Roy Maartens
Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth
Featured researches published by Roy Maartens.
Physical Review D | 2008
Christian G. Böhmer; Gabriela Caldera-Cabral; Ruth Lazkoz; Roy Maartens
Dark energy and dark matter are the dominant sources in the evolution of the late universe. They are currently only indirectly detected via their gravitational effects, and there could be a coupling between them without violating observational constraints. We investigate the background dynamics when dark energy is modeled as exponential quintessence and is coupled to dark matter via simple models of energy exchange. We introduce a new form of dark sector coupling, which leads to a more complicated dynamical phase space and has a better physical motivation than previous mathematically similar couplings.
Physical Review D | 2010
Anzhong Wang; Roy Maartens
In the Horava-Lifshitz theory of quantum gravity, two conditions - detailed balance and projectability - are usually assumed. The breaking of projectability simplifies the theory, but it leads to serious problems with the theory. The breaking of detailed balance leads to a more complicated form of the theory, but it appears to resolve some of the problems. Sotiriou, Visser and Weinfurtner formulated the most general theory of Horava-Lifshitz type without detailed balance. We compute the linear scalar perturbations of the FRW model in this form of HL theory. We show that the higher-order curvature terms in the action lead to a gravitational effective anisotropic stress on small scales. Specializing to a Minkowski background, we study the spin-0 scalar mode of the graviton, using a gauge-invariant analysis, and find that it is stable in both the infrared and ultraviolet regimes for 0{<=}{xi}{<=}2/3. However, in this parameter range the scalar mode is a ghost.
Classical and Quantum Gravity | 2003
Marco Cavaglia; Saurya Das; Roy Maartens
The generalized uncertainty principle, motivated by string theory and non-commutative quantum mechanics, suggests significant modifications to the Hawking temperature and evaporation process of black holes. For extra-dimensional gravity with Planck scale O(TeV), this leads to important changes in the formation and detection of black holes at the large hadron collider. The number of particles produced in Hawking evaporation decreases substantially. The evaporation ends when the black-hole mass is Planck scale, leaving a remnant and a consequent missing energy of order TeV. Furthermore, the minimum energy for black-hole formation in collisions is increased, and could even be increased to such an extent that no black holes are formed at LHC energies.The generalized uncertainty principle, motivated by string theory and non-commutative quantum mechanics, suggests significant modifications to the Hawking temperature and evaporation process of black holes. For extra-dimensional gravity with Planck scale O(TeV), this leads to important changes in the formation and detection of black holes at the the Large Hadron Collider. The number of particles produced in Hawking evaporation decreases substantially. The evaporation ends when the black hole mass is Planck scale, leaving a remnant and a consequent missing energy of order TeV. Furthermore, the minimum energy for black hole formation in collisions is increased, and could even be increased to such an extent that no black holes are formed at LHC energies.
Physics Reports | 2008
Christos G. Tsagas; A. Challinor; Roy Maartens
General relativity marked the beginning of modern cosmology and it has since been at the centre of many of the key developments in this field. In the present review, we discuss the general-relativistic dynamics and perturbations of the standard cosmological model, the Friedmann–Lemaitre universe, and how these can explain and predict the properties of the observable universe. Our aim is to provide an overview of the progress made in several major research areas, such as linear and non-linear cosmological perturbations, large-scale structure formation and the physics of the cosmic microwave background radiation, in view of current and upcoming observations. We do this by using a single formalism throughout the review, the 1+3 covariant approach to cosmology, which allows for a uniform and balanced presentation of technical information and physical insight.
