S. Piantelli
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Physical Review Letters | 2002
S. Piantelli; L. Bidini; G. Poggi; M. Bini; G. Casini; P. R. Maurenzig; A. Olmi; G. Pasquali; A.A. Stefanini; N. Taccetti
The emission pattern in the V_perp - V_par plane of Intermediate Mass Fragments with Z=3-7 (IMF) has been studied in the collision 116Sn + 93Nb at 29.5 AMeV as a function of the Total Kinetic Energy Loss of the reaction. This pattern shows that for peripheral reactions most of IMFs are emitted at mid-velocity. Coulomb trajectory calculations demonstrate that these IMFs are produced in the early stages of the reaction and shed light on geometrical details of these emissions, suggesting that the IMFs originate both from the neck and the surface of the interacting nuclei.
Physical Review C | 2013
S. Barlini; S. Piantelli; G. Casini; P. R. Maurenzig; A. Olmi; M. Bini; S. Carboni; G. Pasquali; G. Poggi; A.A. Stefanini; R. Bougault; E. Bonnet; B. Borderie; A. Chbihi; J.D. Frankland; D. Gruyer; O. Lopez; N. Le Neindre; M. Pârlog; M.F. Rivet; E. Vient; E. Rosato; G. Spadaccini; M. Vigilante; M. Bruno; T. Marchi; L. Morelli; M. Cinausero; M. Degerlier; F. Gramegna
Isospin transport phenomena in dissipative heavy ion collisions have been in- vestigated at Fermi energies with a beam of 84 Kr at 35AMeV. A comparison of theh Ni /Z of light and medium products forward-emitted in the centre of mass frame when the beam impinges on two different targets, the n-poor 112 Sn and the n-rich 124 Sn, is presented. Data were collected by means of a three-layer telescope with very good performances in terms of mass identification (full isotopic resolution up to Z�20 for ions punching through the first detector layer) built by the FAZIA Collaboration and located just beyond the grazing angle for both reactions. Theh Ni /Z of the products detected when the n-rich target is used is always higher than that associated to the n-poor one; since the detector was able to measure only fragments coming from the QuasiProjectile decay and/or neck emission, the observed behaviour can be ascribed to the isospin diffusion process, driven by the isospin gradient between QuasiProjectile and QuasiTarget. Moreover, for light fragments theh Ni /Z as a function of the lab velocity of the fragment is observed to increase when we move from the QuasiProjectile velocity to the centre of mass (neck zone). This effect can be interpreted as an evidence of isospin drift driven by the density gradient between the QuasiProjectile zone (at normal density) and the more diluted neck zone.
European Physical Journal A | 2013
M. Bruno; F. Gramegna; T. Marchi; L. Morelli; G. Pasquali; G. Casini; U. Abbondanno; G. Baiocco; L. Bardelli; S. Barlini; M. Bini; S. Carboni; M. Cinausero; M. D’Agostino; M. Degerlier; V. L. Kravchuk; E. Geraci; P. F. Mastinu; A. Ordine; S. Piantelli; G. Poggi; A. Moroni
An upgraded GARFIELD + Ring Counter (RCo) apparatus is presented with improved performances as far as electronics and detectors are concerned. On the one hand fast sampling digital read out has been extended to all detectors, allowing for an important simplification of the signal processing chain together with an enriched extracted information. On the other hand a relevant improvement has been made in the forward part of the set-up (RCo): an increased granularity of the CsI(Tl) crystals and a higher homogeneity in the silicon detector resistivity. The renewed performances of the GARFIELD + RCo array make it suitable for nuclear reaction measurements both with stable and with Radioactive Ion Beams (RIB), like the ones planned for the SPES facility, where the physics of isospin can be studied.
Journal of Physics G | 2014
L. Morelli; G. Baiocco; M. D’Agostino; F. Gulminelli; M. Bruno; U. Abbondanno; S. Appannababu; S. Barlini; M. Bini; G. Casini; M. Cinausero; M. Degerlier; Daniela Fabris; N. Gelli; F. Gramegna; V.L. Kravchuk; T. Marchi; A. Olmi; G. Pasquali; S. Piantelli; S. Valdré; Ad. R. Raduta
Multiple alpha coincidences and correlations are studied in the reaction 12C+12C at 95 MeV for fusion–evaporation events completely detected in charge. Two specific channels with carbon and oxygen residues in coincidence with α −particles are addressed, which are associated with anomalously high branching ratios with respect to the predictions of Hauser–Feshbach calculations. Triple alpha emission appears kinematically compatible with a sequential emission from a highly excited Mg. The phase space distribution of α − α coincidences suggests a correlated emission from a Mg compound, leaving an oxygen residue excited above the threshold for neutron decay. These observations indicate a preferential α emission of 24Mg at excitation energies well above the threshold for 6 − α decay.
Journal of Physics G | 2014
L. Morelli; G. Baiocco; M. D'Agostino; F. Gulminelli; M. Bruno; U. Abbondanno; S. Appannababu; S. Barlini; M. Bini; G. Casini; M. Cinausero; M. Degerlier; Daniela Fabris; N. Gelli; F. Gramegna; V.L. Kravchuk; T. Marchi; A. Olmi; G. Pasquali; S. Piantelli; S. Valdré; Ad. R. Raduta
The 12C + 12C reaction at 95 MeV has been studied through the complete charge identification of its products by means of the GARFIELD+RCo experimental set-up at INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL). In this paper, the first of a series of two, a comparison to a dedicated Hauser–Feshbach calculation allows selecting a set of dissipative events which corresponds, to a large extent, to the statistical evaporation of highly excited 24Mg. Information on the isotopic distribution of the evaporation residues in coincidence with their complete evaporation chain is also extracted. The set of data puts strong constraints on the behaviour of the level density (LD) of light nuclei above the threshold for particle emission. In particular, a fast increase of the LD parameter with excitation energy is supported by the data. Residual deviations from a statistical behaviour are seen in two specific channels, and tentatively associated with a contamination from direct reactions and/or α-clustering effects. These channels are studied in further details in the second paper of the series.
