Rosana Romero
Federal University of Uberlandia
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Featured researches published by Rosana Romero.
Annals of Botany | 2012
Ana Paula Milla dos Santos; Carla Magioni Fracasso; Mirley Luciene dos Santos; Rosana Romero; Marlies Sazima; Paulo Eugênio Oliveira
BACKGROUND AND AIMS Apomictic plants are less dependent on pollinator services and able to occupy more diverse habitats than sexual species. However, such assumptions are based on temperate species, and comparable evaluation for species-rich Neotropical taxa is lacking. In this context, the Melastomataceae is a predominantly Neotropical angiosperm family with many apomictic species, which is common in the Campos Rupestres, endemism-rich vegetation on rocky outcrops in central Brazil. In this study, the breeding system of some Campo Rupestre Melastomataceae was evaluated, and breeding system studies for New World species were surveyed to test the hypothesis that apomixis is associated with wide distributions, whilst sexual species have more restricted areas. METHODS The breeding systems of 20 Campo Rupestre Melastomataceae were studied using hand pollinations and pollen-tube growth analysis. In addition, breeding system information was compiled for 124 New World species of Melastomataceae with either wide (>1000 km) or restricted distributions. KEY RESULTS Most (80 %) of the Campo Rupestre species studied were self-compatible. Self-incompatibility in Microlicia viminalis was associated with pollen-tube arrest in the style, as described for other Melastomataceae, but most self-incompatible species analysed showed pollen-tube growth to the ovary irrespective of pollination treatment. Apomictic species showed lower pollen viability and were less frequent among the Campo Rupestre plants. Among the New World species compiled, 43 were apomictic and 77 sexual (24 self-incompatible and 53 self-compatible). Most apomictic (86 %) and self-incompatible species (71 %) presented wide distributions, whilst restricted distributions predominate only among the self-compatible ones (53 %). CONCLUSIONS Self-compatibility and dependence on biotic pollination were characteristic of Campo Rupestre and narrowly distributed New World Melastomataceae species, whilst apomictics are widely distributed. This is, to a certain extent, similar to the geographical parthenogenesis pattern of temperate apomictics.
Brazilian Journal of Botany | 2010
Ana Paula dos Santos; Rosana Romero; Paulo Eugênio Oliveira
A biologia reprodutiva de M. angelana R. Romero & R. Goldenberg foi estudada por meio de polinizacoes controladas, viabilidade polinica, crescimento do tubo polinico e germinacao de sementes. Miconia angelana floresce entre o final de outubro e o inicio de novembro, e autocompativel e independente de polinizacao vibratil. A autogamia, facilitada pela presenca de anteras com dois poros que facilitam a saida do polen sem que haja vibracao e estames dispostos simetricamente ao redor do estilete, foi responsavel pelas maiores porcentagens de frutificacao (91,5%) e germinacao das sementes (92%). Miconia angelana e uma das cinco especies de Melastomataceae conhecidas ate o momento que apresenta frutificacao a partir de autopolinizacao espontânea e uma das cinco especies do genero Miconia com producao de nectar, que juntamente com o odor desagradavel das flores, possibilita uma maior variedade de visitantes florais como mariposas, vespas, moscas, formigas, besouros e abelhas com comportamento vibratorio ou nao.
Rodriguésia | 2008
Marina de Oliveira Silva; Rosana Romero
(Melastomataceae from mountain of the municipality of the Delfinópolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil) A floristic survey of the mountain ranges of the municipality Delfinópolis, located in the southwestern portion of Minas Gerais state, was carried through between April, 2002 to November, 2003 and two additional expeditions carried out in November, 2005 and October, 2006. All specimens are deposited at Herbarium Uberlandense (HUFU). The Melastomataceae are represented with 52 species distributed in 17 genera. Miconia (17 spp.) are the genera with the largest number of species followed by Microlicia (7 spp.), Leandra and Tibouchina (5 spp. each), Svitramia (4 spp.) and Cambessedesia (3 spp.). The genera Acisanthera, Chaetostoma, Clidemia, Comolia, Lavoisiera, Lithobium, Macairea, Marcetia, Ossaea, Pterolepis and Trembleya are represented by a single species each. Key to the species, descriptions, illustrations, distribution are given.
