Romain Mailler
Waste Management | 2014
Romain Mailler; Johnny Gasperi; Ghassan Chebbo; Vincent Rocher
This paper aims at characterizing the quality of different treated sludges from Paris conurbation in terms of micropollutants and assessing their fate during different sludge treatment processes (STP). To achieve this, a large panel of priority and emerging pollutants (n=117) have been monitored in different STPs from Parisian wastewater treatment plants including anaerobic digestion, thermal drying, centrifugation and a sludge cake production unit. Considering the quality of treated sludges, comparable micropollutant patterns are found for the different sludges investigated (in mg/kg DM - dry matter). 35 compounds were detected in treated sludges. Some compounds (metals, organotins, alkylphenols, DEHP) are found in every kinds of sludge while pesticides or VOCs are never detected. Sludge cake is the most contaminated sludge, resulting from concentration phenomenon during different treatments. As regards treatments, both centrifugation and thermal drying have broadly no important impact on sludge contamination for metals and organic compounds, even if a slight removal seems to be possible with thermal drying for several compounds by abiotic transfers. Three different behaviors can be highlighted in anaerobic digestion: (i) no removal (metals), (ii) removal following dry matter (DM) elimination (organotins and NP) and iii) removal higher than DM (alkylphenols - except NP - BDE 209 and DEHP). Thus, this process allows a clear removal of biodegradable micropollutants which could be potentially significantly improved by increasing DM removal through operational parameters modifications (retention time, temperature, pre-treatment, etc.).
Waste Management | 2017
Romain Mailler; Johnny Gasperi; Dominique Patureau; Emmanuelle Vulliet; Nadine Delgenès; A. Danel; Steven Deshayes; V. Eudes; S. Guerin; Régis Moilleron; Ghassan Chebbo; Vincent Rocher
This article provides data on the contamination of different kinds of sludge (raw, centrifuged, digested, thermally dried sludge and sludge cake) from Paris conurbation by 71 various pollutants including pharmaceutical products (PHPs), hormones, perfluorinated acids (PFAs), linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS), alkylphenols (APs), phthalates (PAEs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs). Very high contents of LAS (0.1-10g/kg dry matter - DM) compared to other compounds were found in all types of sludge followed by DEHP (10-100mg/kg DM) and fluoroquinolones (1-100mg/kg DM). APs were measured at intermediary contents in Parisian sludge, lying in the 2-20mg/kg DM range. Finally, hormones, PAHs, PCBs, PAEs, PFAs and the remaining PHPs were all found at contents lower than 1mg/kg DM. For most compounds (PHPs, PFOS, DEHP, PAHs), no significant differences in the micropollutant contents were found for similar types of sludge from different WWTP in Paris, highlighting the homogeneity of sludge contamination in downstream Paris catchment. The variability of concentration is rather high (coefficient of variation >100%) for several PHPs, PFAs or PCBs while it is moderate (<100%) or low (<50%) for fluoroquinolones, hormones, PAHs, APs or LAS. In addition, digestion seems to have a buffer effect as variabilities are lower in digested sludge for PHPs, PFAs, APs and PCBs. During sludge treatment (centrifugation, digestion, thermal drying, sludge conditioning+press filtration), the hormones, LAS, APs, PAHs, DEHP and PCBs concentrations increased, while those of PHPs and PFAs decreased. In the case of digestion, the increase of content can be explained by no pollutant removal or a lower removal than DM removal (concentration phenomenon) whereas the decrease underlines that the compound is more removed than the DM. In any case, these concentration variations presuppose the mechanisms of dissipation that could be attributed to volatilization, biotic or abiotic transformation (complete or with metabolites production), bound residues formation. In addition, data on sludge liquors - centrifuged (CW) and condensed (TDW) waters - from respectively centrifugation and thermal drying were collected. Several hormones, PHPs, PFAs, LAS, PAEs, APs, PCBs and PAHs were quantified in CW and TDW, displaying a transfer through the water removal. The concentrations observed are rather comparable to those found in wastewater.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2016
Adèle Bressy; Catherine Carré; Émilie Caupos; Bernard De Gouvello; José-Frédéric Deroubaix; Jean-Claude Deutsch; Romain Mailler; Anthony Marconi; Pascale Neveu; Laurent Paulic; Sébastien Pichon; Vincent Rocher; Irina Severin; Mathilde Soyer; R. Moilleron
The Cosmet’eau project (2015–2018) investigates the “changes in the personal care product (PCP) consumption practices: from whistle-blowers to impacts on aquatic environments.” In this project, the example of PCPs will be used to understand how public health concerns related to micropollutants can be addressed by public authorities—including local authorities, industries, and consumers. The project aims to characterize the possible changes in PCP consumption practices and to evaluate the impact of their implementation on aquatic contamination. Our goals are to study the whistle-blowers, the risk perception of consumers linked with their practices, and the contamination in parabens and their substitutes, triclosan, and triclocarban from wastewater to surface water. The project investigates the following potential solutions: modifications of industrial formulation or changes in consumption practices. The final purpose is to provide policy instruments for local authorities aiming at building effective strategies to fight against micropollutants in receiving waters.
Revue L'Eau, L'Industrie, Les Nuisances | 2017
Romain Mailler; Johnny Gasperi; Emmanuelle Vulliet; Audrey Buleté; Sam Azimi; Vincent Rocher
Gruttee 2017 : 12th GRUTTEE international congress | 2017
R Guillossou; Julien Le Roux; Romain Mailler; Emmanuelle Vulliet; C Morlay; G. Varrault; Fabrice Nauleau; Vincent Rocher; Johnny Gasperi
16th international conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2017) | 2017
Adèle Bressy; Sifax Zedek; Rémi Mazerolles; Emilie Caupos; Romain Mailler; Pascale Neveu; Vincent Rocher; Régis Moilleron
Journées informations Eaux - JIE 2016 | 2016
Johnny Gasperi; Romain Mailler; Dominique Patureau; Emmanuelle Vulliet; Steven Deshayes; Véronique Eudes; Sabrina Guérin; Régis Moilleron; Sam Azimi; Vincent Rocher
Journées Informations Eaux | 2016
Yves Coquet; Romain Mailler; Johnny Gasperi; Audrey Buleté; Emmanuelle Vulliet; Fabrice Nauleau; Sam Azimi; Vincent Rocher
95ème congrès de l’ASTEE | 2016
Johnny Gasperi; Romain Mailler; Dominique Patureau; Emmanuelle Vulliet; Steven Deshayes; Véronique Eudes; Sabrina Guérin; R. Moilleron; Ghassan Chebbo; Vincent Rocher
11e Congrès International du GRUTTEE | 2016
Steven Deshayes; Sifax Zedek; Véronique Eudes; Christine Droguet; Vincent Rocher; Romain Mailler; Johnny Gasperi; Bonnaud Bertille; Emilie Caupos; Adèle Bressy; R. Moilleron