S. Thomas Megeath
University of Toledo
Featured researches published by S. Thomas Megeath.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2005
David Charbonneau; Lori E. Allen; S. Thomas Megeath; Guillermo Torres; Roi Alonso; Timothy M. Brown; Ronald L. Gilliland; David W. Latham; Georgi Mandushev; T Francis; Alessandro Sozzetti
We present Spitzer Space Telescope infrared photometric time series of the transiting extrasolar planet system TrES-1. The data span a predicted time of secondary eclipse, corresponding to the passage of the planet behind the star. In both bands of our observations, we detect a flux decrement with a timing, amplitude, and duration as predicted by published parameters of the system. This signal represents the first direct detection of (i.e. the observation of photons emitted by) a planet orbiting another star. The observed eclipse depths (in units of relative flux) are 0.00066 ± 0.00013 at 4.5 µm and 0.00225±0.00036 at 8.0 µm. These estimates provide the first observational constraints on models of the thermal emission of hot Jupiters. Assuming that the planet emits as a blackbody, we estimate an effective temperature of Tp = 1060 ±50 K. Under the additional assumptions that the planet is in thermal equilibrium with the radiation from the star and emits isotropically, we find a Bond albedo of A = 0.31 ± 0.14. This would imply that the planet absorbs the majority of stellar radiation incident upon it, a conclusion of significant impact to atmospheric models of these objects. We also compare our data to a previously-published model of the planetary thermal emission, which predicts prominent spectral features in our observational bands due to water and carbon monoxide. This model adequately reproduces the observed planet-to-star flux ratio at 8.0 µm, however it significantly over-predicts the ratio at 4.5 µm. We also present an estimate of the timing of the secondary eclipse, which we use to place a
Nature | 2007
Heather A. Knutson; David Charbonneau; Lori E. Allen; Jonathan J. Fortney; Eric Agol; Nicolas B. Cowan; Curtis S. Cooper; S. Thomas Megeath
‘Hot Jupiter’ extrasolar planets are expected to be tidally locked because they are close (<0.05 astronomical units, where 1 au is the average Sun–Earth distance) to their parent stars, resulting in permanent daysides and nightsides. By observing systems where the planet and star periodically eclipse each other, several groups have been able to estimate the temperatures of the daysides of these planets. A key question is whether the atmosphere is able to transport the energy incident upon the dayside to the nightside, which will determine the temperature at different points on the planet’s surface. Here we report observations of HD 189733, the closest of these eclipsing planetary systems, over half an orbital period, from which we can construct a ‘map’ of the distribution of temperatures. We detected the increase in brightness as the dayside of the planet rotated into view. We estimate a minimum brightness temperature of 973 ± 33 K and a maximum brightness temperature of 1,212 ± 11 K at a wavelength of 8 μm, indicating that energy from the irradiated dayside is efficiently redistributed throughout the atmosphere, in contrast to a recent claim for another hot Jupiter. Our data indicate that the peak hemisphere-integrated brightness occurs 16 ± 6° before opposition, corresponding to a hotspot shifted east of the substellar point. The secondary eclipse (when the planet moves behind the star) occurs 120 ± 24 s later than predicted, which may indicate a slightly eccentric orbit.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2008
Heather A. Knutson; David Charbonneau; Lori E. Allen; Adam Burrows; S. Thomas Megeath
We estimate the strength of the bandpass-integrated thermal emission from the extrasolar planet HD 209458b at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 μm using the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on the Spitzer Space Telescope. We observe a single secondary eclipse simultaneously in all four bandpasses and find relative eclipse depths of 0.00094 ± 0.00009, 0.00213 ± 0.00015, 0.00301 ± 0.00043, and 0.00240 ± 0.00026, respectively. These eclipse depths reveal that the shape of the inferred emission spectrum for the planet differs significantly from the predictions of standard atmosphere models; instead, the most plausible explanation would require the presence of an inversion layer high in the atmosphere leading to significant water emission in the 4.5 and 5.8 μm bandpasses. This is the first clear indication of such a temperature inversion in the atmosphere of a hot Jupiter, as previous observations of other planets appeared to be in reasonably good agreement with the predictions of models without such an inversion layer.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2004
Lori E. Allen; Nuria Calvet; Paola D’Alessio; Bruno Merín; Lee Hartmann; S. Thomas Megeath; Robert Allen Gutermuth; James Muzerolle; Judith L. Pipher; Philip C. Myers; Giovanni G. Fazio
