
Featured researches published by S. L. Lake.

Journal of Animal Science | 2010

Effects of crude glycerin on performance and carcass characteristics of finishing wether lambs.

P. J. Gunn; M. K. Neary; R. P. Lemenager; S. L. Lake

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of crude glycerin on performance and carcass characteristics in finishing wether lambs. Thirty black-faced, Suffolk-cross wether lambs (44.1 +/- 5.6 kg initial BW) were stratified and blocked by BW to 1 of 5 individually fed, isocaloric, isonitrogenous dietary treatments containing 0, 5, 10, 15, or 20% crude glycerin (88% pure) on a DM basis. Diets were fed once daily for ad libitum consumption and contained 15% chopped hay, approximately 25% dried distillers grains with solubles, and the specified treatment combination of cracked corn replaced with increasing amounts of crude glycerin. Wethers were weighed on 14-d intervals and were selected for slaughter when they reached an approximate 12th-rib fat depth of 0.51 cm (28 to 84 d on trial). Carcass characteristics were collected after a 48-h chill. Dry matter intake (linear, P = 0.004) and ADG (quadratic, P = 0.05) increased with increasing concentrations of glycerin in the diet during the first 14 d of the feeding period. Similarly, G:F tended to increase quadratically (P = 0.06) with increasing concentrations of crude glycerin in the diet during the first 14 d. However, there were no differences among treatments for final BW, days on feed, or cumulative DMI, cumulative ADG, and cumulative G:F (P >or= 0.11). Body wall thickness, dressing percent, HCW, LM area, flank streaking, leg score, conformation score, quality grade, yield grade, and percent boneless, closely trimmed retail cuts did not differ (P >or= 0.21). Adding up to 15% crude glycerin to finishing wether diets improved feedlot performance, particularly during the first 14 d, without any concomitant effect on carcass characteristics.

The Professional Animal Scientist | 2010

Effects of Elevated Crude Glycerin Concentrations on Feedlot Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Serum Metabolite and Hormone Concentrations in Finishing Ewe and Wether Lambs1

P.J. Gunn; A.F. Schultz; M.L. Van Emon; M.K. Neary; R.P. Lemenager; C.P. Rusk; S. L. Lake

Forty-eight crossbred lambs (29.0 ± 4.5 kg; 24 ewes, 24 wethers; 1 ewe and 1 wether/pen; 6 pens/treatment) were blocked by BW and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 isocaloric, isonitrogenous treatments containing 0, 15, 30, or 45% crude glycerin (DM basis). Diets, which were offered ad libitum, were primarily composed of 15% chopped hay, 25% dried distillers grains with solubles, and cracked corn, which was replaced with increasing amounts of crude glycerin. Lambs were weighed in 21-d intervals and selected for slaughter when they reached approximately 55 kg of BW. Blood samples were collected on d 57 for analysis of metabolic parameters. Carcass characteristics were collected after a 48-h chill. Days on feed increased linearly (P < 0.001), ADG decreased quadratically (P = 0.02), and both DMI and G:F decreased linearly (P < 0.001) with increasing amounts of glycerin in the diet. Although HCW and LM area did not differ as a result of treatment (P ≥ 0.31), DP, 12th-rib fat thickness, and LM ether extract all decreased linearly with concomitant increases in glycerin (P ≤ 0.02). Serum glucose and insulin concentrations decreased linearly with increasing amounts of glycerin in the diet (P ≤ 0.02), and BHBA concentrations were greater for lambs fed glycerin than those not fed glycerin (P < 0.001). Data from the current study suggest that although feeding up to 15% crude glycerin in the diets of finishing lambs does not differ from feeding no glycerin, feeding 30% or more may have deleterious effects on feedlot performance, carcass quality, and both serum metabolite and hormone concentrations.

Journal of Animal Science | 2012

Determination of the appropriate delivery of prostaglandin F2α in the five-day CO-Synch + controlled intravaginal drug release protocol in suckled beef cows.

