S. S. Parzhitskii
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Featured researches published by S. S. Parzhitskii.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2014
V. M. Bystritsky; A.P. Kobzev; A. R. Krylov; S. S. Parzhitskii; A. V. Philippov; G. N. Dudkin; B. A. Nechaev; V. N. Padalko; F. M. Pen’kov; Yu. Zh. Tuleushev; M. Filipowicz; Vit. M. Bystritskii; S. Gazi; J. Huran
Abstract The mechanism for the d ( p , γ ) 3 He reaction in the region of ultralow proton–deuteron collision energies (6.67 E S -factor and the effective pd reaction cross section on the proton–deuteron collision energy are measured. The results are compared with the available literature data. The results of this work agree with the experimental results obtained by the LUNA collaboration with the target of gaseous deuterium.
Physics of Atomic Nuclei | 2012
V. M. Bystritsky; Vit. M. Bystritskii; G. N. Dudkin; M. Filipowicz; S. Gazi; J. Huran; A. P. Kobzev; G. A. Mesyats; B. A. Nechaev; V. N. Padalko; S. S. Parzhitskii; F. M. Pen’kov; A. V. Philippov; V. L. Kaminskii; Yu. Zh. Tuleushev; J. Wozniak
The temperature dependence of the enhancement factor for the dd reaction proceeding in TiD2 and ZrD2 is investigated. The experiments were carried out at the Hall pulsed ion accelerator (INP, Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia) in the deuteron energy interval 7.0–12.0 keV and at temperatures ranging from 20 to 200°C. The values obtained for the electron screening potentials indicate that the dd reaction enhancement factor does not depend on the target temperature in the range 20–200°C. This result contradicts the conclusions drawn by the LUNA Collaboration from their work.
Physics of Atomic Nuclei | 2012
V. M. Bystritsky; Vit. M. Bystritskii; G. N. Dudkin; M. Filipowicz; S. Gazi; J. Huran; A. P. Kobzev; G. A. Mesyats; B. A. Nechaev; V. N. Padalko; S. S. Parzhitskii; F. M. Pen’kov; A. V. Philippov; V. L. Kaminskii; Yu. Zh. Tuleushev; J. Wozniak
The paper is devoted to study electron screening effect influence on the rate of d(d, n)3He reaction in the ultralow deuteron collision energy range in the deuterated polyethylene (CD2), frozen heavy water (D2O) and deuterated metals (ZrD2 and TiD2). The ZrD2 and TiD2 targets were fabricated via magnetron sputtering of titanium and zirconium in gas (deuterium) environment. The experiments have been carried out using high-current plasma pulsed accelerator with forming of inverse Z pinch (HCEIRAS, Russia) and pulsed Hall plasma accelerator (NPI at TPU, Russia). The detection of neutrons with energy of 2.5MeV from dd reaction was done with plastic scintillation spectrometers. As a result of the experiments the energy dependences of astrophysical S factor for the dd reaction in the deuteron collision energy range of 2–7 keV and the values of the electron screening potential Ue of interacting deuterons have been measured for the indicated above target: Ue(CD2) ⩽ 40 eV; Ue(D2O) ⩽ 26 eV; Ue(ZrD2) = 157 ± 43 eV; Ue(TiD2) = 125±34 eV. The value of astrophysical S factor, corresponding to the deuteron collision energy equal to zero, in the experiments with D2O target is found: Sb(0) = 58.6 ± 3.6 keV b. The paper compares our results with other available published experimental and calculated data.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1994
Yu. M. Gledenov; I. S. Okunev; S. S. Parzhitskii; E. V. Shulgina; V. A. Vesna
Abstract An installation for measuring parity violation in reactions with polarized neutrons involving the emission of secondary charged particles is described. The main part of the experimental setup is a multisection proportional chamber operated in the current mode. The 6Li(n,α)3H and 10B(n,α)7Li reactions are studied. The P-odd asymmetry was measured with an accuracy of δ ∼ 5 × 10−8.
Jetp Letters | 2014
V. M. Bystritsky; Vit. M. Bystritskii; G. N. Dudkin; M. Filipowicz; S. Gazi; J. Huran; G. A. Mesyats; B. A. Nechaev; V. N. Padalko; S. S. Parzhitskii; F. M. Pen’kov; A. V. Philippov; Yu. Zh. Tuleushev
The energy dependence of the neutron yield in the d(d, n)3 He reaction proceeding in a textured titanium deuteride target with the preferred orientation of microcrystals in the [100] direction has been studied. Measurements have been performed for the energy range of incident deuterons of 7–12 keV in the laboratory system. It has been shown that the energy dependence of the enhancement factor of the reaction is described not only by the screening potential but also by the simple inclusion of channeling effects.
Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters | 2013
V. M. Bystritsky; A. P. Kobzev; A. R. Krylov; S. S. Parzhitskii; A. V. Philippov; G. N. Dudkin; B. A. Nechaev; V. N. Padalko; F. M. Pen’kov; Yu. Zh. Tuleushev; M. Filipowicz; Vit. M. Bystritskii; S. Gazi; I. Guran
The present paper is dedicated to the study of the p(d, γ)3He reaction mechanism with the use of a zirconium deuteride target at proton energies of 11–19 keV. The experiment has been carried out using a proton beam of a high-current pulsed Hall accelerator at the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. The dependences of the astrophysical S factor and the effective cross section of the pd reaction on the proton-deuteron collision energy are measured. The results were compared with the available data. The results detailed in the present work agree with the results of an experiment carried out by the LUNA collaboration with the use of a gaseous deuterium target.
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics | 2014
V. M. Bystritsky; Vit. M. Bystritskii; G. N. Dudkin; M. Filipowicz; S. Gazi; J. Huran; G. A. Mesyats; B. A. Nechaev; V. N. Padalko; S. S. Parzhitskii; F. M. Pen’kov; A. V. Philippov; Yu. Zh. Tuleushev
The article is devoted to the investigation of a pd-reaction (p + d → 3He + γ(5.5 MeV)) under-going in titanium deuteride in astrophysical collision energy region of protons and deuterons ranging from 5.3 to 10.5 keV. The experiments have been performed using the Hall NR TPU (Tomsk, Russia) pulsed plasma accelerator. The number of accelerated protons in 10 μs pulse was 5 × 1014 at a repetition rate of 7 × 10−2 Hz. Detection of 5.5 MeV gamma rays was carried out using eight detectors based on crystals of NaI(Tl) (100 × 100 × 400 mm) placed around the TiD target. For the first time, the dependencies between the astrophysical S-factor and the effective cross section of the pd-reaction from proton-deuteron collision energy, and the potential electronic screening of the interacting protons and deuterons in titanium deuteride have been measured.
Bulletin of The Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics | 2007
L. D. Butakov; G. N. Dudkin; B. A. Nechaev; V. N. Padalko; A. V. Petrov; N. Polkovnikova; V. M. Bystritsky; V. V. Gerasimov; A. R. Krylov; S. S. Parzhitskii; Vit. M. Bystritskii; J. Wozniak
The possibility of using a plasma accelerator based on a pulsed Hall ion source to study the characteristics of pd, dd, d3He, 3He, and4He reactions in the astrophysical energy range (2–12 keV) has been considered. The preliminary experimental data on measurement of the astrophysical S factor for the dd reaction (dd → 3He + n (2.5 MeV)) at average deuteron collision energies Ecol = 4.5 and 4.95 keV and the deuteron beam energy spread FWHM = 18% are reported. The found value of the S factor is in agreement with the results of the experiments carried out by us previously using linear plasma in the inverse Z-pinch configuration.
Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters | 2014
V. M. Bystritsky; Vit. M. Bystritsky; G. N. Dudkin; M. Filipowicz; S. Gazi; J. Huran; B. A. Nechaev; V. N. Padalko; S. S. Parzhitskii; F. M. Pen’kov; A. V. Filippov; Yu. Zh. Tuleushev
Characteristics of the pd reaction (p + d → 3He + γ(5.5 MeV)) in titanium deuteride at astrophysical proton-deuteron collision energies ranging from 5.3 to 10.5 keV are investigated. Experiments are conducted on the pulsed plasma Hall accelerator at Tomsk Polytechnic University (Tomsk, Russia). The number of accelerated protons in a pulse 10 μs long is 5 × 1014 at a repetition rate of 7 × 10−2 Hz. Gamma rays with an energy of 5.5 MeV are recorded by eight detectors based on NaI(Tl) crystals (100 × 100 × 400 mm) arranged around the TiD target. The dependence of the astrophysical S factor for the pd reaction on the proton-deuteron collision energy and the electron screening potential of protons interacting with deuterons in titanium deuteride are measured for the first time.
Bulletin of The Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics | 2010
V. M. Bystritsky; V. V. Gerasimov; D. A. Il’guzin; A. R. Krylov; S. S. Parzhitskii; P. S. Anan’in; G. N. Dudkin; V. L. Kaminskii; B. A. Nechaev; V. N. Padalko; A. V. Petrov; M. Filipowicz; J. Wozniak; Vit. M. Bystritskii; Yu. Zh. Tuleushev
This work is devoted to measuring of the values of the astrophysical S-factors and electron screening potential energy for a d(d,n)3He reaction occurring at ultralow energies in zirconium deuteride ZrD2 (3.5–7.0 keV) and heavy water D2O (2.2–6.0 keV). The experiment was performed on the Hall pulsed plasma accelerator at the TPU Nuclear Physics Institute (Tomsk) with ZrD2 and D2O targets produced by the magnetron sputtering of zirconium in a deuterium environment and heavy water freezing-out on a copper support, respectively. A χ2 analysis of the dependence of the neutron yields and astrophysical S-factors for the dd reaction on the deuteron collision energy E revealed that the upper bounds of the electron screening potential energy for interacting deuterons in ZrD2 and D2O and of the astrophysical S-factors at the deuteron collision energy E = 0 were Ue(ZrD2) < 30 eV, Ue(D2O) < 25 eV, S(0) = (57.2 ± 3.9) keV · b (ZrD2), S(0) = (58.6 ± 3.6) keV · b (D2O) at the 90% confidence level.