Ronald Osinga
Wageningen University and Research Centre
Science | 2013
J.M. de Goeij; D. van Oevelen; Mark J. A. Vermeij; Ronald Osinga; Jack J. Middelburg; A.F.P.M. de Goeij; Wim Admiraal
Sponge Pump “Darwins Paradox” asks how productive and diverse ecosystems like coral reefs thrive in the marine equivalent of a desert. De Goeij et al. (p. 108) now show that coral reef sponges are part of a highly efficient recycling pathway for dissolved organic matter (DOM), converting it, via rapid sponge-cell turnover, into cellular detritus that becomes food for reef consumers. DOM transfer through the sponge loop approaches the gross primary production rates required for the entire coral reef ecosystem. Sponges take up dissolved organic matter and convert it into consumable cellular material. Ever since Darwin’s early descriptions of coral reefs, scientists have debated how one of the world’s most productive and diverse ecosystems can thrive in the marine equivalent of a desert. It is an enigma how the flux of dissolved organic matter (DOM), the largest resource produced on reefs, is transferred to higher trophic levels. Here we show that sponges make DOM available to fauna by rapidly expelling filter cells as detritus that is subsequently consumed by reef fauna. This “sponge loop” was confirmed in aquarium and in situ food web experiments, using 13C- and 15N-enriched DOM. The DOM-sponge-fauna pathway explains why biological hot spots such as coral reefs persist in oligotrophic seas—the reef’s paradox—and has implications for reef ecosystem functioning and conservation strategies.
Marine Biotechnology | 2005
Detmer Sipkema; M.C.R. Franssen; Ronald Osinga; J. Tramper; René H. Wijffels
Marine sponges have been considered as a gold mine during the past 50 years, with respect to the diversity of their secondary metabolites. The biological effects of new metabolites from sponges have been reported in hundreds of scientific papers, and they are reviewed here. Sponges have the potential to provide future drugs against important diseases, such as cancer, a range of viral diseases, malaria, and inflammations. Although the molecular mode of action of most metabolites is still unclear, for a substantial number of compounds the mechanisms by which they interfere with the pathogenesis of a wide range of diseases have been reported. This knowledge is one of the key factors necessary to transform bioactive compounds into medicines. Sponges produce a plethora of chemical compounds with widely varying carbon skeletons, which have been found to interfere with pathogenesis at many different points. The fact that a particular disease can be fought at different points increases the chance of developing selective drugs for specific targets.
Marine Biotechnology | 1999
Ronald Osinga; J. Tramper; René H. Wijffels
Abstract: There is increasing interest in biotechnological production of marine sponge biomass owing to the discovery of many commercially important secondary metabolites in this group of animals. In this article, different approaches to producing sponge biomass are reviewed, and several factors that possibly influence culture success are evaluated. In situ sponge aquacultures, based on old methods for producing commercial bath sponges, are still the easiest and least expensive way to obtain sponge biomass in bulk. However, success of cultivation with this method strongly depends on the unpredictable and often suboptimal natural environment. Hence, a better-defined production system would be desirable. Some progress has been made with culturing sponges in semicontrolled systems, but these still use unfiltered natural seawater. Cultivation of sponges under completely controlled conditions has remained a problem. When designing an in vitro cultivation method, it is important to determine both qualitatively and quantitatively the nutritional demands of the species that is to be cultured. An adequate supply of food seems to be the key to successful sponge culture. Recently, some progress has been made with sponge cell cultures. The advantage of cell cultures is that they are completely controlled and can easily be manipulated for optimal production of the target metabolites. However, this technique is still in its infancy: a continuous cell line has yet to be established. Axenic cultures of sponge aggregates (primmorphs) may provide an alternative to cell culture. Some sponge metabolites are, in fact, produced by endosymbiotic bacteria or algae that live in the sponge tissue. Only a few of these endosymbionts have been cultivated so far. The biotechnology for the production of sponge metabolites needs further development. Research efforts should be continued to enable commercial exploitation of this valuable natural resource in the near future.
Hydrobiologia | 2001
Ronald Osinga; Evelyn Armstrong; J. Grant Burgess; Friederike Hoffmann; Joachim Reitner; Gabriela Schumann-Kindel
In recent years, a large diversity of sponge-microbe associations has been described: sponges can harbour archaea, eubacteria (including cyanobacteria), microalgae, fungi and probably also protozoa. The current paper gives a brief overview of the different types of associations and describes the potential influence of symbiotic micro-organisms on bioprocess design for the biotechnological production of sponge-associated natural compounds. It is concluded that the presence of microsymbionts may further complicate the already tedious development of sponge culturing techniques.
Trends in Biotechnology | 1998
Ronald Osinga; J. Tramper; René H. Wijffels
The worlds oceans harbour a large diversity of living organisms. As tropical rainforests have been searched for natural drugs, these marine organisms are being screened for useful products, and a number have been found in marine sponges. These are often produced only in trace amounts, and so a large quantity of sponges must be collected to obtain sufficient amounts of the target compounds. Hence, sustainable production of these compounds requires alternatives to harvesting sponge biomass directly from the sea, including the biotechnological production of sponge metabolites.
