Rosario Gennaro
City College of New York
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Featured researches published by Rosario Gennaro.
theory and application of cryptographic techniques | 1997
Ronald Cramer; Rosario Gennaro; Berry Schoenmakers
In this paper we present a new multi-authority secret-ballot election scheme that guarantees privacy, universal verifiability, and robustness. It is the first scheme for which the performance is optimal in the sense that time and communication complexity is minimal both for the individual voters and the authorities. An interesting property of the scheme is that the time and communication complexity for the voter is independent of the number of authorities. A voter simply posts a single encrypted message accompanied by a compact proof that it contains a valid vote. Our result is complementary to the result by Cramer, Franklin, Schoenmakers, and Yung in the sense that in their scheme the work for voters is linear in the number of authorities but can be instantiated to yield information-theoretic privacy, while in our scheme the voters effort is independent of the number of authorities but always provides computational privacy-protection. We will also point out that the majority of proposed voting schemes provide computational privacy only (often without even considering the lack of information-theoretic privacy), and that our new scheme is by far superior to those schemes.
Information & Computation | 2001
Rosario Gennaro; Pankaj Rohatgi
We present a new efficient paradigm for signing digital streams. The problem of signing digital streams to prove their authenticity is substantially different from the problem of signing regular messages. Traditional signature schemes are message oriented and require the receiver to process the entire message before being able to authenticate its signature. However, a stream is a potentially very long ( or infinite) sequence of bits that the sender sends to the receiver and the receiver is required to consumes the received bits at more or less the input rate and without excessive delay. Therefore it is infeasible for the receiver to obtain the entire stream before authenticating and consuming it. Examples of streams include digitized video and audio files, data feeds and applets. We present two solutions to the problem of authenticating digital streams. The first one is for the case of a finite stream which is entirely known to the sender (say a movie). We use this constraint to devise an extremely efficient solution. The second case is for a (potentially infinite) stream which is not known in advance to the sender (for example a live broadcast). We present proofs of security of our constructions. Our techniques also have applications in other areas, for example, efficient authentication of long files when communication is at a cost and signature based filtering at a proxy server.
theory and application of cryptographic techniques | 1999
Rosario Gennaro; Stanislaw Jarecki; Hugo Krawczyk; Tal Rabin
A Distributed Key Generation (DKG) protocol is an essential component of threshold cryptosystems required to initialize the cryptosystem securely and generate its private and public keys. In the case of discrete-log-based (dlog-based) threshold signature schemes (ElGamal and its derivatives), the DKG protocol is further used in the distributed signature generation phase to generate one-time signature randomizers (r = gk). In this paper we show that a widely used dlog-based DKG protocol suggested by Pedersen does not guarantee a uniformly random distribution of generated keys: we describe an efficient active attacker controlling a small number of parties which successfully biases the values of the generated keys away from uniform. We then present a new DKG protocol for the setting of dlog-based cryptosystems which we prove to satisfy the security requirements from DKG protocols and, in particular, it ensures a uniform distribution of the generated keys. The new protocol can be used as a secure replacement for the many applications of Pedersens protocol. Motivated by the fact that the new DKG protocol incurs additional communication cost relative to Pedersens original protocol, we investigate whether the latter can be used in specific applications which require relaxed security properties from the DKG protocol. We answer this question affirmatively by showing that Pedersens protocol suffices for the secure implementation of certain threshold cryptosystems whose security can be reduced to the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem. In particular, we show Pedersens DKG to be sufficient for the construction of a threshold Schnorr signature scheme. Finally, we observe an interesting trade-off between security (reductions), computation, and communication that arises when comparing Pedersens DKG protocol with ours.
Information & Computation | 2001
Rosario Gennaro; Stanislaw Jarecki; Hugo Krawczyk; Tal Rabin
We present threshold DSS (digital signature standard) signatures where the power to sign is shared by n players such that for a given parameter t
principles of distributed computing | 1998
Rosario Gennaro; Michael Oser Rabin; Tal Rabin
The goal of this paper is to introduce a simple verifiable secret sharing scheme, to improve the efficiency of known secure multiparty protocols and, by employing these techniques, to improve the efficiency of applications which use these protocols. First we present a very simple Verifiable Secret Sharing protocol which is based on fast cryptographic primitives and avoids altogether the need for expensive zero-knowledge proofs. This is followed by a highly simplified protocol to compute multiplications over shared secrets. This is a major component in secure multiparty computation protocols and accounts for much of the complexity of proposed solutions. Using our protocol as a plug-in unit in known protocols reduces their complexity. We show how to achieve efficient multiparty computations in the computational model, through the application of homomorphic commitments. Finally, we present fast-track multiparty computation protocols. In a model in which malicious faults are rare we show that it is possible to carry out a simpler and more efficient protocol which does not perform all the expensive checks needed to combat a malicious adversary from foiling the computation. Yet, the protocol still enables detection of faults and recovers the computation when faults occur without giving any information advantage to the adversary. This results in protocols which are much more efficient under normal operation of the system i.e. when there are no faults. As an example of the practical impact of our work we show how our techniques can be used to greatly improve the speed and the fault-tolerance of existing threshold cryptography protocols. * IBM T.J. Watscm Research Center, PO Box 704, Yorktowo Heights, New York 10598, USA Email: rosarioOwatsotl.ibnl.coln. + Harvard University sod Hebrew University. Email: [email protected] * IBM ‘f.J. Watsoo Research Center, PO Box 704, Yorktowo Heights, New York 10598, USA Email: talrOwatsoll.ibtn.corlr. Contact author Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for pelmal cr ClassroOm use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear tbii notice and the fit11 citation on the fti page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redisbibute to lists, requires prior specific permission a&or a fee. PODC 98 Fkerto Vallarta Mexico Copyright ACM 1998th89791.97%7/9816...
