
Astrobiology | 2015

Extreme Water Loss and Abiotic O2 Buildup on Planets Throughout the Habitable Zones of M Dwarfs

Rodrigo Luger; Rory Barnes

We show that terrestrial planets in the habitable zones of M dwarfs older than ∼1 Gyr could have been in runaway greenhouses for several hundred million years following their formation due to the stars extended pre-main sequence phase, provided they form with abundant surface water. Such prolonged runaway greenhouses can lead to planetary evolution divergent from that of Earth. During this early runaway phase, photolysis of water vapor and hydrogen/oxygen escape to space can lead to the loss of several Earth oceans of water from planets throughout the habitable zone, regardless of whether the escape is energy-limited or diffusion-limited. We find that the amount of water lost scales with the planet mass, since the diffusion-limited hydrogen escape flux is proportional to the planet surface gravity. In addition to undergoing potential desiccation, planets with inefficient oxygen sinks at the surface may build up hundreds to thousands of bar of abiotically produced O2, resulting in potential false positives for life. The amount of O2 that builds up also scales with the planet mass; we find that O2 builds up at a constant rate that is controlled by diffusion: ∼5 bar/Myr on Earth-mass planets and up to ∼25 bar/Myr on super-Earths. As a result, some recently discovered super-Earths in the habitable zone such as GJ 667Cc could have built up as many as 2000 bar of O2 due to the loss of up to 10 Earth oceans of water. The fate of a given planet strongly depends on the extreme ultraviolet flux, the duration of the runaway regime, the initial water content, and the rate at which oxygen is absorbed by the surface. In general, we find that the initial phase of high luminosity may compromise the habitability of many terrestrial planets orbiting low-mass stars.

Nature Astronomy | 2017

A seven-planet resonant chain in TRAPPIST-1

Rodrigo Luger; Marko Sestovic; Ethan Kruse; Simon L. Grimm; Brice-Olivier Demory; Eric Agol; Emeline Bolmont; Daniel C. Fabrycky; Catarina S. Fernandes; Valérie Van Grootel; Adam J. Burgasser; Michaël Gillon; James G. Ingalls; Emmanuel Jehin; Sean N. Raymond; Franck Selsis; A. H. M. J. Triaud; Geert Barentsen; Steve B. Howell; Laetitia Delrez; Julien de Wit; Daniel Foreman-Mackey; Daniel L. Holdsworth; Jérémy Leconte; Susan M. Lederer; Martin Turbet; Yaseen Almleaky; Z. Benkhaldoun; Pierre Magain; Brett M. Morris

The TRAPPIST-1 system is the first transiting planet system found orbiting an ultra-cool dwarf star. At least seven planets similar to Earth in radius and in mass were previously found to transit this host star. Subsequently, TRAPPIST-1 was observed as part of the K2 mission and, with these new data, we report the measurement of an 18.764 d orbital period for the outermost planet, TRAPPIST-1h, which was unconstrained until now. This value matches our theoretical expectations based on Laplace relations and places TRAPPIST-1h as the seventh member of a complex chain, with three-body resonances linking every member. We find that TRAPPIST-1h has a radius of 0.715 Earth radii and an equilibrium temperature of 169 K, placing it at the snow line. We have also measured the rotational period of the star at 3.3 d and detected a number of flares consistent with an active, middle-aged, late M dwarf.

Astrobiology | 2018

The Habitability of Proxima Centauri b: Environmental States and Observational Discriminants

Victoria S. Meadows; Giada Arney; Edward W. Schwieterman; Jacob Lustig-Yaeger; Andrew P. Lincowski; Tyler D. Robinson; Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman; Russell Deitrick; Rory Barnes; David P. Fleming; Rodrigo Luger; Peter E. Driscoll; Thomas R. Quinn; David Crisp