Marine Biotechnology | 2011
Ronald Osinga; Miriam Schutter; Ben Griffioen; René H. Wijffels; J.A.J. Verreth; Shai Shafir; Stéphane Henard; Maura Taruffi; Claudia Gili; Silvia Lavorano
To protect natural coral reefs, it is of utmost importance to understand how the growth of the main reef-building organisms—the zooxanthellate scleractinian corals—is controlled. Understanding coral growth is also relevant for coral aquaculture, which is a rapidly developing business. This review paper provides a comprehensive overview of factors that can influence the growth of zooxanthellate scleractinian corals, with particular emphasis on interactions between these factors. Furthermore, the kinetic principles underlying coral growth are discussed. The reviewed information is put into an economic perspective by making an estimation of the costs of coral aquaculture.
Journal of Biotechnology | 2003
Detmer Sipkema; R. van Wielink; A.A.M. van Lammeren; J. Tramper; Ronald Osinga; René H. Wijffels
Primmorphs were obtained from seven different marine sponges: Stylissa massa, Suberites domuncula, Pseudosuberites aff. andrewsi, Geodia cydonium, Axinella polypoides, Halichondria panicea and Haliclona oculata. The formation process and the ultra structure of primmorphs were studied. A positive correlation was found between the initial sponge-cell concentration and the size of the primmorphs. By scanning electron microscopy (SEM) it was observed that the primmorphs are very densely packed sphere-shaped aggregates with a continuous pinacoderm (skin cell layer) covered by a smooth, cuticle-like structure. In the presence of amphotericin, or a cocktail of antibiotics (kanamycin, gentamycin, tylosin and tetracyclin), no primmorphs were formed, while gentamycin or a mixture of penicillin and streptomycin did not influence the formation of primmorphs. The addition of penicillin and streptomycin was, in most cases, sufficient to prevent bacterial contamination, while fungal growth was unaffected.
Journal of Biotechnology | 2003
Ronald Osinga; El Hassan Belarbi; Emilio Molina Grima; J. Tramper; René H. Wijffels
Explants of the tropical sponge Pseudosuberites andrewsi were fed with the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornotum. The food was supplied either as intact algae or as a filtered crude extract. Growth (measured as an increase in underwater weight) was found in both experiments. The explants fed with intact algae increased to an average underwater weight of 255% of the initial weight in 45-60 days. The explants fed with crude extract increased to an average of 200% of the initial weight in 30 days. These results show that it is possible to grow a sponge using a single microorganism species as a food source. In addition, it was demonstrated that sponges are also capable of growing on non-particulate food. Therefore, this study is an important step forward towards the development of controlled, in vivo sponge cultures.
Advances in Marine Biology | 2012
Klaske J. Schippers; Detmer Sipkema; Ronald Osinga; Hauke Smidt; Shirley A. Pomponi; Dirk E. Martens; René H. Wijffels
Marine sponges are a rich source of bioactive compounds with pharmaceutical potential. Since biological production is one option to supply materials for early drug development, the main challenge is to establish generic techniques for small-scale production of marine organisms. We analysed the state of the art for cultivation of whole sponges, sponge cells and sponge symbionts. To date, cultivation of whole sponges has been most successful in situ; however, optimal conditions are species specific. The establishment of sponge cell lines has been limited by the inability to obtain an axenic inoculum as well as the lack of knowledge on nutritional requirements in vitro. Approaches to overcome these bottlenecks, including transformation of sponge cells and using media based on yolk, are elaborated. Although a number of bioactive metabolite-producing microorganisms have been isolated from sponges, and it has been suggested that the source of most sponge-derived bioactive compounds is microbial symbionts, cultivation of sponge-specific microorganisms has had limited success. The current genomics revolution provides novel approaches to cultivate these microorganisms.
Marine Biology Research | 2005
Friederike Hoffmann; Ole Larsen; Hans Tore Rapp; Ronald Osinga
Oxygen microprofiles were measured over the boundary layer and into the tissue of 10-day-old cultivated tissue fragments (explants of 2–4 cm3) from the choanosome of the cold-water sponge Geodia barretti with oxygen-sensitive Clark-type microelectrodes. At this time of cultivation, the surface tissue and the aquiferous system of the explants is regenerating, which makes oxygen and nutrient supply by pumping activity impossible. Oxygen profiles showed a parabolic shape, indicating oxygen flux over a diffusive boundary layer and into the tissue. Oxygen was always depleted only 1 mm below the sponge surface, leaving the major part of the explants anoxic. Diffusive oxygen flux into the explant was calculated from three oxygen profiles using Ficks first law of diffusion and revealed 9 μmol O2 cm−3 day−1, which is in the lower range of in situ oxygen consumption of whole sponges. The ability of G. barretti to handle continuous tissue anoxia enables choanosomal explants to survive the critical first weeks of cultivation without a functional aquiferous system, when oxygen is supplied to the sponge explant by molecular diffusion over its surface.