
Journal of Dairy Science | 2016

Prevalence and distribution of foot lesions in dairy cattle in Alberta, Canada.

L. Solano; Herman W. Barkema; S. Mason; Edmond A. Pajor; S.J. LeBlanc; Karin Orsel

The objectives of this cross-sectional study were to determine the prevalence and distribution of foot lesions and associated cow- and herd-level risk factors in dairy cows in Alberta, Canada. Foot lesion data were recorded electronically by 7 hoof trimmers on 28,607 cows in 156 dairy farms from June 2009 to November 2012. Foot lesion prevalence estimates differed between farms that had the whole herd trimmed at once (≥80% of lactating cows were trimmed; n=69 farms and 8,020 cows) and farms on which part of the herd was trimmed (selection of cows was determined by farmer and <80% of lactating cows were trimmed; n=87 and 20,587 cows). Estimates were consistently higher for the latter likely because farmers presumably prioritized lame cows in partial-herd trims. On farms with whole-herd trims, digital dermatitis was the most common lesion among all housing types, present in 15% of cows and 94% of herds. Sole ulcers and white line disease were detected in 6 and 4% of the cows and 92 and 93% of herds, respectively. Other infectious and claw horn lesions each affected 1 to 2% of cows and 62 to 78% of herds. Intraclass correlation coefficients for hoof trimmers ranged from 0.01 to 0.20 for all lesions, indicating some clustering of recorded lesions by trimmer. Multilevel mixed logistic regression models were constructed (including hoof trimmer as fixed and farm as random effects) for the 3 most frequently identified lesions. Prevalence of digital dermatitis decreased with increasing parity, but this effect interacted with days in milk (DIM); primiparous cows had higher odds of digital dermatitis in mid lactation (100-199 DIM) and late lactation (≥200 DIM) compared with cows at other stages of lactation. In contrast, prevalence of sole ulcers and white line disease increased with increasing parity; compared with cows in parity 1, those in parity 4 had 5 or 7 times higher odds of having these lesions, respectively. Cows in mid lactation and late lactation had higher odds of sole ulcers and white line disease than cows at other stages of lactation, regardless of parity. Digital dermatitis prevalence was 2 times higher in herds housed in barns with access to an exercise area. The odds of sole ulcers and white line disease were ≥2 times higher in cows housed in freestalls than those housed in deep-bedded packs. Therefore, preventive measures for control of digital dermatitis merit emphasis, especially in primiparous cows and on farms with exercise areas. In addition, improving housing environment by providing a deep-bedded area for older cows in mid lactation or late lactation could reduce prevalence of claw horn lesions. We inferred that foot lesion data recorded by hoof trimmers can provide useful information not only to develop effective foot health programs at herd level, but also for disease surveillance and genetic improvement at regional and national levels.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2013

Genetic parameters for hoof lesions and their relationship with feet and leg traits in Canadian Holstein cows

N. Chapinal; A. Koeck; A. Sewalem; D.F. Kelton; S. Mason; G. Cramer; F. Miglior

The objectives were (1) to estimate the genetic parameters and breeding values of hoof lesions, (2) to estimate the phenotypic effect of each feet and legs conformation traits on hoof lesions, and (3) to estimate genetic correlations between hoof lesions with feet and legs conformation traits. The presence or absence of specific hoof lesions was recorded for each hoof. Lesions were classified into infectious (digital and interdigital dermatitis, foot rot, and heel erosion), horn (sole and toe ulcer, sole hemorrhage, and white line disease), and other lesions (interdigital hyperplasia, fissures, thin soles, and corkscrew claw). A total of 34,905 hoof health records from 27,179 cows and 365 herds, collected by 18 different hoof-trimmers in Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia, were analyzed using linear animal models. In addition, 5 feet and leg conformation traits (foot angle, heel depth, bone quality, rear leg side view, and rear leg rear view) and locomotion from primiparous cows were considered (n=11,419 and 6,966 cows, for conformation traits and locomotion, respectively). At least one lesion was found in nearly 40% of the hoof trimming records. The heritability estimates for hoof lesions ranged from 0.01 for front horn lesions to 0.09 for rear infectious lesions. Despite the low heritability estimates, we observed large variability in sire estimated breeding value (EBV) for resistance to hoof lesions. Positive genetic correlations were found between the occurrence of front and rear infectious lesions (0.77) and between front and rear horn lesions (0.61), but not between infectious and horn lesions (0.08). For most of the conformation traits, low scores were phenotypically associated with higher incidence of horn lesions, whereas we found no evidence of a phenotypic effect of feet and leg traits on infectious lesions. The heritability of the conformation traits ranged from 0.04 for rear leg rear view to 0.22 for bone quality, whereas that for locomotion was 0.03. The genetic correlations between hoof lesions and conformation traits were low to moderate, yet most of the estimates were associated with high standard errors. In conclusion, although hoof lesions are lowly heritable traits, sufficient genetic variation exists (as evidenced by large variability in sire EBV) for genetic improvement through direct selection in the long term. Standardization of hoof health data collection is encouraged.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2016

