Salvador Navarro Soto
Autonomous University of Barcelona
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Featured researches published by Salvador Navarro Soto.
Cirugia Espanola | 2006
Xavier Serra Aracil; Jordi Bombardó Juncá; Laura Mora López; Manuel Alcántara Moral; Isidro Ayguavives Garnica; Salvador Navarro Soto
Resumen La microcirugia endoscopica transanal (TEM) es un procedimiento por el que, mediante instrumental especifico, es posible la exeresis de grandes adenomas de recto y canceres incipientes en la ampolla rectal. La TEM intenta dar respuesta a la alternativa de la cirugia convencional abdominal (reseccion anterior baja o amputaciones abdominoperineales) a la que se asocia una no desdenable morbimortalidad. La aplicacion de la tecnica de exeresis endoanal esta limitada por la altura y la extension de las lesiones. En esta revision se intenta exponer la experiencia de los autores respecto a la descrita en la literatura. Se describe el protocolo de seleccion de los pacientes candidatos a TEM, su preparacion preoperatoria, el instrumental, las caracteristicas de la tecnica quirurgica, las complicaciones postoperatorias y el seguimiento de los pacientes. Para todo ello, es objetivo primordial desarrollar esta tecnica en el medio colaborativo de un equipo multidisciplinario. La morbilidad relacionada con la TEM es escasa y la mortalidad, practicamente nula. Es la tecnica de eleccion en grandes adenomas rectales y canceres de recto con estadios pT1 localizados en toda la ampolla rectal. Los resultados de recidiva son similares a los de la cirugia abdominal y no tiene complicaciones de disfuncion urinaria o sexual y las de incontinencia fecal son minimas. En estadios mas avanzados de cancer de recto, es necesario esperar resultados con una mejor seleccion de pacientes y nuevos datos con la posible aplicacion de la neoadyuvancia asociada a la TEM.
Cirugia Espanola | 2009
Xavier Serra Aracil; Jordi Bombardó Juncá; Laura Mora López; Manuel Alcántara Moral; Isidro Ayguavives Garnica; Ana Darnell Marti; Alex Casalots Casado; Carles Pericay Pijaume; Rafael Campo Fernández de los Ríos; Salvador Navarro Soto
INTRODUCTION The local exeresis adenocarcinoma of the rectum T(2)N(0)M(0) (ADC-T2), using transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM), has the benefit of achieving lower morbidity with a better quality of life. However, local occurrence of the local exeresis is greater than 20%, which is unacceptable these days. PATIENTS AND METHODS Prospective, observational follow up study. The tumours committee agreed that those ADC-T2 patients could have the following treatments: total mesorectal excision (TME), simple TEM, TEM with postoperative chemo- and radiotherapy (Ct-Rt), preoperative Ct-Rt with subsequent TEM and radical surgical rescue (TME) within at least 4 weeks. RESULTS Of the 146 patients operated on using TEM, 75 had adenocarcinomas, 59 adenomas, 6 scarring wounds, 5 carcinoids and 1 GIST. Of the adenocarcinomas 22 were ADC-T2. Follow up: median of 16 months (range, 3-32 months). The overall local recurrence was 18% (4/22). According to the treatment strategy the local occurrence was: TEM as the only procedure, 20% (2/10). Radical surgical rescue was performed on 3 patients after TEM, with no local or systemic recurrences. TEM with Qt-Rt after surgery was performed on 6 patients, with a local recurrence of 33% (2/6). Ct-Rt and subsequent TEM in 3 patients, with no local or systemic recurrences. CONCLUSIONS Treatment of ADC-T2 using simple TEM is not effective. The combination of Ct-Rt after TEM, does not improve the results of TME. It is possible to rescue those patients without changing the overall survival. Preoperative Ct-Rt and TEM appears to be the approach that obtains a clinical and histological response, although a response is needed by clinical trials.
