Rolf Høgberget
Norwegian Institute for Water Research
Environmental Biology of Fishes | 1998
Bjørn T. Barlaup; Atle Hindar; E. Kleiven; Rolf Høgberget
Repeated liming of Hovvatn during the 1981–1995 period assured successful reintroduction of lake spawning brown trout, Salmo trutta. Poor natural recruitment to the population was associated with low survival during early life stages (before hatching) as shown by the 0.5, 3.5, 0.9 and 1.0% of live embryos found in natural redds during the 1992–1995 period, respectively. The low survival was most likely caused by the combination of shallow spawning areas (<2.0 m) and acidic runoff (pH 4.0–4.8) which overlayed the limed part of the water body during the ice covered period. It is therefore concluded that this type of episodic acidification poses a major threat to lake spawning salmonids, and that it can retard or inhibit biotic recovery towards preacidified conditions expected as a result of liming. Addition of limestone gravel (8–32 mm) onto spawning grounds was an efficient alternative liming strategy as 33–36% live embryos were found in this substrate. Conversely, the trout actively avoided additions of shellsand, a behaviour most likely caused by the small particle size of shellsand (3–7 mm) relative to natural spawning gravel.
Water Air and Soil Pollution | 1995
Atle Hindar; Petter Nilsen; A. Skiple; Rolf Høgberget
The deposition of strong acids is one of many threats to forest ecosystems and viable forestry. Several counteractions against acidification have been launched, e.g. changes in forestry management and the introduction of chemicals. The inter-institutional programme “Counteractions Against Acidification in Forest Ecosystems” was established in 1993 to evaluate existing knowledge and run experimental and fullscale field experiments. A total of 240 metric tons of coarse dolomite powder was spread by helicopter in September 1994 on 84 ha forest catchment dominated by pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies). Potential desirable and undesirable effects after this carbonate application may be less pronounced than recorded at other sites due to the relatively moderate dose (3 tons ha−1). Pre-liming stream water quality (mean values for May 1993-September 1994) was as follows: pH 4.8; Ca 1.13 mg L−1; reactive Al (RAl) 248 μg L−1; inorganic monomeric Al (Al) 72 μg L−1. The reference station was slightly higher in Ca and slightly lower in both RAl and Al. Dolomite application resulted in a significant increase in pH to 5.7 as mean value for the post-liming period (September 1994-April 1995). Both Ca and Mg increased significantly after liming, and both RAl and Al, declined significantly. The rapid detoxification of stream-water may be explained by dissolution of dolomite particles in both streams and catchment, a resulting pH increase and change in Al species composition. Retention of Al in the catchment probably explains the reduction in RAl. No increase in NO3, total N, total P or TOC was recorded the first seven months.
Forest Ecology and Management | 2003
Atle Hindar; Richard F. Wright; Petter Nilsen; Thorjørn Larssen; Rolf Høgberget
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 1996
Atle Hindar; Frode Kroglund; Espen Lydersen; Anja Skiple; Rolf Høgberget
Biogeochemistry | 2014
Espen Lydersen; Rolf Høgberget; Clara E. Moreno; Øyvind Aaberg Garmo; Per Christian Hagen
49 s. + vedlegg | 2008
Frode Kroglund; Rolf Høgberget; Kjetil Hindar; Gunnel Marie Østborg; Torveig Balstad
18 | 2018
Rolf Høgberget; Jarle Håvardstun; Liv Bente Skancke
32 | 2017
Tormod Haraldstad; Atle Hindar; Rolf Høgberget; Øyvind Kaste; Hans-Christian Teien
23 | 2016
Atle Hindar; Rolf Høgberget; Liv Bente Skancke
Archive | 2015
Atle Hindar; Anders Gjørwad Hagen; Sigurd Hytterød; Rolf Høgberget; Asle Moen; Kjetil Olstad; Øyvind Aaberg Garmo