Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis
University of the Fraser Valley
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Featured researches published by Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis.
Revista Ceres | 2010
Eliane Aparecida Rotili; Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis; Manoel Mota dos Santos; Manoel Delintro de Castro Neto; Elisângela Kichel; Eduardo Lopes Cancellier
Efficiency in the use of phosphorus by rice varieties grown in lowland soils Rice stands out as one of the most important crops in the world, because of its easy adaptability to distinct edaphoclimatic conditions. Rice is cultivated and consumed worldwide and stands out by the large production and cultivation area, playing strategic economic and social roles. In Brasil, the largest rice productions are obtained in lowland ecosystems. This work aimed to study the efficiency in phosphorus use by rice varieties in lowland areas in the southwest of Tocantins State. The treatments involved eight rice commercial varieties (BRS-Jacana, Best2000, BRS-Guara, BRS-Alvorada, BRA-01381, AN-Cambara, BRS 7-TAIM and EPAGRI-109), which were farmed in two distinct environments. In order to simulate environments with low and high phosphorus levels, P 2 O 5 was used at the levels of 20 and 120 kg ha -1 respectively. The experiments were carried out in a randomized complete blocks design, with four replications. Grain yield was used to classify the varieties regarding the efficiency in use and response to phosphorus application. Was shown that only the variety BRS-Alvorada was efficient in using phosphorus and responsive to its application.
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research | 2012
Lin Chau Ming; Chrystian Iezid Maia Almeida; Danila Monte Conceição; Tiago Y. Yuhara; Márcia Ortiz Mayo Marques; Silvania Regina Mendes Moreschi; Sarita Leonel; Anderson Jesus Bonon; Rodrigo de Castro Tavares; Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis; Joedna Silva
The present study evaluated the dry matter mass production in differentxa0Passiflora alataDryander organs and phenological stages, as well as their correlation with phytochemical quality in relation to the flavonoids vitexin, isoquercetin, quercetin and rutin. Two experiments were carried out: Experiment 1, effect of different organs (flower, leaves, fruits and branches), and Experiment 2, effect of phenological stages (pre-flowering, flowering, fruiting and post-fruiting). Both experimental designs were in randomized blocks with five and six replicates, respectively. The highest flavonoid concentration and production were detected in leaves. On the other hand, branches and fruits did not have significant rutin and isoquercetin content. The largest leaf dry matter mass and flavonoid production was observed in the post-fruiting stage, that is, at 300 days after transplanting (DAT). Flower formation was a strong deleterious competitor to leaf and branch dry matter mass production, as well as to biosynthesis and accumulation of the evaluated flavonoids. In addition to obtainxa0P. alataxa0- based drugs of high pharmaceutical quality, further studies on flowering management, as well as agronomical research, are needed. n n xa0 n n Key words:xa0Sweet passion fruit, phytochemical quality, medicinal plant, management.
The Journal of Agricultural Science | 2017
Manoel Mota dos Santos; Gilberto Coutinho Machado Filho; Rogel Galvão Prates; Raimundo Wagner de Souza Aguiar; Tania Rodrigues Peixoto Sakai; Weslany Silva Rocha; Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis
Intercropping consist in growing two or more species with different vegetative cycles and architectures, simultaneously cultivated in same field and same period of time, not necessarily having been sown at the same time. The objective of this study was to evaluate different populations of cowpea development intercropped with Eucalyptus, in order to determine the number of rows of cowpea generates higher grain productivity. This work was carried out at Universidade Federal do Tocantins, in Gurupi, Tocantins, Brazil. The treatments were arranged for different densities of cowpea rows: eight rows, six rows, and four rows of cultivars BRS Nova Era and BRS Sempre Verde, also a control in conventional cropping. The cowpea sowing occurred after 12 months eucalyptus planting. The evaluated characteristics were Flowering (FLOW), Mass of 100 grain (GM), Number of grains per green pod (NGP), Chlorophyll Index (CI) and Grain yield (GY). The density of eight rows have obtained better results for most characteristics, being the density limiting factor for bean production could unfeasible the intercropping system. The BRS Nova Era responds better on most characteristics, probably for a better adaptation to the environment and hold superior characters than BRS Sempre Verde.
Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia Aplicada nas Ciências Agrárias | 2017
Larissa Urzêdo Rodrigues; Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis; Taynar Coelho de Oliveira Tavares
Silicon and antagonistic microorganisms in the control of Fusarium sp. on soybean Soybean cultivation is negatively affected by several diseases of economic importance, especially those caused by fungi. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of silicon handling, either alone or in association with Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma sp., on the control of Fusarium sp. in soybean plants. The experimental design was a randomized block design, with four replications, in plastic field bags. The foliar applications of silicon at doses 0.0; 1.0; 2.5; 4.0 and 5.5 ml L-1 were performed at the V6 and R1 stages. Disease severity, area under disease progress curve, plant height, number of pods per plant, number of grains per plant and total grains per plant were evaluated. Foliar applications of silicon (alone) promoted greater granulation, with increments greater than 12 grains per plant. Management with silicon, B. subtilis, Trichoderma sp. controls the severity of Fusarium sp. in soybean plants. Silicon at the highest doses associated with B. subtilis has a growth promoting effect on soybean plants.
African Journal of Agricultural Research | 2017
Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis; Taynar Coelho de Oliveira; Sérgio Alves de Sousa; Roberto Antonio Savelli Martinez; Raphael Campestrini; Danilo Pereira Ramos; Danilo Alves Veloso; Manoel Mota dos Santos; Kleycianne Ribeiro Marques
The cultivation of that legume is widespread throughout the country presenting high expression in the social and economic issues. The aim of this work was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics and disease incidence in ten common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars grown in Cerrado soils. The research was developed under field conditions during two cropping years. The studied cultivars were: IAC - Galante, IAC - Centauro, IAC -Una, IPR- Tiziu, IAC - Carioca Ete, IPR - Juriti, IPR - Colibri, IPR - Eldorado, IPR - Siriri and IPR- Corujinha. Grain yield of cultivars IPR- Juriti (Carioca) and IPR - Colibri (Carioca) remained stable during the two cultivation years; the IAC -Una and IPR - Siriri cultivars were the most productive in 2010. In the offseason of 2012 the cultivar IPR - Eldorado distinguished among others; for most cultivars symptoms of anthracnose and common bacterial blight were detected however with a low disease incidence. The cultivars were not infected with rust. n n xa0 n n xa0Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris, abiotic stress, Cerrado.
Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia Aplicada nas Ciências Agrárias | 2016
Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis; Vinícius Almeida Oliveira; Carlos Augusto Oliveira de Andrade; Danilo Pereira Ramos; Taynar Coelho de Oliveira Tavares
The objective was to evaluate the agronomic performance of sorghum and soybean intercropped with jatropha during the growing seasons of 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 in Gurupi TO. The experiment consisted of four treatments (rice grown between the lines of jatropha, rice with beans grown in the succession of lines of jatropha, rice and beans intercropped between the lines of jatropha and beans grown between the lines of jatropha) wich four replications. he cultivar used in the first year was the growing IPR-Eldorado and the second crop was used IAC-Alvorada and evaluated the following characteristics: plant height, number of pods per plant, height of first pod insertion, stem diameter, number of seeds per plant, number of seeds per pod, weight of hundred grains and grain yield. Thus it is concluded that: the consortium does not influence the agronomic traits, the consortium of rice and beans is efficient in the use of land.
