
Journal of Sports Sciences | 2018

Growth, functional capacities and motivation for achievement and competitiveness in youth basketball: an interdisciplinary approach

Humberto M. Carvalho; Carlos E. Gonçalves; Dave Collins; Roberto Rodrigues Paes

ABSTRACT The interaction of multiple influences on the path to sport success is not yet fully understood by sport scientists. In this study, we examined variation in body size, functional capacities and motivation for achievement, competitiveness and deliberate practice of youth basketball players associated with differences in biological maturity status, chronological age and years of training experience. Reflecting the importance of interactive effects, we examined the relationships between the psychological variables and functional capacities. Fifty-eight male basketball players aged 9.5 to 15.5 years were considered. Variables included chronological age, estimated age at peak height velocity, stature, body mass and sitting height by anthropometry; the Work and Family Orientation and Deliberate Practice Motivation Questionnaires were also used. Finally, the Line Drill test and Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery level 1 (Yo-Yo IR1) tests were used as functional capacities indicators for basketball. Variance components models derived from series of multilevel linear regression models revealed a substantial variation by maturity status for body size, functional capacities indicators, mastery and will to excel. The influence of estimated maturity status on mastery and will to excel was independent of age and years of experience. In contrast, no relationships were observed between psychological variables and functional capacities indicators. We conclude that growth-related changes are relevant to understanding players´ motivations for achievement, competitiveness and deliberate practice. This should be of interest to those involved in the selection and development of youth basketball players.

Research in Sports Medicine | 2017

Validity and usefulness of the Line Drill test for adolescent basketball players: a Bayesian multilevel analysis

Humberto M. Carvalho; Carlos E. Gonçalves; Bernard Grosgeorge; Roberto Rodrigues Paes

ABSTRACT The study examined the validity of the Line Drill test (LD) in male adolescent basketball players (10–15 years). Sensitiveness of the LD to changes in performance across a training and competition season (4 months) was also considered. Age, maturation, body size and LD were measured (n = 57). Sensitiveness of the LD was examined pre- and post-competitive season in a sub-sample (n = 44). The time at each of the four shuttle sprints of the LD (i.e. four stages) was modelled with Bayesian multilevel models. We observed very large correlation of performance at stage 4 (full LD protocol) with stage 3, but lower correlations with the early LD stages. Players’ performance by somatic maturity differed substantially only when considering full LD protocol performance. Substantial improvements in all stages of the protocol were observed across the 4-month competitive season. The LD protocol should be shortened by the last full court shuttle sprint, remaining sensitive to training exposure, and independent of maturity status and body size.

Revista Brasileira de Educação Física e Esporte | 2013

Panorama da ginástica artística feminina brasileira de alto rendimento esportivo: progressão, realidade e necessidades

Laurita Marconi Schiavon; Roberto Rodrigues Paes; Eliana de Toledo; Silvia Deutsch

Os resultados das atletas brasileiras da Ginastica Artistica feminina nos ultimos 10 anos, refletidos principalmente nas competicoes de nivel internacional, apontam para uma expressiva evolucao do esporte no pais. Assim, este artigo tem o proposito de apresentar dados acerca desta transformacao, principalmente a partir da participacao das ginastas em Jogos Olimpicos (desde 1980), e estabelecer reflexoes em relacao ao desenvolvimento da modalidade no pais. A partir de uma pesquisa bibliografica e documental, estes dados foram obtidos, reunidos e contextualizados com outras informacoes ja disponiveis na literatura. Ao analisa-los foi possivel nao so apontar com especificidade como se deu esta evolucao, como tambem apresentar uma realidade deflagradora de um processo ainda imaturo de desenvolvimento do esporte no pais, que nao condiz em grande parte com o que e posto pela midia (de que a modalidade esta em pleno avanco e de forma estruturada).

Motriz-revista De Educacao Fisica | 2012

Condições dos treinamentos de ginastas brasileiras participantes de jogos olímpicos (1980-2004)

Laurita Marconi Schiavon; Roberto Rodrigues Paes

This paper aims to register and analyze the training facilities used by the Brazilian gymnasts who participated in the Olympic Games (1980-2004), in order to reflect upon this aspect of Female Artistic Gymnastics. To achieve this goal, we developed a qualitative research study using the Oral History method. Based on a cross-sectional analysis of the testimonials given by ten gymnasts who took part in this survey, we observed that training facilities have improved since the 90s, when Ucranian coaches were hired, a permanent Brazilian team was established and investments were made on equipment and training facilities. Despite the positive changes we have witnessed in this sport in the past years, all gymnasts who participated in the study reported that they had to practice in inappropriate training facilities at some point.

journal of physical education | 2016

O Programa Segundo Tempo (PST) em municípios brasileiros: indicadores de resultado no macrossistema

Riller Silva Reverdito; Larissa Rafaela Galatti; Leilane Alves de Lima; Paula Simarelli Nicolau; Alcides José Scaglia; Roberto Rodrigues Paes

The “Segundo Tempo” Program (PST) is the largest social program aimed at the youth participation in sport currently in Brazil. However, we still know little about the scope of its objectives, particularly in relation to the macro-system. The aim of this study is to analyze the scope of the PST in relation to the democratization of access to sport practice and culture. This is an exploratory study in PST context. Secondary data from public access and official agencies managed was used. It was taken as macro-indicator the Human Development Index of Municipalities (HDIM), number of agreements and the estimated population of municipalities that have maintained agreements with the Ministry of Sports for the PST from 2003 to 2013. We conclude that the municipalities with the best social indicators and structure for sport practice have more access to the PST, and can keep it longer.