Cirugia Espanola | 2007
Laura Mora López; Javier Serra Aracil; Pere Rebasa Cladera; Valentí Puig Divi; Judith Hermoso Bosch; Jordi Bombardó Juncá; Manuel Alcántara Moral; Rubén Hernando Tavira; Isidro Ayguavives Garnica; Salvador Navarro Soto
Resumen Introduccion y objetivo La microcirugia transanal endoscopica (TEM) es una tecnica innovadora que permite la escision local de lesiones rectales, benignas y malignas en fase inicial con mayores ventajas tecnicas y menor morbimortalidad que mediante las tecnicas habituales. Precisa de un utillaje especifico; destaca un rectoscopio de 4 cm de diametro que provoca una dilatacion anal mantenida. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es comprobar los efectos de la TEM en la funcionalidad anorrectal. Material y metodos Se incluyo a todos los pacientes intervenidos por via TEM a los que se les realizo una manometria y un cuestionario de continencia anal preoperatoria y a las 3 semanas y 4 meses postoperatorios. Se valoraron las variaciones en la presion basal (PB) y en la presion de contraccion voluntaria (PCV); tambien las variaciones en el cuestionario de continencia anal. Resultados Se intervino a 68 pacientes entre junio de 2004 y agosto de 2006. Al analizar la PB y la PCV preoperatorias (38,89; 126,28) se observo una disminucion estadisticamente significativa de ambas presiones a las 3 semanas (26,61; 104,75) que retorna a valores basales a los 4 meses (33,81; 118,9). No hubo variaciones en la prueba de continencia anal ni relacion entre la variacion de las presiones y el tiempo quirurgico. Conclusion La TEM produce una alteracion manometrica estadisticamente significativa que se normaliza a los 4 meses y que no se traduce en ninguna alteracion clinica en el postoperatorio inmediato ni en el tardio y, por tanto, es una tecnica segura que no produce alteraciones en la funcionalidad anorrectal.
Cirugia Espanola | 2006
Xavier Serra Aracil; Salvador Navarro Soto; Eva Artigau Nieto; Pere Rebasa Cladera; Rubén Hernando Tavira; Juan Moreno Matías; Óscar Aparicio Rodríguez; Judit Hermoso Bosch; Sandra Montmany Vioque
Resumen Introduccion La evolucion de nuestra especialidad en los ultimos anos obliga a realizar actualizaciones no solo en contenidos, sino en una evaluacion de los conocimientos aprendidos. El objetivo de este articulo es presentar nuestra experiencia en un modelo de evaluacion integral. Se basa en una valoracion de los conocimientos teoricos y las habilidades quirurgicas. Material y metodo El programa de formacion para los MIR que hemos aplicado esta fundamentado en 4 apartados: asistencial, formacion continuada, investigacion (doctorado) y control de la actividad realizada (libro informatico del residente). Permite una evaluacion de los conocimientos teoricos y las habilidades aprendidas al final de cada rotacion. Mediante la creacion del libro informatico del residente que presentamos, se practica cada 6 meses una cuantificacion de la actividad de forma continua y comparada. Resultados En julio de 2004, iniciamos la puesta en marcha de este sistema de evaluacion de la actividad de los residentes. Se entrego a cada uno de ellos su propia base de datos para que iniciara su desarrollo mediante la introduccion de todas las actividades realizadas. Se presentan los resultados de la actividad global y particular de cada residente. Conclusiones El metodo que utilizamos permite seguir la evolucion integral del residente y realizar, al final de cada ano y de la residencia, una valoracion totalmente objetiva. La generalizacion de este metodo o uno similar facilitara la realizacion de comparaciones con otros centros y bajo premisas similares. Por otra parte, podria unificar criterios y determinar desviaciones de formacion.
