S. Leavey
University of Glasgow
Physical Review D | 2013
D. Heinert; Stefanie Kroker; D. Friedrich; S. Hild; Ernst-Bernhard Kley; S. Leavey; I. W. Martin; R. Nawrodt; Andreas Tünnermann; S. P. Vyatchanin; Kazuhiro Yamamoto
Grating reflectors have been repeatedly discussed to improve the noise performance of metrological applications due to the reduction or absence of any coating material. So far, however, no quantitative estimate on the thermal noise of these reflective structures exists. In this work we present a theoretical calculation of a grating reflector’s noise. We further apply it to a proposed third generation gravitational wave detector. Depending on the grating geometry, the grating material, and the temperature, we obtain a thermal noise decrease by up to a factor of 10 compared to conventional dielectric mirrors. Thus the use of grating reflectors can substantially improve the noise performance in metrological applications.
Classical and Quantum Gravity | 2014
Christian Gräf; B. Barr; A. S. Bell; F. Campbell; A. Cumming; S. L. Danilishin; N. A. Gordon; G. Hammond; J. Hennig; E. A. Houston; S. H. Huttner; Russell Jones; S. Leavey; H. Lück; J. Macarthur; M. Marwick; S. Rigby; R. Schilling; B. Sorazu; A. P. Spencer; S. Steinlechner; K. A. Strain; S. Hild
The second generation of large scale interferometric gravitational wave (GW) detectors will be limited by quantum noise over a wide frequency range in their detection band. Further sensitivity improvements for future upgrades or new detectors beyond the second generation motivate the development of measurement schemes to mitigate the impact of quantum noise in these instruments. Two strands of development are being pursued to reach this goal, focusing both on modifications of the well-established Michelson detector configuration and development of different detector topologies. In this paper, we present the design of the worldʼs first Sagnac speed meter (SSM) interferometer, which is currently being constructed at the University of Glasgow. With this proof-of-principle experiment we aim to demonstrate the theoretically predicted lower quantum noise in a Sagnac interferometer compared to an equivalent Michelson interferometer, to qualify SSM for further research towards an implementation in a future generation large scale GW detector, such as the planned Einstein telescope observatory.
New Journal of Physics | 2015
S. L. Danilishin; Christian Gräf; S. Leavey; J. Hennig; E. A. Houston; D. Pascucci; S. Steinlechner; J. L. Wright; S. Hild
The speed meter concept has been identified as a technique that can potentially provide laser-interferometric measurements at a sensitivity level which surpasses the standard quantum limit (SQL) over a broad frequency range. As with other sub-SQL measurement techniques, losses play a central role in speed meter interferometers and they ultimately determine the quantum noise limited sensitivity that can be achieved. So far in the literature, the quantum noise limited sensitivity has only been derived for lossless or lossy cases using certain approximations (for instance that the arm cavity round trip loss is small compared to the arm cavity mirror transmission). In this article we present a generalized, analytical treatment of losses in speed meters that allows accurate calculation of the quantum noise limited sensitivity of Sagnac speed meters with arm cavities. In addition, our analysis allows us to take into account potential imperfections in the interferometer such as an asymmetric beam splitter or differences of the reflectivities of the two arm cavity input mirrors. Finally, we use the examples of the proof-of-concept Sagnac speed meter currently under construction in Glasgow and a potential implementation of a Sagnac speed meter in the Einstein Telescope to illustrate how our findings affect Sagnac speed meters with metre- and kilometre-long baselines.
