Ruth França Cizino da Trindade
Federal University of Alagoas
Ciencia y enfermería | 2008
Ruth França Cizino da Trindade; Ana Maria de Almeida; Célia Alves Rozendo
ABSTRACT This article’s objective is to present the experience of women in their daily relationship with their partners, in a qualitative study. There were 14 women participating age between 20 to 24 years old, they all lived in the outskirts of Maceio, capital of Alagoas state. Data collection was done through interviews, using gender as the theoretical reference and oral history as the thematic methodologic procedure. The pregnancy occurred during adolescence and it was provided a consensual union, when it did not exist before, except for one of the participants. But in this kind of union, some men acted more freely, having extramarital relations and many times attacking their wives at home. Most women live with the problem of male infidelity and domestic violence, that increases with poverty. As we read their histories, we notice that they consider wrong their partner attitude of betraying and harming, but most of them have passive reactions when they know about, or when they complaint, it generates fights between the couple, but it does not modify men’s behavior and it doesn’t grant women’s physical and psy-chological integrity. This situation shows the male domination exerted in gender relations, it characterizes the gender asymmetries that permeate the couple relations, and gives visibility to the submission position to which these women are exposed, in this study.This article’s objective is to present the experience of women in their daily relationship with their partners, in a qualitative study. There were 14 women participating age between 20 to 24 years old, they all lived in the outskirts of Maceio, capital of Alagoas state. Data collection was done through interviews, using gender as the theoretical reference and oral history as the thematic methodologic procedure. The pregnancy occurred during adolescence and it was provided a consensual union, when it did not exist before, except for one of the participants. But in this kind of union, some men acted more freely, having extramarital relations and many times attacking their wives at home. Most women live with the problem of male infidelity and domestic violence, that increases with poverty. As we read their histories, we notice that they consider wrong their partner attitude of betraying and harming, but most of them have passive reactions when they know about, or when they complaint, it generates fights between the couple, but it does not modify men’s behavior and it doesn’t grant women’s physical and psychological integrity. This situation shows the male domination exerted in gender relations, it characterizes the gender asymmetries that permeate the couple relations, and gives visibility to the submission position to which these women are exposed, in this study.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2003
Ana Maria de Almeida; Ruth França Cizino da Trindade; Flávia Azevedo Gomes; Loren Nielsen
This study acknowledged how maternity interfered on the life project of adolescent mothers. Data were collected from a maternity hospital in a city located in the countryside of Sao Paulo state, Brazil, over a three-month period. One hundred and forty adolescents participated in this study, 77% of them were in a marital relationship. Most adolescents had elementary school education, 31.4% were attending school when they became pregnant. At the end of pregnancy, 60% quit school in order to take care of their children. Those who went back to school could count on support from their families. Most of them will remain out of the labor market and those who do work rely on family support for the care of their children. Results showed the need to reorganize services with differentiated methodological approaches aiming at achieving the precepts provided in the guidelines for sexual and reproductive rights.This study acknowledged how maternity interfered on the life project of adolescent mothers. Data were collected from a maternity hospital in a city located in the countryside of Sao Paulo state, 8razil, over a three-month period. One hundred and forty adolescents participated in this study, 77% of them were in a marital relationship. Most adolescents had elementary school education, 31.4% were attending school when they became pregnant. At the end of pregnancy, 60% quit school in arder to take care of their children. Those who went back to school could count on support from their families. Most of them will remain out of the labor market and those who do work rely on family support for the care of their children. Results showed the need to reorganize services with differentiated methodological approaches aiming at achieving the precepts provided in the guidelines for sexual and reproductive rights.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2015