Journal of Cryptology | 2002
Victor Shoup; Rosario Gennaro
international cryptology conference | 2011
Siavosh Benabbas; Rosario Gennaro; Yevgeniy Vahlis
Abstract. For the most compelling applications of threshold cryptosystems, security against chosen cipher text attack is a requirement. However, prior to the results presented here, there appeared to be no practical threshold cryptosystems in the literature that were provably chosen ciphertext secure, even in the idealized random oracle model. The contribution of this paper is to present two very practical threshold cryptosystems, and to prove that they are secure against chosen ciphertext attack in the random oracle model. Not only are these protocols computationally very efficient, but they are also non-interactive, which means they can be easily run over an asynchronous communication network.
Computers & Security | 1997
Rosario Gennaro; Paul A. Karger; Stephen M. Matyas; Mohammad Peyravian; Allen Leonid Roginsky; David Robert Safford; Michael Willett; Nevenko Zunic
We study the problem of computing on large datasets that are stored on an untrusted server. We follow the approach of amortized verifiable computation introduced by Gennaro, Gentry, and Parno in CRYPTO 2010. We present the first practical verifiable computation scheme for high degree polynomial functions. Such functions can be used, for example, to make predictions based on polynomials fitted to a large number of sample points in an experiment. In addition to the many noncryptographic applications of delegating high degree polynomials, we use our verifiable computation scheme to obtain new solutions for verifiable keyword search, and proofs of retrievability. Our constructions are based on the DDH assumption and its variants, and achieve adaptive security, which was left as an open problem by Gennaro et al (albeit for general functionalities). Our second result is a primitive which we call a verifiable database (VDB). Here, a weak client outsources a large table to an untrusted server, and makes retrieval and update queries. For each query, the server provides a response and a proof that the response was computed correctly. The goal is to minimize the resources required by the client. This is made particularly challenging if the number of update queries is unbounded. We present a VDB scheme based on the hardness of the subgroup membership problem in composite order bilinear groups.
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security | 2006
Rosario Gennaro; Yehuda Lindell
A two-phase method of key recovery which will be referred to as Secure Key Recovery (SKR) is presented. The proposed key recovery system permits a portion of the key recovery information to be generated once and then used for multiple encrypted data communications sessions and encrypted file applications. In particular, the portion of the key recovery information that is generated just once is the only portion that requires public key encryption operations. We also describe a verification mode in which the communicating parties each produce SKR recovery information independently, without checking the others so produced information. In this mode, if at least one side is correctly configured, all required recovery information is correctly produced. In addition, the communicating parties are free to include any optional recovery fields without causing a false invalidation of what the other parties sent. Further, we present a method of verification of key recovery information within a key recovery system, based on a variation of the three-party Diffie-Hellman key agreement procedure. Without communication with a trustee, the sender is able to encrypt recovery information in such a way that both the receiver and the respective trustee can decrypt it. This reduces the number of encryptions, and inherently validates the recovery information when the receiver decrypts it. The method allows full caching of all public key operations, thus further reducing computational overhead.
theory and application of cryptographic techniques | 2013
Rosario Gennaro; Craig Gentry; Bryan Parno; Mariana Raykova
In this paper, we present a general framework for password-based authenticated key exchange protocols, in the common reference string model. Our protocol is actually an abstraction of the key exchange protocol of Katz et al. and is based on the recently introduced notion of smooth projective hashing by Cramer and Shoup. We gain a number of benefits from this abstraction. First, we obtain a modular protocol that can be described using just three high-level cryptographic tools. This allows a simple and intuitive understanding of its security. Second, our proof of security is significantly simpler and more modular. Third, we are able to derive analogs to the Katz et al. protocol under additional cryptographic assumptions. Specifically, in addition to the DDH assumption used by Katz et al., we obtain protocols under both the quadratic and N-residuosity assumptions. In order to achieve this, we construct new smooth projective hash functions.