
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2011

Note: stacked rings for terahertz wave-guiding.

E. de Rijk; A. Macor; J.-P. Hogge; S. Alberti; J-Ph. Ansermet

We demonstrate the construction of corrugated waveguides using stacked rings to propagate terahertz frequencies. The waveguide allows propagation of the same fundamental mode as an optical-fiber, namely, the HE(11) mode. This simple concept opens the way for corrugated wave-guides up to several terahertz, maintaining beam characteristics as for terahertz applications.

Physics of Plasmas | 1998

Electron beam instabilities in gyrotron beam tunnels

M. Pedrozzi; S. Alberti; J. P. Hogge; M. Q. Tran; T. M. Tran

Electron beam instabilities occurring in a gyrotron electron beam can induce an energy spread which might significantly deteriorate the gyrotron efficiency. Three types of instabilities are considered to explain the important discrepancy found between the theoretical and experimental efficiency in the case of quasi-optical gyrotrons (QOG): the electron cyclotron maser instability (ECMI), the electrostatic Bernstein instability (BI) and the Langmuir instability (LI). When the magnetic field gradient in drift tubes of QOG is low, the ECMI can develop in the drift tube at very low electron beam currents. Experimental measurements show that with a proper choice of absorbing structures in the beam tunnel, this instability can be suppressed. At high beam currents, the BI can induce a significant energy spread at the entrance of the interaction region. The induced energy spread scales approximately linearly with the electron beam density and for QOG one observes that the beam density is significantly higher than the beam density of an equivalent cylindrical cavity gyrotron

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | 2014

From Series Production of Gyrotrons for W7-X Toward EU-1 MW Gyrotrons for ITER

John Jelonnek; F. Albajar; S. Alberti; Konstantinos A. Avramidis; P. Benin; T. Bonicelli; F. Cismondi; Volker Erckmann; Gerd Gantenbein; Klaus Hesch; Jean-Philippe Hogge; S. Illy; Zisis C. Ioannidis; J. Jin; Heinrich Laqua; George P. Latsas; F. Legrand; G. Michel; Ioannis Gr. Pagonakis; Bernhard Piosczyk; Y. Rozier; T. Rzesnicki; Ioannis G. Tigelis; M. Thumm; M. Q. Tran; John L. Vomvoridis

Europe is devoting significant joint efforts to develop and to manufacture MW-level gyrotrons for electron cyclotron heating and current drive of future plasma experiments. The two most important ones are the stellarator Wendelstein W7-X at Greifswald and the Tokamak ITER at Cadarache. While the series production of the 140 GHz, 1 MW, CW gyrotrons for the 10-MW electron cyclotron resonance heating system of stellarator W7-X is proceeding, the European GYrotron Consortium is presently developing the EU-1 MW, 170 GHz, CW gyrotron for ITER. The initial design had already been initiated in 2007, as a risk mitigation measure during the development of the advanced ITER EU-2-MW coaxial-cavity gyrotron. The target of the ITER EU-1-MW conventional-cavity design is to benefit as much as possible from the experiences made during the development and series production of the W7-X gyrotron and of the experiences gained from the earlier EU-2-MW coaxial-cavity gyrotron design. Hence, the similarity of the construction will be made visible in this paper. During 2012, the scientific design of the ITER EU-1-MW gyrotron components has been finalized. In collaboration with the industrial partner Thales electron devices, Vélizy, France, the industrial design of the technological parts of the gyrotron is being completed. A short-pulse prototype is under development to support the design of the CW prototype tube. The technological path toward the EU ITER-1 MW gyrotron and the final design will be presented.

Third IAEA Technical Meeting on ECRH Physics and Technology for ITER | 2005

Development of a 2-MW, CW Coaxial Gyrotron at 70 GHz and Test Facility for ITER

Jean-Philippe Hogge; S. Alberti; A. Arnold; D Bariou; P Benin; T Bonicelli; A Bruschi; R Chavan; S Cirant; O. Dumbrajs; D. Fasel; F Gandini; E Giguet; T. P. Goodman; R. Heidinger; M Henderson; S. Illy; J. Jin; C Lievin; R. Magne; P Marmillod; P L Mondino; A Perez; B. Piosczyk; L. Porte; T. Rzesnicki; M Santinelli; M. Thumm; M.Q. Tran; I Yovchev

