Rosemarie Grantyn
Max Planck Society
Developmental Brain Research | 1993
Birgit Rörig; Rosemarie Grantyn
This study was aimed at characterizing the earliest phases of synaptogenesis in the mammalian retina. Spontaneous activity of ganglion cells in the isolated superfused retina was used as an indicator for the functionality of synaptic connections. Retinal ganglion neurons (RGNs) were identified by location of their somata in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) and by their ability to generate large (> 500 pA) voltage-activated sodium currents. Spontaneous spiking was found in many RGNs prior to cell perfusion. Between postnatal day (P) 1 and 18, a total of 195 RGNs was tested for light-induced currents, conductance changes in response to exogenous glutamate (Glu) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and depolarizing or hyperpolarizing synaptic activity. The vast majority of the material was derived from RGNs at day P5. Whole-cell ion currents were always sampled at somatic sites, using either conventional or perforated patch whole-cell recordings. On day P5, 5% of tested RGNs (n = 73) were already responsive to light stimulation. A higher percentage of cells (23%, n = 187) generated spontaneous depolarizing currents that were regarded as glutamatergic excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs), since (1) they were blocked by Glu antagonists, (2) they conformed to the Na+/Cs+ equilibrium potential, (3) and they displayed a time course characteristic of glutamatergic EPSCs. The mean EPSC amplitude was 19.0 pA (S.D. 11.83 pA). Amplitude distributions were fitted by multiple Gaussian equations rendering a quantal size of 6.6 to 9.1 pA at a holding voltage (Vh) of -70 mV (driving force about 70 mV). Spontaneous EPSCs were never observed under condition of Ca(2+)-free solutions, but they persisted in the presence of tetrodotoxin. Bath application of quisqualate (500 microM) consistently increased EPSC frequencies. In contrast to the relatively high percentage of RGNs generating spontaneous EPSCs, very few RGNs at P5 (3%, n = 187) displayed inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs), although by that time all tested RGNs (n = 14) were responsive to both exogenous Glu and GABA. These results indicate that in the postnatal rat retina development of excitatory synapses precedes the maturation of inhibitory afferents. Excitatory inputs to RGNs were to some extent functional before the animals opened their eyes. Glutamatergic synaptic activity may, thus, play an important role in shaping visual connections in the absence of visual experience.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods | 1994
Elke Guenther; Susanne Schmid; Rosemarie Grantyn; Eberhart Zrenner
We here describe a method for the identification of a distinct neuronal phenotype at all stages of development in culture without the need of any staining procedure. Based purely on a size criterion we can rapidly select vital retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) for further studies out of a mixed culture of rat retinal cells. In order to establish a size criterion for retinal cells of various age, RGCs were first labeled immunocytochemically with antibody against the ganglion cell-specific surface glycoprotein Thy-1. Soma diameters were then determined for labeled and unlabeled cells between embryonic day 16 (E16) and postnatal day 90 (P90). Unlabeled neurons of all ages had soma diameters between 3.6 microns and 12 microns (mean diameter: 6.3 microns). In contrast, soma diameters of RGCs ranged from 8.4 microns to 28 microns and the number of RGCs with large soma diameters increased with age. Thus, in a mixed retinal cell culture only RGCs are larger than 12 microns and can be selected solely based on their size. The validity of the size criterion during the whole period of retinal cell differentiation offers the possibility to study the development of cellular functions and ion channel properties in a distinct type of cell without the risk of artifacts introduced by staining.
