Rui Imamura
University of São Paulo
Journal of The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology | 2009
Valdir Sabbaga Amato; Felipe Francisco Tuon; Rui Imamura; R Abegão de Camargo; Mi Duarte; Va Neto
Background Mucosal leishmaniasis is caused mainly by Leishmania braziliensis and it occurs months or years after cutaneous lesions. This progressive disease destroys cartilages and osseous structures from face, pharynx and larynx.
Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology | 2010
Andréa M. Campagnolo; Domingos Hiroshi Tsuji; Luiz Ubirajara Sennes; Rui Imamura; Paulo Hilário Nascimento Saldiva
Objectives: Injectable corticosteroids have been used in phonosurgery to prevent scarring of the vocal fold because of their effects on wound healing, and to ensure better voice quality. We histologically evaluated the effects of dexamethasone sodium phosphate infiltration on acute vocal fold wound healing in rabbits 3 and 7 days after surgically induced injury by quantification of the inflammatory reaction and collagen deposition. Methods: A standardized surgical incision was made in the vocal folds of 12 rabbits, and 0.1 mL dexamethasone sodium phosphate (4 mg/mL) was injected into the left vocal fold. The right vocal fold was not injected and served as the control. The larynges were collected 3 and 7 days after surgery. For histologic analysis, the vocal folds were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for quantification of the inflammatory response and with picrosirius red for quantification of collagen deposition. Results: There was no quantitative difference in the inflammatory response between vocal folds injected with the corticosteroid and control vocal folds. However, the rate of collagen deposition was significantly lower in the corticosteroid-treated group at 3 and 7 days after injury (p = 0.002). Conclusions: The present results suggest that dexamethasone reduces collagen deposition during acute vocal fold wound healing.
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology | 2014
Maria Dantas Costa Lima Godoy; Richard Louis Voegels; Fábio de Rezende Pinna; Rui Imamura; José Marcelo Farfel
Introduction Loss of smell is involved in various neurologic and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson disease and Alzheimer disease. However, the olfactory test is usually neglected by physicians at large. Objective The aim of this study was to review the current literature about the relationship between olfactory dysfunction and neurologic and neurodegenerative diseases. Data Synthesis Twenty-seven studies were selected for analysis, and the olfactory system, olfaction, and the association between the olfactory dysfunction and dementias were reviewed. Furthermore, is described an up to date in olfaction. Conclusion Otolaryngologist should remember the importance of olfaction evaluation in daily practice. Furthermore, neurologists and physicians in general should include olfactory tests in the screening of those at higher risk of dementia.
Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2011
Patricia Paula Santoro; Cristina Lemos Barbosa Furia; Ana Paola Forte; Elza Maria Lemos; Roberta Ismael Dias Garcia; Raquel Aguiar Tavares; Rui Imamura
UNLABELLED Dysphagia is a symptom associated with an array of anatomical and functional changes which must be assessed by a multidisciplinary team to guarantee optimal evaluation and treatment, preventing potential complications. AIM The aim of the present study is to present the combined protocol of clinical and swallowing videoendoscopy carried by ENT doctors and speech therapists in the Dysphagia Group of the ENT Department - University Hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS Retrospective study concerning the use of a protocol made up of patient interview and clinical examination, followed by an objective evaluation with swallowing videoendoscopy. The exam was performed in 1,332 patients from May 2001 to December 2008. There were 726 (54.50%) males and 606 (45.50%) females, between 22 days and 99 years old. RESULTS We found: 427 (32.08%) cases of normal swallowing, 273 (20.48%) mild dysphagia, 224 (16.81%) moderate dysphagia, 373 (27.99%) severe dysphagia and 35 (2.64%) inconclusive exams. CONCLUSION The combined protocol (Otolaryngology and Speech Therapy), is a good way to approach the dysphagic patient, helping to achieve early and safe deglutition diagnosis as far as disorder severity and treatment are concerned.
Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2003
Henry Ugadin Koishi; Domingos Hiroshi Tsuji; Rui Imamura; Luiz Ubirajara Sennes
The increase of glottal resistance is the main mechanism to increase vocal intensity at low fundamental frequency. This increase is due to adductory forces provoked by the contraction of intrinsic laryngeal muscles that increases tension and approximates the vocal folds to the midline. However, the same behavior can be observed in functional disorders, like adductor spasmodic dysphonia and hyperfunctional dysphonia, even during soft phonation. AIM: To evaluate the vibratory pattern of the vocal folds in subjects with normal voice according to intensity variation, in order to establish standard values for the vibratory cycle phases. These values may improve the diagnosis and the follow up of those disorders. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical prospective. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Fifty-eight adults were evaluated during habitual (soft) and loud phonation. Vocal folds vibration patterns were analyzed with videokymography. Vocal intensity variation was studied with acoustic analysis software, comparing the intensity levels during habitual phonation and loud phonation. RESULTS: The results showed a spontaneous fundamental frequency (F0) rise as vocal intensity grew and a decrease of the open quotient at loud intensity phonation. CONCLUSION: Sound intensity levels were established at habitual (63,46 dB) and loud phonation (72,55dB). Open quotient (OQ) values were also established for those intensity phonation levels.
Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2008
Andréa M. Campagnolo; Domingos Hiroshi Tsuji; Luis Ubirajara Sennes; Rui Imamura
UNLABELLED Steroids are potent inhibitors of inflammation and wound repair. Local administration of steroids directly into the larynx has been reported in many laryngeal diseases. AIM The purpose of this study is to review related literature about the use of steroid injection in patients with benign, inflammatory and chronic vocal disease. METHODOLOGY We performed an electronic survey in Medline database and selected clinical trials regarding steroid use in benign laryngeal diseases. RESULTS Steroids are indicated in these situations: 1) acute inflammatory diseases, mainly when edema compromises the airways; 2) auto- immune disease with laryngeal involvement; 3) laryngeal stenosis; 4) benign lesions of the vocal folds, e.g., nodules, polyps and Reinkes edema, to reduce the inflammatory reactions before phonosurgery or in an attempt to avoid surgery; 5) In phonosurgery, aiming to reduce scarring. In this case, it could be used as a preventive measure in vocal fold scarring, or for scar treatment. CONCLUSION Steroids may be considered an important therapeutic option in the management of many diseases, specially the inflammatory ones, associated with vocal changes.
Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2005
Bernardo Cunha Araujo Filho; Rui Imamura; Luiz Ubirajara Sennes; Flavio Akira Sakae
UNLABELLED Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GAS) is an important pharyngotonsillitis etiologic agent. Correct etiologic diagnosis and early treatment prevent suppurative and non-suppurative complications of streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis, however, clinical diagnostic methods are not reliable. Within this context, rapid detection methods of GAS antigen are useful to diagnose this agent. AIM The objective of the present study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of rapid GAS antigen detection tests used in Brazil. STUDY DESIGN Clinical prospective. METHODS Eighty-one patients with clinical diagnosis of acute pharyngotonsillitis seen at the otorhinolaryngology emergency department of University Hospital, FMUSP, between May 2001 and April 2002, were submitted to two simultaneous collections of oropharyngeal material using swabs. Rapid GAS antigen detection test was compared to culture on blood agar, the gold standard for the diagnosis of this etiologic agent. RESULTS Among the 81 studied patients, the rapid test was positive in 56% and negative in 44%. GAS growth in culture was observed for 40.7% of the patients. The sensitivity and specificity of the rapid test were, respectively, 93.9% and 68.7%, and the negative and positive predictive values were 94.2 and 67.4%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS We concluded that the high sensitivity of the test permits its use for the identification of patients with GAS. Rapid streptococcal antigen detection tests have been shown to be an important supporting tool in the etiologic diagnosis of pharyngotonsillitis.
Revista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia | 2005
Elza Maria Lemos; Luiz Ubirajara Sennes; Rui Imamura; Domingos Hiroshi Tsuji
O granuloma de processo vocal e uma doenca cuja etiopatogenia nao e bem definida. Assim, o tratamento clinico e cirurgico nao e padronizado e os resultados terapeuticos variam de acordo com o servico. OBJETIVO: Objetivando caracterizar os pacientes com granuloma de processo vocal tratados em nosso servico, a abordagem terapeutica utilizada e a evolucao clinica. MATERIAL E METODO: realizamos um estudo retrospectivo pela analise de seus prontuarios. Encontramos maior incidencia de granuloma de processo vocal em homens, exceto em casos associados a intubacao laringea. RESULTADO: O fator etiopatogenico associado mais frequente foi o refluxo laringo-faringeo (RLF), seguido de intubacao laringea e abuso vocal. O tratamento clinico com inibidor de bomba de protons (IBP), corticosteroide topico e fonoterapia foi suficiente para remissao da lesao em 48,6% dos casos. A cirurgia para remocao do granuloma associada ao tratamento clinico foi eficaz em cerca de 90% dos casos. Recidivas tardias (apos um ano) foram observadas em cinco pacientes, sugerindo que o controle dos fatores etiopatogenicos associados deve ser mantido por tempo prolongado.
