S. Kokubun
Nagoya University
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Featured researches published by S. Kokubun.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1998
J.-H. Shue; P. Song; C. T. Russell; John T. Steinberg; J. K. Chao; G. N. Zastenker; O. L. Vaisberg; S. Kokubun; H. J. Singer; T. R. Detman; H. Kawano
During the solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement, around 0200 UT on January 11, 1997, at the end of the January 6-11 magnetic cloud event. the magnetopause was pushed inside geosynchronous orbit. The LANL 1994-084 and GMS 4 geosynchronous satellites crossed the magnetopause and moved into the magnetosheath. Also, the Geotail satellite was in the magnetosheath while the Interball 1 satellite observed magnetopause crossings. This event provides an excellent opportunity to test and validate the prediction capabilities and accuracy of existing models of the magnetopause location for producing space weather forecasts. In this paper, we compare predictions of two models: the Petrinec and Russell [1996] model and the Shue et al. [1997] model. These two models correctly predict the magnetopause crossings on the dayside; however. there are some differences in the predictions along the flank. The Shue et al. [1997] model correctly predicts the Geotail magnetopause crossings and partially predicts the Interball 1 crossings. The Petrinec and Russell [1996] model correctly predicts the Interball 1 crossings and is partially consistent with the Geotail observations. We further found that some of the inaccuracy in Shue et al.s predictions is due to the inappropriate linear extrapolation from the parameter range for average solar wind conditions to that for extreme conditions. To improve predictions tinder extreme solar wind conditions, we introduce a nonlinear dependence of the parameters on the solar wind conditions to represent the saturation effects of the solar wind dynamic pressure on the flaring of the magnetopause and saturation effects of the interplanetary magnetic field B z on the subsolar standoff distance. These changes lead to a better agreement with the Interball 1 observations for this event.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1998
T. Nagai; M. Fujimoto; Y. Saito; S. Machida; T. Terasawa; R. Nakamura; Takashi Yamamoto; T. Mukai; A. Nishida; S. Kokubun
Fast tailward ion flows with strongly southward magnetic fields are frequently observed near the neutral sheet in the premidnight sector of the magnetotail at 20–30 RE for substorm onsets in Geotail observations. These fast tailward flows are occasionally accompanied by a few keV electrons. With these events, we study the structure and dynamics of magnetic reconnection. The plasma sheet near the magnetic reconnection site can be divided into three regions: the neutral sheet region (near the neutral sheet with the absolute magnitude of Bx of 10 nT), and the off-equatorial plasma sheet (the rest). In the neutral sheet region, plasmas are transported with strong convection, and accelerated electrons show nearly isotropic distributions. In the off-equatorial plasma sheet, two ion components coexist: ions being accelerated and heated during convection toward the neutral sheet and ions flowing at a high speed almost along the magnetic field. In this region, highly accelerated electrons are observed. Although electron distributions are basically isotropic, high-energy (higher than 10 keV) electrons show streaming away from the reconnection site along the magnetic field line. In the boundary region, ions also show two components: ions with convection toward the neutral sheet and field-aligned ions flowing out of the reconnection region, although acceleration and heating during convection are weak. In the boundary region, high-energy (10 keV) electrons stream away, while medium-energy (3 keV) electrons stream into the reconnection site. Magnetic reconnection usually starts in the premidnight sector of the magnetotail between XGSM = −20 RE and XGSM = −30 RE prior to an onset signature identified with Pi 2 pulsation on the ground. Magnetic reconnection proceeds on a timescale of 10 min. After magnetic reconnection ends, adjacent plasmas are transported into the postreconnection site, and plasmas can become stationary even in the expansion phase.