Rodriguésia | 2010
Paula Katiane Boesing Hemsing; Rosana Romero
Abstract Serra da Canastra National Park is located in southwestern Minas Gerais, Southeast Brazil. In the Park,Chrysobalanaceae is represented by Couepia grandiflora , Hirtella glandulosa , H. gracilipes , Licania humilis ,and Parinari obtusifolia. A key to the species, descriptions, illustrations, distribution data, and commentsabout the taxa are provided.Key words: campo rupestre, cerrado, floristics, conservation units. Paula Katiane Boesing Hemsing 1,2 & Rosana Romero 1 Chrysobalanaceae do Parque Nacional daSerra da Canastra, Minas Gerais, Brasil Chrysobalanaceae of Serra da Canastra National Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil Introducao Chrysobalanaceae apresenta 531 especies e18 generos. Sete generos sao neotropicais (Prance2007), com um grande numero de especies arboreas(Tabarelli & Mantovani 1999). Seus representantescaracterizam-se pelas folhas simples e alternas, florespentâmeras, com hipanto, petalas livres (raramenteausentes), ovario supero, estilete lateral ou na basedo ovario e ovulos eretos (Barroso
Novon | 2009
Rosana Romero; Paulo José Fernandes Guimarães; Lúcio Souza Leoni
Abstract The new species Tibouchina melanocalyx R. Romero, P. J. F. Guimarães & Leoni (Melastomataceae) presents a glabrous hypanthium and calyx lobes, is black in dried material, has glabrous filaments and style, and has an ovary with a furrowed apex with five oblong appendages. These characteristics of the hypanthium and ovary are unique within the genus Tibouchina Aublet. This species occurs in highland, campos de altitude vegetation from the National Park of Caparaó and State Park of Serra do Brigadeiro, in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Novon | 2003
Rosana Romero
Another species in Microlicia (Melastomataceae) is described and illustrated. Microlicia obtusifolia is known from the rocky slopes of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Microlicia obtusifolia Cogniaux ex R. Romero is distinguished from affined species (M. pusilla Cogniaux) by its obovate, 1to 3-nerved leaves with obtuse apices and attenuate bases.
Archive | 2015
Rosana Romero; Kleber Resende Silva; Daniela Guimarães Simão
Abstract Two new species of Microlicia (Melastomataceae) endemic to campos rupestres from the Espinhaço mountain range in Minas Gerais, Brazil, are described and illustrated, and a discussion on leaf anatomy is also provided. Microlicia cogniauxiana is similar to M. graveolens, M. passerina, and M. tomentella by having an indumentum of stalked glands, pink to pink-magenta petals, and dimorphic stamens with bicolored anthers. It can be distinguished by its leaves with noticeable veins on the adaxial surface, and glandular-ciliate margins. Microlicia naudiniana is similar to M. nervosa, but can be distinguished by its sessile leaves with a conspicuously visible midrib on the abaxial surface and petals with rounded apex and revolute margin. It differs from M. passerina by having a sparser indumentum covering the entire plant.
Brittonia | 2014
Ana Luiza Freitas Oliveira; Rosana Romero; Paulo José Fernandes Guimarães
The new species Pleroma ferricola, from Minas Gerais, Brazil, is described and illustrated. Pleroma ferricola is similar to P. aemula, with which it is compared. In addition, we propose T. adamantinensis, T. hirsuta, T. hygrophyla, and T. valtherii as synonyms under the new combination Pleroma aemula, and lectotypes are designated for T. hirsuta and T. valtherii.ResumoA nova espécie Pleroma ferricola encontrada no estado de Minas Gerais, é descrita e ilustrada. Pleroma ferricola é semelhante a P. aemula, com a qual é comparada. Também propomos T. adamantinensis, T. hirsuta, T. hygrophyla e T. valtherii como sinônimos da nova combinação Pleroma aemula, e designamos lectótipos para T. hirsuta e T. valtherii.