G. A. Bridges; J. K. Ahola; C. Brauner; L. H. Cruppe; J. C. Currin; M. L. Day; P. J. Gunn; John R. Jaeger; S. L. Lake; G. C. Lamb; G. H. L. Marquezini; R. K. Peel; A. E. Radunz; Jeffrey S. Stevenson; W. D. Whittier

The objective of this experiment was to determine if 2 doses of prostaglandin F(2α) (PGF) administered concurrently at controlled intravaginal drug release (CIDR) removal was an efficacious method for delivery of PGF in the 5-d CO-Synch + CIDR protocol. Postpartum beef cows (n = 2,465) from 13 herds in 8 states were enrolled in the 5-d CO-Synch + CIDR protocol and assigned to receive 2 doses of PGF (25 mg/dose) 8 h apart with the initial injection given at CIDR insert removal (8h-PGF), 2 doses (25 mg/dose) of PGF delivered in 2 injection sites, both administered at CIDR insert removal (Co-PGF), or a single 25-mg dose of PGF at CIDR insert removal (1x-PGF). Cows were fixed timed-artificially inseminated (FTAI) 72 h after CIDR removal concurrent with GnRH administration. Estrus-cycling status (54% cyclic) was determined by evaluation of progesterone in 2 blood samples collected before CIDR insertion. Determination of pregnancy was performed by transrectal ultrasonography 39 ± 0.1 d after FTAI and at least 35 d after the conclusion of the breeding season. Fixed timed-AI pregnancy rates were greater (P < 0.05) for the 8h-PGF (55%) than the 1x-PGF (48%) treatment, with the Co-PGF (51%) treatment intermediate and not different (P > 0.10) from the other treatments. Contrast analysis demonstrated that cows receiving 50 mg of PGF (8h-PGF and Co-PGF) had greater (P < 0.05) FTAI pregnancy rates than those receiving 25 mg (1x-PGF). Pregnancy rates to FTAI were greater (P < 0.05) in cyclic (55%) than noncyclic (47%) and greater (P < 0.05) in multiparous (≥3 yr of age; 54%; n = 1,940) than primiparous cows (40%; n = 525). Luteolysis after PGF treatment was assessed in a subset of cows (n = 277) and treatment tended (P = 0.09) to affect the proportion of cows having luteolysis. The percentage of cows that had luteolysis was least in the 1x-PGF treatment (89%) and greatest in the 8h-PGF treatment (97%), with the Co-PGF treatment (94%) being intermediate. Breeding season pregnancy rate (88%) did not differ (P > 0.10) among treatments but was greater (P < 0.01) in multiparous (90%) than primiparous (78%) cows. In summary, 50 mg of PGF was required in the 5-d CO-Synch + CIDR protocol to maximize pregnancy rates; however, pregnancy rate did not differ when 50 mg of PGF was administered simultaneously with CIDR removal or split with 25 mg administered at 0 and 8 h after CIDR removal.

Journal of Animal Science | 2014

Early metabolic imprinting events increase marbling scores in fed cattle

J. M. Scheffler; M. A. McCann; S. P. Greiner; Honglin Jiang; M.D. Hanigan; G. A. Bridges; S. L. Lake; D. E. Gerrard

Early weaning of calves to a high concentrate diet results in greater fat deposition and suggests early postnatal metabolic imprinting events may be exploited as a management tool to improve cattle value. Our objective was to implement a short, high energy dietary intervention before a typical grazing period to manipulate intramuscular fat deposition in finishing cattle. Fall-born, Angus-sired steer calves (n = 24) were stratified by sire and randomly assigned to normal weaned (NW) or metabolic-imprinted (MIP) treatments. At 105 ± 6d (135kg), MIP calves were transitioned to a diet containing 20% CP and 1.26 Mcal/kg NEg. Metabolic-imprinted calves were fed ad libitum as a group. Normal weaned calves remained on their dam until 253 ± 6 d of age. At this time, treatment groups were combined and grazed for 156 d on a mixed summer pasture. Following the grazing phase, steers were adapted to a corn silage-based feedlot diet and performance was monitored on 28-d intervals. Calves were staged for harvest based on backfat endpoint (target 1.0 to 1.2 cm). Metabolic-imprinted calves were heavier (P < 0.05) than NW calves (341 vs. 265 ± 4.2 kg) at normal weaning age. During the grazing phase, NW steers gained more weight than (P < 0.05) MIP steers (0.69 vs. 0.35 ± 0.03 kg/d). Feedlot performance and USDA yield grade were similar (P > 0.20) between treatments. However, MIP steers produced heavier (P < 0.05) carcasses (564 vs. 524 ± 5.6 kg) with higher (P < 0.001) marbling scores (645 vs. 517 ± 23). Therefore, calves consuming a high concentrate diet for 148 d after early weaning produced higher quality carcasses. This suggests early weaning and feeding a high concentrate before grazing is a viable strategy to increase marbling deposition compared with a traditional production system.