Physical Review D | 2015
S. Steinlechner; B. Barr; A. S. Bell; S. L. Danilishin; Andreas Gläfke; Christian Gräf; J. Hennig; E. Alasdair Houston; S. H. Huttner; S. Leavey; D. Pascucci; B. Sorazu; A. P. Spencer; K. A. Strain; J. L. Wright; S. Hild
The second generation of interferometric gravitational wave detectors are quickly approaching their design sensitivity. For the first time these detectors will become limited by quantum backaction noise. Several backaction evasion techniques have been proposed to further increase the detector sensitivity. Since most proposals rely on a flexible readout of the full amplitude- and phase-quadrature space of the output light field, balanced homodyne detection is generally expected to replace the currently used DC readout. Up to now, little investigation has been undertaken into how balanced homodyne detection can be successfully transferred from its ubiquitous application in tabletop quantum optics experiments to large-scale interferometers with suspended optics. Here we derive implementation requirements with respect to local-oscillator noise couplings and highlight potential issues with the example of the Glasgow Sagnac Speed Meter experiment, as well as for a future upgrade to the Advanced LIGO detectors.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid | 2014
S. Hild; S. Leavey; Christian Gräf; B. Sorazu
In this article we describe our efforts of extending demand-side control concepts to the application in portable electronic devices, such as laptop computers, mobile phones and tablet computers. As these devices feature built-in energy storage (in the form of batteries) and the ability to run complex control routines, they are well-suited for the implementation of smart charging concepts. We developed simple hardware and software based prototypes of smart charging controllers for a laptop computer that steer the charging process depending on the frequency of the electricity grid and in case of the software implementation also based on the battery charge status. If similar techniques are incorporated into millions of devices in UK households, this can contribute significantly to the stability of the electricity grid, help to mitigate the short-term power production fluctuations from renewable energy sources and avoid the high cost of building and maintaining conventional power plants as standby reserve.
Physical Review D | 2017
T. Zhang; Shtefan L. Danilishin; S. Steinlechner; B. Barr; A. S. Bell; P. Dupej; Christian Gräf; J. Hennig; E. Alasdair Houston; S. H. Huttner; S. Leavey; D. Pascucci; B. Sorazu; A. P. Spencer; J. L. Wright; K. A. Strain; S. Hild
With the recent detection of Gravitational waves (GW), marking the start of the new field of GW astronomy, the push for building more sensitive laser-interferometric gravitational wave detectors (GWD) has never been stronger. Balanced homodyne detection (BHD) allows for a quantum noise (QN) limited readout of arbitrary light field quadratures, and has therefore been suggested as a vital building block for upgrades to Advanced LIGO and third generation observatories. In terms of the practical implementation of BHD, we develop a full framework for analyzing the static optical high order modes (HOMs) occurring in the BHD paths related to the misalignment or mode matching at the input and output ports of the laser interferometer. We find the effects of HOMs on the quantum noise limited sensitivity is independent of the actual interferometer configuration, e.g. Michelson and Sagnac interferometers are effected in the same way. We show that misalignment of the output ports of the interferometer (output misalignment) only effects the high frequency part of the quantum noise limited sensitivity (detection noise). However, at low frequencies, HOMs reduce the interferometer response and the radiation pressure noise (back action noise) by the same amount and hence the quantum noise limited sensitivity is not negatively effected in that frequency range. We show that the misalignment of laser into the interferometer (input misalignment) produces the same effect as output misalignment and additionally decreases the power inside the interferometer. We also analyze dynamic HOM effects, such as beam jitter created by the suspended mirrors of the BHD. Our analyses can be directly applied to any BHD implementation in a future GWD. Moreover, we apply our analytical techniques to the example of the speed meter proof of concept experiment under construction in Glasgow. We find that for our experimental parameters, the performance of our seismic isolation system in the BHD paths is compatible with the design sensitivity of the experiment.
Classical and Quantum Gravity | 2017
S. H. Huttner; S. L. Danilishin; B. Barr; A. S. Bell; Christian Gräf; J. Hennig; S. Hild; E. A. Houston; S. Leavey; D. Pascucci; B. Sorazu; A. P. Spencer; S. Steinlechner; J. L. Wright; Tianmeng Zhang; K. A. Strain
Speedmeters are known to be quantum non-demolition devices and, by potentially providing sensitivity beyond the standard quantum limit, become interesting for third generation gravitational wave detectors. Here we introduce a new configuration, the sloshing-Sagnac interferometer, and compare it to the more established ring-Sagnac interferometer. The sloshing-Sagnac interferometer is designed to provide improved quantum noise limited sensitivity and lower coating thermal noise than standard position meter interferometers employed in current gravitational wave detectors. We compare the quantum noise limited sensitivity of the ring-Sagnac and the sloshing-Sagnac interferometers, in the frequency range, from 5 Hz to 100 Hz, where they provide the greatest potential benefit. We evaluate the improvement in terms of the unweighted noise reduction below the standard quantum limit, and by finding the range up to which binary black hole inspirals may be observed. The sloshing-Sagnac was found to give approximately similar or better sensitivity than the ring-Sagnac in all cases. We also show that by eliminating the requirement for maximally-reflecting cavity end mirrors with correspondingly-thick multi-layer coatings, coating noise can be reduced by a factor of approximately 2.2 compared to conventional interferometers.