Cirugia Espanola | 2015
Carlos Javier Gómez Díaz; Alexis Luna Aufroy; Pere Rebasa Cladera; Sheila Serra Pla; Cristina Jurado Ruiz; Laura Mora López; Xavier Serra Aracil; Salvador Navarro Soto
INTRODUCTION The surgical electronic logbook (surgical e-logbook) aims to: simplify registration of the training activities of surgical residents, and to obtain reliable and detailed reports about these activities for resident evaluation. METHODS The surgical e-logbook is a unique and shared database. Residents prospectively record their activities in 3 areas: surgical, scientific and teaching. We can access activity reports that are constantly updated. RESULTS Study period using the surgical e-logbook: Between June 2011 and May 2013. Number of surgeries reported: 4,255. Number of surgical procedures reported: 11,907. Number of surgeries per resident per year reported: 250. Number of surgical procedures per resident per year reported: 700. Surgical activity as a primary surgeon during the first year of residency is primarily in emergency surgery (68,01%) and by laparotomy (97,73%), while during the fifth year of residency 51,27% is performed in elective surgery and laparoscopy is used in 23,10% of cases. During this period, residents participated in a total of 11 scientific publications, 75 conference presentations and 69 continuing education activities. CONCLUSIONS The surgical e-logbook is a useful tool that simplifies the recording and analysis of data about surgical and scientific activities of the residents. It is a step forward in the evaluation of the training of surgical residents, however, is only an intermediate step towards the development of a larger Spanish registry.INTRODUCTION The surgical electronic logbook (surgical e-logbook) aims to: simplify registration of the training activities of surgical residents, and to obtain reliable and detailed reports about these activities for resident evaluation. METHODS The surgical e-logbook is a unique and shared database. Residents prospectively record their activities in 3 areas: surgical, scientific and teaching. We can access activity reports that are constantly updated. RESULTS Study period using the surgical e-logbook: Between June 2011 and May 2013. Number of surgeries reported: 4,255. Number of surgical procedures reported: 11,907. Number of surgeries per resident per year reported: 250. Number of surgical procedures per resident per year reported: 700. Surgical activity as a primary surgeon during the first year of residency is primarily in emergency surgery (68,01%) and by laparotomy (97,73%), while during the fifth year of residency 51,27% is performed in elective surgery and laparoscopy is used in 23,10% of cases. During this period, residents participated in a total of 11 scientific publications, 75 conference presentations and 69 continuing education activities. CONCLUSIONS The surgical e-logbook is a useful tool that simplifies the recording and analysis of data about surgical and scientific activities of the residents. It is a step forward in the evaluation of the training of surgical residents, however, is only an intermediate step towards the development of a larger Spanish registry.
Cirugia Espanola | 2014
Carlos Javier Gómez Díaz; Pere Rebasa Cladera; Salvador Navarro Soto; José Manuel Hidalgo Rosas; Alexis Luna Aufroy; Sandra Montmany Vioque; Constanza Corredera Cantarín
INTRODUCTION The aim of this study is to determine the usefulness of the risk model developed by van Ramshorst et al., and a modification of the same, to predict the abdominal wound dehiscences risk in patients who underwent midline laparotomy incisions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Observational longitudinal retrospective study. SAMPLE Patients who underwent midline laparotomy incisions in the General and Digestive Surgery Department of the Sabadells Hospital-Parc Taulís Health and University Corporation-Barcelona, between January 1, 2010 and June 30, 2010. Dependent variable: Abdominal wound dehiscence. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES Global risk score, preoperative risk score (postoperative variables were excluded), global and preoperative probabilities of developing abdominal wound dehiscence. RESULTS SAMPLE 176 patients. Patients with abdominal wound dehiscence: 15 (8.5%). The global risk score of abdominal wound dehiscence group (mean: 4.97; IC 95%: 4.15-5.79) was better than the global risk score of No abdominal wound dehiscence group (mean: 3.41; IC 95%: 3.20-3.62). This difference is statistically significant (P<.001). The preoperative risk score of abdominal wound dehiscence group (mean: 3.27; IC 95%: 2.69-3.84) was better than the preoperative risk score of No abdominal wound dehiscence group (mean: 2.77; IC 95%: 2.64-2.89), also a statistically significant difference (P<.05). The global risk score (area under the ROC curve: 0.79) has better accuracy than the preoperative risk score (area under the ROC curve: 0.64). CONCLUSION The risk model developed by van Ramshorst et al. to predict the abdominal wound dehiscences risk in the preoperative phase has a limited usefulness. Additional refinements in the preoperative risk score are needed to improve its accuracy.