Journal of Animal Science | 2014

Comparison of three CIDR-based fixed-time AI protocols in beef heifers

G. A. Bridges; S. L. Lake; S. G. Kruse; S. L. Bird; B. J. Funnell; R.P. Arias; Julie Walker; J. K. Grant; G. A. Perry

Several effective fixed-time AI (FTAI) protocols have been developed to facilitate AI in beef heifers that circumvent the need for estrus detection. Among these are the 5-d CO-Synch + controlled intravaginal progesterone insert (CIDR) protocol (5dCO), PGF2α (PG) 6-d CIDR protocol (PG-6dCIDR), and 14-d CIDR-PG protocol (14dCIDR-PG). Although each of these protocols varies in duration and approach to synchronizing estrus and ovulation, each has been reported as an effective method to facilitate FTAI in beef heifers. Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare FTAI pregnancy rates in beef heifers synchronized with these 3 CIDR-based protocols. Virgin beef heifers (n = 801) at 4 locations were synchronized with 1 of 3 protocols: 1) 5dCO, an injection of GnRH (100 μg) and insertion of a CIDR on d -5, PG (25 mg) and CIDR removal on d 0 with a second injection of PG (>4 h after CIDR removal) on d 0 and FTAI at 72 h after CIDR removal, 2) PG-6dCIDR, PG (25 mg) on d -9, GnRH (100 μg) and insertion of a CIDR on d -6, PG and CIDR removal on d 0, and FTAI at 66 h after CIDR removal, or 3) 14dCIDR-PG, a 14-d CIDR insert from d -30 to -16, PG (25 mg) on d 0, and FTAI at 66 h after PG. All heifers received an injection of GnRH (100 μg) concurrent with FTAI. Timing of treatment initiation was offset to allow all heifers to receive FTAI concomitantly and at random. Pregnancy success was determined between 35 and 40 d after FTAI by transrectal ultrasonography. Blood samples were collected before the beginning of each protocol and at the initiation of each protocol to determine estrous cycling status (77%). Data were analyzed using the GLIMMIX procedures of SAS. As expected, because of the duration of protocols, fewer heifers in the 14dCIDR-PG treatment were pubertal at initiation of synchronization than in the 5dCO (P < 0.05) and PG-6dCIDR (P = 0.10) treatments. Fixed-time AI pregnancy success did not differ between treatments (P = 0.14; 62.6%, 56.9%, and 53.3% for 5dCO, PG-6dCIDR, and 14dCIDR-PG, respectively). However, heifers that had reached puberty by initiation of synchronization had greater (P < 0.01) pregnancy success compared to heifers that were prepubertal (60.7% and 47.3%, respectively). In summary, all 3 protocols had similar FTAI pregnancy success, and puberty status had the greatest impact on pregnancy success.

Journal of Animal Science | 2014

The requirement of GnRH at the beginning of the five-day CO-Synch + controlled internal drug release protocol in beef heifers.