Associations between lying behavior and lameness in Canadian Holstein-Friesian cows housed in freestall barns.

L. Solano; Herman W. Barkema; Edmond A. Pajor; S. Mason; S.J. LeBlanc; C.G.R. Nash; Derek B. Haley; D. Pellerin; J. Rushen; A.M. de Passillé; E. Vasseur; Karin Orsel

Lying behavior is an important measure of comfort and well-being in dairy cattle, and changes in lying behavior are potential indicators and predictors of lameness. Our objectives were to determine individual and herd-level risk factors associated with measures of lying behavior, and to evaluate whether automated measures of lying behavior can be used to detect lameness. A purposive sample of 40 Holstein cows was selected from each of 141 dairy farms in Alberta, Ontario, and Québec. Lying behavior of 5,135 cows between 10 and 120 d in milk was automatically and continuously recorded using accelerometers over 4 d. Data on factors hypothesized to influence lying behavior were collected, including information on individual cows, management practices, and facility design. Associations between predictor variables and measures of lying behavior were assessed using generalized linear mixed models, including farm and province as random and fixed effects, respectively. Logistic regression models were used to determine whether lying behavior was associated with lameness. At the cow-level, daily lying time increased with increasing days in milk, but this effect interacted with parity; primiparous cows had more frequent but shorter lying bouts in early lactation, changing to mature-cow patterns of lying behavior (fewer and longer lying bouts) in late lactation. In barns with stall curbs >22 cm high, the use of sand or >2 cm of bedding was associated with an increased average daily lying time of 1.44 and 0.06 h/d, respectively. Feed alleys ≥ 350 cm wide or stalls ≥ 114 cm wide were associated with increased daily lying time of 0.39 and 0.33 h/d, respectively, whereas rubber flooring in the feed alley was associated with 0.47 h/d lower average lying time. Lame cows had longer lying times, with fewer, longer, and more variable duration of bouts compared with nonlame cows. In that regard, cows with lying time ≥ 14 h/d, ≤ 5 lying bouts per day, bout duration ≥ 110 min/bout, or standard deviations of bout duration over 4 d ≥ 70 min had 3.7, 1.7, 2.5, and 3.0 higher odds of being lame, respectively. Factors related to comfort of lying and standing surfaces significantly affected lying behavior. Finally, we inferred that automated measures of lying behavior could contribute to lameness detection, especially when interpreted in the context of other factors known to affect lying behavior, including those associated with the individual cow (e.g., parity and stage of lactation) or environment (e.g., stall surface).

Journal of Dairy Science | 2017

Genetic parameters for hoof health traits estimated with linear and threshold models using alternative cohorts

