
Featured researches published by S. Chatterji.

international conference on recent advances in engineering computational sciences | 2014

Real time simulation and analysis of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques for solar photo-voltaic system

Dnyaneshwar S. Karanjkar; S. Chatterji; S. L. Shimi; Amod Kumar

Solar energy is abundant and renewable in nature. The maximum power point tracking (MPPT) system controls the voltage and the current output of the PV system to deliver maximum power to the load. Present work deals with real time simulation and comparative analysis of perturb and observe, incremental conductance, fuzzy logic, neural network and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) based MPPT techniques. Five MPPT algorithms have been implemented using voltage, current, radiation and temperature sensors on laboratory prototype. Real time simulations have been carried out on MATLAB™/dSPACE™ platform for solar photo-voltaic system with buck converter. Performance of MPPT methods have been compared based on tracking efficiency, steady state and dynamic behaviour. Experimental results of various MPPT techniques have been presented for tracking maximum power point under rapidly varying solar radiations.

2013 IEEE International Conference in MOOC, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE) | 2013

Web laboratory in instrumentation engineering for distance education using LabVIEW

S. Chatterji; S. L. Shimi; Amit Kumar Singh; Anshul Gaur

Web enabled Laboratory implementation of Instrumentation Lab is shown in this work. Many measurement principles are used in this course. Many principles related with Instrumentation can be demonstrated by means of Web enabled laboratory and it is the advancement in Instrumentation course teaching. The characteristic of LM35, Pt100 and Thermistor is shown in this work. By using LabVIEW developing software investigator has developed the remote laboratory for engineering students. The circuits as well as the combination of real and virtual are novel. The remote laboratories were developed using LabVIEW virtual instrumentation and they enable web control and monitoring of the laboratory equipment, allowing engineering students to perform the experiments in real time, at their own computers, from anywhere and whenever is suitable for them and also at reduced cost.

ieee power engineering and automation conference | 2012

Modification in the design of small wind turbine to increase power output

Ankur Mahajan; S. Chatterji; S. L. Shimi

The global electrical energy consumption is still rising and there is an urgent demand to increase the power capacity. It is expected that power capacity has to be doubled within 20 years. The generation, transmission/distribution and use of electrical energy should be as efficient as possible. It has been found that if we save 1KW of energy at the end-user, 6KW is saved at the generation end. This calls for provision of incentives to save energy at the end-user. Deregulation of energy in the past lowered the investment in larger power plants, which establishes the need for new power sources in near future. Two major technologies play an important role to solve the future problems. (1) Use of renewable sources of energy. (2) Use of efficient power electronics in power generation, power transmission/distribution and end-user applications. This paper deals with one of the most emerging renewable sources, wind energy, which plays an important role in energy sector. With the use of proposed venturi tube design for small wind turbines proposed in this paper, the output of the wind turbine can be substantially enhanced.

international journal of engineering trends and technology | 2014

Modeling and Control of Standalone PMSG WECS for Grid Compatibility at Varying Wind Speeds

Shilpa Mishra; S. Chatterji; Shimi S.L; Sandeep Shukla

Wind energy is one of the most available and exploitable forms of renewable energy. Variable speed PMSG based Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) offers many advantages compared to the fixed speed squirrel cage induction generators such as improved stator output operation at better power factor, no maintenance cost for gear box (as it is direct-driven) reduction in weight and losses, higher efficiency and ability to run at low speeds. The elimination of the gear box and brushes can enhance the efficiency of wind turbine by 10%. In this paper a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) is modeled whose stator is connected to the constant single phase load (in place of grid) through AC/DC thyristors based rectifier followed by capacitor (dc-link) and DC/DC converter control. Overall arrangement provides constant output to connected load if applied with proper controlling techniques. Hence this proposed wind generation system design can be extended for grid connection also via DC/AC inverter control. Results are simulated and verified in MATLAB/Simulink platform.

ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition | 2014

Design and Real Time Simulation of Artificial Intelligent Based MPP Tracker for Photo-Voltaic System

Shimi Sudha Letha; Tilak Thakur; Jagdish Kumar; Dnyaneshwar S. Karanjkar; S. Chatterji

This paper presents an Artificial Intelligent based Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) of a photo-voltaic system implementation using dSPACE 1104. The paper also proposes a novel Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) / Constant Voltage Tracker (CVT) for a photovoltaic (PV) powered multilevel inverter which requires a fixed constant dc voltage at its input. The MPPT algorithms viz. perturb and observe, incremental conductance, neural network, ANFIS and ANFIS/CVT have been designed and implemented on laboratory prototype. The modeling of various MPPT algorithms have been done on MATLAB/SIMULINK platform. Real time simulations have been carried out using dSPACE R&D controller board and CONTROLDESK software. The performance comparisons of various MPPT techniques applied to stand-alone PV system with resistive load have been presented for varying solar radiation conditions. The authors hope that the comparative analysis presented in this work will be helpful for further research.© 2014 ASME

nirma university international conference on engineering | 2012

Performance analysis of fractional order cascade controller for boost converter in solar photo-voltaic system

Dnyaneshwar S. Karanjkar; S. Chatterji; Amod Kumar; S. L. Shimi

Application of fractional calculus to control theory has been gained much interest during last decade. Fractional order controller provides additional flexibility to the design of control system in terms of orders of integral and derivative terms. This paper presents a comparison among integer and fractional order cascade control strategies, with application to a boost type DC-DC converter in solar photo-voltaic system. The current mode cascade control scheme has been designed with inner current control and outer voltage control loops based on frequency domain analysis. Simulation results show that the proposed fractional cascade control approach offers much better performance in terms of response time and disturbance rejection for the highly nonlinear system.

international journal of engineering trends and technology | 2014

A Novel FLC Controlled Energy Efficient Street Lighting Using NI LabVIEWl

Shefali Thakral; S. Chatterji; Shimi S.L

Energy saving has become very important issue now a days due to energy crisis. The rate of electricity is also increasing day by day. In this scenario, it has become essential to conserve the electrical energy Street lights are one of the major sources of energy wastage. The investigator has developed a new technology which can save near about 66.66% of electrical energy. This will not only save the electrical energy but also increase the life of electrical devices.

IOSR Journal of Engineering | 2012

A Novel Ultra High Fidelity Power Quality and Energy Management Software Using NI LabVIEW

Shishir Sarkar; S. Chatterji; Sonia Rawat

This paper presents a novel concept of power quality and energy management software using NI LabVIEW. The investigator has developed highly powerful real time power quality and energy management software by using NI LabVIEW, which is capable of doing very complex calculations in fraction of seconds, giving the real time data immediately, hence giving an excellent solution to power quality development. Now a days power quality problems are serious apprehension for electrical power users in view of its negative influence on the electrical equipment and the utility bill. This leads to a greater demand for the power quality measurement tools and especially for the low-cost high fidelity instruments. That is why high fidelity, high precision, high speed real time solutions are required for measuring the power quality parameters. This paper presents an ultimate high fidelity approach based on NI ELVIS Instruments and NI LabVIEW for constant measurement and monitoring of specific power quality parameters.

Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews | 2013

Analysis of barriers to implement solar power installations in India using interpretive structural modeling technique

Md. Fahim Ansari; Ravinder K. Kharb; Sunil Luthra; S.L. Shimmi; S. Chatterji

Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews | 2014

Modeling of solar PV module and maximum power point tracking using ANFIS

Ravinder K. Kharb; S. L. Shimi; S. Chatterji; Md. Fahim Ansari

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