Geophysical Research Letters | 1997
T. Terasawa; M. Fujimoto; T. Mukai; I. Shinohara; Y. Saito; T. Yamamoto; S. Machida; S. Kokubun; Alan J. Lazarus; J. T. Steinberg; R. P. Lepping
A statistical survey of GEOTAIL observations reveals the following properties of the near-Earth plasma sheet (−15 < XGSM′ < −50 Re): During the periods when the northward IMF dominates, (1) the plasma sheet becomes significantly cold and dense, (2) the best correlations between the plasma sheet and the IMF parameters occur when the latter quantities are averaged over 9−4+3 hours prior to the plasma sheet observations, and (3) temperatures diminish and densities increase near the dawn and dusk flanks of the plasma sheet. We suggest that during prolonged northward IMF periods (∼ several hours) there is a slow diffusive transport of the plasma from the solar wind into the plasma sheet through the the magnetotail flanks.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999
L. R. Lyons; T. Nagai; G. T. Blanchard; J. C. Samson; Takashi Yamamoto; T. Mukai; A. Nishida; S. Kokubun
Poleward boundary intensifications are nightside geomagnetic disturbances that have an auroral signature that moves equatorward from the poleward boundary of the auroral zone. They occur repetitively, so that many individual disturbances can occur during time intervals of ∼1 hour, and they appear to be the most intense auroral disturbance at times other than the expansion phase of substorms. We have used data from three nightside conjunctions of the Geotail spacecraft in the magnetotail with the Canadian Auroral Network for the OPEN Program Unified Study (CANOPUS) ground-based array in central Canada to investigate the relation between the poleward boundary intensifications and bursty plasma sheet flows and to characterize the bursty flows associated with the disturbances. We have found a distinct difference in plasma sheet dynamics between periods with, and periods without, poleward boundary intensifications. During periods with identifiable poleward boundary intensifications, the plasma sheet has considerable structure and bursty flow activity. During periods without such poleward boundary intensifications, the plasma sheet was found to be far more stable with fewer and weaker bursty flows. This is consistent with the intensifications being the result of the mapping to the ionosphere of the electric fields that give rise to bursty flows within the plasma sheet. Two different types of plasma sheet disturbance have been found to be associated with the poleward boundary intensifications. The first consists of plasma sheet flows that appear to be the result of Speiser motion of particles in a localized region of thin current sheet. The second, seen primarily in our nearest-to-the-Earth example, consists of energy-dispersed ion structures that culminate in bursts of low-energy ions and isotropic low-energy electrons and are associated with minima in magnetic field and temperature and maxima in ion density and pressure. Both types of plasma sheet disturbance are associated with localized regions of enhanced dawn-to-dusk electric fields and appear to be associated with localized enhanced reconnection. Our analysis has shown that poleward boundary intensifications are an important aspect of geomagnetic activity that is distinct from substorms. In addition to their very distinct auroral signature, we have found them to be associated with a prolonged series of ground magnetic Pi 2 pulsations and ground X component perturbations, which peak at latitudes near the ionospheric mapping of the magnetic separatrix, and with a series of magnetic Bz oscillations near synchronous orbit. Like substorms, the tail dynamics associated with the poleward boundary intensifications can apparently extend throughout the entire radial extent of the plasma sheet. Color versions of figures are available at http://www.atmos.ucla.edu/∼larry/geotail.html.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
D. H. Fairfield; A. Otto; T. Mukai; S. Kokubun; R. P. Lepping; John T. Steinberg; A. J. Lazarus; Takashi Yamamoto
For several hours on March 24, 1995, the Geotail spacecraft remained near the duskside magnetotail boundary some 15 RE behind the Earth while the solar wind remained very quiet (V=330 km s−1, n=14–21 cm−3) with a very steady 11-nT northward magnetic field. Geotail experienced multiple crossings of a boundary between a dense (n= 19 cm−3), cool (Tp=40 eV), rapidly flowing (V=310 km s−1) magnetosheath plasma and an interior region characterized by slower tailward velocities (V=100 km s−1), lower but substantial densities (n=3 cm−3) and somewhat hotter ions (220 eV). The crossings recurred with a roughly 3-min periodicity, and all quantities were highly variable in the boundary region. The magnetic field, in fact, exhibited some of the largest fluctuations seen anywhere in space, despite the fact that the exterior magnetosheath field and the interior magnetosphere field were both very northward and nearly parallel. On the basis of an MHD simulation of this event, we argue that the multiple crossings are due to a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the boundary that generates vortices which move past the spacecraft. A determination of boundary normals supports Kelvin-Helmholtz theory in that the nonlinear steepening of the waves is seen on the leading edge of the waves rather than on the trailing edge, as has sometimes been seen in the past. It is concluded that the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is an important process for transferring energy, momentum and particles to the magnetotail during times of very northward interplanetary magnetic field.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999