Ruth França Cizino da Trindade; Flávia Azevedo de Mattos Moura Costa; Patrícia de Paula Alves Costa da Silva; Gustavo Bussi Caminiti; Claudia Benedita dos Santos
OBJECTIVEDescribing the profile of victims and assaults by gunshot, where the outcome was death.METHODAn ecological study conducted in the city of Maceio/AL, in 2012. Data were collected from the death statements. The variables studied were: the death circumstances, gender, age, marital status, place, date, time, month and proportion according to the occurring neighborhood.RESULTSThe homicide mortality rate was 65.2 per 100,000 inhabitants, with 130.6 per 100,000 men and 7.8 per 100,000 women. Of the total number of homicides, 93.6% of the victims were men. The age group between 15 and 29 years of age was the most affected, with 68.8%. In 97.6% of cases the death occurred at the site of aggression, 74.1% in the streets. In relation to the date, 54.2% of cases occurred between Friday and Sunday. 59.7% of the homicides were concentrated in seven neighborhoods.CONCLUSIONThe map of violence presented shows heterogeneous areas for the occurrence of assaults with firearms, characterizing the existing urban inequality in violence distribution.OBJECTIVE Describing the profile of victims and assaults by gunshot, where the outcome was death. METHOD An ecological study conducted in the city of Maceió/AL, in 2012. Data were collected from the death statements. The variables studied were: the death circumstances, gender, age, marital status, place, date, time, month and proportion according to the occurring neighborhood. RESULTS The homicide mortality rate was 65.2 per 100,000 inhabitants, with 130.6 per 100,000 men and 7.8 per 100,000 women. Of the total number of homicides, 93.6% of the victims were men. The age group between 15 and 29 years of age was the most affected, with 68.8%. In 97.6% of cases the death occurred at the site of aggression, 74.1% in the streets. In relation to the date, 54.2% of cases occurred between Friday and Sunday. 59.7% of the homicides were concentrated in seven neighborhoods. CONCLUSION The map of violence presented shows heterogeneous areas for the occurrence of assaults with firearms, characterizing the existing urban inequality in violence distribution.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2014
Flávia Azevedo de Mattos Moura Costa; Ruth França Cizino da Trindade; Claudia Benedita dos Santos
OBJETIVO: describir la mortalidad por homicidios en Itabuna-Bahia. METODO: estudio con delineamiento hibrido, ecologico y de tendencia temporal. Fueron calculados los coeficientes de mortalidad por 1.000 habitantes ajustados por la tecnica directa, la mortalidad proporcional segun sexo e intervalo de edad y los Anos Potenciales de Vida Perdidos. RESULTADOS: desde 2005 las causas externas pasaron de la tercera para la segunda causa de muerte, siendo los homicidios responsables por el incremento. En los 13 anos analizados, los homicidios ascendieron 203%, con 94% de esas muertes ocurriendo en la poblacion masculina. Entre esta, el crecimiento sucedio principalmente en el intervalo de edad de 15 a 29 anos de edad. Se encontro que 83% de las muertes fueron por arma de fuego; 57,2% ocurrieron en la via publica; y 98,4% en la zona urbana. En 2012, los 173 homicidios ocasionaron 7.837 anos potenciales de vida perdidos, con cada muerte provocando, en promedio, la perdida de 45,3 anos. CONCLUSIONES: la mortalidad por homicidios en una ciudad de porte medio en Bahia alcanza indices observados en las grandes metropolis del pais en la decada de 1980, evidenciando que el fenomeno de la criminalidad violenta - antes predominante apenas en los grandes centros urbanos - avanza para el interior provocando cambios en el mapa de la violencia homicida del paisOBJECTIVE: to describe mortality from homicides in Itabuna, in the State of Bahia. METHOD: study with hybrid, ecological and time-trend design. The mortality coefficients per 1,000 inhabitants, adjusted by the direct technique, proportional mortality by sex and age range, and Potential Years of Life Lost were all calculated. RESULTS: since 2005, the external causes have moved from third to second most-common cause of death, with homicides being responsible for the increase. In