
Chemical Communications | 2016

Br2F7− and Br3F10−: peculiar anions showing μ2- and μ3-bridging F-atoms

Sergei I. Ivlev; Antti J. Karttunen; Roman Ostvald; Florian Kraus

RbCl and CsCl react with BrF3 yielding the corresponding decafluoridotribromates(iii), MBr3F10 (M = Rb, Cs), which were structurally characterized for the first time. The Br3F10- anion is surprisingly not linear but contains a μ3-bridging fluorine atom and seems to be the first example of μ3-F bridging of Br atoms. The compounds are highly reactive and cannot be handled in glassware. As for the tetrafluoridobromates themselves, they are powerful oxidizers and thus suitable for the dry-chemical recycling of precious metals and additionally feature a significantly higher BrF3 content.

international forum on strategic technology | 2012

Halon 1301 synthesis by using fluoroxidants

Vasily Igorevich Sobolev; I.I. Zherin; Roman Ostvald; Sergey Ivlev; Viktor Filimonov; Pavel S. Postnikov

This paper is devoted to the problems of application of alkali and alkaline-earth metal tetrafluorobromates in organic synthesis. The process of Halon 1301 synthesis, which is one of the best fire-extinguishing agents, is considered.

Key Engineering Materials | 2016

Synthesis of Highly Deactivated Polyhalogenated Aromatic Compounds

Vasily Igorevich Sobolev; Sergey Ivlev; V.V. Shagalov; Roman Ostvald; I.I. Zherin

The barium fluorobromate(III) was obtained as the product of interaction between barium fluoride and bromine(III) trifluoride. The heat of formation of Ba(BrF4)2 was found by isothermal calorimetry method. By the TG/DT analysis the thermal stability of Ba(BrF4)2 was researched. It was found that this compound is mostly stable in the atmosphere or argon up to 250 °C. It was shown that bromine trifluoride and its derive compounds with alkali and alkali-earth metals fluorides can be applied like a highly-active brominating agent in case of production of various composite materials based on polyhalogenated aromatics.

Chemical Communications | 2016

Br 2 F 7 - and Br 3 F 10 -

Sergei I. Ivlev; Antti J. Karttunen; Roman Ostvald; Florian Kraus

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Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie | 2013

On Tetrafluorobromates(III): Crystal Structures of the Dibromate CsBr2F7 and the Monobromate CsBrF4†

Sergey Ivlev; Patrick Woidy; Vasily Igorevich Sobolev; Ivan Gerin; Roman Ostvald; Florian Kraus

Advanced Materials Research | 2014

p-nitrotoluene bromination using barium fluorobromate Ba(BrF 4 ) 2

Vasily Igorevich Sobolev; Vyacheslav Radchenko; Roman Ostvald; V. D. Filimonov; I.I. Zherin

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry | 2014

Synthesis and Characterization of Barium Tetrafluoridobromate(III) Ba(BrF4)2

Sergey Ivlev; Vasily Igorevich Sobolev; Markus Hoelzel; Antti J. Karttunen; Thomas G. Müller; Ivan Gerin; Roman Ostvald; Florian Kraus

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry | 2013

Tetrafluorobromates for Urban Mining of Noble Metals: A Case Study on Iridium Metal

Sergey Ivlev; Patrick Woidy; Florian Kraus; Ivan Gerin; Roman Ostvald

Journal of Fluorine Chemistry | 2009

Separation of systems based on uranium hexafluoride and some of halogen fluorides

Roman Ostvald; V.V. Shagalov; I.I. Zherin; G.N. Amelina; V.F. Usov; A.I. Rudnikov; O.B. Gromov

Monatshefte Fur Chemie | 2016

A new look at NaBrF4: the most BrF3-rich tetrafluoridobromate(III) by mass

Sergey Ivanovich Ivlev; Roman Ostvald; Florian Kraus

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