Saburo Nakazawa
Nagoya University
Digestive Diseases and Sciences | 1987
Kose Segawa; Saburo Nakazawa; Yoshihisa Tsukamoto; Yasumitsu Kurita; Hidemi Goto; Akira Fukui; Kenichi Takano
To elucidate sleep disturbances in the etiology of peptic ulcers, the prevalence of peptic ulcer disease was compared among shift workers and daytime workers. The subjects (N=11,657) were employees of various institutions, such as factories, banks, or schools, and had undergone a mass x-ray examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract. With present shift workers (N=2269), the prevalence of gastric ulcers was 2.38% (N=54) and that of duodenal ulcers, 1.37% (N=31). With the past shift workers (N=2111), the prevalence of gastric ulcers was 1.52% (N=32) and that of duodenal ulcers, 0.62% (N=13). On the contrary, with the daytime workers (N=6525) the prevalence of gastric ulcer was 1.03% (N=67) and that of duodenal ulcer, 0.69% (N=45). The working schedule for 752 examinees was unknown. The prevalence of gastric and duodenal ulcers was higher with shift workers than daytime workers. Thus, shift work involving sleep disturbances may play an important role in the development of peptic ulcers.
Digestive Diseases and Sciences | 1981
Saburo Nakazawa; Renpei Nagashima; I. Michael Samloff
Sucralfate is a basic aluminum salt of a sulfated disaccharide. In this study, patients with gastric ulcer were given oral multiple doses of sucralfate prior to partial gastrectomy, and binding of the drug to the ulcer lesion and to nonulcerated mucosa was estimated by chemical determination of aluminum and sulfated disaccharide. The ulcerated mocosa was found to contain, on the average, 6–7 times more sucralfate per square centimeter than the control mucosa (P<0.01 and <0.05 for aluminum and sulfated disaccharide, respectively). The high affinity of sucralfate for ulcerated mucosa, particularly the sucrose sulfate moiety, supports previous data that the beneficial effect of sucralfate in ulcer disease is due in part to complex formation between sucrose sulfate and proteins at the ulcer site.
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 1990
Masahiro Mitake; Saburo Nakazawa; Yasuo Naitoh; Eizo Kimoto; Yoshihisa Tsukamoto; Toshio Asai; Kenji Yamao; K. Inui; Keiichi Morita; Y. Hayashi
Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) was performed preoperatively in 39 patients with gallbladder carcinoma. Diagnosis of the anatomical extent of gallbladder carcinoma was compared with histologic analysis, and staging accuracy was evaluated according to the TNM classification. Carcinoma considered to be at an early stage with no lymph node metastasis was correctly diagnosed in 87.5%. Differential diagnosis between early and advanced staged tumors was possible in 79.5%. Overall accuracy for depth of tumor invasion (T) was 76.9%. Limitations were due to many stones in the gallbladder and microinfiltration of carcinoma. Assessment of regional lymph node metastasis (N) was at a sensitivity of 81.8% and specificity of 92.9%, for an overall accuracy of 89.7%. We believe endoscopic ultrasonography is useful in the clinical staging of gallbladder carcinoma.
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology | 1989
Shinji Ohashi; Saburo Nakazawa; Junji Yoshino
Endoscopic ultrasonographic (EUS) images of 174 cases of gastric cancer were examined to assess the depth of tumor invasion. Comparison was made between the depth of the changes shown in the multi-layered image produced by ultrasonography and the actual depth of invasion. Cases showing ultrasonographic changes extending deeper than the actual tumor were found to have fibrosis associated with peptic ulceration within the tumor focus. In such cases the echo images chiefly depicted the form and nature of the fibrosis, and the images were so characteristic that they could be classified into patterns. In the other cases the depth of tumor invasion could be almost precisely determined by detecting to which layer the changes shown by EUS extended.
Digestion | 1989
Satoshi Hase; Saburo Nakazawa; Yoshihisa Tsukamoto; Kose Segawa
In an attempt to elucidate the role of granulation vessels in the healing of gastric ulcer, healing and angiogenesis in granulation tissue of acetic acid ulcers were studied in rats. In addition, the effects of prednisolone and synthetic human epidermal growth factor (EGF) on angiogenesis and ulcer healing were investigated. The newly formed granulation vessels in the ulcer base were measured by means of a carmine dye infusion method. Prednisolone, administered subcutaneously at 40 mg/kg/day, significantly decreased angiogenesis in the ulcer base on the 10th day after ulcer production, and on the 30th day ulcer healing was found to be significantly delayed. In contrast, angiogenesis was significantly increased, and ulcer healing was enhanced by intragastric administration of 100 micrograms/kg/day of EGF. With combined administration of prednisolone and EGF, angiogenesis was significantly increased compared to that observed with prednisolone treatment alone. The authors conclude that suppression of angiogenesis by prednisolone is a delaying factor in gastric ulcer healing and that exogenous EGF promotes ulcer healing, partly through restoration of angiogenesis.