In ITER, EC heating and current drive (H&CD) is foreseen not only as a principal auxiliary system for plasma heating and as assist for plasma start-up, but is considered essential in meeting the key requirement of neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) stabilisation, by localized current drive. In the reference ECH design, ITER requires a total of 20 MW/CW power at 170 GHz using gyrotrons with a unit power of 1 MW. A higher power per unit (2 MW/gyrotron) would result in a strong reduction of the cost of the whole ECRH system, and would also relax the room constraints on the launcher antenna design. In view of the capability of coaxial cavity gyrotrons demonstrated with short pulse experiments at FZK, the European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) has started in 2003 the development of an industrial 170 GHz 2 MW/CW coaxial cavity gyrotron, in a collaborative effort between European research associations CRPP/EPFL, FZK, TEKES and Thals Electron Devices (TED). The development plan includes three steps to reach successively 2 MW/1s, 2 MW/60s and finally 2 MW/CW operation. The procurement of the first prototype is in progress and it scheduled to be delivered during the first quarter of 2006. The experimental tests of the prototypes will be carried out at CRPP/EPFL, where an ITER relevant test facility is presently under construction and will be achieved during the second half of 2005. The test facility is designed to be flexible enough, allowing the possible commissioning of tubes with different characteristics, as well the tests of the launcher antenna at full performances.

Nuclear Fusion | 2003

Electron cyclotron current drive and suprathermal electron dynamics in the TCV tokamak

S. Coda; S. Alberti; P. Blanchard; T. P. Goodman; M. A. Henderson; P. Nikkola; Y. Peysson; O. Sauter

Electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) is an important prospective tool for tailoring the current profile in nextstep devices. To fill the remaining gaps between ECCD theory and experiment, especially in the efficiency and localization of current drive, a better understanding of the physics of suprathermal electrons appears necessary. In TCV the fast electron population is diagnosed by a multichordal, spectrometric hard x-ray camera and by a highfield side electron cyclotron emission radiometer. The main modelling tool is the quasilinear Fokker-Planck code CQL3D, which is equipped with a radial particle transport model. Systematic studies of fast electron dynamics have been performed in TCV with modulated or pulsed electron cyclotron power, followed by coherent averaging, in order to identify the roles of collisional relaxation and radial transport in the dynamics of the suprathermal population. A consistent picture is emerging from experiment and modelling, pointing to the crucial role of the radial transport of suprathermal electrons in the physics of ECCD.

Nuclear Fusion | 1999

Energy confinement and MHD activity in shaped TCV plasmas with localized electron cyclotron heating

A. Pochelon; T. P. Goodman; M. A. Henderson; C. Angioni; R. Behn; S. Coda; F. Hofmann; J. P. Hogge; N. Kirneva; A.A. Martynov; J.-M. Moret; Z. A. Pietrzyk; F. Porcelli; H. Reimerdes; J. Rommers; Enrico Rossi; O. Sauter; M.Q. Tran; H. Weisen; S. Alberti; S. Barry; P. Blanchard; P. Bosshard; R. Chavan; B.P. Duval; Y.V. Esipchuck; D. Fasel; A. Favre; S. Franke; I. Furno

Confinement in TCV electron cyclotron heated discharges was studied as a function of plasma shape, i.e. as a function of elongation, 1.1 < kappa < 2.15, and triangularity, -0.65 less than or equal to delta less than or equal to 0.55. The electron energy confinement time was found to increase with elongation, owing in part to the increase of plasma current with elongation. The beneficial effect of negative triangularities was most effective at low power and tended to decrease at the higher powers used. The large variety of sawtooth types observed in TCV for different power deposition locations, from on-axis to the q = 1 region, was simulated with a model that included local power deposition, a growing m/n = 1 island (convection and reconnection), plasma rotation and finite heat diffusivity across flux surfaces. Furthermore, a model with local magnetic shear reproduced the experimental observation that the sawtooth period is at a maximum when the heating is close to the q = 1 surface.

Nuclear Fusion | 2007

Plasma dynamics with second and third-harmonic ECRH and access to quasi-stationary ELM-free H-mode on TCV

L. Porte; S. Coda; S. Alberti; G. Arnoux; P. Blanchard; A. Bortolon; A. Fasoli; T. P. Goodman; Y. Klimanov; Y. Martin; M. Maslov; A. Scarabosio; H. Weisen