the 13 years analyzed, homicides have risen 203%, with 94% of these deaths occurring among the male population. Within this group, the growth occurred mainly in the age range from 15 to 29 years of age. It was ascertained that 83% of the deaths were caused by firearms; 57.2% occurred in public thoroughfares; and 98.4% in the urban zone. In 2012, the 173 homicides resulted in 7,837 potential years of life lost, with each death causing, on average, the loss of 45.3 years. CONCLUSIONS: mortality by homicide in a medium-sized city in Bahia reaches levels observed in the big cities of Brazil in the 1980s, evidencing that the phenomenon of criminality - formerly predominant only in the big urban centers - is advancing into the rural area of Brazil, causing changes in the map of violent homicide in Brazil.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2015
Ruth França Cizino da Trindade; Flávia Azevedo de Mattos Moura Costa; Patrícia de Paula Alves Costa da Silva; Gustavo Bussi Caminiti; Claudia Benedita dos Santos
OBJECTIVEDescribing the profile of victims and assaults by gunshot, where the outcome was death.METHODAn ecological study conducted in the city of Maceio/AL, in 2012. Data were collected from the death statements. The variables studied were: the death circumstances, gender, age, marital status, place, date, time, month and proportion according to the occurring neighborhood.RESULTSThe homicide mortality rate was 65.2 per 100,000 inhabitants, with 130.6 per 100,000 men and 7.8 per 100,000 women. Of the total number of homicides, 93.6% of the victims were men. The age group between 15 and 29 years of age was the most affected, with 68.8%. In 97.6% of cases the death occurred at the site of aggression, 74.1% in the streets. In relation to the date, 54.2% of cases occurred between Friday and Sunday. 59.7% of the homicides were concentrated in seven neighborhoods.CONCLUSIONThe map of violence presented shows heterogeneous areas for the occurrence of assaults with firearms, characterizing the existing urban inequality in violence distribution.OBJECTIVE Describing the profile of victims and assaults by gunshot, where the outcome was death. METHOD An ecological study conducted in the city of Maceió/AL, in 2012. Data were collected from the death statements. The variables studied were: the death circumstances, gender, age, marital status, place, date, time, month and proportion according to the occurring neighborhood. RESULTS The homicide mortality rate was 65.2 per 100,000 inhabitants, with 130.6 per 100,000 men and 7.8 per 100,000 women. Of the total number of homicides, 93.6% of the victims were men. The age group between 15 and 29 years of age was the most affected, with 68.8%. In 97.6% of cases the death occurred at the site of aggression, 74.1% in the streets. In relation to the date, 54.2% of cases occurred between Friday and Sunday. 59.7% of the homicides were concentrated in seven neighborhoods. CONCLUSION The map of violence presented shows heterogeneous areas for the occurrence of assaults with firearms, characterizing the existing urban inequality in violence distribution.
Cadernos Saúde Coletiva | 2014
Gisetti Corina Gomes Brandão; Anne Jaqueline Roque Barrêto; Jaqueline Correia Gaspar; Ruth França Cizino da Trindade; Natália Luzia Fernandes Vaz; Maria Amélia de Campos Oliveira
This study aimed to characterize the care provided in a hospital emergency service in Maceio city, Alagoas, Brazil, and identify the characteristics of accident victims attended at this service in 2009. Exploratory, descriptive study, with a quantitative approach. Data were collected from secondary sources. Based on the total number of accidents in 2009, which summed 143,262, a random sample of 399 occurrences was selected, calculated with a sampling error of 5% and confidence interval of 95%. For data collection, it was used a form drawn up based on the record of Accidents and Violence Secretariat of Health Surveillance, Ministry of Health. The variables studied were age and sex of the victim, type and time of the occurrence. The majority (76.19%) of victims were men, aged between 15 and 49 years (66.96%), predominantly between 20 and 29 years (26.50%); 11.55% were drivers of vehicles, and 8.02% were pedestrians. The highest incidence of accidents occurred during the afternoon and evening, with 31.33% and 32.83% of cases, respectively. The results highlight the risk that drivers face in land transport traffic in the city of Maceio, and such occurrences need interventions and other research to assess risk situations.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2015