Novon | 2014
Rosana Romero; Ana Flávia Alves Versiane
Abstract. Microlepis (DC.) Miq. (Melastomataceae) is a Brazilian genus originally recognized with four species and four varieties, which occurs in Paraná, São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, and Minas Gerais states, in moist areas of the Atlantic forest and cerrado domains. Its circumscription contains species with opposite and verticillate leaves, multiflorous inflorescences, pentamerous and diplostemonous flowers, the hypanthium and calyx lobes with stellate-tomentose indumentum, the stamens dimorphic, with prolonged connectives and with a ventral biauriculate appendage, and with numerous cochleate seeds. However, morphological studies indicate that this variability is better circumscribed as a single species, M. oleifolia (DC.) Triana. Molecular phylogenetic studies in the Melastomeae indicate that Microlepis is nested within Pleroma D. Don, and therefore the new combination is provided as P. oleifolia (DC.) R. Romero & Versiane [≡ M. oleifolia (DC.) Miq.]. This is compared to T. kleinii Wurdack, which is most similar. The following names are lectotypified: M. mosenii Cogn., M. mosenii var. acutifolia Cogn., M. oleifolia var. angustifolia Cogn., M. oleifolia var. parvifolia Cogn., M. quaternifolia [var.] β angustifolia Cogn., and M. trianae Cogn. Resumo. Microlepis (DC.) Miq. (Melastomataceae) é um gênero brasileiro originalmente reconhecido com quatro espécies e quatro variedades, as quais ocorrem nos estados do Paraná, São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro e Minas Gerais, em áreas úmidas dos domínios Atlântico e Cerrado. Sua circunscrição original contém espécies com folhas opostas e verticiladas, inflorescências multifloras, flores pentâmeras e diplostêmones, hipanto e lacínias do cálice com indumento estrelado, estames dimórficos com conectivo prolongado e com um apêndice ventral biauriculado. Contudo, estudos morfológicos indicam que esta variabilidade é melhor circunscrita a uma única espécie, M. oleifolia (DC.) Triana. Os estudos moleculares recentes em Melastomeae indicam que Microlepis está inserido no gênero Pleroma D. Don e por isso é fornecida a nova combinação P. oleifolia (DC.) R. Romero & Versiane [≡ M. oleifolia (DC.) Miq.]. Esta é comparada com T. kleinii Wurdack, com a qual é mais similar. Os seguintes nomes são lectotipificados: M. mosenii Cogn., M. mosenii var. acutifolia Cogn., M. oleifolia var. angustifolia Cogn., M. oleifolia var. parvifolia Cogn., M. quaternifolia [var.] β angustifolia Cogn., e M. trianae Cogn.
Kew Bulletin | 2013
Rosana Romero
SummaryAnalysis of the type collections of seven binomials and four trinomials of Microlicia has enabled the selection of lectotypes for M. amplexicaulis, M. cipoana, M. confertiflora var. acutifolia, M. confertiflora var. laxifolia, M. doryphylla var. ovata, M. ericoides, M. oligantha and M. tetrasticha. All varieties proposed by earlier authors are relegated to synonymy.ResumoA análise da coleção tipo de sete binômios e quatro trinômios de Microlicia possibilitou a seleção de lectótipos para M. amplexicaulis, M. cipoana, M. confertiflora var. acutifolia, M. confertiflora var. laxifolia, M. doryphylla var. ovata, M. ericoides, M. oligantha e M. tetrasticha. Todas as variedades propostas por autores anteriores são consideradas sinônimos.