Applied Research & Agrotechnology | 2016
Marília Barcelos Souza Lopes; Fabiano Rocha da Silva; Vanessa Alves Zellmer; Patrícia Mourato Alves; Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis
The rice plant is very demanding in nutrients, with potassium being that the plant nutrient further accumulates, and is essential to many physiological and biochemical processes in the plant. The objective of this study identify appropriate doses of potassium in the culture of rice, grown in sandy soils of lowland tropical rainforest in the state of Tocantins. The experiment was conducted in hydromorphic soil type Gleysol Humic of irrigated lowland, in the Araguaia-TO Formoso region. We used the experimental randomized block design, in a factorial 2 x 5, with four replications, two cultivars (Irga-424 and Irga-423) and five doses of K (60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 kg ha K -1), applied in the form of potassium chloride. Each experimental plot consisted of twenty-seven lines of 15 m in length, spaced 0.17 m between rows. The floor area was composed of the four central lines in the length of two linear meters. The characteristics evaluated were plant height, number of panicles m2, grain yield, weight of hundred grains, potassium content and chlorophyll index. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and regression at 5% probability by F test The cultivaresnao responded to the increased potassium fertilization in sandy soils of tropical lowland; the average yield was reached with the basic fertilization, sedo 6827.42 and 5215.35 kg ha-1 for Irga-424 and Irga-423, respectively.
Applied Research & Agrotechnology | 2016
Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis; Leila Paula Tonello; Danilo Alves Veloso; Vanessa Batista dos Santos; Hélio Bandeira Barros
Nitrogen is an essential element for rice crop development. Once this cereal is taken as the base for food security, employment generation and source of income for most countries, we aimed to evaluate upland rice genotypes development submitted to nitrogen stress in southern Cerrado of Tocantins State. Field experiments were carried out at Chaparral Farm and at the Experimental unit of Federal University of Tocantins in the growing seasons of 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/2012 and 2012/2013. Experimental design consisted of randomized blocks in factorial scheme 3 x 5, consisting of three genotypes in five years with four replications. It was concluded that growing season 2012/13 provided the highest grain yield; the hydric stress, as well as nitrogen stress, reduced significantly yield enhancement and; cultivar BRS-Bonanca presented the highest grain yield average.
Applied Research & Agrotechnology | 2016
Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis; Cassia Mara dos Santos Alexandrino; Damiana Beatriz da Silva; Maria Aparecida Alves Sugai; Rubens Ribeiro da Silva
El uso intensivo de suelo viene ocasionando diversas alteraciones en sus procesos fisicos, quimicos y biologicos, pudiendo la calidad del suelo ser evaluada por medio de indicadores. De esta forma, su objetivo con este trabajo es evaluar los bioindicadores de calidad de suelo de la biomasa microbiana en cultivo en asociacion y rotacion de cultivos en diferentes conjuntos de plantas (jatropha y cultivos anuales arroz, frijol, sorgo y soya) en el sur del Estado de Tocantins. Ese estudio fue conducido en el Laboratorio de Suelos de la Universidad Federal de Tocantins, Campus Universitario de Gurupi, en la localizacion de 11°43´45” de latitud y 49°04´07” de longitud. En el dia 03/04/2014 fueron retiradas las muestras de la capa de 0-20cm, fueron evaluados cinco tratamientos, siendo T1 – asociacion jatropha y arroz, T2- asociacion jatropha y frijol-caupi, T3- asociacion jatropha, frijol-caupi y arroz, T4- asociacion pinhao manso con rotacion de frijol-caupi y arroz, T5 – cultivo solo de jatropha, teniendo como referencia pasto degradado y sin cultivo en los ultimos 10 anos. Fueron evaluados, el carbono de la biomasa microbiana (Cmic), el nitrogeno de la biomasa microbiana (Nmic), los cuocientes metabolicos o relaciones Cmic/Nmic, la respiracion basal, el cuociente metabolico (qCO2), la actividad de la ureasa y β-glucosidasa. No hubo diferencia entre los tratamientos para la variable carbono de la biomasa microbiana, cuocientes microbianos, respiracion basal, cuociente metabolico, actividad de las enzimas ureasa y β-glicosidasa y el cultivo de asociacion intercalado de jatropha y frijol-caupi presentaron mayor valor en cuanto al nitrogeno de la biomasa microbiana.
Bioscience Journal | 2003
Rodrigo Ribeiro Fidelis; Raimundo Nonato Carvalho Rocha; Uberlando Tiburtino Leite; Fábio Daniel Tancredi