L. H. Cruppe; M. L. Day; F. M. Abreu; S. G. Kruse; S. L. Lake; M. V. Biehl; R. S. Cipriano; M.L. Mussard; G. A. Bridges

The objective of this study was to determine if the omission of GnRH at controlled internal drug release device (CIDR) insertion would impact pregnancy rates to timed AI (TAI) in beef heifers enrolled in a 5-d CO-Synch + CIDR protocol that used 1 PGF2α dose given at CIDR removal. Yearling beef heifers in Ohio in 2 consecutive breeding seasons (2011, n = 151, and 2012, n = 143; Angus × Simmental), Utah (2012, n = 265; Angus × Hereford), Idaho (2012, n = 127; Charolais), and Wyoming (2012, n = 137; Angus) were enrolled in the 5-d CO-Synch + CIDR protocol. At CIDR insertion (d -5), heifers were randomly assigned either to receive 100 μg GnRH (GnRH+; n = 408) or not to receive GnRH (GnRH-; n = 415). At CIDR removal (d 0 of the experiment), 25 mg PGF2α was administered to all heifers. All heifers were inseminated by TAI and given 100 μg GnRH 72 h after PGF2α (d 3). In heifers at the Ohio locations (n = 294), presence of a corpus luteum (CL) at CIDR insertion (d -5) was determined via assessment of progesterone concentrations (2011) and ovarian ultrasonography (2012). Subsequently, in both years, ovarian ultrasound was conducted on d 0 to determine the presence of a new CL. In this same subgroup of heifers, blood samples for progesterone analysis were collected on d 3 to assess luteal regression. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed between 32 and 38 d after TAI. At CIDR withdrawal, presence of a new CL was greater (P < 0.05) in the GnRH+ (55.8%, 82/147) than GnRH- (26.5%, 39/147) treatment. Incidence of failed luteal regression did not differ between the GnRH+ (3.4%) and GnRH- (0.7%) treatments. Pregnancy rate to TAI did not differ between the GnRH+ (50.5%) and GnRH- (54.9%) treatments. In conclusion, although the incidence of a new CL at CIDR removal was increased in the GnRH+ treatment, omission of the initial GnRH treatment in the 5-d CO-Synch + CIDR protocol did not influence TAI pregnancy rate in yearling beef heifers. In addition, a single dose of PGF2α at CIDR removal was effective at inducing luteolysis in yearling beef heifers enrolled in the 5-d CO-Synch + CIDR protocol, regardless of whether or not the initial GnRH treatment was given.

The Professional Animal Scientist | 2011

Effects of dried distillers grains with solubles and crude glycerin on performance, carcass characteristics, and metabolic parameters of early weaned beef calves12

Patrick J. Gunn; R. P. Lemenager; D.R. Buckmaster; M.C. Claeys; S. L. Lake

ABSTRACT The effects of dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) and crude glycerin on performance, carcass, and metabolic parameters in early weaned (EW) beef calves were assessed. Fifty EW Anguscross calves (123 d of age; 170 kg of BW) were blocked by BW and randomly assigned to 1 of 5 dietary treatments: 1) haylage-based control (NEG), 2) corn-based control (POS), 3) 30% DDGS and corn (DDGS+C), 4) 30% DDGS with 15% glycerin replacing corn (15GLY), and 5) 30% DDGS with 30% glycerin replacing corn (30GLY). Diets were fed ad libitum for 160 d. Cattle were commingled on trial d 160 and fed a corn-based finishing diet until slaughter at a common 12th-rib fat depth of 1.0 cm. Final EW phase BW and ADG (P ≤ 0.04) were greater for DDGS+C and 15GLY when compared with 30GLY. Calves fed DDGS+C reached slaughter faster (P = 0.01) when compared with NEG, 15GLY, and 30GLY; however, DDGS+C and POS resulted in lighter slaughter BW and HCW (P ≤ 0.01). Calves fed 15GLY had a greater LM area (P = 0.04) than did POS and DDGS+C, and calves fed 15GLY obtained greater QG (P = 0.05) than did DDGS+C and 30GLY. Calves fed NEG had greater circulating blood glucose and BHBA concentrations (P

Journal of Animal Science | 2010

Effects of natural (RRR α-tocopherol acetate) or synthetic (all-rac α-tocopherol acetate) vitamin E supplementation on reproductive efficiency in beef cows.