Cirugia Espanola | 2009
Xavier Serra Aracil; Salvador Navarro Soto; Óscar Aparicio Rodríguez; Judit Hermoso Bosch; Sandra Montmany Vioque; Daniel Carmona Navarro; Constanza Corredera Cantarín; Carlos Javier Gómez Díaz
INTRODUCTION The introduction of the Spanish Association of Surgeons residents electronic book (AEC-E-Book), has meant that we can perform particular and overall assessments of each resident. The objective of this article has been to find out the mean health care, scientific and surgical activities according to the speciality program. MATERIAL AND METHOD A register of the activities of residents in the AEC-E-Book. The overall activity per year and per rotation has been measured. The relationships of assisted interventions performed and their level of complexity have been analysed. The mean scientific and health care activities and the mean on-call periods per month. RESULTS A total of 8 residents have registered their activity in the AEC-E-Book since the year 2004. They assisted in a mean of 1514 operations, of which 922 were performed as surgeon (62%). They assisted in 185 laparoscopic interventions, of which they performed 72 (39%). As surgeon, 864 (94%) of the 922 procedures 64% were level 1, 75% level 2, and 53% were level 3. They were on-call a mean of 5.75 times per month. They attended a total of 21 courses and congresses during residency. They took part in 24 presentations and posters, as well as in 6 journal publications during residence. CONCLUSIONS The AEC-E-Book enables the activity of the resident to be continually assessed. We have been able to find out the mean activities carried out by each resident during a particular rotation and year, thus being able to know exactly if they have fulfilled the defined minimums.INTRODUCTION The introduction of the Spanish Association of Surgeons residents electronic book (AEC-E-Book), has meant that we can perform particular and overall assessments of each resident. The objective of this article has been to find out the mean health care, scientific and surgical activities according to the speciality program. MATERIAL AND METHOD A register of the activities of residents in the AEC-E-Book. The overall activity per year and per rotation has been measured. The relationships of assisted interventions performed and their level of complexity have been analysed. The mean scientific and health care activities and the mean on-call periods per month. RESULTS A total of 8 residents have registered their activity in the AEC-E-Book since the year 2004. They assisted in a mean of 1514 operations, of which 922 were performed as surgeon (62%). They assisted in 185 laparoscopic interventions, of which they performed 72 (39%). As surgeon, 864 (94%) of the 922 procedures 64% were level 1, 75% level 2, and 53% were level 3. They were on-call a mean of 5.75 times per month. They attended a total of 21 courses and congresses during residency. They took part in 24 presentations and posters, as well as in 6 journal publications during residence. CONCLUSIONS The AEC-E-Book enables the activity of the resident to be continually assessed. We have been able to find out the mean activities carried out by each resident during a particular rotation and year, thus being able to know exactly if they have fulfilled the defined minimums.
Cirugia Espanola | 2009
Manuel Alcántara Moral; Xavier Serra Aracil; Jordi Bombardó Juncá; Laura Mora López; Rubén Hernando Tavira; Isidro Ayguavives Garnica; Óscar Aparicio Rodríguez; Salvador Navarro Soto
Resumen Introduccion La preparacion mecanica de colon (PMC) en la cirugia colorrectal es un dogma que se ha cuestionado en los ultimos anos. El objetivo de este estudio es demostrar que la morbilidad en cirugia programada colorrectal es igual o menor sin la PMC. Material y metodo Pacientes sometidos a cirugia programada de colon izquierdo y recto con anastomosis primaria fueron aleatorizados en dos grupos. Al grupo PMC se le practico la preparacion y al grupo sin PMC, solo enemas de limpieza. Se recogieron variables demograficas, oncologicas, nutricionales y quirurgicas, modelos de prediccion de riesgo y morbimortalidad. Resultados Se incluyo a 193 pacientes, 69 con PMC y 71 sin ella; 89 pacientes con anastomosis colocolica (PMC, 38; sin PMC, 51) y 50 con anastomosis colorrectal (PMC, 31; sin PMC, 19). En el analisis general, se apreciaron diferencias estadisticamente significativas a favor de no preparar en cuanto a la morbilidad (el 43,5% en el PMC y el 27% en los sin PMC) e infeccion nosocomial (el 27,5 y el 11,4%). En la infeccion de herida, sin diferencias estadisticamente significativas, se obtuvo el 11,6% en el PMC, frente al 5,7% en el sin PMC. Las unicas muertes fueron 2/69 (2,9%) pacientes en el grupo PMC. Segun localizacion de anastomosis, en las colocolicas las diferencias fueron mas acusadas y estadisticamente significativas en las variables morbilidad, dehiscencia de anastomosis e infeccion nosocomial. en las anastomosis colorrectales no fue tan evidente el efecto de no preparar. Conclusiones Nuestros resultados indican que no existe un beneficio de la PMC en la cirugia ante anastomosis colocolicas. No preparar no tiene relacion con mas morbilidad en infeccion de herida ni dehiscencia anastomotica. En anastomosis colorrectales, las diferencias no tan evidentes hacen necesarias series mas amplias.
