
Genetics | 2013

A Perspective on Micro-Evo-Devo: Progress and Potential

Maria D. S. Nunes; Saad Arif; Christian Schlötterer; Alistair P. McGregor

The term “micro-evo-devo” refers to the combined study of the genetic and developmental bases of natural variation in populations and the evolutionary forces that have shaped this variation. It thus represents a synthesis of the fields of evolutionary developmental biology and population genetics. As has been pointed out by several others, this synthesis can provide insights into the evolution of organismal form and function that have not been possible within these individual disciplines separately. Despite a number of important successes in micro-evo-devo, however, it appears that evo devo and population genetics remain largely separate spheres of research, limiting their ability to address evolutionary questions. This also risks pushing contemporary evo devo to the fringes of evolutionary biology because it does not describe the causative molecular changes underlying evolution or the evolutionary forces involved. Here we reemphasize the theoretical and practical importance of micro-evo-devo as a strategy for understanding phenotypic evolution, review the key recent insights that it has provided, and present a perspective on both the potential and the remaining challenges of this exciting interdisciplinary field.

Current Biology | 2013

Evolution of mir-92a Underlies Natural Morphological Variation in Drosophila melanogaster

Saad Arif; Sophie Murat; Isabel Almudi; Maria D. S. Nunes; Diane Bortolamiol-Becet; Naomi S. McGregor; James Michael Stevenson Currie; Harri Hughes; Matthew Ronshaugen; Élio Sucena; Eric C. Lai; Christian Schlötterer; Alistair P. McGregor

Summary Identifying the genetic mechanisms underlying phenotypic change is essential to understanding how gene regulatory networks and ultimately the genotype-to-phenotype map evolve. It is recognized that microRNAs (miRNAs) have the potential to facilitate evolutionary change [1–3]; however, there are no known examples of natural morphological variation caused by evolutionary changes in miRNA expression. Therefore, the contribution of miRNAs to evolutionary change remains unknown [1, 4]. Drosophila melanogaster subgroup species display a portion of trichome-free cuticle on the femur of the second leg called the “naked valley.” It was previously shown that Ultrabithorax (Ubx) is involved in naked valley variation between D. melanogaster and D. simulans [5, 6]. However, naked valley size also varies among populations of D. melanogaster, ranging from 1,000 up to 30,000 μm2. We investigated the genetic basis of intraspecific differences in the naked valley in D. melanogaster and found that neither Ubx nor shavenbaby (svb) [7, 8] contributes to this morphological difference. Instead, we show that changes in mir-92a expression underlie the evolution of naked valley size in D. melanogaster through repression of shavenoid (sha) [9]. Therefore, our results reveal a novel mechanism for morphological evolution and suggest that modulation of the expression of miRNAs potentially plays a prominent role in generating organismal diversity.

PLOS ONE | 2012

Evolution of Eye Morphology and Rhodopsin Expression in the Drosophila melanogaster Species Subgroup

Nico Posnien; Corinna Hopfen; Maarten Hilbrant; Margarita Ramos-Womack; Sophie Murat; Anna Schönauer; Samantha L. Herbert; Maria D. S. Nunes; Saad Arif; Casper J. Breuker; Christian Schlötterer; Philipp Mitteroecker; Alistair P. McGregor

A striking diversity of compound eye size and shape has evolved among insects. The number of ommatidia and their size are major determinants of the visual sensitivity and acuity of the compound eye. Each ommatidium is composed of eight photoreceptor cells that facilitate the discrimination of different colours via the expression of various light sensitive Rhodopsin proteins. It follows that variation in eye size, shape, and opsin composition is likely to directly influence vision. We analyzed variation in these three traits in D. melanogaster, D. simulans and D. mauritiana. We show that D. mauritiana generally has larger eyes than its sibling species, which is due to a combination of larger ommatidia and more ommatidia. In addition, intra- and inter-specific differences in eye size among D. simulans and D. melanogaster strains are mainly caused by variation in ommatidia number. By applying a geometric morphometrics approach to assess whether the formation of larger eyes influences other parts of the head capsule, we found that an increase in eye size is associated with a reduction in the adjacent face cuticle. Our shape analysis also demonstrates that D. mauritiana eyes are specifically enlarged in the dorsal region. Intriguingly, this dorsal enlargement is associated with enhanced expression of rhodopsin 3 in D. mauritiana. In summary, our data suggests that the morphology and functional properties of the compound eyes vary considerably within and among these closely related Drosophila species and may be part of coordinated morphological changes affecting the head capsule.