Neuroscience Letters | 1993
Birgit Ro¨rig; Rosemarie Grantyn
Local application of glutamate agonists to retinal ganglion cells (RGNs) was performed in retinae isolated from pigmented rats aged between 3 and 8 days postnatally. A vast majority of RGNs displayed current responses to glutamate (Glu), N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), quisqualate (QA), alpha-amino-2,3-dihydro-5-methyl-3-oxo-4-isoazolepropanoic acid (AMPA), kainate (KA) and domoate (DA). In Na(+)-free extracellular solution with elevated Ca2+, non-NMDA agonists elicited large (up to 200 pA) inward currents that were completely blocked by 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX) and Cd2+. MK-801 also induced a partial block of cationic currents in Na(+)-free saline. In standard salt solutions, current-voltage relationships of Glu-R-mediated currents were often inwardly rectifying in the presence of D-aminophosphonovalerat (D-APV), as is typical of Ca(2+)-permeable non-NMDA receptors. The presence of inward rectification in the current voltage relationship was always associated with a high value of the cationic permeability ratio PCa2+/PCs+ (> 0.8). However, in about half of the investigated RGNs no inward rectification was observed under standard recording conditions. Our results lead to the suggestion that expression of Ca(2+)-permeable Glu receptor subunits may contribute to regulation of cell numbers in the postnatal retina.
Developmental Brain Research | 1990
S.S. Warton; M. Perouansky; Rosemarie Grantyn
Synaptic activity in the superficial (i.e. visual) layer of the superior colliculus was investigated with intracellular microelectrodes using a preparation of the isolated superfused tectum from neonatal rat. It was found that by postnatal day 9 (i.e. before eye opening) the majority of neurons in the superficial gray layer (SGS, stratum griseum superficiale) were already capable of generating Cl(-)-dependent inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) in response to intracollicular stimulation. Properties and development of GABAergic synaptic connections were further characterized in a dissociated cell culture from the SGS. The cultures were prepared from E21 rat embryos and studied between 1 and 38 days in vitro (DIV). gamma-[3H]aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA) uptake served to identify GABAergic neurons and to estimate their relative density. Axon terminals were labeled by indirect immunostaining for glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and examined with light (LM) and electron microscopy (EM). Responsiveness to exogenous and endogenous GABA was investigated by recording ionic currents with patch clamp techniques. [3H]GABA uptake-positive neurons constituted about 40% of the whole cellular population dissociated from the SGS of E21 rats. After 2 weeks in culture, [3H]GABA uptake was observed in 45-60% of the cells with neuronal features. The relative number of GAD-immunoreactive neuronal perikarya ranged from 28 to 39%, after 2 weeks in vitro. Responsiveness to exogenous GABA was found in all freshly plated neurons. Release of GABA could be demonstrated after 2 DIV by recording spontaneous bicuculline-sensitive Cl- currents. These currents had the characteristics of GABAA receptor-mediated synaptic currents. However, even as late as DIV 6, very few vesicle-containing axonal terminals apposing postsynaptic specializations were revealed with EM. GAD-labeled puncta became clearly visible only after DIV 10-12. Between DIV 14 and 21, the intensity of immunostaining and the density of GAD-labeled synaptic contacts increased, reaching a maximum around DIV 28. GAD-positive puncta covered both neurons and non-neuronal cells. At the level of EM, GAD-positive terminals were shown to establish synaptic contacts with neuronal somata and processes, forming in the majority of cases (22 out of 32 stained terminals) symmetrical contacts. It is concluded that in the SGS of the rat superior colliculus GABAergic neurons and GABAA receptors are present before birth. In dissociated cell cultures ionic currents can be generated in response to endogenous GABA before axonal terminals of GABAergic neurons fully mature. Finally, our experiments show that visual activity is not a prerequisite for the formation of GABAergic synapses between neurons of the SGS.
Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology | 1994
Thomas Rothe; Volker Bigl; Rosemarie Grantyn
This study was aimed at clarifying the role of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in postnatal mouse retinal ganglion neurons (RGNs). RGNs were maintained for 1–2 weeks in vitro by adding brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) to the culture medium. In order to select these cells for electrophysiological measurements, RGNs were vitally labelled with an antibody against Thy-1.2. Voltage-activated Ca2+ currents [ICa(V)] were recorded with patch electrodes in the wholecell configuration. It was found that racemic ±-1-aminocyclopentane-trans-1, 3-dicarboxylic acid (t-ACPD) or its active enantiomer 1S,3R-ACPD rapidly and reversibly either enhanced or depressed ICa(V). Quisqualate (QA), l-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate (l-AP4) and the endogenous transmitter glutamate induced similar effects when ionotropic glutamate receptors were blocked with d-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (d-APV) and 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2, 3-dione (DNQX). ω- Conotoxin GVIA (ω-CgTx GVIA), but not nifedipine prevented modulation of ICa(V) by mGluR agonists. The depression of ICa(V) by t-ACPD was irreversible when cells were dialysed with guanosine-5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP[γ-S]). Ratio measurements of fura-2 fluorescence in Thy-1+ cells showed that neither t-ACPD, QA nor l-AP4 affected [Ca2+]i by liberation of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. Our results suggest that cultured RGNs express mGluRs. These receptors cannot induce Ca2+ release from intracellular stores but regulate [Ca2+]i by a fast and reversible, G-protein-mediated action on a subpopulation of voltage-activated Ca2+ channels.
Brain Research | 1994
Elke Guenther; Thomas Rothe; Holger Taschenberger; Rosemarie Grantyn
A culture system of the postnatal rat retina was established to investigate Ca2+ currents and synaptic transmission in identified neurons. Methods are described that allowed us to select retinal ganglion neurons (RGNs) in short term cultures (up to 48 h in vitro) and in long-term cultures (3 to 21 days in vitro). The specific aim of the present study was to identify channel specific components in whole-cell Ca2+ currents of RGNs and to clarify the potential use of the lanthanide Gd3+ as a selective Ca2+ channel blocker. About one third of freshly dissociated RGNs generated both low voltage activated Ca2+ currents (ICa(LVA)) and high voltage activated Ca2+ currents (ICa(HVA)). The remaining 2/3 or RGNs in short term culture and most RGNs in long-term culture displayed only ICa(HVA). The latter comprised at least three different components that were functionally rather similar, but could be separated pharmacologically. A significant portion (about 40%) of ICa(HVA) was irreversibly blocked by the N channel antagonist omega-CgTx (5 microM). The L channel antagonist nifedipine (10 microM) eliminated about 25% of ICa(HVA). Thus, about 1/3 of the HVA Ca2+ or Ba2+ current remained unaffected by either omega-CgTx or nifedipine. omega-AgaTx (200 nM) completely failed to block HVA Ca2+ or Ba2+ currents in RGNs. Gd3+ exerted contrasting actions on LVA and HVA Ca2+ currents. While ICa(LVA) consistently increased in the presence of Gd3+ (0.32-3.2 microM), ICa(HVA) always decreased, especially when using higher concentrations of Gd3+ (10-32 microM). The blocking action of Gd3+ was not restricted to the omega-CgTx-sensitive HVA current component, but also concerned omega-CgTx- and nifedipine-resistant components. The decay of Ca2+ currents was accelerated in the presence of Gd3+. Even in RGNs lacking ICa(LVA), application of 3.2 microM Gd3+ significantly reduced the time constant of decay from an average of 64 ms to 36 ms (voltage steps from -90 to 0 mV; 10 mM [Ca2+]o; 26 degrees C). This is in contrast to what had to be expected if an N-type HVA current component was selectively suppressed by Gd3+.Gd3+ diminished glutamatergic spontaneous synaptic activity in retinal cultures tested during the 3rd week in vitro. Both frequency and amplitude were reduced. Occasionally, the application was followed by a rebound increase of EPSC frequency. A stimulatory effect during application of Gd3+ has never been observed. These experiments indicate that RGNs express at least 4 different types of Ca2+ currents, that resemble in some aspects T, N and L channel currents.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
Neuroscience Letters | 1988
Rosemarie Grantyn; H.D. Lux
Vertebrate neurons respond to rapid elevation of [H+]o with transient Na+-selective currents (INa(H]. Since INa(H) and voltage-activated Ca2+-currents (ICa(V] are mutually exclusive and similarly affected by inorganic and organic Ca2+-blockers, it has been suggested that such a Na+-permeable state evolves from protonation of Ca2+-channels. We show here that in cultured neurons from embryonic rat superior colliculus N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) provides conditions for generation of a current identical with INa(H), but without the requirement of an increase in free [H+]o. The transient NMDA-activated current (I(NMDA)T) is occluded by INa(H). Its time course is similar to that of INa(H). Both currents are inactivated by long exposure to high [H+]o. I(NMDA)T displays a linear current-voltage (I-V) relationship under conditions which cause a negative slope in the I-V relationship of the persistent NMDA-activated current (I(NMDA)P). This suggests that the biphasic response of tectal neurons to the glutamate-agonist NMDA results from superposition of two different currents.