Physical Review C | 2012
G. Casini; S. Piantelli; P. R. Maurenzig; A. Olmi; L. Bardelli; S. Barlini; M. Benelli; M. Bini; M. Calviani; P. Marini; A. Mangiarotti; G. Pasquali; G. Poggi; A.A. Stefanini; M. Bruno; L. Morelli; V. L. Kravchuk; F. Amorini; L. Auditore; G. Cardella; E. De Filippo; E. Galichet; E. La Guidara; G. Lanzalone; G. Lanzano; C. Maiolino; A. Pagano; M. Papa; S. Pirrone; G. Politi
Odd-even staggering effects on charge distributions are investigated for fragments produced in semiperipheral and central collisions of 112Sn+58Ni at 35 MeV/nucleon. For fragments with Z<16 one observes a clear overproduction of even charges, which decreases for heavier fragments. In peripheral collisions staggering effects persist up to Z about 40. For light fragments, staggering appears to be substantially independent of the centrality of the collisions, suggesting that it is mainly related to the last few steps in the decay of hot nuclei.
Physical Review C | 2013
G. Baiocco; L. Morelli; F. Gulminelli; M. D’Agostino; M. Bruno; U. Abbondanno; S. Barlini; M. Bini; S. Carboni; G. Casini; M. Cinausero; M. Degerlier; F. Gramegna; V. L. Kravchuk; T. Marchi; A. Olmi; G. Pasquali; S. Piantelli; Ad. R. Raduta
Dissipative 12C+12C reactions at 95 MeV are fully detected in charge with the GARFIELD and RCo apparatuses at LNL. A comparison to a dedicated Hauser-Feshbach calculation allows to select events which correspond, to a large extent, to the statistical evaporation of highly excited 24Mg, as well as to extract information on the isotopic distribution of the evaporation residues in coincidence with their complete evaporation chain. Residual deviations from a statistical behaviour are observed in \alpha yields and attributed to the persistence of cluster correlations well above the 24Mg threshold for 6 \alphas decay.
European Physical Journal A | 2000
G. Casini; M. Bini; S. Calamai; R. Laforest; P. R. Maurenzig; A. Olmi; G. Pasquali; S. Piantelli; G. Poggi; F. Saint-Laurent; J.C. Steckmeyer; A.A. Stefanini; N. Taccetti
Abstract:Primary and secondary masses of heavy reaction products have been deduced from kinematics and E-ToF measurements, respectively, for the direct and reverse collisions of 93Nb and 116Sn at 25 AMeV. Light charged particles have also been measured in coincidence with the heavy fragments. Direct experimental evidence of the correlation of energy-sharing with net mass transfer has been found using information from both the heavy fragments and the light charged particles. The ratio of hydrogen and helium multiplicities points to a further correlation of angular momentum sharing with net mass transfer.
Physical Review C | 2013
S. Piantelli; G. Casini; P. R. Maurenzig; A. Olmi; S. Barlini; M. Bini; S. Carboni; G. Pasquali; G. Poggi; A.A. Stefanini; S. Valdré; R. Bougault; E. Bonnet; B. Borderie; A. Chbihi; J.D. Frankland; D. Gruyer; O. Lopez; N. Le Neindre; M. Pârlog; M.F. Rivet; E. Vient; E. Rosato; G. Spadaccini; M. Vigilante; M. Bruno; T. Marchi; L. Morelli; M. Cinausero; M. Degerlier
The odd-even staggering of the yield of final reaction products has been studied as a function of proton (Z) and neutron (N ) numbers for the collisions 84 Kr + 112 Sn and 84 Kr + 124 Sn at 35 MeV/nucleon in a wide range of elements (up to Z ≈ 20). The experimental data show that staggering effects rapidly decrease with increasing size of the fragments. Moreover the staggering in N is definitely larger than the one in Z. Similar general features are qualitatively reproduced by the GEMINI code. Concerning the comparison of the two systems, the staggering in N is in general rather similar, being slightly larger only for the lightest fragments produced in the n-rich system. In contrast the staggering in Z, although smaller than that in N , is sizably larger for the n-poor system with respect to the n-rich one.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2003
N. Taccetti; G. Poggi; L. Carraresi; M. Bini; G. Casini; R. Ciaranfi; L Giuntini; P. R. Maurenzig; M Montecchi; A. Olmi; G. Pasquali; S. Piantelli; A.A. Stefanini
Abstract The design and implementation of linear electronics based on small-size, low-power charge preamplifiers and shaping amplifiers, used in connection with Si-detector telescopes employed in heavy ion experiments, are presented. Bench tests and “under beam” performances are discussed. In particular, the energy calibration and the linearity test of the overall system (Si-detector and linear and digital conversion electronics) has been performed with a procedure which avoids the pulse height defect problems connected with the detection of heavy ions. The procedure, basically, consists of using bursts of MeV protons, releasing up to GeV energies inside the detector, with low ionization density.