Cirugia Espanola | 2009
Manuel Alcántara Moral; Xavier Serra Aracil; Jordi Bombardó Juncá; Laura Mora López; Rubén Hernando Tavira; Isidro Ayguavives Garnica; Óscar Aparicio Rodríguez; Salvador Navarro Soto
Abstract Introduction Mechanical preparation of the colon (MPC) in colorectal surgery has been a dogma that has been questioned over the last few years. The objective of this study is to demonstrate that morbidity in scheduled colorectal surgery is the same or lower without MPC. Material and method Patients subjected to scheduled left colon and rectal surgery with primary anastomosis randomised into 2 groups. The “Preparation” group (MPC) received MPC and the “non-preparation” group (No-MPC) had only cleaning enemas. The variables collected were: demographic, oncological, nutritional, risk prediction models, and morbidity-mortality. Results Of the 193 patients included: 69 received MPC and 71 did not; 89 patients with colocolic anastomosis (MPC, 38; no MPC, 51) and 50 colorectal (MPC, 31; no MPC, 19). Statistically significant differences were seen in the overall analysis in favour of “no preparation” as regards morbidity (43.55% with MPC and 27% with No MPC) and nosocomial infection (27.5% and 11.4%). There was 11.6% wound infections in the MPC compared to 5.7% in the no MPC, which was not statistically significant. The only mortalities were in the MPC group 2/69 (2.9% of patients). As regards the location of the anastomosis, in the colocolics the differences were more pronounced, with statistically significant differences in the morbidity, anastomosis dehiscence, and nosocomial infection variables. The effect of no MPC was not so evident in colorectal anastomosis. Conclusions Our results suggest that there is no benefit in MPC before surgery in colocolic anastomosis. No-MPC is not associated with a higher morbidity in wound infection or anastomotic dehiscence. In colorectal anastomosis the differences are not so evident, therefore a much bigger series needs to be studied.
Cirugia Espanola | 2013
David Costa Navarro; Montiel Jiménez Fuertes; José Ceballos Esparragón; Soledad Montón Condón; José María Jover Navalón; Fernando Turégano Fuentes; Salvador Navarro Soto
BACKGROUND Trauma injuries are the main cause of death in the world. The aim of this study is to determine how trauma patients are treated in Spain at an organizational level. MATERIAL AND METHODS A questionnaire was prepared consisting of 14 questions regarding aspects of the trauma care organization and trauma education. It was posted on the web site of the Spanish College of Surgeons and all members were encouraged to participate. RESULTS One hundred and ninety questionnaires from 110 different hospitals were received. More than two-thirds (67.3%) of the centers had protocols for treating trauma patients, with 81% of them based on ATLS guidelines. Almost three-quarters (72.6%) of the doctors had completed the ATLS course, and 38.9% the DSTC course. There was a specific education program in trauma in 24.5% of the centers, and 35.5% had a Trauma Committee. There was a rehabilitation program in 24.5% of the centers. CONCLUSION Very few of the participating centers would fulfill the requirements of the American College of Surgeons accreditation for trauma centers. Trauma care in Spain has improved a lot in the recent years, but there is still a lot to do to reach the level of that in the United States of America.