Ruth França Cizino da Trindade; Flávia Azevedo de Mattos Moura Costa; Patrícia de Paula Alves Costa da Silva; Gustavo Bussi Caminiti; Claudia Benedita dos Santos
OBJECTIVEDescribing the profile of victims and assaults by gunshot, where the outcome was death.METHODAn ecological study conducted in the city of Maceio/AL, in 2012. Data were collected from the death statements. The variables studied were: the death circumstances, gender, age, marital status, place, date, time, month and proportion according to the occurring neighborhood.RESULTSThe homicide mortality rate was 65.2 per 100,000 inhabitants, with 130.6 per 100,000 men and 7.8 per 100,000 women. Of the total number of homicides, 93.6% of the victims were men. The age group between 15 and 29 years of age was the most affected, with 68.8%. In 97.6% of cases the death occurred at the site of aggression, 74.1% in the streets. In relation to the date, 54.2% of cases occurred between Friday and Sunday. 59.7% of the homicides were concentrated in seven neighborhoods.CONCLUSIONThe map of violence presented shows heterogeneous areas for the occurrence of assaults with firearms, characterizing the existing urban inequality in violence distribution.OBJECTIVE Describing the profile of victims and assaults by gunshot, where the outcome was death. METHOD An ecological study conducted in the city of Maceió/AL, in 2012. Data were collected from the death statements. The variables studied were: the death circumstances, gender, age, marital status, place, date, time, month and proportion according to the occurring neighborhood. RESULTS The homicide mortality rate was 65.2 per 100,000 inhabitants, with 130.6 per 100,000 men and 7.8 per 100,000 women. Of the total number of homicides, 93.6% of the victims were men. The age group between 15 and 29 years of age was the most affected, with 68.8%. In 97.6% of cases the death occurred at the site of aggression, 74.1% in the streets. In relation to the date, 54.2% of cases occurred between Friday and Sunday. 59.7% of the homicides were concentrated in seven neighborhoods. CONCLUSION The map of violence presented shows heterogeneous areas for the occurrence of assaults with firearms, characterizing the existing urban inequality in violence distribution.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2014
Flávia Azevedo de Mattos Moura Costa; Ruth França Cizino da Trindade; Claudia Benedita dos Santos
OBJETIVO: describir la mortalidad por homicidios en Itabuna-Bahia. METODO: estudio con delineamiento hibrido, ecologico y de tendencia temporal. Fueron calculados los coeficientes de mortalidad por 1.000 habitantes ajustados por la tecnica directa, la mortalidad proporcional segun sexo e intervalo de edad y los Anos Potenciales de Vida Perdidos. RESULTADOS: desde 2005 las causas externas pasaron de la tercera para la segunda causa de muerte, siendo los homicidios responsables por el incremento. En los 13 anos analizados, los homicidios ascendieron 203%, con 94% de esas muertes ocurriendo en la poblacion masculina. Entre esta, el crecimiento sucedio principalmente en el intervalo de edad de 15 a 29 anos de edad. Se encontro que 83% de las muertes fueron por arma de fuego; 57,2% ocurrieron en la via publica; y 98,4% en la zona urbana. En 2012, los 173 homicidios ocasionaron 7.837 anos potenciales de vida perdidos, con cada muerte provocando, en promedio, la perdida de 45,3 anos. CONCLUSIONES: la mortalidad por homicidios en una ciudad de porte medio en Bahia alcanza indices observados en las grandes metropolis del pais en la decada de 1980, evidenciando que el fenomeno de la criminalidad violenta - antes predominante apenas en los grandes centros urbanos - avanza para el interior provocando cambios en el mapa de la violencia homicida del paisOBJECTIVE: to describe mortality from homicides in Itabuna, in the State of Bahia. METHOD: study with hybrid, ecological and time-trend design. The mortality coefficients per 1,000 inhabitants, adjusted by the direct technique, proportional mortality by sex and age range, and Potential Years of Life Lost were all calculated. RESULTS: since 2005, the external causes have moved from third to second most-common cause of death, with homicides being responsible for the increase. In the 13 years analyzed, homicides have risen 203%, with 94% of these deaths occurring among the male population. Within this group, the growth occurred mainly in the age range from 15 to 29 years of age. It was ascertained that 83% of the deaths were caused by firearms; 57.2% occurred in public thoroughfares; and 98.4% in the urban zone. In 2012, the 173 homicides resulted in 7,837 potential years of life lost, with each death causing, on average, the loss of 45.3 years. CONCLUSIONS: mortality by homicide in a medium-sized city in Bahia reaches levels observed in the big cities of Brazil in the 1980s, evidencing that the phenomenon of criminality - formerly predominant only in the big urban centers - is advancing into the rural area of Brazil, causing changes in the map of violent homicide in Brazil.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2014
