Roman Gieleta
Military University of Technology in Warsaw
Journal of KONES. Powertrain and Transport | 2015
Wiesław Barnat; Roman Gieleta; Tadeusz Niezgoda
The aim of presented work is examination of blast wave, especially incident and reflected wave pressure. Due to many difficulties and complexity of phenomenon a complete study for different charges should be done. In presented paper two cylindrical TNT charges were used, weighting respectively 100 g and 200 g. Pressure wave was examined using original test stand designed and developed on Department of Mechanics and Applied Computer Science. A test steel test plate with 5 mm thickness was equipped with pressure gauge to measure reflected wave. Additionally, the plate was placed on four special electroresistance strain gauges. To measure force Vishay EA-06-120-060LZ strain gauges were used. For amplification of the dynamometers with strain gauges, MS1001 INFEL bridge was used. The system was used to validate the results from reflected wave pressure gauge. Shock wave pressures was measured using a special sensor model 137A21 amd M350B21 made by PCB Piezotronics At specific distance there was also incident wave pressure gauge. In order to fully examine the dynamic response of the plate an accelerometer was used. As a result, pressure versus time and acceleration versus time plots were obtained. The results will be used to validate numerical model of blast wave impact on a plate.
Journal of KONES | 2015
A. Derewońko; Roman Gieleta
The development of composite materials characterized by the constant amelioration of their mechanical properties (stiffness and strength) has widened their application for structural elements, mainly in aeronautical, naval and automobile industries. The possibility of tailoring the composite’s properties appropriately to the applied load (by changing the direction of the fibre alignment and applying a corresponding matrix) results in the growing importance of the design process. The paper presents a numerical technique of determining the fatigue strength of the laminated carbon–epoxy composite. The experimental investigations were carried out to determine the complete set of the stiffness characteristics E ij , G ij , �� ij , the strength characteristics �1 i,n , �0 i,n . and the S-N fatigue curves. The static and fatigue numerical calculations were carried out for the material anisotropic model of the particular composite layers. Eight-node 3D finite elements with the composite’s properties were used to develop the specimen’s numerical model. The contact problem between the composite layers enabling the reflection of a mutual interaction was taken into account. The numerical investigation also included the state of effort analysis and the fatigue life assessment of the composite. The assessment of the composite’s fatigue life was performed using the MSC.Fatigue code. The verification of models and numerical analysis was carried out for composite specimens made of the CE 8201-24545/120 prepreg. The experimental verification confirmed that the places of the lowest fatigue life, found out in numerical analysis, are located in the area of the gauge part.
Journal of Konbin | 2015
Tadeusz Niezgoda; Grzegorz Sławiński; Roman Gieleta; Marek Świerczewski
Abstract Military vehicles are exposed, among others, to mine and IED (Improvised Explosive Device) threats. Contemporary structural solutions cannot ensure their safety at maximum level. This paper presents a review of currently used structural solutions enhancing protection level against explosion. Furthermore, requirements for military vehicles safety against mine and IED threats are characterized. As well as that, sample results of energy absorbing panels examination results are shown. On this basis remarks to further development of protective structures are formulated. Streszczenie Pojazdy wojskowe są narażone na działanie fali wybuchowej min oraz improwizowanych urządzeń wybuchowych IED (z ang. improvised explosive device). Dotychczasowe rozwiązania konstrukcyjne pancerzy pojazdów wojskowych nie zapewniają ich ochrony na maksymalnym poziomie. W publikacji przedstawiono rozwiązania konstrukcyjne, których celem jest zwiększenie odporności pojazdów wojskowych na eksplozję ładunków wybuchowych. Ponadto scharakteryzowano wymagania dotyczące odporności pojazdów wojskowych na wybuch min i urządzeń IED. Przedstawiono również przykładowe wyniki badań paneli energochłonnych oraz sformułowane na ich podstawie wnioski do dalszego rozwoju konstrukcji ochronnych.
Journal of KONES. Powertrain and Transport | 2015
Grzegorz Sławiński; Tadeusz Niezgoda; Roman Gieleta; Marek Świerczewski; Paweł Dziewulski
An article describes an issue of increasing the passive safety of soldiers in a military vehicle subjected to loads resulting from explosion mine or IED. Traditional methods to increase security involving the application of additional layers made using materials with high density. This approach contributes to a reduction mobility and efficiency vehicle on the battlefield. For these reasons, it is necessary to search new design solution, which will benefit lowdensity material through which driving parameters of vehicle in combat do not worsen. Mentioned reasons led to propose a new concept protective shield made of elastomer with inclusion in form of a liquid. Effectiveness of the proposed protective shield will be verified on the bench traverse. The blast shock wave will be induced by detonation of HE charge at the central point over 430 mm from the top surface of the range stand. Experimental tests will be used to validate the numerical model. After positive validation and verification, numerical model it can be used for other blast conditions or optimize protective shield. FEM numerical modelling, dynamic simulations and postprocessing were carried out using the following CAE systems: CATIA, HyperMesh, LS-DYNA (a solver), LS-PrePost.