We compare the infrared colors predicted by theoretical models of protostellar envelopes and protoplanetary disks with initial observations of young stellar objects made with the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on the Spitzer Space Telescope. Disk and envelope models characterized by infall and/or accretion rates found in previous studies can quantitatively account for the range of IRAC colors found in four young embedded clusters: S140, S171, NGC 7129, and Cep C. The IRAC color-color diagram ([3.6]� [4.5] vs. [5.8]� [8.0]) can be used to help distinguish between young stars with only disk emission and protostars with circumstellar envelopes. Subject heading gs: infrared: stars — stars: formation — stars: pre–main-sequence
The Astrophysical Journal | 2008
David Charbonneau; Heather A. Knutson; Travis S. Barman; Lori E. Allen; Michel Mayor; S. Thomas Megeath; D. Queloz; S. Udry
We present Spitzer Space Telescope time series photometry of the exoplanet system HD 189733 spanning two times of secondary eclipse, when the planet passes out of view behind the parent star. We estimate the relative eclipse depth in five distinct bands and find the planet-to-star flux ratio to be 0.256% ± 0.014% (3.6 μm), 0.214% ± 0.020% (4.5 μm), 0.310% ± 0.034% (5.8 μm), 0.391% ± 0.022% (8.0 μm), and 0.598% ± 0.038% (24 μm). For consistency, we reanalyze a previously published time series to deduce a contrast ratio in an additional band, 0.519% ± 0.020% (16 μm). Our data are strongly inconsistent with a Planck spectrum, and we clearly detect emission near 4 μm as predicted by published theoretical models in which this feature arises from a corresponding opacity window. Unlike recent results for the exoplanet HD 209458b, we find that the emergent spectrum from HD 189733b is best matched by models that do not include an atmospheric temperature inversion. Taken together, these two studies provide initial observational support for the idea that hot Jupiter atmospheres diverge into two classes, in which a thermal inversion layer is present for the more strongly irradiated objects.
The Astronomical Journal | 2006
Saurabh W. Jha; Robert P. Kirshner; Peter M. Challis; Peter Marcus Garnavich; Thomas Matheson; Alicia M. Soderberg; Genevieve J. Graves; Malcolm Stuart Hicken; J. Alves; Hector G. Arce; Zoltan Balog; Pauline Barmby; Elizabeth J. Barton; Perry L. Berlind; Ann E. Bragg; César A. Briceño; Warren R. Brown; James H. Buckley; Nelson Caldwell; Michael L. Calkins; Barbara J. Carter; Kristi Dendy Concannon; R. Hank Donnelly; Kristoffer A. Eriksen; Daniel G. Fabricant; Emilio E. Falco; F. Fiore; M. R. Garcia; Mercedes Gomez; Norman A. Grogin
We present UBVRI photometry of 44 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) observed from 1997 to 2001 as part of a continuing monitoring campaign at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. The data set comprises 2190 observations and is the largest homogeneously observed and reduced sample of SNe Ia to date, nearly doubling the number of well-observed, nearby SNe Ia with published multicolor CCD light curves. The large sample of U-band photometry is a unique addition, with important connections to SNe Ia observed at high redshift. The decline rate of SN Ia U-band light curves correlates well with the decline rate in other bands, as does the U - B color at maximum light. However, the U-band peak magnitudes show an increased dispersion relative to other bands even after accounting for extinction and decline rate, amounting to an additional ~40% intrinsic scatter compared to the B band.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2006
Brian M. Patten; John R. Stauffer; Adam Burrows; Massimo Marengo; Joseph L. Hora; K. L. Luhman; Sarah M. Sonnett; Todd J. Henry; Deepak Raghavan; S. Thomas Megeath; James Liebert; Giovanni G. Fazio
We present the results of a program to acquire photometry for 86 late M, L, and T dwarfs using the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on the Spitzer Space Telescope. We examine the behavior of these cool dwarfs in various color-color and color-magnitude diagrams composed of near-IR and IRAC data. The T dwarfs exhibit the most distinctive positions in these diagrams. In M_(5.8) versus [5.8]-[8.0], the IRAC data for T dwarfs are not monotonic in either magnitude or color, giving the clearest indication yet that the T dwarfs are not a one-parameter family in T_(eff). Because metallicity does not vary enough in the solar neighborhood to act as the second parameter, the most likely candidate then is gravity, which in turn translates to mass. Among objects with similar spectral type, the range of mass suggested by our sample is about a factor of 5 (~70M_J to ~15M_J), with the less massive objects making up the younger members of the sample. We also find the IRAC 4.5 μm fluxes to be lower than expected, from which we infer a stronger CO fundamental band at ~4.67 μm. This suggests that equilibrium CH_4/CO chemistry underestimates the abundance of CO in T dwarf atmospheres, confirming earlier results based on M-band observations from the ground. In combining IRAC photometry with near-IR JHK photometry and parallax data, we find the combination of K_s, IRAC 3.6 μm, and 4.5 μm bands to provide the best color-color discrimination for a wide range of M, L, and T dwarfs. Also noteworthy is the M_k versus K_s-[4.5] relation, which shows a smooth progression over spectral type, and splits the M, L, and T types cleanly.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2005
Robert Allen Gutermuth; S. Thomas Megeath; Judith L. Pipher; Jonathan P. Williams; Lori E. Allen; Philip C. Myers; S. Nicholas Raines