F. Malchiodi; A. Koeck; S. Mason; A.M. Christen; David F. Kelton; F.S. Schenkel; F. Miglior

A national genetic evaluation program for hoof health could be achieved by using hoof lesion data collected directly by hoof trimmers. However, not all cows in the herds during the trimming period are always presented to the hoof trimmer. This preselection process may not be completely random, leading to erroneous estimations of the prevalence of hoof lesions in the herd and inaccuracies in the genetic evaluation. The main objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for individual hoof lesions in Canadian Holsteins by using an alternative cohort to consider all cows in the herd during the period of the hoof trimming sessions, including those that were not examined by the trimmer over the entire lactation. A second objective was to compare the estimated heritabilities and breeding values for resistance to hoof lesions obtained with threshold and linear models. Data were recorded by 23 hoof trimmers serving 521 herds located in Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario. A total of 73,559 hoof-trimming records from 53,654 cows were collected between 2009 and 2012. Hoof lesions included in the analysis were digital dermatitis, interdigital dermatitis, interdigital hyperplasia, sole hemorrhage, sole ulcer, toe ulcer, and white line disease. All variables were analyzed as binary traits, as the presence or the absence of the lesions, using a threshold and a linear animal model. Two different cohorts were created: Cohort 1, which included only cows presented to hoof trimmers, and Cohort 2, which included all cows present in the herd at the time of hoof trimmer visit. Using a threshold model, heritabilities on the observed scale ranged from 0.01 to 0.08 for Cohort 1 and from 0.01 to 0.06 for Cohort 2. Heritabilities estimated with the linear model ranged from 0.01 to 0.07 for Cohort 1 and from 0.01 to 0.05 for Cohort 2. Despite a low heritability, the distribution of the sire breeding values showed large and exploitable variation among sires. Higher breeding values for hoof lesion resistance corresponded to sires with a higher prevalence of healthy daughters. The rank correlations between estimated breeding values ranged from 0.96 to 0.99 when predicted using either one of the 2 cohorts and from 0.94 to 0.99 when predicted using either a threshold or a linear model.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2018

Comparison of effects of routine topical treatments in the milking parlor on digital dermatitis lesions

C. Jacobs; Karin Orsel; S. Mason; Herman W. Barkema

Digital dermatitis (DD), an infectious bacterial disease affecting the feet of dairy cattle, can cause lameness and decrease milk production, fertility, and animal welfare. Current DD treatment typically involves routine hoof trimming and topical antibiotics. Several nonantibiotic commercial topical products are used for controlling DD lesions; however, there is limited or no evidence regarding their effectiveness. The objectives of this study were to evaluate 2 commercially available topical applications on their ability to (1) clinically cure active DD lesions to nonactive lesions and (2) prevent recurrence of active DD lesions. Ten farms were visited weekly. In the milking parlor, the hind feet of lactating cattle were cleaned and scored (M-stage scoring system). Cattle with DD lesions at the first visit were randomly allocated to 1 of 4 treatment groups: positive control (tetracycline solution), HealMax (AgroChem Inc., Saratoga Springs, NY), HoofSol (Diamond Hoof Care Ltd., Intracare BV, Veghel, the Netherlands), and a negative control (saline). All products were applied to lesions using a spray bottle. Tetracycline, HealMax, and HoofSol had a higher probability of clinical cure for active lesions compared with saline 1 wk after the first treatment (wk 1), with 69, 52, and 79% clinical cure of active lesions, respectively, compared with 34% with saline. At wk 7, the probability of clinical cure for active lesions was 10, 33, 31, and 45% of lesions treated weekly with saline, tetracycline, HealMax, and HoofSol, respectively (no difference among treatments). The substantial clinical cure with saline highlighted the potential importance of cleaning feet. In wk 1, treatment with saline, tetracycline, HealMax, and HoofSol resulted in a probability of recurrence of active DD lesions of 9, 11, 11, and 8%, respectively, with no product being superior to saline. After 7 wk, the probability of recurrence of active lesions was 5, 7, 6, and 6% for saline, tetracycline, HealMax, and HoofSol respectively, with no difference among groups in wk 7. These results provide alternatives to antibiotics for treatment of DD lesions and highlight the potential importance of cleaning feet in the milking parlor.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2017

Comparison of the efficacy of a commercial footbath product with copper sulfate for the control of digital dermatitis