M. J. Horn; P.J. Gunn; M. L. Van Emon; R.P. Lemenager; J. Burgess; N. Pyatt; S. L. Lake

The objective was to determine the effects of natural- or synthetic-source vitamin E on reproductive efficiency in Angus-cross beef cows. In Exp. 1, one hundred fifty-two cows were fed hay and corn silage based diet and assigned to 1 of 3 dietary supplements (3 pens/treatment): 1) containing no additional vitamin E (CON), 2) formulated to provide 1,000 IU x d(-1) of synthetic-source vitamin E (SYN; all-rac or dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate), or 3) formulated to provide 1,000 IU x d(-1) of natural-source vitamin E (NAT; RRR or D-alpha-tocopherol acetate). In Exp. 2, seventy-five cows (2 reps/treatment) were assigned to similar treatments as Exp. 1; however, a vitamin-mineral supplement was offered for ad libitum intake and vitamin intake was calculated from predicted mineral intakes. Cows grazed pastures rather than being fed hay and corn silage as in Exp. 1. In Exp. 1 and 2, supplementation began 6 wk prepartum and continued until initiation of the breeding season. Blood samples were collected at calving (Exp. 1) or breeding (Exp. 2) to determine alpha-tocopherol concentration and weekly beginning 4 wk postpartum (Exp. 1) or 7 and 14 d before estrus synchronization (Exp. 2) to determine return to estrus via progesterone concentration. Cows were synchronized and bred by AI based on heat detection; nonresponding cows were time bred (AI) 66 h after PGF(2 alpha) injection, and cows returning to estrus after AI were bred by natural service. In Exp. 1, cows supplemented with NAT and SYN had greater (P < 0.001) serum concentrations of alpha-tocopherol at calving compared with CON cows. Dietary supplement did not affect (P >or= 0.55) the percentage of cows cycling before synchronization or the number of days to return to estrus by cows that resumed estrus before synchronization. Cows supplemented with SYN tended to have greater first service conception rates compared with CON and NAT (P = 0.09); however, first plus second services combined and overall conception rates were not affected (P >or= 0.23). In Exp. 2, NAT cows had greater (P = 0.002) concentrations of alpha-tocopherol at breeding, whereas there was no difference (P > 0.05) between SYN and CON. Supplementation of SYN or NAT did not affect (P >or= 0.17) days to resumption of estrus before breeding, first service, first plus second services combined, or overall conception rates. These data suggest that supplementation of SYN or NAT source vitamin E increased alpha-tocopherol concentration in cows; however, effects on reproductive efficiency are minimal.

Journal of Animal Science | 2010

Effects of maternal natural (RRR α-tocopherol acetate) or synthetic (all-rac α-tocopherol acetate) vitamin E supplementation on suckling calf performance, colostrum immunoglobulin G, and immune function