Movimento | 2015


Heitor de Andrade Rodrigues; Roberto Rodrigues Paes; Samuel de Souza Neto

O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar o processo de socializacao profissional de treinadores de basquetebol de jovens atletas, buscando identificar os saberes apreendidos ao longo do tempo e analisar a natureza dos processos formativos por tras da apropriacao desses saberes. Optou-se por uma pesquisa do tipo qualitativa, sendo a entrevista narrativa, na perspectiva etnossociologica, a tecnica para coleta de dados. Os sujeitos participantes foram 13 treinadores. Os resultados revelaram a apropriacao de um conjunto diversificado de saberes (experienciais, academicos e profissionais), fruto de socializacoes sucessivas sustentadas pela educacao artesanal, formacao academico-cientifica e pratica reflexiva.

Perceptual and Motor Skills | 2017

Effects of Youth Participation in Extra-Curricular Sport Programs on Perceived Self-Efficacy: A Multilevel Analysis:

Riller Silva Reverdito; Humberto M. Carvalho; Larissa Rafaela Galatti; Alcides José Scaglia; Carlos E. Gonçalves; Roberto Rodrigues Paes

The present study examined extracurricular sport participation variables and developmental context in relationship to perceived self-efficacy among underserved adolescents. Participants (n = 821, 13.6 ± 1.5 years) completed the Youth Experience in Sport questionnaire and General Self-Efficacy Scale. We used the Human Development Index (HDI) to characterize developmental contexts. Multilevel regression models were used to explore the relative contributions of age, sex, years of participation in extracurricular sport, HDI, and perceived positive experience in sport. Our results highlight that positive experience alone and in interaction with length of participation in the program fostered perceived self-efficacy. Participants from higher HDI contexts remained longer in the program. An implication of our research is that variables linked to positive sport experiences and perceived self-efficacy can be used as markers to evaluate the outcomes and impact of sport participation programs aimed at promoting positive youth development.

Sports Coaching Review | 2016

Coaches’ perceptions of youth players’ development in a professional soccer club in Brazil: paradoxes between the game and those who play

Larissa Rafaela Galatti; Alcides José Scaglia; Otávio Baggiotto Bettega; Roberto Rodrigues Paes

Abstract The aim of this study was to verify the conceptions and the pedagogical procedures of coaches in relation to the development of life skills and those skills specific to soccer training. The sample consisted of eight youth sport coaches working within a Brazilian club that recently hosted the senior world championship. Semi-structured interviews were used to generate data, which, in turn, underwent a content analysis. The results indicated that coaches, in general, develop specific skills; in other words, they work with activities close to the reality of the matches. The pedagogical procedures on, the other hand, implicitly (not intentionally) focused on life skills, directed to the players’ personal and social development. Thus, it was noted that the priority was directed towards the development of sport-specific skills, with relatively little concern given to the athletes’ wider education.

International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching | 2018

Biological maturation, training experience, body size and functional capacity of adolescent female basketball players: A Bayesian analysis

Thiago José Leonardi; Roberto Rodrigues Paes; Larissa Souza Breder; Carl Foster; Carlos E. Gonçalves; Humberto M. Carvalho

In the present study we examined the age- and maturity-associated variation on body size and functional capacities in 47 adolescent female basketball players. Also, we examined the relative contribution of growth and maturity status to functional capacity between player variation. Data included chronological age, age at menarche, years of training experience; body dimensions; countermovement jump, Line drill test and Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test – level 1. Bayesian multilevel modelling was used to estimate the independent effects of age, maturity status, years of training experience and body size on functional capacity indicators. Players were, on average, advanced in maturity status, with a mean age at menarche of 11.20 years (1.32 years). Age-associated variation in age at menarche, body size and functional performance was present. No substantial maturity-associated variation was observed for stature and functional capacities, but late maturing players appeared to be less experienced in the sport. Variance partition coefficients ranged between 38% and 45% for the three indicators of functional capacities. Body mass and adiposity were the predictors identified for all indicators of performance. Maturity status and years of experience were predictors of performance in the countermovement jump while age and years of experience were predictors of performance for the Line drill. Stature was only identified as a predictor of the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery – level 1. Coaches should interpret functional performance in adolescent female basketball players considering their different ages (chronological, biological and accumulated training) and their influence on body dimensions.

Perceptual and Motor Skills | 2017

Developmental Benefits of Extracurricular Sports Participation Among Brazilian Youth

Riller Silva Reverdito; Larissa Rafaela Galatti; Humberto M. Carvalho; Alcides José Scaglia; Jean Côté; Carlos E. Gonçalves; Roberto Rodrigues Paes

Youth sporting activities have been explored as a way to impact positive personal transformation and development, glaringly demonstrated by world-wide investments in public policies, programs, and projects. We studied positive effects of participation in sports on the developmental assets of 614 adolescents (13.1 ± 1.7 years) actively engaged in extracurricular sport programs targeted at socially disadvantaged youths, from five municipalities across five states of the southern, south-eastern and north-eastern regions of Brazil. Participants responded to a developmental assets questionnaire designed to capture sociodemographic and human development data. Multilevel logistic regression was used to explore associations between years of participation in sport and human development indicators, controlling for age and sex. Our results showed that the quality of the young people’s support network and duration of program participation positively influenced sport participation, which, in turn, was associated with willingness to learn. A strong association was also observed between sport participation and developmental assets. Thus, we offer new evidence of a relationship between positive development and environmental factors in which individual and contextual forces can be aligned, and we provide new reference data for developing countries.

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