Flávia Azevedo de Mattos Moura Costa; Ruth França Cizino da Trindade; Claudia Benedita dos Santos
OBJETIVO: describir la mortalidad por homicidios en Itabuna-Bahia. METODO: estudio con delineamiento hibrido, ecologico y de tendencia temporal. Fueron calculados los coeficientes de mortalidad por 1.000 habitantes ajustados por la tecnica directa, la mortalidad proporcional segun sexo e intervalo de edad y los Anos Potenciales de Vida Perdidos. RESULTADOS: desde 2005 las causas externas pasaron de la tercera para la segunda causa de muerte, siendo los homicidios responsables por el incremento. En los 13 anos analizados, los homicidios ascendieron 203%, con 94% de esas muertes ocurriendo en la poblacion masculina. Entre esta, el crecimiento sucedio principalmente en el intervalo de edad de 15 a 29 anos de edad. Se encontro que 83% de las muertes fueron por arma de fuego; 57,2% ocurrieron en la via publica; y 98,4% en la zona urbana. En 2012, los 173 homicidios ocasionaron 7.837 anos potenciales de vida perdidos, con cada muerte provocando, en promedio, la perdida de 45,3 anos. CONCLUSIONES: la mortalidad por homicidios en una ciudad de porte medio en Bahia alcanza indices observados en las grandes metropolis del pais en la decada de 1980, evidenciando que el fenomeno de la criminalidad violenta - antes predominante apenas en los grandes centros urbanos - avanza para el interior provocando cambios en el mapa de la violencia homicida del paisOBJECTIVE: to describe mortality from homicides in Itabuna, in the State of Bahia. METHOD: study with hybrid, ecological and time-trend design. The mortality coefficients per 1,000 inhabitants, adjusted by the direct technique, proportional mortality by sex and age range, and Potential Years of Life Lost were all calculated. RESULTS: since 2005, the external causes have moved from third to second most-common cause of death, with homicides being responsible for the increase. In the 13 years analyzed, homicides have risen 203%, with 94% of these deaths occurring among the male population. Within this group, the growth occurred mainly in the age range from 15 to 29 years of age. It was ascertained that 83% of the deaths were caused by firearms; 57.2% occurred in public thoroughfares; and 98.4% in the urban zone. In 2012, the 173 homicides resulted in 7,837 potential years of life lost, with each death causing, on average, the loss of 45.3 years. CONCLUSIONS: mortality by homicide in a medium-sized city in Bahia reaches levels observed in the big cities of Brazil in the 1980s, evidencing that the phenomenon of criminality - formerly predominant only in the big urban centers - is advancing into the rural area of Brazil, causing changes in the map of violent homicide in Brazil.
Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online | 2014
Géssyca Cavalcante de Melo; Sueli Teresinha Cruz Rodrigues; Ruth França Cizino da Trindade; Juliana Bento de Lima Holanda
Objetivo: descrever as representacoes sociais de usuarios que vivem com o HIV/Aids sobre o tratamento com antirretrovirais e analisar sua implicacoes para a adesao a terapia. Metodo: estudo qualitativo descritivo, cujos dados foram coletados em maio e junho de 2012 atraves de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 10 sujeitos atendidos em um servico de Maceio sobre seu tratamento antirretroviral e consultas aos prontuarios dos mesmos. A analise de conteudo de Bardin e as representacoes sociais segundo Moscovici foram as teorias metodologicas adotadas para a interpretacao dos dados. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comite de Etica em Pesquisa da UFAL mediante Protocolo no 015718/2011-11. Resultados : mostram duas categorias: Tratar-se com ARV e deparar-se com dificuldades; e tratar-se com ARV e sentir-se melhor, e ter qualidade de vida. Conclusao: as representacoes atribuidas podem colaborar para a sistematizacao de cuidados de enfermagem voltados para o grupo estudado sob um novo olhar e para a formulacao de intervencoes mais efetivas no aspecto da adesao ao tratamento.