Abstract Proxima Centauri b provides an unprecedented opportunity to understand the evolution and nature of terrestrial planets orbiting M dwarfs. Although Proxima Cen b orbits within its stars ha...Abstract Proxima Centauri b provides an unprecedented opportunity to understand the evolution and nature of terrestrial planets orbiting M dwarfs. Although Proxima Cen b orbits within its stars habitable zone, multiple plausible evolutionary paths could have generated different environments that may or may not be habitable. Here, we use 1-D coupled climate-photochemical models to generate self-consistent atmospheres for several evolutionary scenarios, including high-O2, high-CO2, and more Earth-like atmospheres, with both oxic and anoxic compositions. We show that these modeled environments can be habitable or uninhabitable at Proxima Cen bs position in the habitable zone. We use radiative transfer models to generate synthetic spectra and thermal phase curves for these simulated environments, and use instrument models to explore our ability to discriminate between possible planetary states. These results are applicable not only to Proxima Cen b but to other terrestrial planets orbiting M dwarfs. Thermal phase curves may provide the first constraint on the existence of an atmosphere. We find that James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations longward of 10 μm could characterize atmospheric heat transport and molecular composition. Detection of ocean glint is unlikely with JWST but may be within the reach of larger-aperture telescopes. Direct imaging spectra may detect O4 absorption, which is diagnostic of massive water loss and O2 retention, rather than a photosynthetic biosphere. Similarly, strong CO2 and CO bands at wavelengths shortward of 2.5 μm would indicate a CO2-dominated atmosphere. If the planet is habitable and volatile-rich, direct imaging will be the best means of detecting habitability. Earth-like planets with microbial biospheres may be identified by the presence of CH4—which has a longer atmospheric lifetime under Proxima Centauris incident UV—and either photosynthetically produced O2 or a hydrocarbon haze layer. Key Words: Planetary habitability and biosignatures—Planetary atmospheres—Exoplanets—Spectroscopic biosignatures—Planetary science—Proxima Centauri b. Astrobiology 18, 133–189.

The Astronomical Journal | 2016


Rodrigo Luger; Eric Agol; Ethan Kruse; Rory Barnes; Andrew Cameron Becker; Daniel Foreman-Mackey; Drake Deming

We present EVEREST, an open-source pipeline for removing instrumental noise from K2 light curves. EVEREST employs a variant of pixel level decorrelation (PLD) to remove systematics introduced by the spacecrafts pointing error and a Gaussian process (GP) to capture astrophysical variability. We apply EVEREST to all K2 targets in campaigns 0-7, yielding light curves with precision comparable to that of the original Kepler mission for stars brighter than

The Astrophysical Journal | 2016

Identifying Planetary Biosignature Impostors: Spectral Features of CO and O4 Resulting from Abiotic O2/O3 Production

Edward W. Schwieterman; Victoria S. Meadows; Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman; Drake Deming; Giada Arney; Rodrigo Luger; Chester E. Harman; Amit Misra; Rory Barnes

K_p \approx 13

The Astronomical Journal | 2018

An Update to the EVEREST K2 Pipeline: Short Cadence, Saturated Stars, and Kepler-like Photometry Down to Kp = 15

Rodrigo Luger; Ethan Kruse; Daniel Foreman-Mackey; Eric Agol; Nicholas Saunders

, and within a factor of two of the Kepler precision for fainter targets. We perform cross-validation and transit injection and recovery tests to validate the pipeline, and compare our light curves to the other de-trended light curves available for download at the MAST High Level Science Products archive. We find that EVEREST achieves the highest average precision of any of these pipelines for unsaturated K2 stars. The improved precision of these light curves will aid in exoplanet detection and characterization, investigations of stellar variability, asteroseismology, and other photometric studies. The EVEREST pipeline can also easily be applied to future surveys, such as the TESS mission, to correct for instrumental systematics and enable the detection of low signal-to-noise transiting exoplanets. The EVEREST light curves and the source code used to generate them are freely available online.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2017

The Pale Green Dot: A Method to Characterize Proxima Centauri b Using Exo-Aurorae

Rodrigo Luger; Jacob Lustig-Yaeger; David P. Fleming; Matt A. Tilley; Eric Agol; Victoria S. Meadows; Russell Deitrick; Rory Barnes

