestion and suggesting an inability of the alga to store or utilize N and P in excess of the quantities required for heterotrophic growth. Low-nutrient conditions in the presence of bacteria were promoted by adding glucose to stimulate bacterial growth and the uptake of N and P released by algal phagotrophy. Subsequent decreases in dissolved N and P following the addition of glucose corresponded to a second period of rapid growth of the alga in both light and dark. This result, combined with evidence for slow axenic growth of this strain, indicated that nutrient acquisition for this species in the presence of bacteria was accomplished primarily via ingestion of bacteria.
Hydrobiologia | 1994
Robert W. Sanders; Douglas A. Leeper; C. Harold King; Karen G. Porter
Predation on nanoflagellates by metazoan zooplankton was investigated using a radioactively labeled flagellate, Poterioochromonas malhamensis, as a tracer cell in laboratory incubations of freshly collected plankton assemblages. Experiments conducted in the fall, winter and spring indicated that rotifers dominated the grazing on nanoflagellates by metazoans in the winter (68%) and spring (92%). Rotifer grazing was not determined in the autumn. It is likely that the greater impact of rotifer grazing in the spring was due to the occurrence of abundant filamentous cyanobacteria and gelatinous colonial phytoplankton which selectively depressed feeding rates of crustaceans compared to rotifers. Crustacean predation on nanoflagellates was highest in the autumn when cladocerans (primarily Daphnia spp.) were abundant. Predation by metazoan zooplankton in this lake appeared capable of removing the total standing stock of heterotrophic and phototrophic nanoplankton in < 1 d. Impacts of ciliated protozoa on nanoplankton, calculated from abundances and literature feeding rates, ranged from approximately one-third to four times that of metazoan predation depending on season and method of calculation. The relative importance of the different groups of predators appears to vary seasonally which is expected to alter the transfer of energy, carbon and nutrients from bacteria to higher trophic levels.
Trends in Microbiology | 2009
Rebecca J. Gast; Robert W. Sanders; David A. Caron
Protistan species are found in almost every environment on our planet, and have adapted in many ways to survive and thrive under dramatically different conditions. Some of the most diverse adaptations involve symbiotic relationships with prokaryotes. Described symbioses primarily involve heterotrophic protists, including ciliates, Rhizaria (amoebae, foraminifera, radiolaria) and flagellate taxa. Recently there has been an increase in reports of environmental isolates that represent novel associations, which suggest that the symbioses are probably more widespread than conventionally thought. Future work will need to explore the function, abundance and distribution of what have been considered rare or unusual interactions.
Microbial Ecology | 1990
Adrienne E. DeBiase; Robert W. Sanders; Karen G. Porter
The relative importance of autotrophic flagellates, desmids, cyanobacteria, and ciliates as food forDaphnia magna was examined using cohort life tables. Each cohort was fed a single food type at a given concentration, and comparisons among each type were made. Algal feeding treatments included three levels of young (7 to 14 days old)Chlamydomonas reinhardi (Chlorophyta, Chlamydomonadacae), two levels of senescent (> 14 days old)C. reinhardi, two levels ofCryptomonas sp. (Chlorophyta, Cryptomonadacae), two levels ofStaurastrum sp. (Chlorophyta, Desmidacae), four levels of young (7 to 15 days old) or senescent (> 15 days old)Microcystis aeruginosa (Cyanophyta, Chlorococcacae), and a no-food treatment. The ciliatesCyclidium sp. andParamecium caudatum were also presented at concentrations of 1 or 102 cells/ml, as well as mixtures ofC. reinhardi (103/ml) andCyclidium (1/ml) orP. caudatum (1/ml).Daphnia growth, reproduction, and survivorship were highest whenC. reinhardi orCryptomonas were the food source, while those starved or fedM. aeruginosa had shorter survivorship and lower growth and reproduction.Daphnia grew and had high survivorship when fedP. caudatum, but even though eggs were produced, most were aborted after 2 or 3 days.Staurastrum andCyclidium produced intermediate growth and survivorship, but reproduction was seen only in the 103Staurastrum/ml treatment. Carbon and nitrogen content were general indicators of nutritional value. However, growth, reproduction, and survivorship were higher in some cohorts fed treatments containing relatively low levels of carbon and nitrogen. Other cohorts were short-lived and did not reproduce, despite being fed much higher levels of carbon and nitrogen. The results also suggest that green algae are nutritionally valuable forDaphnia, whereas cyanobacteria are not. As measured by life-table parameters, the nutritional value of ciliates was variable, with some being poor food sources. Thus, the potential of ciliates as a trophic link between microbial production and higher trophic levels may vary with the ciliate community structure. Our results suggest that ciliates alone were insufficient as a food source to supportDaphnia population growth.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology | 2012
Robert W. Sanders; Rebecca J. Gast
Mixotrophy, the combination of phototrophy and heterotrophy within the same individual, is widespread in oceanic systems. Yet, neither the presence nor ecological impact of mixotrophs has been identified in an Arctic marine environment. We quantified nano- and picoplankton during early autumn in the Beaufort Sea and Canada Basin and determined relative rates of bacterivory by heterotrophs and mixotrophs. Results confirmed previous reports of low microbial biomass for Arctic communities in autumn. The impact of bacterivory was relatively low, ranging from 0.6 × 10(3) to 42.8 × 10(3) bacteria mL(-1) day(-1) , but it was often dominated by pico- or nanomixotrophs. From 1% to 7% of the photosynthetic picoeukaryotes were bacterivorous, while mixotrophic nanoplankton abundance comprised 1-22% of the heterotrophic and 2-32% of the phototrophic nanoplankton abundance, respectively. The estimated daily grazing impact was usually < 5% of the bacterial standing stock, but impacts as high as 25% occurred. Analysis of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) band patterns indicated that communities from different depths at the same site were appreciably different and that there was a shift in community diversity at the midpoint of the cruise. Sequence information from DGGE bands reflected microbes related to those from other Arctic studies, particularly from the Beaufort Sea.
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology | 2011
Robert W. Sanders
ABSTRACT. The alternative nutritional strategies in protists that were addressed during the symposium by that name at the 2010 annual meeting of the International Society of Protistologists and here in contributed papers, include a range of mechanisms that combine photosynthesis with heterotrophy in a single organism. Often called mixotrophy, these multiple trophic level combinations occur across a broad range of organisms and environments. Consequently, there is great variability in the physiological abilities and relative importance of phototrophy vs. phagotrophy and/or osmotrophy in mixotrophic protists. Recently, research papers addressing ecological questions about mixotrophy in marine systems have been more numerous than those that deal with freshwater systems, a trend that is probably partly due to a realization that many harmful algal blooms in coastal marine systems involve mixotrophic protists. After an introduction to the symposium presentations, recent studies of mixotrophy in freshwater systems are reviewed to encourage continuing research on their importance to inland waters.
The Journal of Experimental Biology | 2013
Erin R. Graham; Scott A. Fay; Adam Davey; Robert W. Sanders
SUMMARY Each spring, North American spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) females each lay hundreds of eggs in shallow pools of water. Eggs are surrounded by jelly layers and are deposited as large gelatinous masses. Following deposition, masses are penetrated by a mutualistic green alga, Oophila amblystomatis, which enters individual egg capsules, proliferates and aggregates near the salamander embryo, providing oxygen that enhances development. We examined the effects of population density of intracapsular O. amblystomatis on A. maculatum embryos and show that larger algal populations promote faster embryonic growth and development. Also, we show that carbon fixed by O. amblystomatis is transferred to the embryos, providing the first evidence of direct translocation of photosynthate from a symbiont to a vertebrate host.