We present an analysis of stellar distributions for the young stellar clusters GGD 12-15, IRAS 20050+2720, and NGC 7129, which range in far-IR luminosity from 227 to 5:68 ; 10 3 Land are all still associated with their natal molecular clouds. The data used for this analysis include near-IR data obtained with FLAMINGOS on the MMTand newlyobtainedwide-field 850 � memissionmaps from SCUBA ontheJCMT.Clustersizeandazimuthal asymmetry are measured via azimuthal and radial averaging methods, respectively. To quantify the deviation of the distribution of stars from circular symmetry, we define an azimuthal asymmetry parameter, and we investigate the statistical properties of this parameter through Monte Carlo simulations. The distribution of young stars is compared to the morphology of the molecular gas using stellar surface density maps and the 850 � m maps. We find that two of the clusters are not azimuthally symmetric and show a high degree of structure. The GGD 12-15 cluster is elongated and is aligned with newly detected filamentary structure at 850 � m. IRAS 20050+2720 is composed of a chain of three subclusters, in agreement with Chen and coworkers, although our results show that two of the subclusters appear to overlap. Significant 850 � m emission is detected toward two of the subclusters but is not detected toward the central subcluster, suggesting that the dense gas may already be cleared there. In contrast to these two highly embedded subclusters, wefind an anticorrelation of the stars and dust in NGC 7129, indicating that much of the parental gas and dust has been dispersed. The NGC 7129 cluster exhibits a higher degree of azimuthal symmetry, a lower stellar sur- face density, and a larger size than the other two clusters, suggesting that the cluster may be dynamically expanding following the recent dispersal of natal molecular gas. These analyses are further evidence that embedded, forming clusters are often not spherically symmetric structures but can be elongated and clumpy and that these morphologies may reflect the initial structure of the dense molecular gas. Furthermore, this work suggests that gas expulsion by stellar feedback results in significant dynamical evolution within the first 3 Myr of cluster evolution. We estimate peak stellar volume densities and discuss the impact of these densities on the evolution of circumstellar disks and protostellar envelopes.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2008
Gábor Fűrész; Lee Hartmann; S. Thomas Megeath; Andrew Szentgyorgyi; Erika T. Hamden
We present results from 1351 high-resolution spectra of 1215 stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) and the surrounding Orion 1c association, obtained with the Hectochelle multiobject echelle spectrograph on the 6.5 m MMT. We confirmed 1111 stars as members, based on their radial velocity and/or H? emission. The radial velocity distribution of members shows a dispersion of -->? = 3.1 km s?1. We found a substantial north-south velocity gradient and spatially coherent structure in the radial velocity distribution, similar to that seen in the molecular gas in the region. We also identified several binary and high velocity stars, a region exhibiting signs of triggered star formation, and a possible foreground population of stars somewhat older than the ONC. Stars without infrared excesses (as detected with the IRAC instrument on the Spitzer Space Telescope) exhibit a wider spread in radial velocity than the infrared excess stars; this spread is mostly due to a blueshifted population of stars that may constitute a foreground population. We also identify some accreting stars, based on H?, that do not have detectable infrared excesses with IRAC, and thus are potential transitional disk systems (objects with inner disk holes). We propose that the substructure seen in both the stellar and gaseous components is the result of nonuniform gravitational collapse to a filamentary distribution of gas. The spatial and kinematic correlation between the stellar and gaseous components suggests that the region is very young, probably only ~1 crossing time old or less, to avoid shock dissipation and gravitational interactions which would tend to destroy the correlation between stars and gas.
The Astronomical Journal | 2003
Alicia Porras; Micol Christopher; Lori E. Allen; James Di Francesco; S. Thomas Megeath; Philip C. Myers
We present a catalog of near-infrared surveys of young ( a few 106 yr) stellar groups and clusters within 1 kpc from the Sun, based on an extensive search of the literature from the past ten years. We find 143 surveys from 69 published articles, covering 73 different regions. The number distribution of stars in a region has a median of 28 and a mean of 100. About 80% of the stars are in clusters with at least 100 members. By a rough classification of the groups and clusters based on the number of their associated stars, we show that most of the stars form in large clusters. The spatial distribution of cataloged regions in the Galactic plane shows a relative lack of observed stellar groups and clusters in the range 270° < l < 60° of Galactic longitude, reflecting our location between the Local and Sagittarius arms. This compilation is intended as a useful resource for future studies of nearby young regions of multiple star formation.