O2 and O3 have been long considered the most robust individual biosignature gases in a planetary atmosphere, yet multiple mechanisms that may produce them in the absence of life have been described. However, these abiotic planetary mechanisms modify the environment in potentially identifiable ways. Here we briefly discuss two of the most detectable spectral discriminants for abiotic O2/O3: CO and O4. We produce the first explicit self-consistent simulations of these spectral discriminants as they may be seen by James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). If JWST-NIRISS and/or NIRSpec observe CO (2.35, 4.6 μm) in conjunction with CO2 (1.6, 2.0, 4.3 μm) in the transmission spectrum of a terrestrial planet it could indicate robust CO2 photolysis and suggest that a future detection of O2 or O3 might not be biogenic. Strong O4 bands seen in transmission at 1.06 and 1.27 μm could be diagnostic of a post-runaway O2-dominated atmosphere from massive H-escape. We find that for these false positive scenarios, CO at 2.35 μm, CO2 at 2.0 and 4.3 μm, and O4 at 1.27 μm are all stronger features in transmission than O2/O3 and could be detected with S/Ns ≳ 3 for an Earth-size planet orbiting a nearby M dwarf star with as few as 10 transits, assuming photon-limited noise. O4 bands could also be sought in UV/VIS/NIR reflected light (at 0.345, 0.36, 0.38, 0.445, 0.475, 0.53, 0.57, 0.63, 1.06, and 1.27 μm) by a next generation direct-imaging telescope such as LUVOIR/HDST or HabEx and would indicate an oxygen atmosphere too massive to be biologically produced.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2018

On the Lack of Circumbinary Planets Orbiting Isolated Binary Stars

David P. Fleming; Rory Barnes; David E. Graham; Rodrigo Luger; Thomas R. Quinn

We present an update to the EVEREST K2 pipeline that addresses various limitations in the previous version and improves the photometric precision of the de-trended light curves. We develop a fast regularization scheme for third order pixel level decorrelation (PLD) and adapt the algorithm to include the PLD vectors of neighboring stars to enhance the predictive power of the model and minimize overfitting, particularly for faint stars. We also modify PLD to work for saturated stars and improve its performance on extremely variable stars. On average, EVEREST 2.0 light curves have 10-20% higher photometric precision than those in the previous version, yielding the highest precision light curves at all Kp magnitudes of any publicly available K2 catalog. For most K2 campaigns, we recover the original Kepler precision to at least Kp = 14, and to at least Kp = 15 for campaigns 1, 5, and 6. We also de-trend all short cadence targets observed by K2, obtaining even higher photometric precision for these stars. All light curves for campaigns 0-8 are available online in the EVEREST catalog, which will be continuously updated with future campaigns. EVEREST 2.0 is open source and is coded in a general framework that can be applied to other photometric surveys, including Kepler and the upcoming TESS mission.

arXiv: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics | 2016

The Habitability of Proxima Centauri b I: Evolutionary Scenarios

Rory Barnes; Russell Deitrick; Rodrigo Luger; Peter E. Driscoll; Thomas R. Quinn; David P. Fleming; Benjamin Guyer; Diego V. McDonald; Victoria S. Meadows; Giada Arney; David Crisp; Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman; Andrew P. Lincowski; Jacob Lustig-Yaeger; Eddie Schwieterman

We examine the feasibility of detecting auroral emission from the potentially habitable exoplanet Proxima Centauri b. Detection of aurorae would yield an independent confirmation of the planets existence, constrain the presence and composition of its atmosphere, and determine the planets eccentricity and inclination, thereby breaking the mass-inclination degeneracy. If Proxima Centauri b is a terrestrial world with an Earth-like atmosphere and magnetic field, we estimate the power at the 5577\AA\ OI auroral line is on the order of 0.1 TW under steady-state stellar wind, or

The Astrophysical Journal | 2014


Russell Deitrick; Rory Barnes; Barbara E. McArthur; Thomas R. Quinn; Rodrigo Luger; Adrienne Antonsen; G. Fritz Benedict

{\sim} 100 {\times}

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