Rubén Solari
University of Buenos Aires
Revista Iberoamericana De Micologia | 2007
Rubén Solari; Marcelo Corti; Diana Cangelosi; Manuel Escudero; Ricardo Negroni; Christian Saccheri; Ricardo Schtirbu
Histoplasmosis is an endemic and systemic mycosis, caused by the dimorphic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum var capsulatum. Disseminated disease in immunocompromised patients generally results from the reactivation of latent foci after a prolonged period of asymptomatic infection. We report a case of laryngeal histoplasmosis as the unique clinical manifestation of a progressive form of the disease in a patient with advanced HIV/AIDS disease. Histopathological analysis of laryngeal biopsy smears revealed granulomas containing Histoplasma-like organisms. Treatment with amphotericin B followed by itraconazole resulted in complete remission of laryngeal lesions. To our knowledge, this is the third case report of laryngeal histoplasmosis in a patient with AIDS.
Revista Iberoamericana De Micologia | 2010
Marcelo Corti; Rubén Solari; Diana Cangelosi; Cecilia Domínguez; Claudio Yampolsky; Ricardo Negroni; Alicia Arechavala; Ricardo Schtirbu
BACKGROUND Cryptococcosis is one of the most frequent and severe AIDS defining illnesses. AIMS We present a patient with advanced HIV/AIDS disease and a diffuse meningoencephalitis due to Cryptococcus neoformans. The patient developed an acute and bilateral blindness associated with high cerebrospinal fluid pressure and optic neuropathy. METHODS Post-mortem anatomopathologic study revealed a high number of Cryptococcus in the central nervous system, including the optic nerves and the optic chiasm. CONCLUSION The patients sudden visual loss appeared to be related to the perineuritic arachnoiditis and the massive invasion of the optic nerves by the fungus.
Revista Chilena De Infectologia | 2012
Marcelo Corti; Rubén Solari; Luis De Carolis; Olga Figueiras; Natalia Vittar; Esteban Maronna
La sifilis maligna es una forma rara de presentacion de lues secundaria asociada a la infeccion por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Se caracteriza por lesiones cutaneas atipicas, ulceradas, costrosas y diseminadas, asociadas con sintomas generales inespecificos que pueden retrasar el diagnostico correcto. Existen solo escasas publicaciones en la literatura medica acerca de sifilis maligna en pacientes con infeccion por VIH. La lues maligna debe incluirse en el diagnostico diferencial de los pacientes con VIH que consultan por fiebre y lesiones ulcero-costrosas diseminadas. Se describe el caso de un paciente con infeccion por VIH que desarrollo una sifilis maligna con confirmacion diagnostica a partir de los hallazgos histopatologicos y se realiza una revision de la literatura cientifica sobre el tema.
Enfermedades Infecciosas Y Microbiologia Clinica | 2001
Marcelo Corti; Rubén Solari; Luis De Carolis; Rosa Corraro
BACKGROUND The study evaluates the incidence of ocular compromise in the Kaposis sarcoma associated with AIDS. METHODS We revised the clinical histories of HIV seropositives patients seen in the ophthalmology department from January, 1994 to December, 1998. All patients were examined by direct visually and dilated fundus examination with the use of either a direct or an indirect ophthalmoscope. RESULTS In 6,552 patients, ocular Kaposis sarcoma was diagnosed in 17 (0.25%), predominantly in male sex (88.23%). The lesions predominated in eyelids, and the inferior has been the most affected. In only one female, the ocular compromise was the first neoplastic manifestation. CONCLUSIONS The ocular compromise in the Kaposis sarcoma is an alternative to be considered in AIDS patients with previous or simultaneous cutaneous or visceral involvement. Due to the few clinical signs of these lesions, a thorough ocular study is recommended in these patients.Fundamento Evaluar la incidencia del compromiso ocular en el sarcoma de Kaposi asociado con el sida. M etodos Se revisaron las consultas efectuadas en el servicio de Oftalmologia entre enero de 1994 y diciembre de 1998 por personas infectadas por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Todos ellos fueron sometidos a examen oftalmologico directo, fondo de ojo, biomicroscopia y examen con lampara de hendidura. Resultados En 6.552 consultas, se diagnostico compromiso ocular por el sarcoma de Kaposi en 17 pacientes, lo que significa una incidencia del 0,25%. La media del recuento de linfocitos T CD4 fue de 172 celulas /mm3. Las lesiones predominaron en el sexo masculino (88,23%). La estructura ocular afectada con mayor frecuencia fueron los parpados, siendo el inferior el mas comprometido. En una de las mujeres afectadas, la localizacion ocular constituyo la primera y unica manifestacion de la neoplasia. Conclusion El compromiso ocular en el sarcoma de Kaposi es una alternativa que debe considerarse en sujetos con infeccion por VIH, con compromiso previo de piel y otras mucosas. Dada la escasa repercusion clinica de las lesiones, recomendamos efectuar un minucioso examen ocular en estos pacientes.
Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical | 2007
Marcelo Corti; Rubén Solari; Diana Cangelosi; Luis De Carolis; Ricardo Schtirbu; Daniel Lewi
Lymphomas of the oral cavity are a rare complication of advanced HIV/AIDS disease. The clinical appearance of these neoplasms includes masses or ulcerative lesions that involve the oral soft tissue and the jaw as the predominant manifestation. We report the case of a patient with AIDS who developed diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma of the oral cavity during highly active antiretroviral therapy, with undetectable plasma viral load and immune reconstitution.
Revista Iberoamericana De Micologia | 2013
Marcelo Corti; Rubén Solari; Luis De Carolis; Diana Cangelosi; Alicia Arechavala; Ricardo Negroni
BACKGROUND Candida parapsilosis is an important species in the genus Candida that plays a significant role in hospitalized patients with nosocomial infections. In patients with HIV infection or AIDS, central nervous system involvement by Candida species is exceptional. CASE REPORT Here we report a case of an acute meningoencephalitis due to C. parapsilosis in an adult patient with AIDS. We describe the clinical manifestations, the diagnosis methods, antifungal therapy and outcome. CONCLUSIONS C. parapsilosis is uncommonly reported as a cause of meningitis in AIDS patients. A higher index of suspicion and culture is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of candidal meningoencephalitis.
Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De Sao Paulo | 2008
Marcelo Corti; Rubén Solari; Luis De Carolis; Diana Cangelos; Mario H. Bianchi; Ricardo Negroni
Psoas muscle abscess is an uncommon infection that have been diagnosed increasingly in the last years. We present a case of a patient with advanced human immunodeficiency virus infection who developed a disseminated infection due to Nocardia asteroides sensu stricto type VI with psoas abscess. To our knowledge no other cases of Nocardia psoas abscess in the setting of HIV infection have been reported in the literature.
Revista Chilena De Infectologia | 2014
Marcelo Corti; Rubén Solari; Luis De Carolis; Omar Palmieri; Raquel Rollet; Haroun N. Shah
INTRODUCTION Rhodococcus equi is a gram positive coccoid rod that causes pulmonary infections in immunosuppressed patients. METHODS We retrospectively analyzed epidemiological, clinical, microbiological, radiological, and immunological features as well as the outcomes of 13 AIDS patients with R. equi infection. RESULTS Between January 1994 and December 2012, 13 patients attending the AIDS department of the Infectious Diseases reference hospital in Buenos Aires were diagnosed with R. equi infection. All were men, the median age was 27 years. At the time of diagnosis, the median of CD4+ T cell counts was 11 cells/μl Twelve patients presented pulmonary disease with isolation of the microorganism from sputum or bronchoalveolar lavage; in the other patient the diagnosis was postmortem with positive culture of cerebrospinal fluid. The most frequent clinical manifestations were fever, haemoptysis, and weight loss. The predominant radiological finding was lobe consolidation with cavitation. Nine patients died after a median survival of 5.5 months. In all of them, cultures persisted positive until the last admission. The other 4 patients did continue clinical follow-ups. CONCLUSION The insidious course of R. equi disease and the difficulties in the isolation of the microorganism contribute to the delay in the diagnosis and to the high mortality rate of this opportunistic infection.
Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer | 2011
Marcelo Corti; María F. Villafañe; Rubén Solari; Luis De Carolis; Diana Cangelosi; Jose Santoro; Ricardo Schtirbu; Daniel Lewi; Alicia Bistmans; Marina Narbaitz; Patricia Bare
Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases | 2010
Marcelo Corti; Luis De Carolis; Rubén Solari; María F. Villafañe; Ricardo Schtirbu; Daniel Lewi; Marina Narbaitz