W. Baumjohann; Michael Hesse; S. Kokubun; T. Mukai; T. Nagai; A. A. Petrukovich
On the basis of ∼2 years of Geotail data, we use a superposed epoch approach to study the average behavior of plasma and magnetic fields at different radial distances, between 11 and 31 RE, during 66 substorms in the premidnight sector. Magnetic field dipolarization is first seen in the innermost region (11–16 RE) around substorm onset and subsequently moves tailward at a rate of 35 km/s. Fast earthward and tailward ion bulk flows in the central plasma sheet indicate that during substorm expansion the near-Earth neutral line is located between 21 and 26 RE, with a tendency to be closer to 21 RE near substorm onset. About 45 min after onset, the tailward moving dipolarization front reaches the distance range where the near-Earth neutral line is located. Thereafter the near-Earth neutral line disappears beyond 31 RE. This is the classical signature of the start of the recovery phase. We conclude that substorm recovery sets in when the tailward moving dipolarization front reaches the near-Earth neutral line, because the near-Earth neutral line cannot operate in a dipolar field geometry.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2001
J. Raeder; R. L. McPherron; L. A. Frank; S. Kokubun; G. Lu; T. Mukai; W. R. Paterson; J. B. Sigwarth; H. J. Singer; James A. Slavin
We use a global model of Earths magnetosphere and ionosphere to simulate the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) substorm challenge event of November 24, 1996. We compare our results to International Monitor for Auroral Geomagnetic Effects (IMAGE) ground magnetometer data, assimilative mapping of ionospheric electrodynamics (AMIE) polar cap potential and field aligned current patterns, Polar Visible Imaging System (VIS) estimates of the polar cap magnetic flux, GOES 8 geosynchronous magnetometer data, IMP 8 magnetometer data, and Geotail plasma and magnetic field data. We find generally good agreement between the simulation and the data. The modeled evolution of this substorm generally follows the phenomenological near-Earth neutral line model. However, reconnection in the tail is very localized, which makes establishing a causal relation between tail dynamics and auroral dynamics difficult, if not impossible. We also find that the model results critically depend on the parameterization of auroral Hall and Pedersen conductances and anomalous resistivity in the magnetosphere. For many combinations of parameters that enter these parameterizations, no substorm develops in the model, but instead the magnetosphere enters a steady convection mode. The main deviation of the model from the data is excessive convection, which leads to a strong, driven westward electrojet in the growth phase, only partial tail loading, and a reduced recovery phase. Possible remedies are a better model for auroral conductances, an improved anomalous resistivity model, and a more realistic treatment of the ring current.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1998
A. Ieda; S. Machida; T. Mukai; Y. Saito; Takashi Yamamoto; A. Nishida; T. Terasawa; S. Kokubun
Plasmoids in the Earths magnetotail were studied statistically, using low energy particle (LEP) and magnetic field (MGF) data from the Geotail spacecraft. Their evolution along the tail axis from XGSM′ = −16 to −210 RE was investigated with 824 plasmoid events. Their dependence on YGSM′ was studied as well to derive the three-dimensional structure of the plasmoids. (The coordinates are aberrated to remove the average effects of the orbital velocity of the Earth about the Sun.) We defined a plasmoid as a structure with rotating magnetic fields and enhanced total pressure. In the near tail (XGSM′ ≥ −50 RE), there was a tendency for the plasmoids to be observed in the premidnight sector around the tail axis (|YGSM′ − 3| ≤ 10 RE), while they were observed widely (|YGSM′ ≤ 20 RE) in the middle tail (−50 > XGSM′ ≥ −100 RE) and in the distant tail (−100 RE > XGSM′). The plasmoids expanded in the ±YGSM′ direction with typical velocities of ±130 ± 100 km/s in the near tail. This strongly supports the view that plasmoids are initially formed at the near-Earth neutral line which has a limited extent in the YGSM′ direction. The plasmoids accelerated in the downtail direction from 400 ± 200 km/s to 700 ± 300 km/s from the near to the middle tail. Then, it is suggested that they decelerated to 600 ± 200 km/s as they traveled to the distant tail. The ion temperature inside plasmoids was 4.5 ± 2 keV in the near and middle tail, and then rapidly decreased to 2 ± 1 keV from the middle to the distant tail region. The ion temperature in the distant tail was 2 times higher than the values deduced previously. Typical plasmoid dimensions were estimated to be 10 RE (length) × 40 RE (width) × 10 RE (height) in the middle and distant tail. The energy carried by each plasmoid was ∼2 × 1014 J in the middle tail, half of which was lost from the middle to the distant tail. Inside plasmoids, the thermal energy flux exceeded the bulk energy flux and Poynting flux. The energy released tailward in the course of a substorm was estimated to be roughly 1015 J.
