Roberto Livi
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Journal of Statistical Physics | 1987
Roberto Livi; Marco Pettini; Stefano Ruffo; Angelo Vulpiani
The relation between chaotic dynamics of nonlinear Hamiltonian systems and equilibrium statistical mechanics in its canonical ensemble formulation has been investigated for two different nonlinear Hamiltonian systems. We have compared time averages obtained by means of numerical simulations of molecular dynamics type with analytically computed ensemble averages. The numerical simulation of the dynamic counterpart of the canonical ensemble is obtained by considering the behavior of a small part of a given system, described by a microcanonical ensemble, in order to have fluctuations of the energy of the subsystem. The results for the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model (i.e., a one-dimensional anharmonic solid) show a substantial agreement between time and ensemble averages independent of the degree of stochasticity of the dynamics. On the other hand, a very different behavior is observed for a chain of weakly coupled rotators, where linear exchange effects are absent. In the high-temperature limit (weak coupling) we have a strong disagreement between time and ensemble averages for the specific heat even if the dynamics is chaotic. This behavior is related to the presence of spatially localized chaos, which prevents the complete filling of the accessible phase space of the system. Localized chaos is detected by the distribution of all the characteristic Liapunov exponents.
BMC Neuroscience | 2007
Alessandro Torcini; Ruediger Zillmer; Roberto Livi; Antonio Politi
The dynamics of collective states observed in globally coupled neuronal networks is still an open problem. In particular, although it is claimed that the periodic firing state (splay state) is stable only for excitatory coupling [1], counterexamples have been found for inhibitory coupling as well [2]. Moreover, the stability of the splay states has been analyzed only in the mean field limit [1,3,4]. Our aim is to investigate simultaneously, for a pulse-coupled network of leaky integrate-and fire neurons, the effect of the number N of neurons as well as of the pulse-width of the post-synaptic potentials. Finite-N networks can be studied by suitably modifying the map-like formalism [5,6] usually adopted to implement numerically the model. As a result, we find that the stability of the splay state depends crucially on a parameter that is proportional to the width of the delivered pulses rescaled to the average interspike interval. More precisely, we show that the Floquet spectrum of eigenvalues is made of two components, one of which coincides with that one predicted by the mean-field analysis [1]. Depending on the value of the relevant parameter, the second component may be responsible for the occurrence of instabilities which in turn suggest the failure of the continuum limit approximation. Finally, for sufficiently small pulse-width we observe that the splay state can be stable even for inhibitory coupling.
Physical Review Letters | 1997
Stefano Lepri; Roberto Livi; A. Politi
Physical Review A | 1985
Roberto Livi; Marco Pettini; Stefano Ruffo; Massimo Sparpaglione; Angelo Vulpiani
Physical Review E | 1994
Raymond Kapral; Roberto Livi; Gian-Luca Oppo; A. Politi
European Physical Journal-special Topics | 2007
Giada Basile; Luca Delfini; Stefano Lepri; Roberto Livi; Stefano Olla; A. Politi
Physical Review A | 1986
S. Isola; Roberto Livi; Stefano Ruffo; Angelo Vulpiani
Workshop on Chaos and Complexity, Torino, October 5-11, 1987 | 1988
Dominique d'Humières; Pierre Lallemand; Jean-Pierre Boon; David Dab; Alain Noullez; Roberto Livi; Stefano Ruffo; Sergio Ciliberto; Marco M. Buiatti
Archive | 2003
Roberto Livi; Angelo Vulpiani
Physical Review Letters | 1997
Raymond Kapral; Roberto Livi; A. Politi