Journal of KONES | 2015
Roman Gieleta; Wiesław Barnat; Tadeusz Niezgoda
Numerical simulations without preliminary validation and model verification are vulnerable to errors. Best results are obtained when full experimental research is provided. Such tests are expensive and may be dangerous. Due to cost control and personnel safety, studies are often done in scale. Scale can affect both construction dimensions and applied load. In this paper four different vehicle’s bottoms are examined: flat bottom and 3 types of deflectors. The paper presents four different vehicle’s bottom shapes in order to examine deflector angle influence on energy absorption. The test included 4 cases: flat bottom broken-shaped deflector and deflectors with different apex angles 124° and 144°. For all cases the distance between explosive and panel was approximately 400 mm. The charge used was 100 g TNT. Flat bottom and deflectors were made of St3 steel with 2 mm thickness. For the purpose of the research a special test stand to examine effects of detonation wave was used. The force measurement system was designed in Department of Mechanics and Applied Computer Science. As a result, force versus time plots were obtained. The use of any deflector decreases maximum force affecting vehicle’s hull.
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering | 2015
Danuta Miedzińska; Roman Gieleta; J. Osiński
Abstract A vibratory pile hammer (VPH) is a mechanical device used to drive steel piles as well as tube piles into soil to provide foundation support for buildings or other structures. In order to increase the stability and the efficiency of the VPH work in the over-resonance frequency, a new VPH construction was developed at the Military University of Technology. The new VPH contains a system of counter-rotating eccentric weights, powered by hydraulic motors, and designed in such a way that horizontal vibrations cancel out, while vertical vibrations are transmitted into the pile. This system is suspended in the static parts by the adaptive variable stiffness pillows based on a smart material, magnetorheological elastomer (MRE), whose rheological and mechanical properties can be reversibly and rapidly controlled by an external magnetic field. The work presented in the paper is a part of the modified VPH construction design process. It concerns the experimental research on the vibrations during the piling process and the analytical analyses of the gained signal. The results will be applied in the VPH control system.
Acta Mechanica et Automatica | 2018
Paweł Bogusz; Roman Gieleta; Marcin Konarzewski; Michał Stankiewicz
Abstract Statistically, at least 50% of all injuries experienced by police officers in the line of duty are due to assaults with blunt objects. Therefore, vests used by the police should provide not only good ballistic resistance, but also good protection against such threats. Foamed materials are possible to be used for body protectors or inserts of protective clothes. The effects of dynamic impact with beaters of different shapes onto behaviour of polymeric foamed material were determined. There were used four types of beaters: flat, cylindrical, edgy and cornered. Strikes with blunt objects such as a flat board, baseball bat, edgy brick, pavement brick or a sharp stone, to which a protective ware can be subjected, were simulated. The impact load was applied to the rectangular specimens, made of polyvinyl chloride foam, with a usage of a drop hammer. Plots of force versus compression for all the tested samples were obtained and analysed. The effects of impacts with beaters of different shapes onto foamed material samples were presented. A shape of the blunt object significantly influences crushing behaviour of the foamed material. The impact energy of a flat beater is absorbed effectively on a short distance, since it is spread on a relatively large surface. The cylindrical and edgy beaters did not cause fragmentation of the samples, however, on the upper surfaces of the samples, permanent deformations mapping the beaters shapes as well as some cracks occurred. An impact with a sharp object, for example, a cornered beater is very difficult to be neutralized by the foam material, because it is cumulated on a small area.
Solid State Phenomena | 2015
Danuta Miedzińska; Paweł Bogusz; Roman Gieleta
Magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) belong to the group of so-called smart materials, which respond to an external stimulus by changing their viscoelastic properties.The vibration head will be modified with the MRE regulation system. The elastomer pillows will be enhanced with MRE and the regulation system (coils).The main idea of the modification is to increase an effectiveness of the vibrator work by the regulation that will stable the vibrations in the resonance frequency. It will be caused by the changeable stiffness of MRE elements under magnetic field.The aim of presented study is to research the influence of MREs cured under the magnetic fields on the strength properties of the elastomer pillow.
Journal of KONES | 2015
Michał Stankiewicz; Arkadiusz Popławski; Paweł Bogusz; Roman Gieleta; Grzegorz Sławiński
The paper presents identifying studies of mechanical properties of the selected materials from the group of elastomers including Asmathane (65 ShA), Easyprene FPS (30 ShA), Biresin (U1305). The tests were carried out at the Laboratory of Strength of Materials, the Department of Mechanics and Applied Computer Science, with the use of an especially designed stand for testing the energy absorption of materials. The research aims were to determine the basic properties and characteristics of the selected materials as well as to compare them and identify the material with the best energy-absorbing characteristics. For a single load-unload cycle, applied dynamically, the hysteresis loops were recorded. Energy-absorption of individual materials and maximum strength were determined. During the experimental test, a fast speed camera was used for accurately register the progress performance of the test. The pictures of the dynamic tests of materials behaviour are shown. The curves of the tested materials are compared in the graphs. The resulting data will help to create constitutive models of the tested materials, which in the next stages of the project will be used in numerical studies on the impact of detonation on the designed protective panel.
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves | 2015
Norbert Palka; Soufiene Krimi; Frank Ospald; Danuta Miedzińska; Roman Gieleta; Marcin Małek; R. Beigang