Geophysical Research Letters | 1997
V. Angelopoulos; T. D. Phan; D. Larson; F. S. Mozer; Robert P. Lin; K. Tsuruda; H. Hayakawa; T. Mukai; S. Kokubun; T. Yamamoto; D. J. Williams; R. W. McEntire; R. P. Lepping; G. K. Parks; M. Brittnacher; James F. Spann; H. J. Singer; K. Yumoto
A series of bursty bulk flow events (BBFs) were observed by GEOTAIL and WIND in the geomagnetotail. IMP8 at the solar wind showed significant energy coupling into the magnetosphere, while the UVI instrument on POLAR evidenced significant energy transfer to the ionosphere during two substorms. There was good correlation between BBFs and ionospheric activity observed by UVI even when ground magnetic signatures were absent, suggesting that low ionospheric conductivity at the active sector may be responsible for this observation. During the second substorm no significant flux transport was evidenced past WIND in stark contrast to GEOTAIL and despite the small intersatellite separation ((3.54, 2.88, −0.06) RE). Throughout the intervals studied there were significant differences in the individual flow bursts at the two satellites, even during longitudinally extended ionospheric activations. We conclude that the half-scale-size of transport-bearing flow bursts is less than 3 RE.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1998
M. Fujimoto; T. Terasawa; T. Mukai; Y. Saito; T. Yamamoto; S. Kokubun
Geotail observations of the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) in the near–Earth tail flanks are reported. Cold-dense stagnant ions, which are likely to be of the magnetosheath origin, are detected in this region of the magnetosphere. Charge neutrality is maintained by accompanying dense thermal (< 300 eV) electrons presumably also from the magnetosheath. Compared to the magnetosheath component, however, the electrons are anisotropically heated to have enhanced bidirectional flux along the field lines. The enhanced bidirectional flux is well balanced, and this fact, together with the slow convection, suggest the closed topology of the field lines. In addition to these common characteristics, a dawn-dusk asymmetry is observed in data for several keV ions, which is attributed to the dawn-to-dusk cross tail magnetic drift of the plasma sheet ions. We also show a case that strongly suggests that this entry of cold-dense plasma from the magnetosheath via near-Earth tail flanks can be significant at times. In this case, the cold-dense plasma is continuously detected as the spacecraft moves inward from the magnetospheric boundary to deep inside the magnetotail. By referring to the solar wind data showing little dynamic pressure variation during the interval, we interpret the long duration of the cold-dense status as indicative of a large spatial extent of the region: The cold-dense plasma is not spatially restricted to a thin layer attached to the magnetopause (LLBL) but constitutes an entity occupying a substantial part of the magnetotail, which we term as the cold-dense plasma sheet. The continuity of the cold-dense plasma all the way from the boundary region supports the idea that the magnetosheath plasma is directly supplied into the cold-dense plasma sheet through the flank.