New Journal of Physics | 2018
T. Zhang; Eugene Knyazev; S. Steinlechner; Farid Ya. Khalili; B. Barr; A. S. Bell; P. Dupej; Joseph Briggs; C. Graef; Jack Callaghan; J. Hennig; E. A. Houston; S. H. Huttner; S. Leavey; D. Pascucci; B. Sorazu; A. P. Spencer; J. L. Wright; K. A. Strain; S. Hild; S. L. Danilishin
The Sagnac speed metre topology has been identified as a promising technique to reduce quantum back-action in gravitational-wave interferometers. However, imbalance of the main beamsplitter has been shown to increase the coupling of laser noise to the detection port, thus reducing the quantum noise superiority of the speed metre, compared to conventional approaches, in particular at low frequencies. In this paper, we show that by implementing a balanced homodyne readout scheme with a suitable choice of the point from which the local oscillator (LO) is derived, the excess laser noise contribution is partly compensated, and the resulting speed metre can be more sensitive than state-of-the-art position metres. This is achieved by picking-off the LO from either the reflection port of the interferometer or the anti-reflective coating surface of the main beamsplitter. We show that either approach relaxes the relative intensity noise (RIN) requirement of the input laser. For example, for a beam splitter imbalance of 0.1% in the Glasgow speed metre proof of concept experiment, the RIN requirement at frequency of 100 Hz decreases from 4× 10^(-10)/√Hz to 4× 10^(-7)/√Hz, moving the RIN requirement from a value that is hard to achieve in practice, to one which is routinely obtained.
Physical Review D | 2017
J. Hennig; B. Barr; A. S. Bell; William Cunningham; S. L. Danilishin; P. Dupej; Christian Gräf; J. Hough; S. H. Huttner; Russell Jones; S. Leavey; D. Pascucci; Martin Sinclair; B. Sorazu; A. P. Spencer; S. Steinlechner; K. A. Strain; J. L. Wright; T. Zhang; S. Hild
Low-mass suspension systems with high- Q pendulum stages are used to enable quantum radiation pressure noise limited experiments. Utilizing multiple pendulum stages with vertical blade springs and materials with high-quality factors provides attenuation of seismic and thermal noise; however, damping of these high- Q pendulum systems in multiple degrees of freedom is essential for practical implementation. Viscous damping such as eddy-current damping can be employed, but it introduces displacement noise from force noise due to thermal fluctuations in the damping system. In this paper we demonstrate a passive damping system with adjustable damping strength as a solution for this problem that can be used for low-mass suspension systems without adding additional displacement noise in science mode. We show a reduction of the damping factor by a factor of 8 on a test suspension and provide a general optimization for this system.
Classical and Quantum Gravity | 2015
S. Leavey; B. Barr; A. S. Bell; N. A. Gordon; Christian Gräf; S. Hild; S. H. Huttner; E.-B. Kley; Stefanie Kroker; J. Macarthur; C. Messenger; M. Pitkin; B. Sorazu; K. A. Strain; Andreas Tünnermann
Waveguide mirrors possess nano-structured surfaces which can potentially provide a significant reduction in thermal noise over conventional dielectric mirrors. To avoid introducing additional phase noise from motion of the mirror transverse to the reflected light, however, they must possess a mechanism to suppress the phase effects associated with the incident light translating across the nano-structured surface. It has been shown that with carefully chosen parameters this additional phase noise can be suppressed. We present an experimental measurement of the coupling of transverse to longitudinal displacements in such a waveguide mirror designed for 1064 nm light. We place an upper limit on the level of measured transverse to longitudinal coupling of one part in seventeen thousand with 95% confidence, representing a significant improvement over a previously measured grating mirror.