C. Jacobs; Karin Orsel; S. Mason; K. Gray; Herman W. Barkema

Digital dermatitis (DD) is the most prevalent foot lesion affecting dairy herds worldwide. Its implications include production losses and decreased animal welfare. Footbathing is the most common herd-level prevention strategy for DD. Because many common footbath products have negative environmental and health consequences, replacement products expected to have improved safety but equal efficacy are being developed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a new quaternary ammonium-based commercial footbath product (QAC) for reducing the prevalence of active DD lesions compared with an industry standard (copper sulfate; CuSO4) and typical on-farm footbath practices. A controlled intervention trial was conducted on 19 Alberta dairy farms over 12 wk, with 9 farms allocated to the QAC group (1% QAC daily, 5 d/wk), 5 to the CuSO4 group (5% CuSO4 daily, 5 d/wk), and 5 to a noninterference group (maintained typical footbath practices). A total of 22,285 observations on 3,465 lactating cows were assessed for DD lesions and leg cleanliness in the milking parlor. Five farms discontinued use of the QAC product for various reasons. Noninferiority analysis was used to assess QAC ability to decrease the proportion of cows with 1 or more active DD lesions compared with CuSO4 after 6 wk. Multilevel logistic regression models for repeated measures were used to evaluate efficacy of QAC compared with CuSO4 and noninterference farms in reducing the prevalence of active DD lesions at the foot level over 12 wk. The noninferiority analysis determined that the proportion of cows with 1 or more active DD lesion decreased 2.19 (95% CI: 1.39-3.46) times less after 6 wk of study on the QAC farms compared with CuSO4 farms, making QAC inferior to CuSO4. The multilevel logistic regression models determined that the proportion of active DD lesions increased in the QAC herds, whereas this proportion decreased in the CuSO4 and noninterference herds over 12 wk. Additionally, cows in mid- and late-lactation had a higher odds of having active DD compared with fresh cows. Older cows (parity 3 and ≥4) had a decreased odds of active DD compared with first-parity cows. At the farm level, a higher baseline active DD prevalence resulted in increased odds of active DD; however, this did not modify the effect of treatment or week of study. We concluded that QAC was inferior to CuSO4 and typical on-farm footbath practices, and further development of novel footbath products is required to develop an ideal alternative.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2016

Short communication: Herd-level prevalence of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis is not associated with participation in a voluntary Alberta Johne's disease control program.

Caroline Ritter; R. Wolf; Cindy L. Adams; David F. Kelton; C. Pickel; S. Mason; Karin Orsel; J. De Buck; Herman W. Barkema

Johnes disease (JD) control programs for dairy farms have the general objective of reducing both cow- and herd-level prevalence of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP). An important aspect of many programs is herd testing for MAP to determine the infection status of participating farms. However, it is uncertain whether MAP herd-level prevalence on farms voluntarily participating in a JD control program is different from that on nonparticipating farms. Therefore, the aim was to compare MAP infection status of participants and nonparticipants in the Alberta Johnes Disease Initiative (AJDI), a voluntary JD control program initiated in 2010 in Alberta, Canada. Between September 2012 and August 2013, environmental fecal samples were collected from 93 randomly selected farms not enrolled in the AJDI. Additionally, 81 farms that initially enrolled in the AJDI during the same time interval were also sampled. Samples were collected from 6 defined locations on each farm and cultured for MAP. Results were confirmed using conventional IS900 PCR and F 0285 quantitative PCR. Overall, 51% of participating and 51% of nonparticipating farms were identified as being MAP-infected. Furthermore, based on multivariable logistic regression, the number of MAP-positive samples was not associated with AJDI participation (taking herd size into account as a potentially modifying or confounding variable). In conclusion, there was no indication that voluntary participation in the AJDI was associated with herd-level MAP prevalence.

Journal of Dairy Science | 2015

Factors associated with participation of Alberta dairy farmers in a voluntary, management-based Johne’s disease control program

Caroline Ritter; G.P.S. Kwong; R. Wolf; C. Pickel; M. Slomp; J. Flaig; S. Mason; Cindy L. Adams; David F. Kelton; J. Jansen; J. De Buck; Herman W. Barkema

Archive | 2013

Decreasing Lameness and Increasing Cow Comfort on Alberta Dairy Farms

L. Solano; Herman W. Barkema; Ed Pajor; Guilherme Bond; S. Mason; Derek B. Haley; D. Pellerin

Journal of Dairy Science | 2016

カナダ,アルバータ州の乳牛における足病変の有病率と分布【Powered by NICT】

L. Solano; Herman W. Barkema; S. Mason; Edmond A. Pajor; S.J. LeBlanc; Karin Orsel

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