Developmental Brain Research | 1989
Rosemarie Grantyn; M. Perouansky; A. Rodríguez-Tébar; H. D. Lux
The early expression of amiloride-sensitive proton-activated sodium currents (INa(H] was demonstrated using the giga-seal whole-cell voltage clamp technique in cells from the primordial tectum of E12 rat embryos. Less than 10% of these cells stained for tetanus toxin receptors after 2 h in vitro. However, after 10 h in vitro all cells with neuronal geometry were tetanus toxin-positive and capable of generating voltage-activated Na currents (INa(V] and high-voltage activated Ca2+-currents (ICa(HV]. INa(H) was expressed roughly in parallel with INa(V) and ICa(HV), but exceeded the former currents in amplitude by 50-100 times, reaching 600 pA and more. In 25% of the cells tested within the first 5 h in vitro INa(H) was, in fact, the only cationic inward current resolved. Responses to quisqualate and kainate appeared only after 3 days in vitro, and responses to N-methyl-D-aspartate/glycine were seen only after 4 days in vitro. These results suggest that the channels carrying INa(H) are present at the earliest stages of neuronal development.
Neuroscience Letters | 1990
M. Perouansky; Rosemarie Grantyn
The purely GABAergic nature of spontaneous synaptic activity in cultures from the neonatal rat superior colliculus (SC) is of great advantage in investigations aimed at characterizing presynaptic factors regulating GABAergic synaptic transmission. Using SC-derived cultures it was confirmed that excitatory amino acids (EAA) can induce a marked increase in the frequency of spontaneous synaptic Cl- currents (ICl(GABA)SYN). However, this tetrodotoxin-resistant facilitation of Ca2(+)-dependent GABA release required application of EEA to several neurons (multiple cell superfusion). In contrast, no frequency increase of Icl(GABA)SYN was seen with restricted access of EAA to only one neuron and the presynaptic axonal terminals (single cell superfusion). It is therefore concluded that the strong facilitatory effect of glutamate (Glu) and kainate (KA) on GABAergic synaptic activity, as observed under the condition of multiple cell superfusion, is mediated via somatodendritic excitatory amino acid receptors (EAARs).
Brain Research | 1987
Rosemarie Grantyn; M. Perouansky; H. D. Lux; J.J. Hablitz
The ionic currents induced in cultured rat superior colliculus neurons by rapid application of glutamate (Glut) and the glutamate receptor agonists quisqualate (Quis) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) were examined using the whole-cell patch clamp technique. Dissociated cell cultures consisting exclusively of superficial gray layer neurons from rats aged E21-P2 were used. After 7-10 days in vitro, all neurons responded to Glut and the selective agonists, NMDA and Quis. Glut was a mixed agonist, and a variable fraction (10-100%) of Glut-activated currents was due to involvement of NMDA receptors. The NMDA response was strongly regulated by extracellular Ca and Mg levels and modified by exposure to Quis. Quis transiently removed the block of NMDA-activated currents by D-amino-phosphonovaleric acid (APV).