Classical and Quantum Gravity | 2010
Chris Clarkson; Roy Maartens
The apparent accelerating expansion of the universe is forcing us to examine the foundational aspects of the standard model of cosmology—in particular, the fact that dark energy is a direct consequence of the homogeneity assumption. We discuss the foundations of the assumption of spatial homogeneity, in the case when the Copernican principle is adopted. We present results that show how (almost) homogeneity follows from (almost) isotropy of various observables. The analysis requires fully nonlinear field equations—i.e. it is not possible to use second- or higher-order perturbation theory, since one cannot assume a homogeneous and isotropic background. Then we consider what happens if the Copernican principle is abandoned in our Hubble volume. The simplest models are inhomogeneous but spherically symmetric universes which do not require dark energy to fit the distance modulus. Key problems in these models are to compute the CMB anisotropies and the features of large-scale structure. We review how to construct perturbation theory on a non-homogeneous cosmological background, and discuss the complexities that arise in using this to determine the growth of large-scale structure.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2010
J. Valiviita; Roy Maartens; Elisabetta Majerotto
We use observations of cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies, supernova luminosities and the baryon acoustic oscillation signal in the galaxy distribution to constrain the cosmological parameters in a simple interacting dark energy model with a time-varying equation of state. Using a Monte Carlo Markov Chain technique, we determine the posterior likelihoods. Constraints from the individual data sets are weak, but the combination of the three data sets confines the interaction constant Γ to be less than 23 per cent of the expansion rate of the Universe H0; at 95 per cent confidence level −0.23 < Γ/H0 < +0.15. The CMB acoustic peaks can be well fitted even if the interaction rate is much larger, but this requires a larger or smaller (depending on the sign of interaction) matter density today than in the non-interacting model. Due to this degeneracy between the matter density and the interaction rate, the only observable effect on the CMB is a larger or smaller integrated Sachs–Wolfe effect. While supernova or baryon acoustic oscillation data alone do not set any direct constraints on the interaction, they exclude the models with very large matter density, and hence indirectly constrain the interaction rate when jointly analysed with the CMB data. To enable the analysis described in this paper, we present, in a companion paper, a new systematic analysis of the early radiation era solution to find the adiabatic initial conditions for the Boltzmann integration.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | 2010
Anzhong Wang; David Wands; Roy Maartens
We study perturbations of a scalar field cosmology in Hořava-Lifshitz gravity, adopting the most general setup without detailed balance but with the projectability condition. We derive the generalized Klein-Gordon equation, which is sixth-order in spatial derivatives. Then we investigate scalar field perturbations coupled to gravity in a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker background. In the sub-horizon regime, the metric and scalar field modes have independent oscillations with different frequencies and phases except in particular cases. On super-horizon scales, the perturbations become adiabatic during slow-roll inflation driven by a single field, and the comoving curvature perturbation is constant.
Classical and Quantum Gravity | 2003
John D. Barrow; George F. R. Ellis; Roy Maartens; Christos G. Tsagas
We show using covariant techniques that the Einstein static universe containing a perfect fluid is always neutrally stable against small inhomogeneous vector and tensor perturbations and neutrally stable against adiabatic scalar density inhomogeneities so long as c2s > 1/5, and unstable otherwise. We also show that the stability is not significantly changed by the presence of a self-interacting scalar field source, but we find that spatially homogeneous Bianchi type IX modes destabilize an Einstein static universe. The implications of these results for the initial state of the universe and its pre-inflationary evolution are also discussed.
Physics Reports | 2007
John D. Barrow; Roy Maartens; Christos G. Tsagas
We review spacetime dynamics in the presence of large-scale electromagnetic fields and then consider the effects of the magnetic component on perturbations to a spatially homogeneous and isotropic universe. Using covariant techniques, we refine and extend earlier work and provide the magnetohydrodynamic equations that describe inhomogeneous magnetic cosmologies in full general relativity. Specialising this system to perturbed Friedmann–Robertson–Walker models, we examine the effects of the field on the expansion dynamics and on the growth of density inhomogeneities, including non-adiabatic modes. We look at scalar perturbations and obtain analytic solutions for their linear evolution in the radiation, dust and inflationary eras. In the dust case we also calculate the magnetic analogue of the Jeans length. We then consider the evolution of vector perturbations and find that the magnetic presence generally reduces the decay rate of these distortions. Finally, we examine the implications of magnetic fields for the evolution of cosmological gravitational waves.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2003
Georgios Kofinas; Roy Maartens; Eleftherios Papantonopoulos
We study the cosmology of the Randall-Sundrum brane-world where the Einstein-Hilbert action is modified by curvature correction terms: a four-dimensional scalar curvature from induced gravity on the brane, and a five-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet curvature term. The combined effect of these curvature corrections to the action removes the infinite-density big bang singularity, although the curvature can still diverge for some parameter values. A radiation brane undergoes accelerated expansion near the minimal scale factor, for a range of parameters. This acceleration is driven by the geometric effects, without an inflaton field or negative pressures. At late times, conventional cosmology is recovered.