M. J. Horn; M. L. Van Emon; P.J. Gunn; S. D. Eicher; R.P. Lemenager; J. Burgess; N. Pyatt; S. L. Lake

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of maternally supplemented natural- or synthetic-source vitamin E on suckling calf performance and immune response. In a 2-yr study, one hundred fifty-two 2- and 3-yr-old, spring-calving, Angus-cross beef cows were blocked by age, BW, and BCS into 1 of 3 isocaloric, corn-based dietary supplements containing 1) no additional vitamin E (CON), 2) 1,000 IU/d of synthetic-source vitamin E (SYN), or 3) 1,000 IU/d of natural-source vitamin E (NAT). Maternal supplementation began approximately 6 wk prepartum and continued until the breeding season. Colostrum from cows and blood from calves was collected 24 h postpartum for analysis of IgG concentration as an indicator of passive transfer and circulating alpha-tocopherol concentration. At 19 d of age, blood was collected from calves to determine the expression of CD14 and CD18 molecules on leukocytes. At 21 and 35 d of age, humoral immune response was measured by a subcutaneous injection, in the neck, with ovalbumin (20 mg; OVA) and blood samples collected weekly until d 63 of age to determine antibodies produced against OVA. At d 63 of age, calves were administered an intradermal injection of OVA (1 mg) in the neck to assess cell-mediated immunity, which was determined on d 65 of age by measuring nodule size with calipers. Circulating alpha-tocopherol concentrations were increased at both 24 h (P = 0.001) and at the day of initial OVA challenge (P < 0.001) in SYN and NAT compared with CON calves. No differences were detected (P > 0.05) for calf birth BW, ADG, or weaning BW. There were no differences (P > 0.05) in calf serum total IgG or cow colostrum total IgG at 24 h or presence of CD14 and CD18 receptors at d 19 of age. The NAT calves had a greater antigen response to OVA at d 63 than SYN calves (P = 0.01; treatment x day interaction). As an indicator of cell-mediated immunity to OVA, nodule size at 65 d of age was not affected (P = 0.92) by maternal dietary supplementation. In conclusion, calves suckling cows supplemented with natural- and synthetic-source vitamin E had increased circulating concentrations of alpha-tocopherol at 24 h, which appeared to continue throughout maternal supplementation; however, calf immune function and performance were not affected.

Journal of Animal Science | 2012

Effects of feeding corn modified wet distillers grain plus solubles co-ensiled with direct-cut forage on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and diet digestibility of finishing steers.

R. P. Arias; L. J. Unruh-Snyder; E. J. Scholljegerdes; A. N. Baird; K. D. Johnson; D. Buckmaster; R. P. Lemenager; S. L. Lake

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of feeding corn modified wet distillers grain plus solubles (MWDGS) co-ensiled with direct-cut forage (DC) to beef steers, on feedlot performance and total tract digestibility. In Exp. 1, sixty-four crossbred Angus steers (n = 64; 329 ± 43 kg) were blocked by BW and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 dietary treatments: 1) corn-silage and soybean meal (CON), 2) DC co-ensiled with MWDGS (CO-EN), 3) haylage mixed with MWDGS at feeding (H+WDG), and 4) haylage mixed with dry distillers grains plus solubles at feeding (H+DDG). Steers were harvested when they reached an endpoint of 1.1 cm of 12th-rib back fat. In Exp. 2, four ruminally cannulated beef steers (initial BW = 556 ± 31 kg) were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square to evaluate digestibility of diets used in Exp. 1. Experimental periods were 14 d in length with 10 d for diet adaptation and 4 d for sample collection. Three linear orthogonal contrasts were used to compare effects of 1) CON vs. diets containing distillers grains (DGD), 2) CO-EN vs. diets where distillers grains were mixed at feeding (MIX), and 3) H+WDG vs. H+DDG. In Exp. 1, DMI was less (P < 0.001) for steers fed CON compared with those fed DGD and greatest (P < 0.001) for steers fed CO-EN compared with MIX. Corn-silage- and soybean-meal-fed steers had more days on feed than those fed DGD (P = 0.001). Body weight gain (P = 0.02) was greater for CO-EN compared with MIX. Fat thickness at the 12th and 13th ribs was greater (P = 0.03) for DGD steers compared with CON steers. Hot carcass weight was greater (P = 0.03) for steers fed CO-EN compared with those fed MIX. Steers fed CON resulted in greater marbling scores (P = 0.01) compared DGD-fed steers. Longissimus muscle area was greater (P = 0.01) for CON-fed steers compared with all other treatments. In Exp. 2, no differences (P > 0.10) in DM, OM, or N intakes were observed. Apparent total tract DM (P = 0.01) and N (P = 0.02) digestibility were greatest in steers fed CON compared with all others. Steers fed DGD had less (P = 0.02) rumen NH(3) concentrations compared with CON. The CON diet resulted in greater molar concentrations of VFA (P = 0.03) and decreased acetate to propionate ratio (P = 0.03) compared with all DGD. These data suggest that feeding MWDGS co-ensiled with direct-cut forage results in reduced diet digestibility but equal or greater feedlot performance and similar carcass and characteristics when compared with a corn diet supplemented with soybean meal and diets where MWDGS and DDGS were added at the mixer.

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