Roland C. Tittsworth
Louisiana State University
Thin Solid Films | 2000
W.J. Meng; Roland C. Tittsworth; L.E. Rehn
Using the techniques of reactive magnetron sputter deposition and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) assisted hybrid physical vapor deposition (PVD)/chemical vapor deposition (CVD), we have synthesized a wide variety of metal-free amorphous hydrocarbon (a-C:H) and Ti-containing hydrocarbon (Ti-C:H) coatings. Coating elastic modulus and hardness have been measured by the technique of instrumented nanoindentation and related to Ti and hydrogen compositions. We show that both metal and hydrogen compositions significantly influence the mechanical properties of Ti-C:H coatings. The microstructure of Ti-C:H coatings is further characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy, and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. XANES spectroscopy and high-resolution TEM examination of Ti-C:H specimens shows that the dissolution limit of Ti atoms in an a-C:H matrix is between 0.9 and 2.5 at.%. Beyond the Ti dissolution limit, precipitation of nanocrystalline B1-TiC cluster occurs and Ti-C:H coatings are in fact TiC/a-C:H thin film nanocomposites. Measurements of the average Ti bonding environment in TiC/a-C:H nanocomposites by EXAFS spectroscopy are consistent with a microstructure in which bulk-like B1-TiC clusters are embedded in an a-C:H matrix.
Surface & Coatings Technology | 2001
B. Feng; D. M. Cao; W.J. Meng; J. Xu; Roland C. Tittsworth; L.E. Rehn; P. M. Baldo; Gary L. Doll
Abstract We report on the characterization of microstructure and mechanical properties of sputter deposited Ti-containing amorphous carbon (Ti-aC) coatings as a function of Ti composition. Ti-aC coatings have been deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputter deposition, in an industrial-scale four-target coating deposition system. The composition and microstructure of the Ti-aC coatings have been characterized in detail by combining the techniques of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) and hydrogen elastic recoil detection (ERD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. At Ti compositions 8 at.%, XANES and EXAFS data indicate that the average Ti atomic bonding environment in Ti-aC coatings resembles that in cubic B1-TiC, consistent with TEM observation of precipitation of TiC nanocrystallites in the a-C matrix. Beyond the Ti dissolution limit, the Ti-aC coatings are nanocomposites with nanocrystalline TiC clusters embedded in an a-C matrix. A large scale, quasi one-dimensional composition modulation in the Ti-aC coatings was observed due to the particular coating deposition geometry. Elastic stiffness and hardness of the Ti-aC coatings were measured by instrumented nanoindentation and found to vary systematically as a function of Ti composition. Unlubricated friction coefficient of Ti-aC coatings against WC–Co balls was found to increase as the Ti composition increases. As Ti composition increases, the overall mechanical behavior of the Ti-aC coatings becomes more TiC-like.
Journal of Materials Research | 2002
W.J. Meng; Xiaoman Zhang; Bertram Emil Shi; Roland C. Tittsworth; L.E. Rehn; P. M. Baldo
A series of Ti-Si-N coatings with 0 < Si < 20 at.% were synthesized by inductively coupled plasma assisted vapor deposition. Coating composition, structure, atomic short-range order, and mechanical response were characterized by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, transmission electron microscopy, x-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy, and instrumented nanoindentation. These experiments show that the present series of Ti-Si-N coatings consists of a mixture of nanocrystalline titanium nitride (TiN) and amorphous silicon nitride (a-Si:N); i.e., they are TiN/a-Si:N ceramic/ceramic nanocomposites. The hardness of the present series of coatings was found to be less than 32 GPa and to vary smoothly with the Si composition.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2000
W. J. Meng; Roland C. Tittsworth; J. C. Jiang; B. Feng; D. M. Cao; K. Winkler; V. Palshin
We report characterization of the average Ti atomic bonding environment in Ti-containing hydrocarbon (Ti–C:H) coatings by x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy, extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Ti–C:H coatings have been synthesized in a hybrid chemical vapor deposition/physical vapor deposition deposition system, which combines inductively coupled plasma and sputter deposition. Combining x-ray absorption spectroscopy with high resolution TEM imaging, we have determined that the dissolution limit of Ti atoms in an amorphous hydrocarbon (a-C:H) matrix is between 0.9 and 2.5 atomic percent. At Ti compositions >2.5 at. %, XANES and EXAFS data indicate that the average Ti atomic bonding environment in Ti–C:H resembles that in cubic B1–TiC, consistent with direct TEM observation of the precipitation of TiC nanocrystallites in an a-C:H matrix. Beyond the Ti dissolution limit, Ti–C:H coatings are in fact ...
Surface & Coatings Technology | 2003
W.J. Meng; Xiaoman Zhang; Bertram Emil Shi; J. C. Jiang; L.E. Rehn; P. M. Baldo; Roland C. Tittsworth
Abstract We have synthesized a series of Ti–Si–N coatings with 0–20 at.% Si by high-density plasma-assisted vapor phase deposition. Composition, structure and atomic short-range order were characterized by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), θ–2θ X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. The mechanical properties of these coatings were characterized by instrumented nanoindentation and compared to those of B1-TiN. Our experiments show that the present series of Ti–Si–N coatings are nanocomposites, consisting of a nm-scale mixture of crystalline titanium nitride (TiN) and amorphous silicon nitride (a-Si:N). The hardness of the present series of Ti–Si–N coatings was found to be less than 32 GPa.