Sleep Medicine | 2012
Renata Cantisani Di Francesco; Roberta Monteiro; Maria Luiza de Melo Paulo; Fernando Stefanato Buranello; Rui Imamura
OBJECTIVES To correlate sleep apnea with craniofacial characteristics and facial patterns according to gender. METHODS In this prospective survey we studied 77 male and female children (3-12 years old) with an upper airway obstruction due to tonsil and adenoid enlargement. Children with lung problems, neurological disorders and syndromes, obstructive septal deviation, previous orthodontic treatment, orthodontic surgeries or oral surgeries, or obesity were excluded. Patients were subjected to physical examinations, nasal fiberoptic endoscopy, teleradiography for cephalometric analysis, and polysomnography. Cephalometric analysis included the following skeletal craniofacial measurements: facial axis (FA), facial depth (FD), mandibular plane angle (MP), lower facial height (LFH), mandibular arch (MA), and vertical growth coefficient (VERT) index. RESULTS The prevalence of sleep apnea was 46.75% with no statistical difference between genders. Among children with obstructive sleep apnea (Apneia Hypopnea Index - AHI ≥ 1) boys had higher AHI values than girls. A predominance of the dolichofacial pattern (81.9%) was observed. The following skeletal craniofacial measurements correlated with AHI in boys: FD (r(s)=-0.336/p=0.020), MP (r(s)=0.486/p=0.00), and VERT index (r(s)=-0.337/p=0.019). No correlations between craniofacial measurements and AHI were identified in girls. CONCLUSIONS Craniofacial morphology may influence the severity of sleep apnea in boys but not in girls.
Journal of Anatomy | 2009
Luciana M. Nita; Cláudia Naves Battlehner; Marcelo Alves Ferreira; Rui Imamura; Luiz Ubirajara Sennes; Elia Garcia Caldini; Domingos Hiroshi Tsuji
Although it is currently believed that the vocal ligament of humans undergoes considerable development postnatally, there is no consensus as to the age at which it first emerges. In the newborn infant, the lamina propria has been described as containing a sparse collection of relatively unorganized fibres. In this study we obtained larynges from autopsy of human fetuses aged 7–9 months and used light and electron microscopy to study the collagenous and elastic system fibres in the lamina propria of the vocal fold. Collagen fibres were viewed using the Picrosirius polarization method and elastic system fibres were stained using Weigert’s resorcin–fuchsin after oxidation with oxone. The histochemical and electron microscopic observations were consistent, showing collagen populations with an asymmetric distribution across different compartments of the lamina propria. In the central region, the collagen appeared as thin, weakly birefringent, greenish fibres when viewed using the Picrosirius polarization method, whereas the superficial and deep regions contained thick collagen fibres that displayed a strong red or yellow birefringence. These findings suggest that the thin fibres in the central region consist mainly of type III collagen, whereas type I collagen predominates in the superficial and deep regions, as has been reported in studies of adult vocal folds. Similarly, elastic system fibres showed a differential distribution throughout the lamina propria. Their distribution pattern was complementary to that of collagen fibres, with a much greater density of elastic fibres apparent in the central region than in the superficial and deep regions. This distribution of collagen and elastic fibres in the fetal vocal fold mirrors that classically described for the adult vocal ligament, suggesting that a vocal ligament has already begun to develop by the time of birth. The apparently high level of organization of connective tissue components in the newborn is in contrast to current hypotheses that argue that the mechanical stimuli of phonation are essential to the determination of the layered structure of the lamina propria and suggests that genetic factors may play a more significant role in the development of the vocal ligament than previously believed.