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 1990
Yasumasa Niwa; Saburo Nakazawa; Junji Yoshino; Tsuneya Nakamura; Shinji Ohashi; Yoshihisa Tsukamoto
We studied and quantified the healing process of gastric ulcers in humans by means of endoscopic ultrasonography. Initially, using the water bath method, we scanned specimens of resected human stomachs with gastric ulcers including 9 open ulcers and 14 ulcer scars. Comparison of histological findings and measurement of the cross-section suggested that the ulcers observed in the ultrasonographic photographs were essentially equivalent to those in histological photographs. By using endoscopic ultrasonography, we then examined 16 patients with active, mainly recurrent, gastric ulcers before and after 2, 4, and 8 weeks of H2 blocker treatment, measuring the length and cross-sectional area of the ulcer in endoscopic ultrasonographic photographs. From measurements of the contraction rate of cross-sectional ulcer area during healing, we observed that the healed ulcers showed a relatively rapid rate of contraction in the first 4 weeks of therapy and the non-healed cases showed a poor contraction rate. Endoscopic ultrasonography is useful for the quantitative estimation of histological changes associated with gastric ulcer healing.
Gastroenterology Clinics of North America | 1999
Kazuo Inui; Saburo Nakazawa; Junji Yoshino; Kazumu Okushima; Yuta Nakamura
Endoluminal ultrasonography was performed on 146 patients with pancreatobiliary diseases by using high-frequency, thin ultrasonic probes, and the usefulness of the new technique in diagnosis of pancreatic diseases was reported. The ultrasound probe could be inserted into the main pancreatic duct in 43 of 46 patients (93.5%), and images of the lesions could be obtained in 42 patients (91.3%). Endoluminal ultrasonography revealed a hypoechoic mass with clear margins and central echogenicity in patients with pancreatic carcinoma. Endoluminal ultrasonography showed normal pancreatic parenchyma as a fine reticular pattern and did not reveal the tumors surrounding the stenosis in patients with focal pancreatitis. Endoluminal ultrasonography in patients with intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma of the pancreas revealed cystic lesions with mural nodules more than 4 mm, mucus echoes, and solid tumors with mixed echo patterns. There were no severe complications, and acute pancreatitis occurred in none of 46 patients, but high-level serum amylase after examination occurred in 5 patients (10.9%). Endoluminal ultrasonography is useful for differential diagnosis in patients with small pancreatic tumors or cystic lesions, especially intraductal papillary tumors of the pancreas. Endoluminal ultrasonography is recommended as a precise examination for the diagnosis of cystic lesions of the pancreas or stenosis of the main pancreatic duct after ERCP and EUS.
Cell and Tissue Research | 1989
Yoko Kanamori; Saburo Nakazawa; Junzoh Kitoh; Munemitsu Hoshino
SummaryThe distribution of endocrine cells in the gastrointestinal tract of the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus (Family Soricidae, Order Insectivora) was studied immunohistochemically. The hormones investigated were gastrin, cholecystokinin (CCK), somatostatin, secretin, glucagon, gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), motilin and neurotensin. In the gastric mucosa, gastrin and somatostatin cells were only found in the pyloric regions, and no other hormonal cell-types were observed. In the intestinal mucosa, the largest number of endocrine cells belonged to the gastrin and glucagon/glicentin cell-types, whereas CCK-33/39 and secretin cells were the least numerous. Numbers of other cell-types were intermediate between these two groups. The gastrin and GIP cells were mostly localized in the proximal portion of the intestine, decreasing in number towards the distal portion. The motilin and CCK-33/39 cells were restricted to the proximal half. The glucagon/glicentin and neurotensin cells were most abundant in the middle portion. The somatostatin and secretin cells, although only present in small numbers, were randomly distributed throughout the intestine. This characteristic distribution of gastrointestinal endocrine cells is discussed in comparison with the distribution patterns of other mammals.
Planetary and Space Science | 1997
Saburo Nakazawa; Sei-ichiro Watanabe; M. Kato; Y. Iijima; T. Kobayashi; T. Sekine
Abstract Shock compression experiments on Kinosaki basalt using an in-material gauge were carried out in the interests of elucidation of planetesimal collisions in the early solar nebula. Hugoniot equation of state is necessary for estimating impact induced pressure. Hugoniot of Kinosaki basalt is also useful to analyze previous impact disruption results. Using in-material pressure gauge the shock pressure profile and shock wave velocity (Us) is measured to establish continuous Hugoniot equation of state in the range 1–45 GPa. Although no substantial step was detected in the shock pressure profiles, Hugoniot elastic limit (HEL) was identified at 5 GPa based on the Us-up relationship where up is the particle velocity and is calculated by the impedance matching method. The shock profile showed long rise time and no substantial step at HEL. These features can be explained by the constitution of multigrained basalt.
Digestive Endoscopy | 2004
Kazunori Ida; Saburo Nakazawa; Junji Yoshino; Yoshiki Hiki; Taiji Akamatsu; Shigeru Asaki; Minoru Kurihara; Hitoshi Shimao; Masahiro Tada; Atsunobu Misumi; Takahiro Kato; Hirohumi Niwa
Aims: The present study was conducted with the aims of elucidating the present state of endoscopic treatment, in particular endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) of early gastric cancer, as well as any associated problems, and the prospects for further broadening of the indications for EMR.