Inorganica Chimica Acta | 1998
Yan V. Zubavichus; Yurii L. Slovokhotov; Paul J. Schilling; Roland C. Tittsworth; Alexandre S. Golub; Galina A. Protzenko; Yurii N. Novikov
Abstract The local structures of ‘host’ and ‘guest’ layers of MoS2 intercalated with M(OH)2 (MMn, Co and Ni) prepared via interaction of single-layer MoS2 dispersions and solutions of M2+ salts were studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. According to M K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) results, the electronic structure and atomic environment of the M atoms in the intercalates are similar to that of the crystalline hydroxides M(OH)2. In the Ni intercalate, Mo K-edge EXAFS revealed a structural change of the ‘host’ MoS2 layers similar to that reported for water dispersions of MoS2 single layers. S K-edge XANES data indicate that the change is associated with increased electron density on the S atoms in the matrix. SO42− and Mo″− (4
Electrochimica Acta | 2002
Dana A. Totir; Mark R. Antonio; Paul J. Schilling; Roland C. Tittsworth; Daniel A. Scherson
Abstract Changes in the composition of embedded pyrite (FeS 2 ) particle electrodes in 1 M LiClO 4 propylene carbonate solutions as a function of the applied potential have been examined in situ by S K-edge fluorescence X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES), using a specially designed cell that minimizes attenuation of low energy X-rays. Pyrite electrodes that had been scanned from 3.0 V versus Li/Li + , i.e. close to the open circuit voltage, down to 1.0 V (fully discharged state, i.e. 4e − -reduction) and then half recharged (2e − -reoxidation) by scanning the potential in the positive direction up to 2.2 V versus Li/Li + , revealed features consistent with the presence of Li 2 FeS 2 , in agreement with in situ Fe K-edge results reported earlier by this research group. Moreover, only subtle changes were discerned between the in situ S K-edge XANES of the half-, and fully-recharged electrodes. This close resemblance may reflect similarities between the spectral signatures of Li 2 FeS 2 and Fe 1− x S (pyrrhotite), which is the main product of the discharge reaction. Evidence for the formation of elemental sulfur and Li 2 S, which are believed to be minor products of the reaction, was obtained from analysis of the first differential S XANES and selected difference spectra. The compositional variations of the embedded pyrite particles throughout the course of the electrochemical processes occur in the presence of a persistent sulfate coating.
Journal of Materials Science | 2002
V. Palshin; Roland C. Tittsworth; C. G. Fountzoulas; Efstathios I. Meletis
Amorphous silicon-containing diamond-like carbon (Si-DLC) films were deposited on silicon wafers by Ar+ Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (IBAD) at various energy conditions. The films were examined with X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) spectroscopy and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. The Si K-edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) results indicate that Si-DLC films have an amorphous structure, where each Si atom is coordinated to four carbon atoms or CHn groups. This short-range order, where a Si atom is surrounded by four C atoms, was found in all Si-DLC films. The XANES spectra do not indicate Si coordination to oxygen atoms or phenyl rings, which are present in the precursor material. A structural model of Si-DLC is proposed based on XAS findings. Simulated X-ray absorption spectra of the model produced by FEFF8 show a good resemblance to the experimental data.
MRS Proceedings | 2004
E. Bruster; Tabbetha Dobbins; Roland C. Tittsworth; D. Anton
The local bonding environment of Ti 3+ -dopant atoms in NaAlH 4 after decomposition to release H 2 has been studied using x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS). The titanium K-edge spectra from doped hydride samples and the standard materials TiCl 3 and TiO 2 were collected in ambient atmosphere at the synchrotron source at the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD). Titanium valence states present in the spectra collected from Ti-doped NaAlH 4 after decomposition in air are Ti 3+ and Ti 4+ . The Ti 3+ is attributed to unreacted TiCl 3 . The Ti 4+ present in the sample is attributed to TiO 2 occurring after air oxidation. Coupled with studies of the kinetics of hydrogen desorption reactions, examination of dopant ion valence states after entry into the lattice may lead to better understanding of the interrelationship between lattice doping and desorption kinetics.
Journal of Materials Science | 2000
V. Palshin; Efstathios I. Meletis; Paul J. Schilling; Roland C. Tittsworth; V. M. Adeev
To date, the exact nature of the plasma nitriding mechanism and the role of energetic particle bombardment are not well understood. The purpose of this work has been to obtain a more detailed knowledge about the evolution of the plasma nitrided surface layer as a function of the energy of the bombarding particles. Nitrided layers were produced at the surface of pure titanium specimens at various flux energies by Intensified Plasma-Assisted Processing (IPAP), a triode plasma technique developed in our laboratory. X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) spectroscopy and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy were used to characterize the local structure of the titanium nitride layers. Cross sections of the processed specimens were studied by Auger electron spectroscopy and electron microscopy. The results showed that increasing flux energy promotes the formation of a well-ordered TiN layer at the surface. Low flux energies produce significantly lower fractions of the TiN phase at the surface, as well as thinner nitrided layers. A structural model was suggested and quantitatively tested based on the XANES and EXAFS measurements.