Intense electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) and electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) are employed on the Tokamak a Configuration Variable (TCV) both in second- and third-harmonic X-mode (X2 and X3). The plasma behaviour under such conditions is driven largely by the electron dynamics, motivating extensive studies of the heating and relaxation phenomena governing both the thermal and suprathermal electron populations. In particular, the dynamics of suprathermal electrons are intimately tied to the physics of X2 ECCD. ECRH is also a useful tool for manipulating the electron distribution function in both physical and velocity space. Fundamental studies of the energetic electron dynamics have been performed using periodic, low-duty-cycle bursts of ECRH, with negligible average power injection, and with electron cyclotron emission (ECE). The characteristic times of the dynamical evolution are clearly revealed. Suprathermal electrons have also been shown to affect the absorption of X3 radiation. Thermal electrons play a crucial role in high density plasmas where indirect ion heating can be achieved through ion-electron collisions. In recent experiments approximate to 1.35 MW of vertically launched X3 ECRH was coupled to a diverted ELMy H-mode plasma. In cases where >= 1.1 MW of ECRH power was coupled, the discharge was able to transition into a quasi-stationary ELM-free H-mode regime. These H-modes operated at beta(N) approximate to 2, (n) over bar (e)/n(G) approximate to 0.25 and had high energy confinement, H-IPB98(y,H-2) up to approximate to 1.6. Despite being purely electron heated and having no net particle source these discharges maintained a density peaking factor (n(e,o)/ approximate to 1.6). They also exhibited spontaneous toroidal momentum production in the co-current direction. The momentum production is due to a transport process as there is no external momentum input. This process supports little or no radial gradient of the toroidal velocity.

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | 2002

High field side measurements of non-thermal electron cyclotron emission on TCV plasmas with ECH and ECCD

P. Blanchard; S. Alberti; S. Coda; H. Weisen; P. Nikkola; I. Klimanov

Measurements of electron cyclotron emission (ECE) from the high field side of the TCV tokamak have been made on plasmas heated by second and third harmonic X-mode electron cyclotron heating (ECH) and electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD). Suprathermal ECE, up to a factor of six in excess of thermal emission, is detected in the presence of second harmonic X-mode (X2) ECCD and of third harmonic X-mode (X3) ECH. The measured ECE spectra are modelled using a bi-Maxwellian describing the bulk and the suprathermal electron populations. Suprathermal temperatures between 10 and 50 keV and densities in the range 1 x 10(17)-6 x 10(18) m(-3) are obtained, and correspond to 3-15 bulk temperatures and 1-20% bulk densities. Good agreement between ECE suprathermal temperatures and energetic photon temperatures, measured by a hard x-ray camera, is found. For optically thin X3 low field side injection in the presence of X2 CO-ECCD, the suprathermal population partly explains the discrepancy between global and first pass absorption measurements.

Nuclear Fusion | 2002

Full absorption of third harmonic ECH in TCV tokamak plasmas in the presence of second harmonic ECCD

S. Alberti; T. P. Goodman; M. A. Henderson; A. Manini; J.-M. Moret; P. Gomez; P. Blanchard; S. Coda; O. Sauter; Y. Peysson; Tcv Team

An experimental study of the extraordinary mode (X mode) absorption at the third electron cyclotron harmonic frequency has been performed on the TCV tokamak in plasmas preheated by X mode at the second harmonic. Full single pass absorption of injected X3 power was measured with X2 preheating in co-current drive (CO-ECCD). The measured absorption exceeds that predicted by the linear ray tracing code TORAY-GA by more than a factor of 2 for the CO-ECCD case. Experimental evidence indicates that a large fraction of the X3 power is absorbed by electrons in an energetic tail created by the X2 ECCD preheating.

Physics of Plasmas | 2015

TWANG-PIC, a novel gyro-averaged one-dimensional particle-in-cell code for interpretation of gyrotron experiments

F. Braunmueller; T. M. Tran; Q. Vuillemin; S. Alberti; J. Genoud; J.-Ph. Hogge; M.Q. Tran

A new gyrotron simulation code for simulating the beam-wave interaction using a monomode time-dependent self-consistent model is presented. The new code TWANG-PIC is derived from the trajectory-based code TWANG by describing the electron motion in a gyro-averaged one-dimensional Particle-In-Cell (PIC) approach. In comparison to common PIC-codes, it is distinguished by its computation speed, which makes its use in parameter scans and in experiment interpretation possible. A benchmark of the new code is presented as well as a comparative study between the two codes. This study shows that the inclusion of a time-dependence in the electron equations, as it is the case in the PIC-approach, is mandatory for simulating any kind of non-stationary oscillations in gyrotrons. Finally, the new code is compared with experimental results and some implications of the violated model assumptions in the TWANG code are disclosed for a gyrotron experiment in which non-stationary regimes have been observed and for a critical case that is of interest in high power gyrotron development.

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