Evolution | 2007


Sarah A. Smith; Saad Arif; Adrián Nieto-Montes de Oca; John J. Wiens

Abstract Among the various types of evolutionary changes in morphology, the origin of novel structures may be the most rare and intriguing. Here we show statistically that the origins of different novel structures may be correlated and phylogenetically clustered into “hot spots” of evolutionary novelty, in a case study involving skull elements in treefrogs. We reconstruct phylogenetic relationships within a clade of Middle American treefrogs based on data from 10 nuclear and four mitochondrial genes and then analyze morphological evolution across this tree. New cranial elements are rare among anurans and tetrapods in general, but three novel elements have evolved within this clade, with a 40% increase in the number of skull roof elements in some species. Two of these elements also evolved in a related clade of treefrogs, and these two novel elements may have each evolved repeatedly within one or both clades. The molecular phylogeny suggests striking homoplasy in cranial morphology and shows that parsimony and Bayesian analyses of the morphological data have produced misleading results with strong statistical support. The origins of the novel elements are associated with an overall increase in the ossification of dermal skull roof elements (suggesting peramorphosis) and with the evolution of a novel adaptive behavior. Our study may be the first to statistically document significant phylogenetic clustering and correlation in the origins of novel structures, and to demonstrate the strongly misleading effects of peramorphosis on phylogenetic analysis.

Evolution & Development | 2015

From shavenbaby to the naked valley: trichome formation as a model for evolutionary developmental biology

Saad Arif; Sebastian Kittelmann; Alistair P. McGregor

Microtrichia or trichomes are non‐sensory actin protrusions produced by the epidermal cells of many insects. Studies of trichome formation in Drosophila have over the last 30 years provided key insights towards our understanding of gene regulation, gene regulatory networks (GRNs), development, the genotype to phenotype map, and the evolution of these processes. Here we review classic studies that have used trichome formation as a model to shed light on Drosophila development as well as recent research on the architecture of the GRN underlying trichome formation. This includes the findings that both small peptides and microRNAs play important roles in the regulation and evolution of this network. In addition, we review research on the evolution of trichome patterns that has provided novel insights into the function and architecture of cis‐regulatory modules, and into the genetic basis of morphological change. We conclude that further research on these apparently simple and often functionally enigmatic structures will continue to provide new and important knowledge about development and evolution.

Evolution & Development | 2013

Genetic and developmental analysis of differences in eye and face morphology between Drosophila simulans and Drosophila mauritiana

Saad Arif; Maarten Hilbrant; Corinna Hopfen; Isabel Almudi; Maria D. S. Nunes; Nico Posnien; Linta Kuncheria; Kentaro M. Tanaka; Philipp Mitteroecker; Christian Schlötterer; Alistair P. McGregor

Eye and head morphology vary considerably among insects and even between closely related species of Drosophila. Species of the D. melanogaster subgroup, and other Drosophila species, exhibit a negative correlation between eye size and face width (FW); for example, D. mauritiana generally has bigger eyes composed of larger ommatidia and conversely a narrower face than its sibling species. To better understand the evolution of eye and head morphology, we investigated the genetic and developmental basis of differences in eye size and FW between male D. mauritiana and D. simulans. QTL mapping of eye size and FW showed that the major loci responsible for the interspecific variation in these traits are localized to different genomic regions. Introgression of the largest effect QTL underlying the difference in eye size resulted in flies with larger eyes but no significant difference in FW. Moreover, introgression of a QTL region on the third chromosome that contributes to the FW difference between these species affected FW, but not eye size. We also observed that this difference in FW is detectable earlier in the development of the eye‐antennal disc than the difference in the size of the retinal field. Our results suggest that different loci that act at different developmental stages underlie changes in eye size and FW. Therefore, while there is a negative correlation between these traits in Drosophila, we show genetically that they also have the potential to evolve independently and this may help to explain the evolution of these traits in other insects.

Genome Biology and Evolution | 2016

Pervasive microRNA Duplication in Chelicerates: Insights from the Embryonic microRNA Repertoire of the Spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum

Daniel J. Leite; Maria Ninova; Maarten Hilbrant; Saad Arif; Sam Griffiths-Jones; Matthew Ronshaugen; Alistair P. McGregor

MicroRNAs are small (∼22 nt) noncoding RNAs that repress translation and therefore regulate the production of proteins from specific target mRNAs. microRNAs have been found to function in diverse aspects of gene regulation within animal development and many other processes. Among invertebrates, both conserved and novel, lineage specific, microRNAs have been extensively studied predominantly in holometabolous insects such as Drosophila melanogaster. However little is known about microRNA repertoires in other arthropod lineages such as the chelicerates. To understand the evolution of microRNAs in this poorly sampled subphylum, we characterized the microRNA repertoire expressed during embryogenesis of the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum. We identified a total of 148 microRNAs in P. tepidariorum representing 66 families. Approximately half of these microRNA families are conserved in other metazoans, while the remainder are specific to this spider. Of the 35 conserved microRNAs families 15 had at least two copies in the P. tepidariorum genome. A BLAST-based approach revealed a similar pattern of duplication in other spiders and a scorpion, but not among other chelicerates and arthropods, with the exception of a horseshoe crab. Among the duplicated microRNAs we found examples of lineage-specific tandem duplications, and the duplication of entire microRNA clusters in three spiders, a scorpion, and in a horseshoe crab. Furthermore, we found that paralogs of many P. tepidariorum microRNA families exhibit arm switching, which suggests that duplication was often followed by sub- or neofunctionalization. Our work shows that understanding the evolution of microRNAs in the chelicerates has great potential to provide insights into the process of microRNA duplication and divergence and the evolution of animal development.

PLOS Genetics | 2018

Gene regulatory network architecture in different developmental contexts influences the genetic basis of morphological evolution

Sebastian Kittelmann; Alexandra D. Buffry; Franziska A. Franke; Isabel Almudi; Marianne Yoth; Gonzalo Sabarís; Juan Pablo Couso; Maria D. S. Nunes; Nicolás Frankel; José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta; Jose Pueyo-Marques; Saad Arif; Alistair P. McGregor

Convergent phenotypic evolution is often caused by recurrent changes at particular nodes in the underlying gene regulatory networks (GRNs). The genes at such evolutionary ‘hotspots’ are thought to maximally affect the phenotype with minimal pleiotropic consequences. This has led to the suggestion that if a GRN is understood in sufficient detail, the path of evolution may be predictable. The repeated evolutionary loss of larval trichomes among Drosophila species is caused by the loss of shavenbaby (svb) expression. svb is also required for development of leg trichomes, but the evolutionary gain of trichomes in the ‘naked valley’ on T2 femurs in Drosophila melanogaster is caused by reduced microRNA-92a (miR-92a) expression rather than changes in svb. We compared the expression and function of components between the larval and leg trichome GRNs to investigate why the genetic basis of trichome pattern evolution differs in these developmental contexts. We found key differences between the two networks in both the genes employed, and in the regulation and function of common genes. These differences in the GRNs reveal why mutations in svb are unlikely to contribute to leg trichome evolution and how instead miR-92a represents the key evolutionary switch in this context. Our work shows that variability in GRNs across different developmental contexts, as well as whether a morphological feature is lost versus gained, influence the nodes at which a GRN evolves to cause morphological change. Therefore, our findings have important implications for understanding the pathways and predictability of evolution.

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | 2010

Phylogenetic relationships of phrynosomatid lizards based on nuclear and mitochondrial data, and a revised phylogeny for Sceloporus

John J. Wiens; Caitlin A. Kuczynski; Saad Arif; Tod W. Reeder

Evolutionary Ecology Research | 2007

Bioclimatic modelling, morphology, and behaviour reveal alternative mechanisms regulating the distributions of two parapatric salamander species

Saad Arif; Dean C. Adams; Jill A. Wicknick

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